Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 924 See Qingliu

Chapter 924 See Qingliu

The censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate is a real Qingliu. There is a custom in the world that if you succeed in the imperial examination, you have to be a Qingliu in the capital.

It is naturally best to be able to enter the Imperial Academy, but that is the blessing of a very small number of people. The rest of the people are all heading towards the Sixth Division and the Metropolitan Procuratorate. I just went to the sixth department to do real errands, such as the main job.

According to the common people's thinking, working as an official for thousands of miles in order to make a fortune, finally got the opportunity to be an official, and then put it in a local magistrate or something, and made a good fortune.

And there is nothing wrong with the common people's guessing. The official positions given to Shizhong, Yushi and chief minister are just noble. If we really want to talk about the benefits, there are only a few fat jobs on the Sixth Department, and the rest are very poor. It's hard work, and there's no benefit to it. There are so many people in the capital lending money to the officials in the capital, but that's why they are there.

No one is stupid, why stay in Beijing to be a Qingliu is the first choice, because in the capital, you can get promoted quickly, have many opportunities to make a fortune, and you can make yourself famous with nonsense at no cost, and then there are many benefits.

The prime ministers of the Song Dynasty paid attention to being a local governor, and they had local experience to enter the central government. But in the Ming Dynasty, they paid attention to not being able to be a capital. A Jinshi is lucky, and he can survive for 25 years to be the chief assistant of the cabinet. Wait, in [-] years, you can get a position like a servant, or something like that, and in about [-] years, you may be able to send out a governor, chief envoy, military guard or something.

These are all standard shortcuts. If you go to a place, a seventh-rank magistrate who can go to the governor after 20 years is already burned, let alone the center. Tan Lun was able to be the Minister of the Ministry of War because he caught up with Japanese invaders. A magistrate made great military exploits, and then he came up step by step.

Now that the world is peaceful, there will naturally be no such bad rules. Everyone can only do Qingliu's qualifications in the capital to move up step by step. If you want to do practical things in the local area and be promoted to a high position, go dreaming!

But those lucky ones who entered the cabinet, served as ministers, and were sent out to serve as governors, chief envoys, military preparations, and various real power errands were after all some of them. Local officials, that is, for a lifetime.

Everyone wants to make progress, what do these Beijing officials rely on to make progress, Shangshu pretends to be a shocking statement, if he can make the emperor angry and cheat the imperial staff, then he will become famous all over the world, and there will be inexhaustible food in the future , but this trick is not very easy to use, because Wang Tong is in the capital, with this fierce spirit around, it may not be the buttocks hit by the board, it may be the neck hit by the knife, it is not worth losing his life.

If you have a background, you don’t have to worry about anything, but not everyone has a background. Besides, officials in the capital are worthless, and if the background is not to a certain extent, they are useless at all. The third thing is to find a backer. In those few hills, he can't take care of his old disciples, but you have the intention to go and seek refuge, the problem is that the other party may not have the mentality to understand.

Therefore, most Qingliu officials are suffering, waiting for the opportunity, but it is not so easy to wait for the opportunity to be true, but Jingshi Qingliu, as long as it is not the one who reads and reads, all of them will have bright eyes, prick up their ears, and look for it. As opportunities arise.

Dingbeihou and Jinyiwei are both commanding envoys. If one of these two names has one of them, then he can be counted as a mountain in the capital. Wang Tong has made such great achievements and has been so trusted by Emperor Wanli, and now he is in the capital. Stand firmly in the position, this is no longer a hill, but a mountain.

He is here, and there are many people who want to join him, but the bad relationship between Wang Tong and the literati is well known to everyone. The civil and military are two groups that are vaguely opposed. Wang Tong and the literati are already at odds. Who would dare Come to the door to toss.

If you come to the door to express your opinion, but Wang Tong is not there, it’s okay to seek refuge, but if you fail to seek refuge with Wang Tong, and you don’t even have a way out, then it will be a big trouble, and you will become the target of the literati in the capital, and you will have no way out.

However, those few people came to visit, but many people found the opportunity. It turned out that Mr. Wang also wanted to meet scholars, and some people thought that there were many warriors and businessmen around Mr. Wang, but there were a few literati. They are all juren.

But these people have already become popular, some have participated in politics, some have been able to be the minister of Shuntian Fu, and Yang Sichen beside him has no background, but this unidentified Juren has no less power in the capital than a servant Well, if you go there as soon as possible to curry favor, there may be even greater benefits!
Thinking about it this way, everyone didn't dare to act rashly. It's still the same sentence, if Wang Tong refuses to accept it behind closed doors, there will be no turning back.

There are many smart people in the world. Some people noticed that the six Juren from Tianjin Wei were visiting.

