Chapter 917
There were really too many gifts, and it took a lot of effort just to bring them into the mansion, but it caused a little sensation in the capital. The Marquis of Dingbei didn't accept gifts very much, and this gift was such a big deal.

Everyone was enjoying the snow and having fun at home, but this news gave everyone more talk, it was just talk, and no one thought it was a big deal, Mr. Wang's status and status, it's not normal not to accept gifts, and now Scenes may become commonplace in the future. Not to mention, when Zhang Juzheng was the chief assistant, how many people gave gifts at his door? Carrying porters and horses with gifts to drill camp there.

Wang Tong received the gift here, and sent someone to the inn to greet him. Sun Shoulian had already come to the door, but he left halfway, which was actually quite rude.

The housekeeper of Wang Tong's house went over to have a look. If Sun Shoulian left Wang Tong's house and went somewhere else, then he could disappear.

After Sun Shoulian left Wang Tong's residence, he returned directly to the inn without going anywhere else, and the news came from other channels, Sun Shoulian was frowning and fidgeting in the inn.

Similar to Wang Tong's judgment, Sun Shoulian came this time only to look for him, and there was something wrong.

However, when we met at noon the next day, Sun Shoulian was talking and laughing happily, and he didn't seem to be in any trouble. First, he visited the house, and the host and guest chatted and greeted each other. There was nothing unusual about it. Wang Tong's mansion is relatively small, and when foreigners come, they all go outside. Sun Shoulian was naturally no exception.

The special place reserved in the private courtyard of Zhenxing Building, the cook is also trying his best to flatter, the food and drink are quite exciting, Wang Tong is quite relaxed and leisurely, talk about the snow that has stopped this morning, talk about the business of Tianjin Wei and Liao Town , He also talked about his experiences in Guihua City and Jiangnan last year.

Sun Shoulian is a native of Liao Town, and he has not been to many places, that is, the more prosperous ones are the capital and Tianjin Wei, but his words are quite flattering, and he knows how to advance and retreat, making Wang Tong chat very comfortably. It's the oily thing.

After a few glasses of wine, since Sun Shoulian received him with the attitude of an old friend and acquaintance, he could let go here. He didn't show any signs of worry or fidgeting. After staying in the mansion for less than half a year, most of the other military leaders who came over were sent away. The men from the north, who had seen the charming women from Jiangnan there, gave him money and asked him to come out and buy Yunyun.

This was just the beginning. After Sun Shoulian said a few words, he began to talk about the hostility towards Wang Tong's lineage from Li Chengliang, Liao Town's commander-in-chief, Li Rubai, and others, and believed that Wang Tong's victory in Guihua City was not enough In fact, it was entirely because he was favored by Emperor Wanli, so he faked his credit.

He also said that Ma Lin, the deputy general of Liaozhen, who was originally from the Xuanfu family, was in the same position as Li Chengliang and others, saying that Wang Tong disregarded the lives and deaths of soldiers, disregarding the safety of Ming Dynasty, and risked the northern expedition for his own achievements, etc. Military pay, driving soldiers into serfs, treating them like livestock.

Everyone in Liao Town was still saying that Liao Town had played out the best of its elites to achieve this result with Horqin's troops. Wang Tong's side was just a group of infantry. How could they have such an astonishing victory? It must be a lie.

There was a smile on Wang Tong's face, and his expression didn't change. At the end of Sun Shoulian's speech, he had nothing to talk about, and all he talked about was the various hostility towards Wang Tong from these Liao towns.

"Master Sun is also worrying too much. Liao Zhen and Benhou have never dealt with each other. The victory that Benhou achieved is really astonishing. It is not surprising that they have these thoughts. Let them say what they say, isn't Benhou You can also control how they speak or not."

When Sun Shoulian paused, Wang Tong raised his glass with a smile and said, the whole world is talking about him, and it is normal for Liao Town to say that, not to mention that both sides are warriors, Wang Tong has made such great achievements, the most nervous thing in the world is Liao Town, afraid of being underestimated, the current power and wealth cannot be maintained.

Although Liaozhen is rejecting the entry of Tianjin Wei, Jinyiwei can still get enough information in Liaozhen. Wang Tong has also heard a lot of hostility and weird words towards him from Li Chengliang, the commander-in-chief of Liaozhen. It's nothing more than deaf ears, what else can they do, let them go!

What really made Wang Tong feel strange was that the purpose of Sun Shoulian's words was to sow discord between Wang Tong and Liao Town, especially for him, the guard general of Liao Town. The heavy gift yesterday, the hesitation of coming and going, and today's words made Wang Tong even more puzzled.

But Wang Tong would not take the initiative to bring up anything, let him speak. Sure enough, Wang Tong's indifferent attitude made Sun Shoulian very disappointed, and the smile on his face became a little stiff.

Although the banquet in Zhenxing Building was sumptuous, it didn't take much time for two people to sit at the banquet. When the food and wine were used up, Wang Tong ordered people to remove the table and replace it with tea and snacks.Wangtong here has always been used as a private residence, and everything is convenient to use.

