Chapter 918

Sun Shoulian, who was kneeling there, kowtowed again after saying "I'm not willing to be an official", but Wang Tong frowned, feeling dissatisfied.

Offending the chief general in the border town, or offending a big boss like Li Chengliang, the commander-in-chief of Liao Town, would have ruined his reputation and family, but Wang Tong said that he would be given the position of guarding the general in the pass. Moreover, it is said that the glory and wealth are not lost. With Wang Tong's current status, Sun Shoulian might have a better future after he comes to the pass.

But Sun Shoulian actually said this, obviously he was dissatisfied with Wang Tong's arrangement, Wang Tong looked calm, and said:
"Master Sun and Benhou also have friendship, why are you not reconciled, let's hear it."

This Sun Shoulian, as a general, is also a great figure in Liao Town's own city guard. In front of Wang Tong, this kowtow is worthless. Now he kowtowed again and said:

"What Hou Ye said just now, the villain is really grateful, and I can't repay it in ten thousand deaths, but the villain was born outside the pass, grew up outside the pass, and so many people in the family are outside the pass, because the villain is close to Lord Hou. The crime of wealth and wealth requires the family to relocate, so many people leave their ancestral hometown, how can the villain be reconciled!?"

Liao Town is mostly people from the provinces in the pass. When they go there, they are in a foreign land, and they attach great importance to the relationship with the local people in their hometown. Everyone lives together and communicates with each other. After a long time, it will grow stronger.

Most of the generals in Liao Town came from wealthy local families, and Li Chengliang was from a wealthy family in Tieling. Once these people became wealthy and protected their own clan and their relatives, their ethnicity would expand faster, and they were often members of the same clan in every city and place. This is also one of the reasons why the Liaozhen army has strong combat effectiveness. Everyone is from the same hometown and has blood ties. They help each other in battle, so they naturally have a cohesive force.

The same is true of Sun Shoulian's family, not to mention that his family is a big family in Liao Town, and the same is true of his wife's family. They are all prosperous, and the other is damaged. If they really migrate to the pass, there will be thousands of families or even more. The relocation of people is really troublesome.

Moreover, I have been in Liao Town for so long, and I have already regarded it as my hometown. The Han people value their hometown the most, and they really don’t want to leave like this. They are rich and powerful over there. Such and such difficulties.

Considering these factors, it was true that Sun Shoulian was not reconciled, but it was Sun Shoulian who was not reconciled, and Wang Tong was a little displeased, so he kindly helped, but this Sun Shoulian actually became picky, I really don't know what is good or bad.

People in high positions don't need to hide their emotions in such private occasions. Wang Tong's expression had already turned dark. Sun Shoulian took a few steps on his knees, stepped forward and kowtowed and said:

"Hou Ye, Hou Ye is now in a high position and has the favor of His Majesty. It can be said that he is the top figure in Ming Dynasty, but Hou Ye is in a high position, so he can't do everything by himself. He also needs eagles, dogs, and claws. A villain is willing to serve an adult. Be a cow or a horse, drive it as you please, regardless of life or death."

"There are quite a few people under Benhou's orders, so Mr. Sun doesn't need to be too humble."

Wang Tong said coldly that he really didn't need Sun Shoulian to join him. Sun Shoulian didn't seem to hear the sarcasm in Wang Tong's words, and said again:

"In Liao Town, Li Chengliang's family and Ma Lin's hostility towards Lord Hou is known even if the villain doesn't talk about Lord Hou. This Liao Town is the largest army town in the world, and now Li Chengliang is the most experienced general in the world. The highest general, such a force is so hostile to Lord Hou, isn't Lord Hou worried?"

Sun Shoulian already called himself a "villain" without hesitation. What he said was true. Wang Tong really had to be on his guard against the hostility of the generals in Liaozhen. Inextricably linked, not to mention anything else, Wang Tong led the army to naturalize, the government and the public were scolded, Li Chengliang led the army to conquer Duolun, and there were constant praises before and after the event, which explains the problem.

Seeing Wang Tong lost in thought, Sun Shoulian said again:
"Master Hou, Liao Town is on the side of the capital, just like a brood of tigers lying there. How could Master Hou sleep peacefully when he sleeps? If the villain stays in Liao Town, he dare not say that he can do other things. Reporting the news for Lord Hou there, doing something, and letting Lord Hou rest assured!"

When Wang Tong heard this, he didn't make a sound. He just reached out and picked up the teacup on the table. Regardless of the fact that the tea was cold, he put it to his mouth and took a sip. After pondering for a long time, he said:

"Master Sun, you are a general in the imperial court, how can you work for me!"

When these words were said, Sun Shoulian's face suddenly showed ecstasy, he straightened up and kowtowed heavily, and with a bang bang, he said sincerely:

"Master Hou, from now on, Sun Shoulian will be Lord Hou's family servant. Lord Hou points east, and Sun Shoulian will never dare to go west. He will work for Lord Hou, and he will die."

