Chapter 920

After entering the twelfth lunar month, Wang Tong really had a leisurely time, and so did all the yamen in the capital. When the New Year was approaching, they exchanged gifts with each other, and when they were preparing for the New Year, no one cared about their work.

Wang Tong's status is different now, and his side is also one of the targets of gifts. Not to mention the threshold was broken, but the threshold and the stone steps in front of the gate were indeed polished.

At this time, Wang Tong realized why the concierges of those big bosses were so difficult to deal with. They wanted door bags and put on airs. Stop the guests for no reason, so as not to miss the business.

I never thought of it like this. Since the tenth day of the twelfth lunar month, the gate of Wang Tong’s house has been like a market. Those who came from Tianjinwei, other places in Beizhili, Shandong, Shanxi, and even Jiangnan, returned. Those who came over from Huacheng had some kind of relationship with Wang Tong.

More of them are the thousands of Jinyiwei households who are stationed in various places. This is a tribute to their own family. If you want to stay for a few more years if you are fat, and if you want to change to a better one, even if you have nothing to ask for, now Mr. Wang This status is also in the family's control, so shouldn't it be appropriate to give gifts on New Year's Day?

In other places, they are all rich merchants who need the care of the Sanjiang system, and there are noble and noble families who have dealt with Wang Tong. There are also quite a few military generals, some of noble families, and many merchants. As for the civil servants, Mr. Lu from Shuntian Mansion often comes here, but he doesn't bring any gifts. In addition, he is a new rightist in Henan.
Those who don't have a status can't see Wang Tong, that's all right, let Mr. Wang know his name can be considered to achieve the goal, but those who have enough status to send a generous gift, if they can't even see the person, it would be too boring up.

But Wang Tong is obviously very tired of such things, hiding in the yamen, or else spending time at the workshops of the training department and the imperial prison——Master Wang likes things about things, which is normal,

Wang Tong hid from those who gave gifts, but everyone came up with other ways. If you can’t see Wang Tong, then let your family members visit Wang Tong’s wives and concubines. Tong's ears.

As a result, in the twelfth lunar month, there was a new movement in front of Wang Tong's mansion. The female family members of various families came to the door one after another. It was common for the family members of the upper echelons of the capital to come and go, but it was rare for Wang Tong's house to be so lively.

These wives of noble families lived in the inner house for a long time, so it is rare to have a chance to come out, but there are many people born in Wang Tong's mansion, and they are all from the circles of Jin Yiwei, generals and Xungui, most of them are familiar with each other, and they happen to be in contact with each other.

As a result, after the twelfth day of the twelfth lunar month, there was a big banquet every day at Wang Tong's mansion, and famous actors from outside theaters were invited to sing excerpts here, which was extremely lively.

For this reason, Emperor Wanli once made fun of Wang Tong face-to-face at the court meeting, but it was just laughed by everyone, which can be regarded as an anecdote in the capital.

But the discerning people in the capital noticed one thing. The wife of Zheng Guotai, the uncle of the current crown prince and the younger brother of Concubine Zheng, also went to Wang Tong's house, and she also brought a lot of gifts. Other noble family members in the mansion said that Madam Zheng was very polite to Madam Wang.

This is going to cause a little commotion, and in fact the commotion is really big. Just look at the status and status of the Wuqing Hou family in the past few years to know what status the Zheng family has now. Noble family, not to mention that this title was decided early, look at the age of Concubine Zheng, she is just in her early twenties, and the age of Emperor Wanli is also the same, which is a bit more advantageous than the Wuqinghou family, The Empress Dowager Cisheng was already in her 30s when she became a queen. We must get rich as soon as possible. Zheng Guotai is such a young uncle, what will happen in the future?

Uncle Zheng Guo's house is also one of the hottest places in the capital to give gifts. This Uncle Zheng Guo is also very low-key, and most of the people who come to give gifts don't see him.

Everyone didn't expect that Uncle Zheng Guo would actually send his family members to visit Wang Tong's side, so that the popular nobleman would bow his head to Marquis Dingbei.

There were also rumors that it was said that Uncle Zheng Guotai would pay a visit in person, which is also the etiquette. After all, the status is here, and if you go out too early, you will lose your value.

Wang Tong is not used to returning home during these years, but he also knows that as long as he stays in the capital, this kind of etiquette cannot be avoided, and he can only get used to it slowly.

Among Wang Tong's female relatives, Han Xia, Zhang Hongying, and Lu Ruomei had never seen the market. Song Chanchan and Zhai Xiu'er were the ones who really arranged the arrangements. They knew how to do it.

But even if this is the case, others will definitely not let their concubine come to the door. After all, it must be ordered by someone with a reputation. The only person Wang Tong can come forward to receive is Han Xia. Receiving greetings and arranging banquets are not What a light living.

As a result, on the seventeenth day of the twelfth lunar month, Han Xia was tired and had health problems. After sending off Mrs. Xiangcheng's team, she suddenly felt unwell, but retched.

