Chapter 927

The imperial court will send an imperial envoy to the Qing army in Liao Town, and the palace will also send an eunuch to Liao Town to check the food and pay with the Liao Town Supervising Army. Everyone sighed, Liao Zhen had done a lot of tricks to Dingbei Hou some time ago, and now the retribution is coming.

The Qing army checks to see if the army town has enough food, and checks to see if there is real money. No army town in the world can do this, even Tianjin Wei’s Huwei army is the same. Of course, the food and pay of the Huwei army is actually It is higher than the quota, which is another matter.

Arranging such an imperial envoy to go down to investigate and deal with it is clear that they are looking for troubles in Liao Town. Whoever wants to trouble Liao Town was suggested by a censor Yu Jianru, but this censor was originally silent in the court. In the past, the only memento that was remembered was to ask the Shuntian government officials to strictly deal with those traffickers who abducted and sold children. This time, it is really unexpected that he dared to go to such a memorandum. Tong, and after meeting Wang Tong, the family suddenly became rich.

Everyone knows why Wang Tong is hostile to Liao Town. Before and after Zheng Gui’s return, the government and the public questioned Wang Tong’s military exploits, and there were many criticisms, which were more or less done by the Li family’s advocates.

Not to mention anything else, Wang Tong made great contributions, and the court almost lost his voice, but Li Chengliang's contribution was far inferior to Wang Tong's, and he received a heavier reward, and his momentum was unparalleled. How would you feel about Liao Town?

If you look more closely, you can still know that at the end of November, Liao Town Counselor Sun Shoulian visited Wang Tong's mansion. This may have been a secret report. Anyone who knows Tianjin Wei knows that Sun Shoulian and Tianjin Wei The merchants are closely related, and to a certain extent, they can be regarded as a part of Wang Tong's forces.

With Wang Tong's status and status, he should reach out everywhere. Liao Town is a big piece of meat, with a population of several hundred, thousands of miles of fertile fields, and developed commerce. All the benefits have been swallowed up by his Li family alone. Greedy, but the Li family has always been the number one general of Daming, and no one dares to touch this tiger. Now that Marquis Dingbei has an extraordinary status, maybe he is eyeing this one. In front of Tong, you really have to bow your head.

The move against Liaozhen may be due to the revenge of the power struggle some time ago, or it may be to mix sand in Liaozhen and eat a piece of meat, for politics, for wealth, people all over the world, even Wang Tong's subordinates think so .

The imperial envoy was sent to Liao Town to investigate and inspect, and it was to find faults. In fact, this move was treated very cautiously in the palace. Even the cabinet said in secret, "Liao Town is outside the customs, like a tiger lying on the side of a bed, and it should be treated with caution. , to prevent tigers from hurting people" and so on, before Emperor Wanli sent his imperial envoy, he specially called Wang Tong into the palace to inquire.

"Your Majesty, don't worry about anything!"

Wang Tong replied in a comprehensive manner. Hearing this answer, Emperor Wanli asked a seemingly irrelevant question:
"Wang Tong, do you know why Ji Town was established?"

I wanted to ask myself an answer, but I didn't expect Wang Tong to answer it. He smiled and said:
"Your Majesty, the establishment of Ji Town is the latest in the Nine Frontiers. It was established after the rise of Liao Town. The establishment of Ji Town, in addition to guarding the capital and targeting the Tartars, also meant to isolate Liao Town from the capital!"

Emperor Wanli was a little surprised, but he nodded in affirmation of Wang Tong's judgment. After passing Shanhaiguan Pass and entering Beizhili, the road from Shanhaiguan Pass to Beijing Normal University was almost flat, and there was no danger to defend. Although Jizhen has the consideration of frequent activities of the Tartars outside the Great Wall, it is also one of them to guard against possible changes in Liaozhen.

Seeing that Wang Tong understood this, Emperor Wanli simply said clearly:
"During the late Emperor's reign, Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng had always proposed to set up prefectures and counties in Liao Town and send civil officials to guard them. However, they were always worried that Liao Town was located outside the customs, and it faced two directions to the north and east, so it had a heavy responsibility. However, Li Chengliang has been in charge of Liao Town alone for 20 years. The soldiers and horses are his family's soldiers and horses. Brothers, nephews and nephews are all generals. The wealth and power belong to him. , but also to obey the yin, to raise the thief's self-respect, if you don't beat and beat, you will inevitably get carried away, but"

Emperor Wanli hesitated for a while, and said again:
"The reason why Liao Town is cautious is because Liao Town is isolated on the side of the world. It can support itself in money and food, and has a heavy army. If the pressure is tight, if the Li family and his son really do something, it will be a catastrophe. I don't want it. The rise of swordsmen within the Ming Dynasty will be a disaster for the country at dawn."

It's no wonder that he hesitated, but as the emperor, he was so afraid of Bianzhen, not so good-looking, Wang Tong bowed and answered, but his tone was full of confidence:

"Your Majesty, I'm better than the answer department, or the Horqin department?"

"How can a barbarian answer better than me?"

The so-called barbarian is a contemptuous term for the Mongolian tribes in the east of the grassland, because their combat power is really not worthy of high praise. The Alta tribe is the overlord of the grassland, so they are naturally powerful.

