Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 928 Decentralization of Powers, Preservation of Wealth

Chapter 928 Decentralization of Powers, Preservation of Wealth

On the bright side, there are two conflicts between Wang Tong and Liao Town. One is that the Tianjin business group that Wang Tong is interested in is constantly being rejected in Liao Town, and the other is Sun Shoulian.

Liaozhen did not have any clear news about Sun Shoulian's disposition, but everyone knew that Sun Shoulian was Wang Tong's man. Near the year, he came to the capital to ask Wang Tong to see him, and Wang Tong immediately attacked Liaozhen. There must be some reason for this. Everyone guessed Can also guess.

This Li Dongqun is really a talent, maybe he has studied Wang Tong's speech and behavior in advance, and he didn't make any detours when he came up, and he simply spoke clearly.

Wang Tong felt very comfortable with this way of doing things, pondered for a while and said with a smile:

"Tianjin Wei's merchants don't ask for anything else in Liao Town. Whatever the local merchants in Liao Town are treated, just give Tianjin Wei's merchants the same treatment. It must not be difficult, right?"

"Master Hou is magnanimous. Please rest assured, Lord Hou. From now on, merchants in Tianjin Wei will be the same in Liao Town as they are in Tianjin Wei. If there is any discrepancy, Lord Hou will take the little head off."

"What's the use of saying such things, let's see what will happen in the future."

Wang Tong didn't pay attention to this person's big words. The merchants in Tianjin Wei are far superior to those in Liaozhen in terms of capital, business philosophy, and channels. Under the same conditions, even if there is no discount, Tianjin Wei Wei's businessmen also have great advantages.

"Sun Shoulian, can you be the master?"

Wang Tong pondered for a while, upon hearing this, Li Dongqun bowed and said:

"What's the arrangement of Master Hou? Please tell the villain. If the villain can agree, he can give Hou Ye a letter of approval. If the villain can't agree, go back and ask. I will also give you a message within 20 days."

Since entering Wang Tong's mansion, Li Dongqun's behavior has been neither humble nor overbearing. He is respectful when he should be respectful, but he is not an unprincipled servile servant.

His attitude made Wang Tong feel very comfortable, so he didn't talk about other gossips, and said straight to the point:

"Liao Town is vast, and if you only control the whole territory from Liaoyang, there will definitely be places beyond your reach. Benhou thinks that a deputy general should be set up in Liaodong near Koryo. Just follow the example of Ji Town. I don't know Mr. Li. How do you feel over there?"


Li Dongqun, who behaved calmly, stumbled for the first time when he spoke. He was divided into lieutenant general and general in charge, depending on the name, it was just the level of official position, but in fact they were quite different.

A general is a general who guards a certain place, and the deputy general is the deputy general who guards a certain road, that is, he is in charge of one direction. Ji Town is on the side of the capital, and there is no dangerous terrain between them, so we have to do Due to the balance of power, Jizhen has a chief soldier and four deputy chief soldiers.

The power of the deputy chief soldier is not small, and the power is also in the scope of overall control. The area he guards is actually a small border town, and he is also the position of the chief soldier here.

In other words, the existence of this lieutenant general is to assist the commander in some border towns and serve as a substitute, and in some border towns it is for decentralization.

What Wang Tong said is naturally not an auxiliary, it must be used to decentralize power. Liaoyang and Shenyang are both major city hubs in Liaozhen, which are far away from Liaodong. In fact, the block was separated from Liao Town and became a whole by itself.

Moreover, Sun Shoulian's territory was in Dingliao Youwei, which was also called Phoenix City, which was the hub of Liaodong. Wang Tong's proposal was very clear, and he wanted to promote Sun Shoulian to this position.

The wealth and power of the Li family is on this territory. Only with this territory can we have wealth, support our family and generals, and strengthen our position. If we were to be divided rashly, we would definitely not be reconciled.

Why didn't Li Dongqun know this truth? He really didn't dare to agree to this point. After hesitating over and over again, he bowed and said:

"Hou Ye, Mr. Sun is now in charge of the position of the general, which is no different from the position of the deputy guard. If you really want to have a high status, glory and wealth, he is not lacking now. The big deal is to make a military exploit next year. Please The imperial court rewarded Mr. Sun with a title. The matter of defending the deputy general is too involved. It is inconvenient for the general of my family, but it will take a lot of time for the Lord Marquis to express his feelings to the imperial court! ? "

Wang Tong shook his head, leaned on the back of the chair, picked up the teacup from the tea table beside him, and said leisurely:

"You can't be the master, so don't say too much here, why don't you go back and ask Mr. Li, does he want wealth or something else?"

"My family's general made such great achievements for Daming."

Li Dongqun wanted to answer subconsciously, but he suddenly realized that he was silent. Wang Tong continued:
"If you want to maintain wealth for a long time, how many soldiers you manage and how much territory you have has nothing to do with this wealth, and this Liao town belongs to Daming, not Li's family. If you are so persistent, I'm afraid it's causing trouble!"

