Chapter 930
After receiving Li Dongqun's letter, Li Chengliang, the commander-in-chief of Liao Town, immediately called his second son, Li Rubai, to discuss. Helping Li Chengliang with this, he is actually a lieutenant general.

As for the nominal lieutenant Ma Lin, because he is not a member of the Li family's general group, he usually stays in Shenyang. There are three guards in Shenyang, and it is the second largest city in Liaozhen. It's worthy.

There are strict rules in Liao Town's Marshal's Mansion, since the Marshal and the Young Marshal are discussing, the guards are on duty at a distance of one zhang away, and they are not allowed to approach, if they approach, they will be beheaded.

"Wang Tong is really arrogant!!"

When the master and his personal guards were around, Li Chengliang still acted like a general. When his son arrived, his temper immediately flared up. Li Chengliang had a round face, narrow eyes, and a burly figure. , but a closer look at the figure and face, but a little fat.

He handed the letter to Li Rubai, but sat there but put the tea bowl on the table, and said bitterly, Li Rubai already knew the content of the letter, he said:
"Father Commander, Wang Tong has made a lot of progress. He said these things, and if he really wants to argue in the court, there will be no trouble. Who is not like this in the land of the Nine Borders, and the military towns everywhere in the world, doesn't the court know?"

Li Chengliang didn't make a sound, Li Rubai bowed his head and thought for a while, then said again:
"Father commander, our family has spilled so much money in the capital, those civil servants should help us at this time. Wang Tong also used the censor to pick his head this time. Let's go to the censor to refute it. Then go ask Wang Tong what he wants, and give him the money."

Li Rubai's favorite thing in his daily life is listening to books and operas. There are even two theaters in Liaoyang, and they invite opera troupes from various places to sing operas, or invite storytellers to talk about the Three Kingdoms. It is really difficult for him to do such an analysis, but I have knowledge, I have thoughts, and I can say it reluctantly.

What he said, Li Chengliang almost thought of it. He was stunned there, but he stood up and walked to the side. Since it is the study of the Liao Town Chief Soldier, what kind of armor and weapons are there? He took down a bow, opened it and closed it in his hand, then threw the bow on the ground, sighed and said:

"It's been a long time, and I can't even open this bow."

"What the father said, the father is brave, and the sons can't keep up. Why?"

The rough man also knew that he should flatter him at this time, but Li Chengliang sneered twice, and said:
"Wang Tong has a saying that is cruel. He said that we didn't move a few years ago, but now we can't move if we want to. Do you understand this?"

Li Rubai shook his head, Li Chengliang said again:
"Now that the Huwei army is here, Wang Tong has close ties with the Li family of Ji Town and the Ma family of Xuan Mansion. Although our Liao Town is powerful, if it is really alas, even if it is that day, I dare not say that we will be able to win. Passed by Qi Jiguang"

Li Chengliang said these words in a low voice, but Li Rubai trembled, hesitated and said in a low voice:

"Father, the eldest brother is very loyal to the imperial court. Some of us here are close to Marin, this."

"Why do I need you to remind me of these things? It's just Wang Tong's words, and I just said a few words along the way. Our Li family today is all the grace of Daming, the kindness of generations of emperors, those messy thoughts. Don’t say it, don’t even think about it!!”

The voice suddenly became severe, Li Rubai shrank his neck, and quickly agreed with "yes", Li Chengliang was a little discouraged after saying this, and said:
"Use the officials to fight with Wang Tong. We are so far away, and he is in the court, near the water tower. In the end, we still don't know what crimes have been tossed and charged to our Li family."

After speaking, he sighed again, Li Rubo paused there, and said:
"Father commander, otherwise, you can agree to the deputy commander of the division. Sun Shoulian is originally a native of Dingliao Youwei, and he has grown in business in the past few years. Being the deputy commander of the division means he has multiple titles. Besides, even if he has the title of deputy general, he is still under the jurisdiction of his father, how can he turn the world around in Liao Town?"

Let Li Chengliang say to give Sun Shoulian this position, he must not be reconciled, and he also feels that he will lose face, but Li Rubai knows that he will give his father a step down at this time.

After being said so, Li Chengliang pondered for a while, finally sighed, and said:
"They are all ministers of the Ming Dynasty. Why should the old man fight for this spirit? You go and make arrangements. Go to Chen Zuo and say that the defense of Liaodong is heavy now. Please set up a deputy guard."

Li Rubai quickly agreed, the faces of both father and son were not very good, Liao Town was originally a family place, and the imperial court asked Ma Lin to come over as a lieutenant general without much sand in it, but he didn't expect that he had to do it himself in the end.

In the final analysis, it was all because of Wang Tong. Wang Tong achieved such a brilliant victory in his northern expedition and naturalization. Although Liaozhen's western expedition to Duolun was also a victory, the one that Wang Tong obtained from the other party was too small.

