Chapter 921

People are in good spirits on happy occasions, and Wang Tong's wife is pregnant, so he is in a good mood, but after reading this paper, he has such a big reaction, which really shocks Hou.

The matter mentioned in the newspaper was really so serious, Hou Zhen really didn't think much about it, but after seeing it, he felt that it might cause a storm, so he took it.

"I want Dutang to know that this document was delivered three days ago, and it was filed directly as usual, but it was only seen by my subordinates because of the greeting."

In order to ease the atmosphere in the room, Hou Zhen bowed and said something, bowed his head, picked up the scroll, and put it in front of Wang Tong respectfully. Wang Tong stared at Hou Zhen for a few times, and said in a deep voice:
"You've done a good job. Although you said you'd mention a thousand households from the experience department in a few days, it's not the end of the day. If you do it with your heart, you may not be able to do things and fellow acquaintances. No matter how bad you are, you can still put up a thousand households who are stationed in a branch."

Hearing this, Hou Zhen quickly knelt down, kowtowed and said:

"It's just my duty to do these things. With such kindness, I should be loyal to the end!!"

The experience department was originally lined up with hundreds of households, Hou Zhen followed closely to Wang Tong, and stood in line early, Wang Tong promoted him to be a thousand households, which was considered to be the management of the experience department, but what he said just now was a promise For a brighter future, the four positions of Jin Yiwei's Commander Qianshi and Commander Tongzhi are now vacant. Having said that, if Hou Zhen is willing, he can go further.

Hou Zhen finally understood that the errand he ran this time was really in line with Wang Tong's wishes, and the benefits would be endless in the future. As the Chinese New Year was approaching, and having such appreciation, it was considered double happiness, and he couldn't help but put a few smiles on his face. Very happy, put the paper back on the table, Wang Tong flipped through two pages, closed it again, and said after being silent:
"Prepare the documents related to this matter and send them here before dark tomorrow. If anyone in our army is familiar with Liao Town and the situation outside the customs, call an experienced person to come and ask questions. These matters must be kept secret. , you understand!"

"Don't worry, Dutang, I understand!"

Hou Zhen kowtowed to go down again, Wang Tong waved his hand to signal Hou Zhen to go down, picked up the paper on the table, and flipped through it again.

The matter mentioned in the document is not a big deal. It is about the enemy of a Jurchen chieftain under the protection of the Liaozhen guard. This Jurchen chieftain has grown in power in the past two years, and he began to demand this enemy from Liaozhen. Under the pressure of this heroic chieftain, the border guards of Liaozhen handed over this enemy to this heroic chieftain.

This matter did not appear in the memorial or any official newspaper, it was only recorded by Jin Yiwei's eyeliner there, and then sent to the Jingshi Jinyiwei Yamen.

Even Jin Yiwei, who recorded this incident, didn't think it was important, because the main content of this document was that the Jurchen hero regularly praised the mountain products outside the pass to the Li family, various furs, ginseng and the like, which were sold for sale. It is a huge profit to go to the mainland, which is a kind of bribery by the generals.

It is estimated that the reason why Hou Zhen selected this document is because it said that Li Chengliang and his sons had close contacts with this Jurchen heroic chieftain, and received a large amount of goods, and there are rumors that Liaozhen sold this soldier Bingjia privately. , but this is as yet unsubstantiated.

However, Wang Tong has heard of the name of this tycoon. Wang Tong's historical knowledge is really lacking. In this era, he knows the name Wanli and the name Zhang Juzheng. Not to mention others, but he has heard of the name on the file.

The name of this Jurchen hero is Nurhachi
After the founding of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Di, who was still the king of Yan at that time, established a capital commander and envoy outside the pass. This area governed the vast areas of Baishan and Heishui, and was called the Nurgan Dusi.

The place under the jurisdiction of the Commander and Envoy Division is a vast area from outside the Liao Town's side wall to the east and north to the sea. This place is still a barren land in this era, full of deep mountains, old forests and swamps. The soldiers and horses of the Ming Dynasty It is not suitable to be stationed here, so according to the disposal of other remote places, the local ethnic tribes set up guards and thousands of households.

Generally speaking, large tribes get the title of a guard, while small tribes receive the title of a thousand households. Naturally, in such places, a guard will naturally not be full of more than 2000 males, and a tribe of more than [-] people can have this. title.

Among these guards, there are Jurchens and Mongols. The strong, weak, and rich are probably distributed according to the distance from Liao Town. The closer ones have more opportunities to plunder and trade, and the richer they are, the farther away they are. , the opportunities are less, and naturally the poorer.

In the past, it was the Taining Department of Duoyan's three guards who ruled the roost here, but the Taining Department was already extremely weak due to the continuous blows from Liaozhen, and could no longer take the stage.

Generally speaking, the various Jurchen and Mongolian tribes here respect the Ming Dynasty as orthodox on the surface, and they are submissive. In fact, all the tribes take the Mongolian tribes on the grasslands in northern and western Liaoning as their suzerains. Now Horqin The King Khan's order can pass between the white mountains and the black waters.

