Chapter 929

The business group in Guihua City may not be so bold. Two years ago, these people were just businessmen doing business in Daming and the grasslands.

But after staying in Guihua City for this period of time, he reluctantly raised guards, but unknowingly found that he was very powerful. Those Mongolian tribes on the grassland, those Mongolian cavalry who came and went like the wind, were in the middle of the merchants. In their eyes, they seemed to be as terrifying as scourges, but in this short period of time, they found that they were so worthless.

Bows and arrows are not as far as firecrackers, cavalry charges cannot break through the formation formed by the circle, but caravan guards can calmly plunder.

The prairie, which was originally in crisis, suddenly became a world where you can do whatever you want. This kind of change shocked everyone greatly. Everyone's way of looking at things and surviving on the prairie has changed.

The power of individuals and their own merchants has become stronger, and the result is that they will not suffer losses on the grassland and can plunder, but the system of Guihua City has united these merchants, and there is also official power for them. back up.

A large trading firm only has nearly a thousand guards, and it can summon two or three thousand guards. A small trading firm has more than 100 people and mobilizes hundreds of guards. With a city of more than ten thousand, this is only their own strength.

If you count the guards, soldiers, regiments, and the city that can be mobilized in Guihua City, it can add up to more than 4 people, most of whom are cavalry, and the rest are equipped with firearms and carts.

What can such a force do on the prairie? The Anda Department can only mobilize [-] cavalry. This kind of force is enough to run rampant on the prairie.

The core of the Guihua City Merchant Group is the Sanjiang Commercial Bank, but the most active ones are the wealthy Han merchants who were originally attached to the Alta Department, and the Han merchants who ran on the grasslands in Shanxi and Shaanxi, regardless of semi-official institutions such as the Sanjiang Commercial Bank. The other two are accustomed to the law of the jungle on the grassland and the law of the jungle. Now that they have become stronger, they will plunder and expand to earn more wealth for their own family.

It’s okay to deal with small tribes and horse thieves, but it doesn’t mean it’s okay to deal with the Tartar cavalry brigade. At first, everyone was nervous, but after a few rounds of fighting with the Chahar tribe, the wealthy merchants of Guihua City’s business group It turned out that when the guards of each family were assembled, they immediately formed a complete group of forces, without any unfamiliarity, it was an army at all.

Our elite equipment, firecrackers and carts are all regulated. The core of our guards are veterans who have retired from Huwei Army and Jizhen. These people are familiar with each other and have distinct classes. When they get together, It immediately returned to the way it was when it was in the army, and there was no problem in cooperating.

As long as they are gathered together, it can even be said that it is a weakened version of the army led by Wang Tong that year, and it is very simple to sweep up these tribes on the grassland.

I didn't have much confidence in fighting against the large cavalry of the Tartars, but after fighting Chahar, I found that it was possible to fight, and as long as the strength of Guihua City was enough, there was even an advantage.

Since the time when the Han Chinese caravan in Guihua City had guards, large and small battles have been fought, which has made the Guihua City business groups more and more confident, and their ambitions have also expanded.

In the Hetao area west of Guihua City, various forces are oppressing the Mongolian tribes more and more tightly. The Yellow River is full of harm, but only benefits. The wealthy merchants in the country want it, the generals in the border towns west of Datong also want it, the wealthy families in Shaanxi and Shanxi also want it, and even the vassal king Xungui in the northwest wants to get involved.

The main area of ​​rule of the Alta tribe on the grassland is the vast area west of Guihua City. The Alta tribe was wiped out, and there was a vacuum here, and the remaining tribes, big and small, were taken over by the business groups of Guihua City and the various units of Shanshan. The local forces were quickly eliminated, but this also brought problems, that is, what the Guihua City business group can get is the profit of business.

The wealthy families in Shanshan and Shanxi have enough manpower, and they are also familiar with the grassland. They divided up the land in the Hetao area and reclaimed wasteland, and they did not fall behind in the slightest. Business, but the roots are all in Daming after all, and they are all from the Shanshan area. Except for the merchants sent by those forces, the rest of the people have no deep roots, so naturally they can't compete.

It's still the same old saying, if a person is rich and peaceful, he is naturally unwilling to take risks and fight for profit. Those people who are willing to do business in Guihua City may not be very rich in Daming.

Seeing that the big profits in the west are being divided up by various forces, and except for the Sanjiang Trading Company, the rest of the people on my side can't get much. Everyone is definitely not reconciled, but there is no way to fight. In the Shanshan area, there are still some scruples and dare not be tough.

Everyone can’t eat it in the west, so their eyes are focused on the east, east of Guihua City. Although most of the Mongolian Horqin, Chahar, and Duoyan Sanwei, etc., have expressed their surrender to the Ministry of Ida, but that It's just a superficial vassal, those big tribes are doing their own things, and even have conflicts with the Alta tribe from time to time.