Military generals, what they rely on to compare each other is to see whether they can fight or not, and how many victories they can win. In the past, everyone in the world talked about Li Chengliang and Qi Jiguang, but now only Wang Tong shines brightly, even talking about Liao Zhen His voice was also much weaker, and all kinds of troubles came.

Naturally, the Li family would not feel that they were the first to provoke these things, and that they were at a loss. They would just lament that the present is not as good as it used to be. After finalizing this matter, Li Chengliang sighed again and said:

"The guerrillas and Mr. Qian under Sun Shoulian, take a look. If you can replace them with more useful people, hurry up and replace them. Don't let Sun Shoulian get too complacent. Besides, let Dongqun send a big gift to Wang. Tong, there will be more time to deal in the future."

Li Rubai agreed one by one, just about to do it, but was stopped by Li Chengliang, Li Chengliang asked a little tiredly:
"What's going on in Jianzhou? The imperial envoy will arrive in a few days, so you have to do everything neatly, so as not to cause trouble!"

Li Rubai's face was not very good-looking, but he still bowed and said:

"Father, that woman was suffocated to death. A few merchants who often traveled to Jianzhou also encountered horse thieves when they were walking the day before yesterday, so they didn't survive."

Speaking of this, he hesitated for a moment and said again:
"Father commander, Li Pinghu has already gathered soldiers and horses, and Jianzhou's side is usually regarded as filial, do you really want to fight?"

"Fight, of course we have to fight. A state-building is nothing."

Li Chengliang said decisively, Li Rubai bowed and agreed, but Li Chengliang said again:
"Military affairs are changing, Jianzhou bandits are cunning, and they are familiar with the terrain, roaming the mountains and fields, let Li Pinghu fight slowly, and he should teach Jianzhou a lesson. People who are born and mature Jurchens will complain, saying they are barbarians They often go to plunder over there, and this Jianzhou Jurchen is not idle, everyone has no way to live, who gave him the courage to stretch his arms and legs so long!"

Li Rubai smiled and bowed in agreement, with this order to fight slowly, everyone knew how to get entangled with Jianzhou Jurchen.

Liao Town is located outside the customs and has its own situation. In fact, it is also a small world. Liaoyang Commander's Mansion is the core, and other places are branches. The commander does not like the news of Sun Shoulian. When the Spring Festival came and walked around, everyone was still smiling and polite, but the news spread and had an impact. For example, in Dingliao Youwei Phoenix City, the Sun family was crowded with people during the New Year’s Day, but this year it was deserted. up.

In the past, the trade between Ding Liao Youwei and Goryeo, in those good places, no one dared to touch. Now someone will come to fight for it. If it were in the past, the Sun family would kill people with knives. Now it's time to reason with the other party, and if you talk about ten thousand, it means that Sun Shoulian is going to be ruined, and the Sun family is going to lose.

The first month of the twelfth lunar month passed, and in February of the 14th year of Wanli, Sun Shoulian's mother celebrated her birthday. She thought it would be a deserted one, but Li Rumei, the general of Liao Town, came to celebrate her birthday. This attitude speaks volumes.

Sun Shoulian was not considered a first-class figure among the generals in Liao Town. His mother would never have received such treatment in the past, but now that the commander-in-chief's son is here, this is nothing.

Those who are interested will naturally think of the news that the imperial envoy came to Liao Town, and when they encounter Li Rumei's coming to Phoenix City, they will understand that Sun Shoulian is definitely fine. It is really unexpected, this is just Sun Shoulian who is considered by everyone to have a business mind To have such a great energy, to have such a great influence in the capital, let us commanders all bow their heads.

Naturally, no one was fighting for any trade or land, but Sun Shoulian, a man in his early forties, almost cried at his wife's birthday banquet, he was really elated, Mr. Wang really helped!

Hearing the news that Li Rumei came to celebrate her birthday, the originally deserted birthday banquet naturally became lively again. It was natural that the crowds were crowded, and Sun Shoulian was unambiguous. The 17-year-old son Sun Pengju set off to the capital, and before leaving, he made it clear:

"When you go to the capital this time, don't think about coming back. You must stay with Mr. Wang and be a soldier. It's our family's blessing to be able to become one. If you don't, come back and beat you with a whip. Shameless It's so ugly, you don't know how much lower your overall status is than Lord Wang's personal soldier!!"

As for March, when the news spread that Sun Shoulian was going to become the deputy commander of the division, Sun Shoulian's status was different.

However, at the end of March in the 14th year of Wanli, Li Chengliang, the commander-in-chief of Liao Town, played by himself, please set up a deputy commander-in-chief at Dingliao Youwei in Liaodong.

(End of this chapter)

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