Chapter 916
Liao Town is a special case among the border towns in Ming Dynasty. In terms of land area, Liao Town is no smaller than any inland province. In terms of production, Liao Town's land is fertile and rich in products.

Although the imperial courts of other border towns allocated a large amount of money and food every year, they still arranged for officials to collect taxes. In Liao Town, everything was taken care of by the military town. The imperial court did not collect taxes. There are no local civil servants in Liao Town, all are governed by military generals.

With such good conditions and such preferential policies, all the generals and generals in Liao Town are wealthy. As for Sun Shoulian's position and entering the inner circle of Li Chengliang, the commander-in-chief of Liao Town, it can be said that they are as rich as the enemy. .

Li Chengliang was the chief soldier, and Li's nephews and adopted son's confidantes were the deputy generals and generals. They each guarded a city and guarded one side. This is actually the local emperor who can do whatever he wants.

Because of this, the generals in Liao Town are reluctant to leave Liao Town on weekdays. The local area may not be as rich and colorful as the outside, but it is better in their own territory, and they can do whatever they want, which is also a great joy.

Since Sun Shoulian got acquainted with Wang Tong, he got on the Tianjin Wei line, and gold and silver poured into his home, and his business was getting bigger and bigger. There is still a gap at home, which is far beyond other people.

And because of Wang Tong's relationship, he was originally a guerrilla, but he was also promoted to be a general, and he was very beautiful for a while.

Sun Shoulian is in Liaozhen, because he opened up the Tianjin Wei line for everyone and helped everyone get rich. Naturally, the God of Wealth is a bit polite. In fact, many of Sun Shoulian's own industries are considered to be the periphery of Sanjiang Commercial Bank.

However, it was precisely because Sun Shoulian had such wealth and status that he came to the capital at the end of November, which made people wonder.

It’s almost the end of the year, and people of this status have to go to Shangguan’s side to do some sorting. To put it bluntly, at this time, all the military leaders in Liao Town are in Liaoyang, having banquets at Li’s house and giving gifts to Li’s house. People, brothers have to settle accounts these days, and the commander-in-chief doesn't see you once a year, so he can't behave well at this time.

This is the case everywhere in the world. On the contrary, Wang Tong's department is quite special. Firstly, the system is effective, and secondly, everyone knows that the key to prosperity is to do things. bad treatment.

But this Sun Shoulian was obviously not from Lord Wang's lineage, he was a standard Liaozhen general. Because of this, it was a bit strange that Sun Shoulian came at this time.

Now that the sea is also frozen over, if you come to the capital from Liaozhen, you must go by land. Sun Shoulian's garrison is close to Koryo, and the journey is even longer.

Moreover, officials of this status behave in a proper manner. When people come from Liaozhen and enter the Shuntian Prefecture, they should send their relatives to say hello. Both the host and the guest are prepared.

There were too many irregularities in this sudden visit, but he was a visitor from afar, and Wang Tong hadn't heard anything about what happened to Sun Shoulian. Since he came, he still wanted to see him.

After hearing the announcement from outside, the expressions of the girls in the house were different, that is, Song Chanchan couldn't see any emotions, Wang Tong spent more time outside and less time at home, it was rare to have such a chance for the whole family to gather together, so Not long after we got together, we were interrupted by outsiders,

Among Wang Tong's wives and concubines, Song Chanchan is the oldest, but she is only thirty. She is well-informed, and she understands the official and private rules very well. Her husband is Dingbeihou and the commander of Jinyiwei. Weight, it's perfectly normal to focus on public affairs and ignore private affairs.

Others don't think so. Zhang Hongying is a bit older, but she has been a housekeeper in the inner house and has little experience. The rest of Han Xia, Zhai Xiuer and Lu Ruomei are even younger. Some people don't wink, it's really annoying.

Han Xia is also a stubborn character, but as a big woman, she always has to act out her style from time to time, but Zhang Hongying next to her said directly:

"It's rare to have a free time, why is this person like this?"

When she said this, Zhai Xiu'er and Lu Ruomei nodded, and Han Xia agreed with her expression. This is because everyone heard that Sun Shoulian's official position is just a general. Such a person is too ruthless.

In Wang Tong's eyes, these wives and concubines of his are too inexperienced, and there is nothing to blame for a little temper. He just smiled and stood up and said:

"Sisters, the master's business is important here, so don't delay his business."

Song Chanchan originally had a low ranking among wives and concubines because of her family background, and her family's words didn't matter much, but she stayed behind when everyone went to Guihua City, and after returning, she found that Wang Tong discussed many things with Song Chanchan, In addition, Song Chanchan knew how to advance and retreat, and didn't argue with others, so her words gradually gained weight.