Before the words fell, Li Dongqun's body trembled, and Wang Tong said with a smile:

"Or maybe Li Zongbing doesn't care about this trouble?"

"The villain will write a letter and go back to inquire, and I have to ask Lord Hou to wait for a while."

Having said that, Li Dongqun didn't dare to answer the words, he just said to ask as soon as possible, Wang Tong nodded, but said again:
"The Jurchen Department of Jianzhou must fight, or else nothing else will be mentioned."

Wang Tong seriously emphasized that Li Dongqun didn't think it was a big deal, something he valued very much, so he bowed down and saluted and said:

"Please rest assured, Lord Hou, this will definitely be done."

The beginning of the 14th year of Wanli was also unremarkable. In the first month, Wang Tong received envoys from Liao Town, which is only known to a small extent.

For most people, the current highlight, or what can be called the highlight in this period of time, is the court meeting that abolishes the queen and establishes the queen.

Abandoning the empress and setting up an empress, this is a rare event in Ariake for nearly 200 years, and it will inevitably involve the struggle of several major forces in the court, but at this time, everyone is calm and even a little bored watching all this .

Few people try to argue with reason. Those who go to the court to remonstrate are arranged, and those who agree are arranged. Emperor Wanli proposed at the court meeting to realize the plan, whether it is the big boss of the cabinet or the minister of the six departments. The servant, the imperial envoys of the Metropolitan Procuratorate were very careful to ask their cronies to instruct them, just because they were worried that there would be obstacles or bad tunes at this time, and someone in the sixth department had also taken care of them.

The gossip officials in the Qing Dynasty did not have the energy they had when they fought for the country last year. At this time, the Shangshu all praised how virtuous Concubine Zheng Gui was, and she should be the next one.

Someone once said in his notes, "There are man-eating tigers in the court, how dare you speak up?" This note was burned by his wife as soon as it was written. The reason why it spread was because he talked too much after drinking.

After Shangshu agreed to be established, the happiest group of people who danced was the group headed by Yu Jianru, the Yushi of Shandong Province of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. These people rely on the big backer, and there are already rumors that Yu Jianru will first go to Tianjin Wei to serve as a soldier, and then return to Beijing to have another appointment. This is actually a shortcut to a quick promotion. Benefits, no wonder people are envious.

The situation has reached such a point, and there are some people in the palace who hinted to the Queen that since the wedding, Emperor Wanli and the Queen spent very little time in bed together. I'm not very attached to it, and it's because I said in the above table that I am weak and unable to manage the harem, so I asked Long Live Lord to choose another virtuous concubine to take on this position.
Since she was so knowledgeable, Emperor Wanli agreed. Concubine Zheng officially became a queen, and Queen Wang was reduced to an ordinary concubine to "recover from illness" in the palace.

At the beginning of February in the 14th year of Wanli, Concubine Zheng became the empress. It was impossible in the Ming Dynasty to be so easy. There were disputes between the government and the opposition, and the big event of turbulent talk was completed in such an understatement.

Concubine Zheng's younger brother was conferred the title of Uncle An Yuan, and officially became the number one honorable man in the capital. The original Marquis of Wuqing Mansion is still under blockade.

A secret report from Guihua City arrived in Wang Tong's hands. It was not an important matter, but Meng Duo in Guihua City didn't know how to make a decision.

After Guihua City was occupied by the Ming army, the armed forces, mainly caravan guards and the children of the city, continued to expand and plunder on the grassland, but the main direction was to the west of Guihua City, because there were no more troops in the west direction. There are too many Tartar forces, and there are a lot of fertile fields in the Hetao area. If the Tartar tribes in the Hetao are expelled and the original irrigation ditches are repaired, there will be a lot of fields.

There is no threat, and there are benefits. Naturally, everyone is willing to go in this direction. There are already big clans from Shanshan and local frontier generals participating in the process, and they are preparing to get benefits from the distribution of fields after the Hetao is cleared.

Compared with the west side with great profits and the north side purely for trading, the east side of Guihua City is not so popular, because the big tribes on the grasslands of Chahar and Horqin in the east cannot be easily touched, and these tribes in the east The business targets are all merchants in Liao Town, and they don't do business with Guihua City very much. They have been separated for a long time, and there is nothing cheap to earn.

But there are fewer and fewer plunders in the west, and the trade has gradually stabilized. Everyone is always looking for new profit growth points. Although there are strong enemies in the east, they can't take care of them.

The wealthy merchants in Guihua City privately discussed that they should do something in the east. It would be best if a caravan was looted by the Horqin tribe, and there would be casualties. The power of the government is the best, and it is not necessary to use the power of the government. If everyone gathers together, even if they don't win, they can push the scope of Guihua City eastward, which is always beneficial.

The merchants became bolder and bolder, but Meng Duo didn't know how to deal with it, so he wrote to inquire.
(End of this chapter)

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