Chapter 919

"Such things as the deduction of military pay and the beating and killing of slaves and maidservants, why bother to take it out. If this Marquis mentioned it in the court, wouldn't it be a joke for His Majesty and all the adults?"

The share that Hou Zhen found out was the amount of silver taels allocated by the imperial court to Liaozhen, and two-thirds of it was intercepted in Liaoyang, half of which was kept for home use, and the other half was to go to Tianjin Wei to make a fortune. Do it, but what the Li family in Liao Town did was too bold.

But this is nothing, for the imperial court, a loyal and capable border town is a good border town, and this money is really a trivial matter.

In this document, there is also a report attached by an eyeliner of Jin Yiwei, saying that a soldier in Li's mansion had an affair with a maid in Li Rubai's inner house, was caught, and both of them were beaten to death.

This is also a common thing. The maid in the inner house had an affair with someone from the outer house, and was caught and beaten to death by the master. It will be a big day. , then this matter will be laughed at by a court general with a title.

The document that was taken out was thrown back by Wang Tong, Hou Zhen smiled all over his face, and asked respectfully:
"I don't know what kind of news Dutang wants. I would like to say that what Dutang wants to do in his current status, it doesn't matter how big or small it is. It just depends on whether Dutang wants to do it or not."

Hou Zhenzhen said that after Wang Tong glanced at him, he immediately shut up and bowed down. Wang Tong shook his head and said:
"As you said, people in the world will definitely say that I framed the general and had ulterior motives. It is not impossible to turn a small matter into a big one. It depends on what kind of small matter it is. Wouldn't it make all the generals in the world be on guard?"

After asking a question, Hou Zhen knelt down hastily, and quickly argued:

"What Dutang taught me is that the villain's thoughts went to the left for a while. If there is no other meaning, I will learn from Dutang!"

Seeing that Hou Zhen's face had turned pale, Wang Tong was stunned. He didn't expect such a big reaction from Hou Zhen. After thinking about it, he realized that Hou Zhen was afraid that he might misunderstand that he was setting up a trap.

Wang Tong couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, but it wasn't a bad thing, which meant that his prestige in the various divisions of Jinyiwei had been gradually established.

"Don't think so much, get up!"

Wang Tong said casually, if Jin Yiwei really wants to frame someone, he just needs to catch a small matter and put it on the line. What Hou Zhen said is a common practice. Wang Tong pondered for a while, then said slowly:

"You said that those things are just superficial. If there is something wrong with you, you can communicate with other races, but you can do it to the elders."

When Hou Zhen heard it, he couldn't help shivering, thinking that it was rumored that Lord Hou was a traitor, but most people in Jinyiwei believed that Wang Tong was a capable minister who did practical things. He found out that Wang Tong was really amazing in terms of the word "treacherous", and he didn't know that the Li family was just normal jealousy and hostility, and they were going to come up with such a big crime to punish them.

But thinking of this, he felt a little happy. Wang Tong was able to arrange for him to do this, because he also regarded him as a confidant, and immediately bowed and said:
"Since Lord Hou has given the way, the next official will know how to do it, but I am afraid that this matter will take some time. Firstly, there are many files, and it will be troublesome to search. Second, this matter needs to find a few trustworthy people. If people help, the servants below the lower officials may not be able to rest assured."

Wang Tong nodded, opened his mouth and asked again:

"Can this matter be settled before the first month?"

"It will take the first month there, at the latest in the middle of the twelfth lunar month, I can find it for Lord Hou. Please rest assured, Lord Hou."

It is difficult for outsiders to know what Jin Yiwei is doing internally, especially if a person like Hou Zhen wants to do it privately, it is also difficult for outsiders to know.

Wang Tong knows a little bit about what Hou Zhen does there. The experience department has the function of being in charge of documents. He excused that the documents were infested by moths and needed to be sorted out. He called in a group of people to get the documents out. After that, it is also easy to change the cover and so on.

This is a means, only those who know know what to do, other people who help are just helping, and don't know what the purpose is.

There will be no news in a while, but Wang Tong is not in a hurry. Sun Shoulian also understands what he said. The news from Li Chengliang's house said that he will trouble him again in the spring of next year. There is still plenty of time. .

Still the same old saying, if the general of the Liao town wants to move the subordinate generals, his opinion is the main one, but he must pass the test of the governor of Ji Liao. , It can't be destroyed so easily. If the chief soldier of a town can easily replace the generals below, this is not Daming's territory but his family's territory.

In the twelfth lunar month, news came from the Ministry of War that people from the Li family had gone to Beijing for activities, which generally means that a general under his command ran amok and almost ruined the army's major affairs during the westward expedition to Duolun. , but the commander-in-chief was sympathetic to his subordinates, so he continued to let him stay in that position, but now this person doesn't know how to restrain himself, and he still acts recklessly in the position of general.