Mrs. Dingbei Hou had a physical problem. It was not a trivial matter. A certain famous doctor was immediately invited here. There were also acquaintances at the Imperial Hospital, who also came for diagnosis and treatment.

The result of the diagnosis and treatment made the entire Wang Tong Mansion rejoice, Ding Beihou's wife Han Xia was happy, this was a great joy, and immediately arranged for someone to go to the Jinyiwei Yamen to announce the good news.

After Wang Tong got the news, he hurried back. According to what the guards said, he had never seen an adult riding a horse so fast in the capital, and when he entered the door, he almost tripped over the door frame, which showed how nervous and flustered he was.

In that life, Wang Tong lived alone, and in this life, he got married and married a wife. He was not mentally prepared for having a child. When he first heard it, his emotions were complicated and difficult to understand, but naturally it was mainly ecstasy.

The commanders of Dingbeihou and Jinyiwei have made Wang Tong's wife happy. This is a great happy event, and everyone in the capital said that Dingbeihou's blessing is manifested in this small matter. Why is Dingbeihou's wife and concubines so happy? Many, if the younger one had children first, the position of the eldest son would be very troublesome in the future. The eldest son and second son, and the division of concubine and concubine would all be entangled. Wang Han's family will have children, and the family will be peaceful in the future!
Naturally, when everyone talked about this matter, they all prayed and wished well. For a man as blessed as Marquis Dingbei, the first backer must be a son.

Such a big happy event cannot be concealed, and it was immediately spread throughout the capital, but at this time, those who came to congratulate were all close friends, Li Wenyuan, Lu Wancai, Mrs. Ma, and a group of people from Tianjin Wei. Mrs. Ma wiped away tears with joy, To put it bluntly, Wang Tong's parents can rest in peace in the spirit of heaven.

These close relatives arranged for the female relatives to visit Han Xia and congratulated Wang Tong. That is, on the afternoon when the news spread, someone from the palace came to greet him. There are tonics and supplements from the Palace Hospital and Imperial Dining Room. After proclaiming the decree to thank you, Zhao Jinliang smiled and said the greetings from Zhang Cheng, Zou Yi and other eunuchs. The second one came was the eunuch in charge under Concubine Zheng, who was also polite. amazing.

This is the No. [-] confidant next to Lord Long Live, and the well-informed people in the capital knew about it, so they couldn't say anything other than envy.

On the other hand, during the court meeting on the second day, after Emperor Wanli mentioned the matter, he said triumphantly:

"I have two sons and four daughters, Wang Tong, you just got news, this is not as good as me?"

"Your Majesty is as powerful as a dragon and as fierce as a tiger. How dare I compare myself to Your Majesty."

Regarding the matter of this child, Emperor Wanli is rarely stronger than Wang Tong. Of course, this is just talking about the number, and it is necessary to talk and laugh. Wang Tong's answer is also not very good. He and the ministers were a little dissatisfied, and the always low-key Shi Shixing coughed to remind him.

However, Wang Tong was a little puzzled until he retired from the court. He had a few jokes with Emperor Wanli, and he always felt that someone had said it before, but it was not an important matter, and he didn't bother to take it seriously.

Han Taiping, the Chief Inspector of the Imperial Prison, also came to Wang Tong's mansion, crying with excitement, and chanting the same words as Mrs. Ma, the old man raised several grandchildren, and now the grandchildren are also married and have children, but the old man's wish was fulfilled. How could he not be excited and happy, Han Xia's elder brother Han Gang was also forced to clear the guests by a group of guards.

I had to take out my own money and lead everyone to eat and drink at the Zhenxing Building, but the Zhenxing Building also made fun of it. The host family is happy, and it is a person like Han Gang, so the list is simply avoided, and everyone is happy.

Because of this incident, Wang Tong's mansion was full of joy, and there was a real festive atmosphere, which made people feel that the new year was really coming, and the celebration of this year was very exciting.

Now that she is pregnant with a child, she has to be busy. Zhang Hongying and others take care of the housework, and the outsiders don't want to disturb her, but there are some noble ladies who visit her under the guise of visiting Han Xia. here.

The 22nd day of the twelfth lunar month is the last day of Jinyiwei's closure of the government office. After this day, most of the people on duty left by Jinyiwei also went back to rest for the New Year.

According to the rules, the case files and documents are also to be returned on this day, which means that if Hou Zhen's work has no clue at this time, he will not be able to start again until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

However, on the afternoon of the 22nd of the twelfth lunar month, Hou Zhen came to Wang Tong's office with two papers. After Wang Tong opened a few pages, he dropped the papers on the ground. asked himself:
"If the papers are not selected correctly, the subordinates will go to select them tomorrow."

Wang Tong let out a long breath, seemed to calm down there, waved his hand and said:

"There's no need to look for it, this time the volume is enough!"
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(End of this chapter)

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