The visiting censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate is 31 years old, his name is Yu Jianru, and he is also from Tianjin. He was a Jinshi four years ago, and he came here in the name of visiting fellow villagers. There are so many people in the capital who want to come The official who met with him had this reason, and it was helpless to say that the place in Tianjin Wei was originally small, and there were not many people there. Now there are six of them, and all merchants partnered to pay for the construction of the temple. It is said that such scenery as Tianjin Wei must be blessed by gods and Buddhas.

There are few applicants, even fewer Jinshi, and there are few officials in Tianjin Wei. Even if they are awarded Jinshi, they may not be able to stay in Beijing.

On weekdays, a single seedling with no one to take care of it can only suffer in the capital. In this life, it may be the fate of a magistrate. Now, the fact that it was born in Tianjin has become a good thing.

Although Yu Jianru found a good entry point, he was still apprehensive when he came to the door. For this, he specially prepared a door bag of ten taels of silver. Who knows if the concierge will deal with it?

However, the concierge of Wang Tong's mansion is different from other places, like guards everywhere, after hearing Yu Jianru's words, he didn't put on any airs, asked for any door bags, and went directly to report, which was a short time , the porter came out and said:

"My master, please come in, Mr. Yu!"

Only then did he let out a sigh of relief, and after entering the door, all these things were easy to talk about.

Although Yu Jianru is 31 years old this year, and his face is much older than Wang Tong, but after meeting, he still hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed three times.

"How many years has Yu Yushi been in Beijing?"

Standing up and sitting down, Wang Tong asked kindly, but Wang Tong's attitude made Yu Jianru feel relieved, and hurriedly bowed and said:

"Students have been living in the capital since they were promoted in the capital, and it has been 11 years"

After finishing speaking, he hastily added:
"The student has been in Beijing for many years, but it is the first time he knows that Lord Hou regards Tianjin as his hometown, so he took the liberty to come here to disturb each other. I hope Master Hou will not blame him!"

If Wang Tong doesn't show any good looks after coming in, then Yu Jianru has nothing to say, but Wang Tong's face is pleasant, then Yu Jianru has to do a good job. He didn't move, but Wang Tong didn't care, and said with a smile:

"Ben Hou has not been in the capital for a short time. I am also happy to have folks coming over. Hearing Yu Yushi's accent, there are not many local accents. If Yu Yushi didn't say that he is from Tianjin, Ben Hou really wouldn't be able to hear it. .”

This is to break the topic, everyone laughed and said a few words, but Yu Jianru got up and bowed down, kowtowed and said:
"There is one thing that the students didn't dare to say, but they feel like a thorn in their throats, and they feel very uncomfortable. The court has criticized Lord Hou for several times, and the students have followed suit. But these are not the students' heart, and they really have to worry about it Otherwise, there would be no way to gain a foothold among colleagues, but the students were so ashamed that they couldn't sleep at night, but fortunately, His Majesty returned Lord Hou's innocence, and the students were guilty."

After saying a few words, he actually choked up and shed tears. The scene was perfect. Wang Tong smiled and raised his hand, and said:
"Yu Yushi get up now, the matter is over, why are you still mentioning him, this Marquis and Tianjin Wei have a hometown friendship, and Yu Yushi is considered to be predestined, from now on we need to take care of each other!"

Hearing this sentence, Yu Jianru, who pretended to be ashamed and hypocritical, almost couldn't hold back, and almost laughed out. Today, he just wanted to come over to have a relationship, but he didn't expect Wang Tong to be so enthusiastic. Sure enough, he had to take refuge as soon as possible. This is just a few days. Such a small courtesy and gesture, but Wang Tong treats him so leniently.

He got up and just sat down, but saw Wang Tong gesturing to the outside, the butler walked in quickly, Wang Tong gave a few orders to the butler, and the butler quickly left again.

"It's also a coincidence that Yu Yushi came here. The Marquis happened to have something to talk to someone in the court hall, so I asked Yu Yushi to help me!"

Yu Jianru was stunned, the two sides met for the first time, and they had never had any dealings before. The matter that Ding Beihou wanted to say in the court hall must be a big matter, so it was so easy to entrust it to someone who met for the first time?

While hesitating, he saw the butler bring in a document, Wang Tong smiled and handed it to Yu Jianru.

After only a few glances, Yu Jianru's hands trembled, and the paper almost fell off. He stood up from his seat and said in a trembling voice:

"How does this make it?"

"Does Yu Yushi not want to seize this opportunity?"

Wang Tong asked leisurely, Yu Jianru was stunned immediately, hesitating there and said:

"Master Hou, many students who came here today also saw it. If you post this memorial, I am afraid that no matter whether it is in the capital or outside the customs, everyone will know that it is the order of Master Hou. This is probably against the original intention of Master Hou. .”

Those who instigate officials to be absent will not show up at the front desk, but if they follow Wang Tong's routine, outsiders must know the ins and outs.

"It doesn't matter, I just want others to know that it was Ben Hou who instigated it."

Wang Tong said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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