This is all official paper, and everyone understands what's going on, but there are many people in the Ministry of War who benefit from Liao Town, so I've been greeted here, and it's just convenient to go up and down when it's time to start.

As for the governor of Ji Liao, this civil servant is actually a joke. The chief soldier of Ji Town Li Yunlai, and Li Chengliang, the chief soldier of Liao Town, are all generals who have direct access to Tianting. Who would pay attention to such civil servants.

The news from the Ministry of War confirmed Sun Shoulian's statement. Although Sun Shoulian had some kind of relationship with Wang Tong, it was not impossible for him to help Liao Town plot against Wang Tong.

After all, Sun Shoulian is a local snake and has business arrangements. Within a few days after receiving the news from the Ministry of War, Jinyiwei and Sanjiang Commercial also sent back news from Liaodong. , Said that Sun Shoulian and Tianjin Wei were too close, the commander was very upset.

Several sources confirmed that Wang Tong didn't have any other thoughts, he just felt that this Ming general knew politics and would be an official, but his ability to march and fight was not good enough.

On the ninth day of the twelfth lunar month in the 13th year of Wanli, there was no feedback from Hou Zhen, and there was no new news from Liao Town, but there were new reports from Guihua City.

Two vassals of the Chahar tribe broke away from Chahar's control and defected to Guihua City. The Chahar tribe sent [-] horses and two nobles of relative blood as hostages to live in Guihua City. Guihua City is asking for peace, and the previous conflicts will not continue to entangle.

Meng Duo's memorial is naturally full of flowers, such as the Wanli Emperor Weiyuan Huaide, the Quartet barbarians respect, etc., but the detailed content is also very clear. The conflict with Chahar and the armed forces of Guihua City took advantage , the battle itself has no suspense, nothing more than a burst of firearms bombardment, and then the cavalry cover the past.

The Tartars on the prairie were never afraid of firearms when they fought against the officers and soldiers of Ming Dynasty. Your firearms were all fired before I got close to you. Even after rushing into the range of the bow and arrow, you can fight again. A burst of noise means death and injury. You can't help but hide behind the cart. In addition, the other cavalry are obviously selected cavalry from various tribes. They can charge and fight, you know Tactics on the Prairie.

There were a lot of casualties in the fight, and the Chahar department had already suffered a lot. It happened that there was news from the merchants traveling between the two places. Hal, after a fat year, and then thinking about the mobilization ability of Guihua City, the Chahar Department is really scared.

The grassland is no better than Daming, it is really the law of the jungle, if someone is strong, someone will cling to him, if he is weak, he will disappear, after this defeat, some tribes have already defected to other powers, if there is another big war, if they lose, they will perish, and if they win, they will be hurt. Yuan Qi really couldn't afford to toss, so he had no choice but to ask for peace.

The confession Meng Duo got in the palace was a steady word, and he didn't dare to be too aggressive, not to mention that those businessmen also got a bargain, so they were persuaded this time.

Not to mention the complaints of the merchants, this is actually a very face-saving matter. Although the Mongolian tribes on the grassland respect the strong, they still believe that the inheritance of the Jin family is the real ruler in law. The Chahar tribe It is the inheritance of the so-called golden family, the Alda tribe that dominates the grassland, but it was developed by Chahar Khan who set up [-] households.

This kind of tribal sue for peace really proves that Daming Weijia has joined the Quartet, and Emperor Wanli has made great achievements. However, after this memorial came up, Emperor Wanli and the big brothers were happy, but they finally recognized the fact that Guihua City was in the grassland. Shang really has a firm foothold, the current Guihua City is really not afraid of provoking frontier provocations, they are counting on this to make a fortune
The news spread throughout the capital, and the officials and common people all showed pride. Although it was unethical to go out to loot, burn and kill, after all, it was Daming who went to burn, kill and loot others.

The center of the imperial court was excited and also thought of the court meeting led by Wang Tong. Everything Wang Tong said was confirmed. When things are done and the truth is right, this is remarkable.

There are also people who privately lament that if everything is like this, I am afraid that I will be at his mercy in the future when I am in the court.

Hou Zhen also sent some papers and newspapers, but there was not much to pay attention to. The affair between the female family members and the servants in the mansion, such things are ugly to say, and they are really used as a basis for political disputes, not to mention useless. Maybe he would be a laughing stock instead, and Wang Tong would beat them back and ask Hou Zhen to look for him again.
In the last ten days of this month, I was so exhausted and tossed. I actually won the perfect attendance award. I praised myself. On the last day, brothers and sisters, it’s time to vote for the monthly ticket
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(End of this chapter)

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