Chapter 932
Naturally, Wang Tong couldn't witness the scene of the merchant meeting in Guihua City, but the detailed description of this scene soon came to Wang Tong.

Jin Yiwei and Wang Tong's eyeliner had more important things to do. This detailed description was actually brought to the capital by the merchants in Guihua City who entrusted people from Sanjiang Trading Company to the capital, and it was not for Wang Tong to read.

These detailed descriptions are brought to the various theater troupes in the capital, and these troupes are asked to write dramas based on this scene and then release them. It is said that the big merchants in Guihua City and those merchants who participated in the conference have contributed money, which is a lot of money of silver.

It is said that Niu Gengang and several leading figures in Guihua City cried bitterly and were extremely sad at the meeting. Another guard had bloodshot eyes, brandished a big knife, and shouted for revenge.

The whole meeting was impassioned, and everyone was full of enthusiasm. They all gritted their teeth against the cruel and evil deeds of the Horqin Tartars.

There are rumors that Niu Gengang and several wealthy merchants took some ginger juice in advance and wiped it on their eyes. This is an allusion that Wang passed through for a while.

Guihua City is aggressively merging with the Tartars, and the caravan guards are the main force. This is not an official action. After all, everyone lacks confidence and needs official support or even acquiescence.

However, reckless use of swords is always taboo, so it is necessary to describe the action of Guihua City as just and reasonable, and the way to make the palace, the court and the people know and be affected in the capital is to act. When a good play is performed, the common people will believe what is said in the play.

In this method, there may be people from his own system participating, Wang Tong knew it well, but this was not explained in any report.

Attracted by the huge benefits this time, even some people in Wang Tong's system couldn't sit still, so they naturally wanted to come up with ideas and even participate in it.

The play started in the capital, and the prairie has already begun to become lively. For the tribes on the prairie, summer and early autumn are not good times for fighting. At this time, the livestock are growing, and everyone should hurry up to graze, so Kou Bian is usually in late autumn and early winter.

But for the Guihua City caravan with enough grain and grass reserves, the season is not a problem for them. Summer is lush and the climate is suitable, which is a good time to act on the grassland.

All the caravans carry a lot of goods and few guards to the west, because there are no horse thieves who dare to attack the caravans in the west. They mainly do business with various tribes in the Western Regions, and those who come to the Hetao area The Han colonization team did business, but heading east, they carried very little cargo and many guards, and many people's carts only contained the team's equipment and supplies. They were not caravans, but privateers.

The caravans and the disciples of Chengbang who passed by have already found out the locations of the various tribes on the prairie east of Guihua City and the places with rich water and grass, and they have a rough map and a guide who is familiar with the terrain. Now what they have to do is To grab, to kill.

The so-called vow of inconsistency is naturally not that all the armed forces of Guihua City gather together and go east to fight to the death with the armies of Horqin and Chahar's various ministries, but that there is no possibility of peace between the two sides. Blood for blood, no business, started burning.

Tribes that cannot mobilize more than [-] riders are at a disadvantage in the confrontation with the Guihua City caravan. They can't open the defense of the cart formation when they take the initiative to attack. , it can only be the death and escape of people and livestock, which is tantamount to the demise of the tribe.

But to fight, even if the caravan can't form a cart formation, wearing armor, holding firearms, relying on carts, and supported by cavalry who are also familiar with grassland battles, how can the herding tribes resist? There were heavy casualties, and women, children, and livestock were taken captive.

The grassland from Guihua City to Xuanfu was quickly swept away by the armed forces of the Guihua City merchant group. In fact, there was a water and grassland 150 miles away from Zhangjiakou Fort. The equipment and supplies transported over there, and the supporting forces from the Xuan Mansion also stayed in this enclosure.

Xuanfu was originally an important town for the alkali industry and livestock trade. Since July, the price of livestock has continued to drop. Farmers in Baoan Prefecture and Yanqing Prefecture have to start picking when buying cattle and horses. It is not fat and strong. No one paid attention, because a large number of livestock came to sell.