When the tea and snacks came, the smile on Sun Shoulian's face became more and more stiff, and he hesitated to speak more often. After pondering for a long time, he cleared his throat and said:
"Master Hou should know about it. I don't know what's going on outside the pass, and I'm driving our Tianjin Wei business out. Isn't this putting money away and not making money, and it's ruining everyone's harmony?"

Wang Tong said "Oh", and Sun Shoulian continued:
"Please don't worry, Lord Hou. Although this is an order from Li Chengliang, the commander-in-chief of Liao Town, with the presence of subordinate officials, we will definitely be able to protect the safety of various businesses in Tianjin Wei. I just want everyone to change their names."

"This is a trivial matter, please worry about it when the time comes, Mr. Sun."

Wang Tong said calmly, at this point, Wang Tong was already a little impatient, he said bad things about Liao Town, gave a big gift, and made promises of one kind or another. , I don't know what he is hesitating about.

After saying this, Wang Tong put his teacup on the coffee table casually, and said:
"My lord Sun's conversation yesterday and today, it seems that he has something to ask me. You and I have known each other for a few years. Why are you so secretive? If you don't say it, I still have official duties, so I will leave first."

When Sun Shoulian was exposed by Wang Tong in this way, he immediately looked a little embarrassed. He faltered and hesitated. Wang Tong shook his head and stood up, cupping his fists and preparing to leave. They are all men who lead soldiers to fight, but they act like these women. Impatient.

As soon as he walked to the door, he heard a "plop" from behind. Looking back, Sun Shoulian was already kneeling on the ground. Seeing Wang Tong turning his head, Sun Shoulian kowtowed and said anxiously:
"Lord Hou, save me!!"

This should be the topic, Wang Tong waved his hand to let out the guard who heard the movement, turned around and walked over and said:
"Master Sun, since I want the Marquis to save you, why didn't you say it earlier? Yesterday I gave you a gift and went back, and today I'm covering up at the banquet. This is really not the way of a friend."

Hearing Wang Tong's words, Sun Shoulian knelt there and kowtowed, and said anxiously:

"The lower official also knows that this is stingy, but there are some things that the lower official dare not say, and I don't know whether Lord Hou will save him, so I do these things and say these things, I hope Lord Hou will be considerate."

"What the hell is it that made you come here at this time, and why did you make such a fuss?"

Wang Tong sat back in the seat just now, but Sun Shoulian didn't get up. He turned around and became kneeling towards Wang Tong. He used to have a somewhat majestic posture with his bearded face, but now he has completely lost that appearance, fearful and humble. , extremely wretched, he kowtowed three more times on the ground, raised his head and said:

"Master Hou, then Li Chengliang wants to dismiss the subordinate official and interrogate him for being corrupt and murderous. The villain's wealth and life are in danger! Please help Master Hou!"

"You are also Li Chengliang's confidant, why do you have to turn your face like this?"

"Don't blame Houye, Li Chengliang and Xiaguan turned against each other because Xiaguan was too close to Tianjin Wei and Houye. In addition, Xiaguan made some money by borrowing Houye's east wind over the years, and was targeted by some villains. Thinking of taking the villain for questioning, so as to divide up the property of the villain, that's why we are in trouble today."

Wang Tong frowned. Under the circumstances, Sun Shoulian's words did not seem to be false, but if Liaozhen wanted to punish a general, there was no reason why the capital didn't know. Sanjiang Commercial Company and Jinyiwei Capital He should inquire about the news, and it is Sun Shoulian who has a close relationship with him.

"How did you know the news?"

"The generals guarding Liao Town will spend a lot of money to make friends with one or two of Li Chengliang's family and confidantes, so that the news will flow. In February next year, we will do something to the villain."

Wang Tong didn't ask about the crimes of embezzlement and unauthorized killing. No matter who the generals of Ming Dynasty were, they would be able to pull out these two crimes as long as they checked carefully. And as far as Wang Tong knew, there was nothing wrong with him. This person can still be protected or should be protected.

"You're acting like this because you're worried that the Marquis won't want to offend Mr. Li and save you, right?"

Sun Shoulian didn't answer right away, Wang Tong knew he was right, he waved his hand and said:
"You think this Marquis is too timid, you don't have to worry, just come to the pass, I will guarantee you a position as a general, the glory and wealth are not inferior to yours in Liao Town, don't worry!"

Although Wang Tong said it was easy, Sun Shoulian still kowtowed over there. Although the general is a high-ranking officer in the army, he has the power to guard the territory and lead the troops, but to Wang Tong, this promise is really nothing.

One hundred thousand heavy gifts, two days pretentious, with this result, Sun Shoulian was satisfied, but he kowtowed to the ground for a while, then raised his head and said:
"Master Hou, I'm not reconciled to being an official!"
It seems that this month's full attendance has been obtained.

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(End of this chapter)

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