Wang Tong didn't stop him and was polite, he watched him kowtow, and when Sun Shoulian finished the ceremony, Wang Tong said with a smile:

"Master Sun's three sons are not very old, and they won't gain much knowledge in Liao Town. Why don't they send them to Tianjin Wei to learn their skills after two years of experience in the army."

This is a proton, and Sun Shoulian has nothing to do with it, but the number Wang Tong said made him startled, he raised his head and said:
"Did Hou Ye remember wrongly, the villain only has two sons here?"

"The family lives on Tianjin Wei Sixth Street. Doesn't Mr. Sun have to hang around for a few days every year when he comes?"

After saying this, Sun Shoulian felt chills all over his body, and he didn't dare to say a word, so he hurriedly kowtowed. The one in Tianjin Wei was Sun Shoulian's foreign house. He came to Tianjin Wei for several months every year, so naturally he had to prepare a waiter. People, it is said that this person redeemed himself in a famous courtyard in the capital, and he was considered lucky. He actually gave birth to a son for Sun Shoulian. He will have no worries in his life from now on, but this child is only under three years old, so what can he learn.

The meaning of Wang Tong's point was also very clear. Sun Shoulian shuddered in his heart and naturally understood it. Wang Tong put the tea bowl in his hand on the table, pondered for a while, and said:
"It's approaching the New Year's Eve, and now everything in Liao Town is still as usual. If you have to move around, you have to do so. I won't keep you here, but the road to the New Year's Eve is also difficult. I'll arrange a few people for you here. It's not bad. Smart, it’s also convenient for you to use.”

The road is difficult for ordinary people. How could it be difficult for someone like Sun Shoulian? Wang Tong arranged a few people, that is, arranged a few eyeliners on Sun Shoulian's side, which can be regarded as a few nails in Liaozhen. Sun Shoulian naturally Will not refuse, nor allow him to refuse.

"Lord Hou."

"Don't worry about anything, you sit securely in your seat, no one can move you."

Wang Tong said it easily, but Sun Shoulian's heart, which had been terrified for a long time, suddenly calmed down after this sentence, kowtowed on the ground, and said:
"I don't know what else Master Hou ordered?"

This sentence means that Wang Tong is really regarded as the master. Wang Tong pondered for a while and said:
"Your Majesty should know more about Liao Town's news. Report what you know. If you don't know but can know, report it. And remember what you said just now. If you have any other thoughts in the future, then But it was a catastrophe.”

Although people in high positions tend to cover up their speech, but what Wang Tong said was quite straightforward, and there is no need to be too polite to such a martial artist. After hearing this, Sun Shoulian kowtowed to the ground again.

After Sun Shoulian got the news from Wang Tong, he just stayed for a day before embarking on his return journey back to Liao Town. For all parties in the capital, whether a general goes or stays is really irrelevant and nothing.

As the year approached, it was normal for a group of people close to Wang Tong to come to flatter and flatter him. His current status and status should have such people come to flatter him. When Sun Shoulian left, he had a few more familiar followers around him. , No one cares about this, it's not a big deal.

After Sun Shoulian left, after the court meeting, Wang Tong went to the Jinyiwei yamen, finished his daily official duties in the duty room, but said to Yang Sichen who was in the room:

"Arrange for the experience department to transfer the report about Liao Town to have a look."

Yang Sichen was regarded as Wang Tong's mastermind outside, but in fact he considered himself a master. He also knew what Wang Tong said in the court hall. Hearing Wang Tong's arrangement, he quickly clasped his fists and said:
"My lord, if you want to abolish the border town, it would be a bit inappropriate to move Liao Town first. The enemy of the Tartars is still there in Liao Town!"

Wang Tong shook his head with a smile, and said:
"It's not that far away, I just tuned in to take a look."

Wang Tong didn't tell Yang Sichen about Sun Shoulian's matter, and Yang Sichen bowed down to make arrangements after hearing this.

Now there is no hindrance to what Wang Tong wants to do in the Jinyiwei yamen. He has already been named by Wang Tong, and after the first month of next year, he will be promoted to be a thousand households, in charge of the experience department, and his enthusiasm for doing things will be a little higher.

The order was issued at noon, that is, just after lunch time, a group of guards came over with documents about Liao Town. There are really a lot of documents. Fifteen large boxes are piled up outside, and it is said that there are still documents in it. library.

How can you see it for so long, Wang Tong frowned and said:

"There is no need for daily business dealings. What's different, the latest one, let's take a look."

Hou Zhen was waiting on the sidelines, and when he heard Wang Tong's question, he quickly answered with a smile, and went to search. He knew that the relationship between Liao Zhen and Wang Tong was not so friendly, so those who praised Liao Zhen and said that Liao Zhen If the town is well, Hou Zhen will ignore it.

"Dutang, look at this, it was just submitted a month ago."

Hou Zhen quickly found a copy and handed it over with a smile.
It's the last day, so I don't need a single chapter. Monthly tickets are on top, everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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