Among these tribes, there is a guard who is relatively powerful and wealthy in the Nurgandu Division. This guard is called Jianzhou Guard.

Speaking of the word tribe, many scholars in Ming Dynasty immediately thought of the Wanli Grassland, the nomadic scene of looking down at the cattle and sheep. In fact, most of the Jurchen tribes outside the customs are engaged in farming, fishing and hunting. Fish hunting, compared with farmers in Guan, they have received a lot of militarized and semi-military cooperation and training because of fishing and hunting.

Jianzhou Guard is also doing this, but unlike other guards, Jianzhou Guard's business is particularly developed, because his position is so advantageous.

Jianzhouwei is adjacent to Daming and Goryeo. The trade between Goryeo and Daming is completed by the official tributary mission, but this mission is controlled by noble bureaucrats in Goryeo. In trade, folks are rarely able to share profits.

But Koryo was barren, and the profits from foreign trade were extremely important to the folks. Many Goryeo folk merchants thought of other ways, went to Jianzhouwei for trade, and trafficked to Daming through Jianzhouwei.

Over time, Jianzhouwei has become a trading transfer station, and more and more people are engaged in commerce in the Jurchen ministries of Jianzhouwei. Some people buy mountain goods and special products from the north and east, and sell them to Jianzhouwei. The merchants of Ming Dynasty made profits and were extremely wealthy.

Because of its wealth, Jianzhou Guard is much stronger than other tribes, and there are three guards. This Nurhachi is the commander of Jianzhou Left Guard.

The Jinyiwei is pretty good at collecting information on important places in the capital, but they don’t pay much attention to the collection of places in the frontier, but the victory lies in the accumulation. There are still a lot of relevant information to find, and the Jinyiwei can be mobilized in other places, this is also the case. Advantage.

Experienced that Si Houzhen almost collected the relevant documents and materials on the second day. When he asked for materials from other yamen, he was not only targeting Liaozhen and Jianzhouwei. Others also found out his intentions and The purpose, and the Jinyiwei who was on duty at the frontier fortress in Liaozhen was not found, but the Sanjiang Trading Company found a few merchants who often went there, and introduced them to them.

After Wang Tong got the file, he was still in the mansion on the first day, but he went to Li Wenyuan's valet on the second day. The security department's valet was only set up in the South Street area, and Li Wenyuan was in charge of it. For the people of the direct line, this is the most reassuring place.

Things in Jianzhouwei are very complicated, and there are many allusions. In fact, this name appeared in Wang Tong's field of vision, which surprised Wang Tong. Wang Tong wanted to know as much as possible.

Jianzhou was rich and prosperous, and the Jurchen ministries of Jianzhou followed suit. The Mongolian ministries often went to Daming to plunder, and they also followed, or acted in small groups in private.

But the frontier soldiers in Liao Town were also fierce. After Li Chengliang became the chief soldier of Liao Town, the frontier soldiers in Liao Town became even more arrogant. Looting in the area, sometimes beheading the head as a military exploit.

The foreign tribes were as fierce as tigers and wolves when Ming was weak, and as docile as sheep when Ming was strong. The guards of Jianzhou were very respectful to Liao Town in this era.

The commander of the Jianzhou right guard rebelled. The Jurchen noble families of Jianzhou guard are all intertwined and related to each other. The commander of the Jianzhou right guard is Nurhachi's grandfather. Since the rebellion, Li Chengliang, the general soldier of Liaozhen, will naturally send troops Annihilation, this kind of guards mobilized at most [-] men, how could they resist the elite of Liao Town?

The son of the commander of the Jianzhou Right Guard fled into the city of the Jianzhou Left Guard. The Jianzhou Left Guard was on Nurhachi's side. When his uncle ran over, Nurhachi's grandfather and father naturally wanted to take him in. In fact, the rebellion of these Jurchen tribes all communicated with each other, one family rebelled, and the other family did not make a name, but it did not necessarily mean that they did not help.

In the eyes of Li Chengliang, such a city is nothing more than a sesame seed. He dared to take in the rebels. Naturally, Li Suo was wiped out at the same time. As a result, the city of Jianzhou Zuowei was also breached. Also killed in battle, Nurhachi and his brother Shuerhaqi were both captured.

The nobles from all Jurchen ministries have the habit of going to Liao Town to serve as personal servants of the Li family, which can be regarded as a kind of proton. This Nurhachi was a domestic servant under Li Chengliang's family back then, and he can be regarded as some old man in Liao Town. Acquaintance, he was taken back to Liao Town by captives, and he was released.

After escaping back to Jurchen, the desperate Nurhachi brothers got entangled with their former subordinates and began to rob their homes. It was also a hero created by the times. After being conquered, Nurhachi has also become a force, and he can negotiate conditions with the border generals in Liao Town.

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(End of this chapter)

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