Hearing what Song Chanchan said, all the girls in the room didn't say anything, they all stood up and prepared to avoid it. At this moment, there was another notification from outside, with a strange tone, saying:

"My lord, Mr. Sun said that his manners are not in order. He needs to go back to the inn to tidy up. We will come to visit tomorrow and present the gift list first. The gift is already on the street in front of the door."

The housekeeper of Wang Tong's house now is a person from Sanjiang Commercial Company. This person was the first group of people selected by Wang Tong when he arrived in Tianjin Wei. It's all there. The lower official visited the upper official, and then he went back after notifying, and then left the gift list. This kind of advance and retreat behavior is really strange, and it's no wonder that the butler's tone is a little different.

After all, most of the female relatives in the house were young people, and upon hearing that the guest knew that he would not come, everyone stayed with a smile on their face, even Song Chanchan was also smiling.

Wang Tong was surprised, but he didn't want to inquire about it. He had a high status, and Sun Shoulian had been in the officialdom for many years. He suddenly came to see him at this time, so maybe he was a bit nervous.

"Bring in the gift list!"

It is a pleasure to look at the gift list, maybe there will be some new gadgets, there are many young people in the house, and they are all female relatives who have been in the deep house for a long time, these things will make them most happy.

The housekeeper outside agreed, and the gift list was handed in by the maid who was serving him. Wang Tong frowned when he saw the gift list. It is a customary rule to gild the red leather booklet, but this booklet is too thick. It looks almost like a book.

Opening the gift list, Wang Tong frowned even more. The first item was the so-called "2000 taels of alluvial gold from the Liao area".

Gold and silver are commonly used in the world, but this alluvial gold is considered a material that has not been melted, and the price is lower than gold ingots. However, many real rich people really like the original appearance that has just been panned, saying that they are happy, Some people say that the alluvial gold in Liaozhen has a cold air, but it can be smelted into a vessel without fire.

There are many reasons to find, but 2000 taels of sand gold is still nearly 2 taels of silver. Now that there is more silver coming in from Waguo and Frangji, the price of silver has dropped a little. In Tianjin Wei, 5000 taels of silver is also It's not impossible to change.

Sun Shoulian had been rich for a long time, so he naturally couldn't look down on the money. Although Wang Tong didn't look like a mountain, Sun Shoulian couldn't be called rich in front of him.

But gold is gold, more than 2 taels of silver, no matter what, it is a huge sum of money, and this is the first item in the gift list, which is a thick book!

Five pieces of tiger skins, ten pieces of bear skins, ten pieces of leopard skins, not to mention things like old ginseng mink skins, these special products are considered the most popular things. As for the pearls produced in Liaodong, the good horses in Liaodong are also common. Finally, there are two Costinians and ten Korean girls.

Although Liaodong is rich and prosperous, when it comes to the latest things, it is really not as good as inside the Guan. If you give gifts with embroidery and exquisite utensils, it is really ridiculous. This gift list can be regarded as racking your brains. The selections are all special products outside the Guan. Things, food and clothing are all available.

This Haidongqing is only found in the savage tribes in the north, and some of the wild animals can only be found in the old forests that are inaccessible. In addition, there are some Korean things. This Korean girl is nothing as a maid. Although there are not many, it is not uncommon among the wealthy families. After all, they are different from the Han people, just take a fresh and different one.

Wang Tong's wives and concubines are all literate, so they gather around Wang Tong to read the gift list. In terms of natural resources, Wang Tong is far ahead of his contemporaries. Whenever he sees something strange on the gift list, ask him, Wang Tong was able to answer most of the answers, and it was fun.

Seeing the end, Zhang Hongying couldn't help complaining:

"What's wrong with this person, what kind of Korean girl!"

However, the focus of most people's attention is not here. After reading the thick gift list, Han Xia pondered for a while and asked softly:
"How much money do you need for so many gifts?"

"If the item on this list is sold to Sanjiang Commercial Bank, it will cost about 15 taels. If the market is unknown, there will always be 10 taels of silver."

Wang Tong said with a smile, the female relatives in the house have stayed with Wang Tong for a long time, and their horizons are much higher, but the capital's gift-giving rules, such as the relationship between Sun Shoulian and Wang Tong, the annual exchange will not exceed 5000 Two, it's a bit weird to send out such a heavy gift list.

"No wonder the gifts have to be placed on the street. I dare say our house can't fit them."

Wang Tong joked with a smile, but except for Han Xia who couldn't help laughing, the rest of the girls looked at each other, Song Chanchan said in a low voice:

"Master, will Sun Shoulian ask Master for anything?"

"Just wait until he opens his mouth."

Wang Tong smiled easily.

(End of this chapter)

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