"Your Majesty, the Huwei army and Jizhen have wiped out the Ida tribe, and Liaozhen has come out in full force. In Duolun, there are only a few thousand heads. Comparing the two, which one is stronger and weaker?"

Having said that, Emperor Wanli's worried expression suddenly disappeared a lot, and Wang Tong said again:
"Your Majesty, the Huwei Army and Jizhen have been naturalized from the Northern Expedition. Now both the Huwei Army and Jizhen are on the side of Gyeonggi, and there are also forbidden troops and Jingying in Gyeonggi. The military strength is far stronger than that of Liaozhen. worried?"

Speaking of this, it was Zhang Cheng who interjected and asked:

"Wang Tong, the chief soldier of Xuan Mansion is Li Rusong!"

"What Zhang Gonggong said is true, but if the soldiers and horses of the Xuan Mansion are ordered by the court, it will naturally be fine. If Li Rusong does something rebellious and immoral, how many followers will there be? When the Ma family and the Li family open their mouths, what can Li Rusong do?" , and now that Marin is serving as the deputy general in Liao Town, Li Chengliang has to be scruples!"

After being analyzed by Wang Tong, Emperor Wanli finally made up his mind and sent an imperial envoy.

In fact, Wang Tong did not say one more judgment. According to the news from Jinyiwei and Sanjiang Trading Company, the Li family father and son, including Li Chengliang's confidantes, Liaozhen generals, are too addicted to the enjoyment of wealth, sensuality, and delicious food. , Comparing with each other in these matters, in the trade between Tianjin Wei and Liao Town, the bulk items are the most profitable, but the most profitable are those luxury goods sold to Liao Town.

Once a person falls into the enjoyment of wealth and honor, the whole person will be depressed, how can he work hard to fight, how can he have ambition, there is really nothing to worry about.

Wang Tong can judge things clearly. Li Chengliang has been a general for 30 years, so he can naturally judge clearly. The imperial envoy is going to leave Beijing after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. The journey time is calculated, and the people over there are already on the way before the palace's order is issued.

The person sent by Liao Town was Li Chengliang, a secretary in the shogunate. To be able to have this foreign job, he had to be a confidant. This person's surname was Li, his name was Dongqun, he was 42 years old, but he was a Juren from Dengzhou Prefecture. He was often mentioned in the newspapers of Jinyiwei and Sanjiang Commercial Bank, and he was one of the top three conspirators around Li Chengliang.

When this person entered the capital, Shuntian Mansion immediately informed Wang Tong of the news. He thought that when Li Dongqun came to Beijing, he would first go to the sects of those big bosses and eunuchs, and follow the current rules of the capital to go to Uncle Zheng Guo. Side activities are most effective.

But Wang Tong was wrong, this Li Dongqun came to the capital to rest for one night, and on the second day, he handed over a name card to pay a visit at the door, and he was already waiting outside the gate with a gift before dawn, and handed over the card as soon as the door opened.

Wang Tong was going to court as usual in the morning, so he ignored Li Dongqun, just said "Let him wait outside the door", and then left.

When the dynasty was dispersed, Wang Tong reported this matter to Emperor Wanli, which was regarded as a notification. Emperor Wanli had nothing else to say, just saying "you do it yourself".

Wang Tong did not go back to the mansion directly after the dynasty was over, but went to the Jinyiwei yamen to work, and only returned to his mansion when it was getting dark.

That Li Dongqun has been waiting outside the door. The first month in the capital is not very warm. Although this Li Dongqun is wearing a fur coat, his face is black and blue, and his lips are purple. Wang Tong glanced at him immediately, nodded and said calmly:
"The guest has been waiting for a long time, please talk in the hall!"

Li Dongqun wanted to answer, maybe he had been cold for a long time, and his movements were very stiff, but Wang Tong ignored him and went straight in.

After a little preparation, Wang Tong came to the living room. After Li Dongqun was invited in, his expression was much better than outside. Not only did he come in to warm up, but he also had a cup of hot tea.

Li Dongqun kowtowed as soon as he entered the room, Wang Tong looked at Li Dongqun who was kneeling and shook his head, and said with a smile:

"If Li Chengliang knew how to do it long ago, why would he be embarrassed today."

Then Li Dongqun raised his head and said:

"Wealth and fame, if you can fight, you have to come to fight. After the fight, you know that you can't fight, and then you know how to give up and admit defeat. Otherwise, the general will not send the younger one to visit Lord Hou."

Wang Tong shook his head and laughed, and said:
"He's an eloquent character, get up and talk!"

Li Dongqun got up after thanking him, and after getting Wang Tong's permission, he said straight to the point:

"Master Hou, my general said that I will not mention the previous misunderstandings. From now on, Tianjin Wei's business will be unimpeded in Liao Town, and there will never be any difficulties. My general will watch Hou Ye get rich, and he still has a heart and soul." Master Hou is going to do business with a joint stock company."

"This Marquis and General Sun Can already have business, and I can only thank your general for your kindness."

"Master Hou, Master Sun Shoulian is good at fighting. My general has long wanted to be promoted, but I don't know what position to give. I need to ask Lord Hou to give me an idea!"

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(End of this chapter)

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