As for the eastern part of the grassland, the three border towns of Xuanfu, Jizhen, and Liaozhen did not have many conflicts with them. The real big battles were the two battles Wang Tong participated in and the one recently launched by Liaozhen.

Xuan Mansion and Ji Town seek stability, with defense as the main force, while Liao Town wants to raise thieves to be self-respecting, and borrow the Tartars to seek wealth for their own family. They haven't done much in recent years.

The Horqin tribe occupies Duolun, where the water and grass are the most abundant, and has various connections with various ministries outside the customs. Although the Chahar tribe has been suppressed by the Alda tribe and other ministries, it has been considered peaceful these years, and has the righteous name of the Golden Family. , It has also been maintained. In fact, the power of the two big tribes has been expanding.

Because of the expansion of the two big tribes, and because the three border towns of Ming Dynasty are not weak, the two sides have always maintained a balanced but tense situation, so the trade is only in Zhangjiakou of Xuanfu, Xifengkou of Jizhen, and a few times outside the border wall of Liaozhen. It is carried out in a very fixed place, and the scale is not large.

It was because of the joining of the Sanjiang Commercial Bank that the business scale here suddenly increased, and the alkali industry and livestock trade were extremely prosperous, but even so, in this area, the businessmen of the Ming Dynasty had very little relationship with the grasslands, and the local Because of the barrier of the Yanshan Mountains, the forces have nothing to do with the grassland.

That is to say, on the vast grassland from the east of Guihua City to the side wall of Liao Town, there are also rich lands everywhere, and there are also large tribes full of various goods, but no one will come to snatch them.

From the current point of view, the only ones who are willing to do this and have the ability to do so are the business groups in Guihua City. How much land, how many cattle and sheep, how much wealth, this is really too tempting.

The big and small conflicts with the Chahar Ministry proved one more thing. It is not impossible for the business groups in Guihua City to fight with them, and they may not suffer a loss if they fight.

Meng Duo's letter did not say so much, because the people in the business group would not talk to him so much, but there was a more detailed report from Sanjiang Trading Company, because everyone in the business group regarded Sanjiang Trading Company as their own. People, regard Wang Tong as a kind of person like them.

".You don't need Lord Hou to send a soldier. I'm willing to make another naturalization for Lord Hou. Instead, I ask Lord Hou to play the son of heaven and send officials to guard him."

This was said by Niu Gensheng. Looking at his arrogance, he was actually saying hello in advance. If the business group's team suffers, it is inevitable that the imperial court should come forward. To put it bluntly, Wang Tong should come forward.

"It's like fighting with a child, talking a lot at the beginning, and then finding an adult to help you if you suffer a disadvantage outside."

Wang Tong's study was rarely so lively. Zhang Shiqiang, Sun Dahai, Gu Zibin and others from Tianjin Wei all came. Wang Tong talked about the contents of the letter and said with a smile.

The following are all funny jokes. Since Gu Zibin joined the Wangtong Group, his family property has expanded ten times, dozens of times, and he also has the official title of Jinyiwei General Banner. His wealth and status have been greatly improved, but he is considered the boss of Sanjiang Commercial Bank The shopkeeper, Guihua City, Xuanfu, and Tianjin Wei often run around, and it is hard work, not to mention the gray hair on the temples, and the complexion is darker than ordinary people, it is the pain of running around.

"Master Hou, Niu Gensheng and the others should have started preparations last year. A shop opened in Guihua City last October. This shop does not sell goods, but provides guards for merchants who have just arrived in Guihua City. , some big merchants will also go there to hire when they sell goods, but this shop has too many guards, Shanshan Xuanfu, and even warriors from Henan have been recruited, and they buy the most firearms in the Sanjiang workshop They are the same people, so is it possible that they were prepared for this matter?"

Wang Tong pondered for a while, and said:
"There was a letter from General Tan about this matter. He specially transferred groups from four farms to train for naturalization, just to guard against this shop, but there has been no change. He even invited veterans from General Tan and Huwei Army to come over. Being a coach, I originally thought it was a new business for those merchants, and what the Gu family said was originally prepared for this."

Wang Tong paused, and said:
"This shop must have our people, Zhang Shiqiang and Sun Dahai, you go back and choose reliable people from the Huwei Army and Sanjiang Trading Company's guards, and stuff them there."

The two quickly got up and agreed. The original Tianjin Guard's security force was now the guard of the firm. Yang Sichen asked from the side:
"Master Hou, do you want Eunuch Meng to be cautious about these businessmen plotting against Duo Lun?"

"Don't be cautious, let Tonghai and Yongsheng participate more. We don't have to be the main force in this matter, but we must participate. At the same time, the Li family must say hello. If it is really possible to occupy Duolun, we will discuss with you. The Li family is close to the water, so you must eat a big portion!"

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(End of this chapter)

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