Chapter 925

What he said was so clear, even though Wang Tong had a friendly smile on his face, Yu Jianru didn't dare to refuse, Jin Yiwei commanded Master Wang to ask you to do something, you pushed back and forth, thinking who you were.

Yu Jianru felt a little regretful, in this world, if you don't talk about the emperor, don't talk about eunuchs, don't talk about Wang Tong, if you talk about other people, then the speaker is innocent. That's what he said, but neither is Li Chengliang, the commander-in-chief of the Liao Township. So easy to get along with, not to mention spending a lot of money in the capital every year, and I don’t know how many officials who have made good friends with the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Households. shelter.

This result is no different from Wang Tong not seeing each other and turning back in embarrassment. He thought he came to the blissful land of the Western Paradise, but he didn't expect it to be a den of tigers and wolves, and he did not end well.

Counting nine cold days, although the warmth in the house is limited, but Yu Jianru's half-worn cotton padded clothes are soaked in sweat. Looking up at Wang Tong's smile, Yu Jianru knows that he has no room for rejection. Li Chengliang from Liaozhen After all, from far away, the god in front of him could eat people at any time.

"Students are terrified. Since Master Hou values ​​it, the students will accept this matter. Master Hou is for the country and the people. It really makes people like students feel ashamed and ashamed of reading the sage's book!"

Now that he agreed, he must say a few beautiful words, Wang Tong nodded with a smile, and said:
"Yu Yushi speaks outrightly, it can be seen that with such a loyal heart, a virtuous official like Yu Yushi must have a bright future in the future!"

After saying this, Yu Jianru trembled, knelt down again, kowtowed and said:

"Student, thank you Lord Hou for your kindness."

It's already like this, why are you still being polite, just hit the snake with the stick, Wang Tong's words clearly promised his future future, it was a promise.

Having said that, there is nothing more to say. What Yang Sichen wrote has already been rewritten. Yu Jianru doesn’t even need to polish it. He can send it to the Secretary of the General Administration directly with a name. The thing to do is to put up a name and make a proposal first.

Chatted a few words, and the etiquette was fulfilled, so Yu Jianru left, still muttering in his heart, Wang Tong is really young, no matter how you have to come to the door three times for such things, the two parties are considered familiar before they can bring it up, why don't you just throw it away as soon as you meet? Come out, this is too careless, and I am a little puzzled, could it be that Wang Tong knew that he was coming, and he had already prepared, but this is not right, if this is true, wouldn't Wang Tong become a god.

Yu Jianru really guessed right, Wang Tong just made a temporary decision, Yu Jianru was about to leave, but someone came over and whispered something in Wang Tong's ear, Wang Tong stretched out his hand to signal for Yu Jianru to stop, There is no need to pay attention to etiquette, Wang Tong said with a smile:

"Yu Yushi has two sleeves, and life is not easy. This time, he brought such a heavy gift, and the family also prepared some small gifts. Please take it back with Yu Yushi, and let his wife and children have a good year. I'm hurting my wife and children!"

"Fear, panic, the students are ashamed!"

A few words of humility, Yu Jianru has no reason to refuse, Yu Jianru is really a breeze, but this is not because he wants to be clean, but because he has no choice but to do so. How can a Qingliu with no background have any extra money? Salary, meat and fish have to be calculated.

As for the "important ceremony", two big fish and four-color dried fruit, that's all Yu Jianru brought to the door. Yu Jianru had mixed feelings in his heart, and was led out by the housekeeper of Wang Tong's house, and when he arrived at the door , but seeing two carriages waiting there, he couldn't help being taken aback. When he came, he asked his wife and brother to carry gifts and walk over together.

"Master Yu, please get in the car!"

Wang Tong's butler said with a smile, Yu Jianru got into the carriage with some doubts, but the butler followed him up, the coachman outside yelled and drove the carriage, the butler said to the stunned Yu Jianru:
"My lord, 1000 taels of silver, a pair of red gold hair, and ten bolts of silk and satin from the south of the Yangtze River. This is some kindness, and I hope that my lord will not refuse it."

Yu Jianru's tongue stumbled in his mouth, and he couldn't speak, he refused, who would refuse, a pair of red gold head and face jewelry cost more than a dozen taels of gold, silk and satin are not cheap, this A set of things costs about 500 taels of silver. Calculated based on the current salary, it will take about 50 years to earn, and it can be calculated. This official will definitely not last 50 years.

"As long as the sky lasts, our master never treats those who work for him badly."

The butler said with a smile again, he opened the curtain and got out of the car, leaving Yu Jianru there in a daze, but it was the first time to visit the door, so there are such benefits, according to the price of the capital, this is not considered punishment The heart-to-heart memorial can only get 300 taels at most, and this Wang Tong actually gave so much.

For Jianru, this amount was worth it even if he was dismissed after the performance. While thinking wildly, the car drove slowly, and soon arrived at his door.

