Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 923 A Juren from Tianjin Wei

Chapter 923 A Juren from Tianjin Wei
Wang Tong was there to state his interests, while Yang Sichen was writing like a fly and had already finished writing. He picked it up and skimmed it, blew a few mouthfuls, and handed it to Wang Tong.

What Yang Sichen passed on all day long was this kind of official document memorial. Wang Tong said it plainly, he wrote it here and it became a splendid article. Wang Tong read it there, and Yang Sichen thought it over and said:

"Master Hou, about Bianzhen, you want to take the knife from Liaozhen?"

Wang Tong just said so much, but Yang Sichen directly thought of Wang Tong's motion in the court hall. Nowadays, the defense-oriented form of border towns is no longer suitable, but the earliest border towns have existed for almost 200 years. The interests of Shang and the imperial court are intricately intertwined. I don't know how many people are involved in it. If you want to take action, it's so easy.

In Yang Sichen's eyes, the fact that Liao Town handed over Nikan Wailan to Nurhachi was really nothing, but Wang Tong pointed out carefully that it was obviously an attempt to solve a problem.

At this time, Nurhachi is just an inconspicuous and slightly accomplished heroic chieftain on the border. No matter how far-sighted and intelligent he is, he will not think it is worth paying attention to. No one thinks what will happen in the future.

Wang Tong understood Yang Sichen's judgment, he just said with a wry smile:

"From the shallower to the deeper, first easy and then difficult. Liao Town, no matter how you say it, is the most powerful man in the imperial court besides the Huwei Army, and the Horqin Department is still there, so he still needs to exist. This Marquis is now this Sensitive situation, if Liao Zhen is the first to attack, I am afraid that even His Majesty will not tolerate me."

Yang Sichen laughed dryly, Wang Tong put the paper on the table, patted it a few times, and said in a deep voice:
"They want to move Sun Shoulian, so I have to protect it. I will use this matter to beat the Li family, and I will also drive a nail in there. The Liao Town is run by Li Chengliang. It is not good for us. There must be someone. Be prepared."

"Goodbye, Lord Hou!"

Yang Sichen flattered him, and Wang Tong shook his head. There is only so much he can do now.

Mrs. Wang Tong's Mrs. Wang Hanshi, that is, Han Xia, was immediately enshrined as a fairy after she was diagnosed with pregnancy. Originally, this wife was in charge of the inner house, and she was in charge of all major and minor matters in the family. All the work was shared by Zhang Hongying and Lu Ruomei.

Song Chanchan had too many business affairs. She was actually the most capable of managing and coordinating among Wang Tong's wives and concubines, and she was the most familiar with these matters. However, the intelligence matters she was in charge of were obviously more important and could not be ignored.

Zhang Hongying used to be a housekeeper with Mrs. Ma, and she is familiar with this. It can be seen that Mrs. Ma taught Zhang Hongying these things in the past. Born, but a pampered eldest lady, it is really not good to do things like a housekeeper, but Zhai Xiu'er also knows that although Wang Tong is young, he is not very greedy for beauty, and wants to gain a foothold in this inner house, just relying on his appearance and ability to cater No, you have to learn some real skills.

Speaking of which, Zhai Xiu'er dealt with a lot of people, and all of them were wealthy and high-ranking people. She had some strengths in analyzing and judging information, so she worked hard to learn from Song Chanchan.

After women know that they are pregnant, it is inevitable that they will worry about gains and losses, and their mood will fluctuate. Among these people, Han Xia is older than Lu Ruomei, but her mental age is younger than Lu Ruomei. Seeing that her sisters have things to do, she is free When you come down, you will feel empty in your heart.

Wang Tong had to accompany her for a while every day as usual, but when he was with her, Han Xia cried and complained. Wang Tong didn't know what to say to this complaint, so he could only comfort him with a wry smile. Fortunately, it was a gust of wind , the past is also the past.

On the [-]th day of the twelfth lunar month, some important people began to visit the house, and the exchange of gifts before the Spring Festival officially started, but Wang Tong received some very special guests on this day.

Scholars, farmers, businessmen, the ruling class of Ming Dynasty are scholars, that is, scholars, but scholars are nothing without fame, and they are just poor if they are admitted to a scholar. , if you pass the exam, everything will be different again.

Without a background, it is very difficult for a person to be an official of the seventh rank or above, let alone such things as entering the court, that is, Hai Rui is honest and upright, so Lu Wancai and Xu Guangguo can only climb up because of Wang Tong's relationship. There will be no progress, but he is a local figure, and the government has to be polite to save face. The family's business and land are not taxed. Even ordinary people will become local tycoons after being elected.

Having said that, in the affluent lands of the south of the Yangtze River, the children of rich peasants and middle peasants can study. In most other places, those who can study and pass the imperial examinations are not all local wealthy families. You can rely on the relationship to let more people pass the exam
Therefore, juren is almost a representative of the rich and powerful families in the local area, and it is also the top class in the local area.