After getting off the carriage, Yu Jianru still couldn't believe it. When he saw the appearance of his wife and brother, he was also in a daze, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

The coachmen politely removed the things and prepared to send them to the small house where Yu Jianru lived. When he was busy, Yu Jianru saw the door of his house opened, and his six-year-old child ran out. The boy, wearing a half-worn padded jacket, looked very excited.

For the Chinese New Year, my child can’t even wear a new dress. This time I have more money, and I want to make my child look good. Yu Jianru was thinking there, but the little boy grabbed his hand and said:
"Father, uncle, mother told you to go back quickly. Someone at home has sent a lot of things, and there are a lot of candied fruits."

It was only then that Yu Jianru noticed that there were candy stains on his child's mouth. He and his wife and brother looked at each other and hurried towards the house. Yu Jianru's mother-in-law was standing in the yard with a look of surprise on her face. He confused, when he saw Yu Jianru coming back, he opened his mouth and said:
"Master, just now, someone suddenly brought a large amount of New Year's goods to our family, a whole pig that was slaughtered at one bite, two sheep, chickens, ducks, geese, everything, even sweets, and good wine. , Master, what the hell is going on, our family can't afford it!"

My mother-in-law thought of this first, Yu Jianru couldn't help feeling a little sad, he smiled and said:
"How can our family afford it? It's all given by others. You just accept it and have a good year!"

Hearing what he said, Yu Jianru's mother-in-law was stunned for a moment, then happily agreed, and hurriedly yelled to get busy. She entered the room from the yard, but a shopkeeper-like person walked in from outside the yard. Knowing this person, just about to ask a question, the shopkeeper first bowed and smiled and said:
"My lord Yu bought the wasteland in Huang County the year before last and handed it over to the villain. The villain lived up to my lord, opened up wasteland and raised cattle. I finally got some income this year, and next year I will have a fixed amount in the account. It's not too much, 50 per month. There are always taels of silver, if the year is good, maybe it can go up, this is the income of the twelfth lunar month, my lord, you take it away."

While talking, the shopkeeper handed over a wallet, and it didn't mean that Jianru had any reaction, so he nodded and bowed and left with a smile. As soon as the man left, the lady Yu Jianru who entered the door came out again, and said in surprise:
"When did the master buy Zhuangzi in Huangxian County, this wallet... I'm afraid it's not a small amount!"

"At least it costs 50 taels. You take it and keep it, Huang County, is there any land that can be reclaimed in Huang County?"

Yu Jianru sighed, Huang County is less than a few tens of miles south of the capital city, and there are all Zhuangzi of big families in the capital. How could there be wasteland, and a small Zhuangzi who can produce 50 taels a month? I was worrying about the new year, and every good thing happened on this day, Yu Jianru's wife took the money bag with a smile on her face, and said:
"They also sent a few jars of wine, and this stew, our family celebrates the New Year ahead of schedule."

Just as Yu Jianru was about to agree with a smile, he was taken aback for a moment and said:
"Tell your brother not to be too busy. I want him to go to the Xicheng Restaurant to book a table and entertain his colleagues tonight."

Upon hearing this, Yu Jianru's mother-in-law pulled her face down and complained:
"Master, as time goes on, we have some money but we can't spend it like this. The Xicheng restaurant costs at least five taels for a meal."

"What do you know? You think so many benefits of our family just fell out of thin air."

Yu Jianru scolded.

In cash and goods, there are at least 2000 taels in total, and there is a monthly quota of 50 taels. Such a generous gift is enough to buy your life. What makes this prisoner even more frightening is that Wang Tong and his When we met for the first time, we didn't chat for a long time, and we already found out about his family's situation, and he came to his door and gave him a great gift.

It's fine if you do it, but if you don't, you don't need to say anything, it's only the [-]th of the twelfth lunar month, and the yamen are going to be on holiday soon, but the Secretary of General Administration still needs to collect memorials.

Since the other party ordered it and got so many benefits, it is better to do it with all your heart. It is inevitable that you will be ignored if you go to school. It is better to call a few familiar colleagues. As long as someone initiates, the person who agrees has nothing to do. Communication, everyone goes to the sparse together, and it can also make waves, and the effect is better.

On the 22nd of the twelfth lunar month, Yushi Yujian of Shandong Province of the Metropolitan Procuratorate impeached Li Chengliang, the commander-in-chief of the Liao Township, for arbitrarily exercising power.

At this season, the capital has been quiet, and suddenly there is such a substantial memorial, and the shock is shocking. Everyone is surprised. At first, they thought it was Yu Jianru who wanted to make an astonishing statement, but the memorial that echoed it also After more than a dozen copies, everyone felt that someone was instigating behind it.

Check carefully, in fact, you don't need to pay attention, Yu Jianru once visited Wang Tong before going to the Shu, so I can't help everyone not paying attention, this is Mr. Wang who wants to run Liao Town!——
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(End of this chapter)

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