The group of people who came to visit Wang Tong today were Juren from Tianjin Wei. There were six Juren from Tianjin Wei. Except for one who was a local aborigine, the other five were businessmen who moved from other places. .

Everyone worked hard, and the children in the family were used as laborers. The family who allowed them to study could at least be considered wealthy, but the six people who came to pay a visit to Wang Tong could all be described as wealthy. up.

There is no shortage of rich people in Tianjin Wei. After the opening of Tianjin Wei port, because of the development of Dongfeng, there are a lot of people and cars. However, it is rare for the nephew at home to settle down and pass the imperial examination successfully.

There have been Tianjin Wei for so many years, as early as the Hongzhi period, Tianjin Wei had already had Juren, which is not uncommon, but these six grew up during Wang Tong's management of Tianjin Wei, and passed the exam, last year to be precise After passing the exam, although Wang Tong had already left at that time, Tianjin Wei was regarded by the world as Wang Tong's territory.

Speaking of it, Wang Tong started to run Tianjin Wei in the sixth year of Wanli, and it has been seven years since then. He took three township examinations, but only this time last year, someone passed the exam.

In the past few years, at the beginning, Tianjin Wei was full of smog and the people's livelihood was in decline. Who still had the mind to study, but later, all kinds of industries flourished, and there were gold mountains everywhere. Only when his mind has stabilized, will someone be successful.

After winning the exam, there are a few things to do. Those who pass the exam together are called the same year. They need to contact each other. In the future, they will be a help no matter in the local or official circles. The examiner who admits them is called a teacher. Those who are going to pay homage are related, and everyone also takes care of each other.

Another thing is to pay a visit to the local officials. If you are a scholar, you are taking the first step in your official career. You can be regarded as a figure in the local area. If you meet and contact, you can also enter the local wealthy circle.

Of course, if you are in the capital, Nanjing, and other affluent places in the south of the Yangtze River, there is nothing to visit. There are officials everywhere, in office and out of office, but elsewhere, it is just to pay homage to the grandfather of the local prefecture and county yamen, but in Tianjin Wei, but it is different from other places.

The magistrate of Tianjin Wei is logically said to be the Gao Tongzhi from the Qing Military Office, but in the land of Tianjin Wei, who would recognize this Gao Tongzhi? said:

"Worshiping my official is all the etiquette, and it's the right thing to do to Wang Tong!"

Except for Gao Tongzhi, Bing Beidao has nothing to say here. The rest are military generals or internal officials. Naturally, there is nothing to worship. This Wang Tong is also a military general of the internal guard, and he has a noble status, and his relationship with civil servants is extremely bad. , I'm afraid it's troublesome to go to worship and be told.

But when I went back to talk about this idea, several wealthy families all said in unison, if you don't go if you have the opportunity to build a relationship with Mr. Wang, you still care about your reputation, are you out of your mind?

You are a juren, and it is not certain whether you will be able to be an official in the future, but you can have such a comfortable life, who is relied on for such a rich family, not Mr. Wang, and if you get closer to Mr. Wang, even if you don’t take care of it, let him You are doing business smoothly in Tianjin Weishun. This is a great benefit. Even if you are a Shangguan, if you try your best to fish, how much money can you make? You can get closer to Mr. Wang. This is a great benefit rich.

If you think about it carefully, this is also the reason. If Mr. Wang takes care of you, you can become a member of the Henan government and the governor of Shuntian Mansion. , You have a bad reputation among scholars, but if you make money yourself, it is better than anything else.

After thinking about this joint, the whole group became eager to meet Wang Tong at the New Year's Eve, taking advantage of this time to show their closeness.

Wang Tong didn't think it was a big deal, it was just a meeting with fellow countrymen, but Yang Sichen valued it very much. According to him, these people came to visit him, which opened a small opening for Mr. Wang in the scholar forest. Wang Tong has great benefits in the officialdom of the court.

Moreover, Wang Tong has always been at odds with scholars, and this meeting, he also has the gesture of buying a horse bone with a lot of money, which has a lot of benefits.

Wang Tong met with these scholars. In fact, these scholars were all older than Wang Tong, but the atmosphere was good, and everyone talked and laughed happily.

During the conversation, Wang Tong discovered one thing. These people did not have a good impression of the landlords and gentry in their words. They felt that these people were brainless, took up labor, and had a higher status than businessmen. This subtlety made Wang Tong feel quite for fun.

If it is said to be a horse bone of a thousand gold, it will have an immediate effect. On the 22nd day of the twelfth lunar month, a censor from Shandong Province of the Metropolitan Procuratorate came to ask for an interview. He was also from Tianjin Wei, but he was just a Jinshi.

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(End of this chapter)

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