The areas adjacent to Northern Zhili and Shanxi, especially those wealthy families in the border towns, have already begun to purchase a large number of livestock and people looted from the grasslands. It's too troublesome, and it's just right to buy and sell here in Xuanfu.

Looting does not cost much, because the harvest is too much, so the price is also low. Everyone in Beizhili knows that this is a bargain, and everyone is willing to take advantage of this bargain.

The capital and Tianjin Wei, including the rich and powerful families in the northern Zhili prefectures, etc., either went in person or sent people to go, and they all wanted to get a fortune in this wave of big sales.

The dignitaries in the capital are especially keen. In the past few years, they feel that they have been left out in the cold and cannot keep up with the situation. They have not caught up with many things to make money. The Tianjin Wei gang took advantage of the situation, and the frontiers of Datong and Xuanfu The town generals also reaped a lot of benefits, and now they can finally catch up with this wave, and the Xuan Mansion is right next to the capital.

Such enthusiasm, except for those who want to make a fortune, also made many people see opportunities. Many people who are conceited and courageous, or who can't get along in their hometowns, come out in groups or single gangs from Xuanfu. .

Today's grasslands not only need warriors who can fight and kill, but also people who can graze, farm, and work. After all, they can't just shoot them down and leave them alone.

The grazing of the Han people is somewhat different from that of the Tartars. They selected a water and grassland, dug a trench, built wooden walls and earth barriers to surround it, and then built corrals. They went out to graze during the day and hid in the camp at night. Livestock are driven into the corral, and if horse thieves come to harass them, they will take up arms to resist, which is of course a later story.

Don't look at the great oppression Wang Tong gave to the Li family in Liao Town, causing the Li family to step back step by step. Even Liao Town, which was monolithic, was opened up by Wang Tong. Among the looting team, there was Li Rusong behind him. Now whoever has force can make a fortune on the grassland, the general of Bianzhen is naturally the one with the most force.

The first large transit supply station established by the Guihua City Merchant Group to the east is in the north of Xuanfu, and if there is any problem with that location, the soldiers and horses of Xuanfu can arrive within a day. There is a certain tacit understanding between the Huashang Group and the generals of the Xuanfu, the Ma family and the Li family. Now it seems that Li Rusong has also contributed a lot in it.

Among the various merchant groups in Guihua City, Sanjiang Commercial Firm, Yongsheng Commercial Firm, and Tonghai Commercial Firm did not seem to have much to gain from, but the guards of these commercial firms did not rush to the forefront. Instead, they set up camps around some lakes. The haizi on the grasslands are all bitter water, and there is no way for humans and animals to drink them.

When did the Sanjiang Commercial Bank do a loss-making business? Everyone was wondering. In the end, the merchants on the Xuanfu side figured out that the people from the Sanjiang system were occupying those soda lakes. Tianjin Wei and Xuanfu had a world-famous His business is the sale of alkali, and these alkalis are all transported from the grasslands. This business has created many rich people.

Although the purchase price has been kept very low for trade with the grassland, if the alkali-producing alkali lake is in the hands, the profit will definitely be much richer.

It was still the people from the Sanjiang system who were scheming and planning in advance. Everyone rushed to the front to grab some livestock, people, and goods, but they were already prepared to eat these alkali lakes.

Regrets are regrets, and a group of people also understand the truth that there are treasures everywhere on the grasslands. It depends on whether you have the intention to make a fortune. It is said that there are two grocery sellers who have already accumulated a huge fortune. Why can’t they make a fortune? This attracts more people to rush in.

Gold is not everywhere on the grassland, and the team of the merchant group is not all smooth sailing. If they fight for their lives on the grassland, there will naturally be casualties, and there will be many.

Some of the convoy ran out of ammunition and food and never defended it, and were rushed in by the Tartar cavalry and killed them cleanly. There were also people who were killed in the dark at night, and some who were pretended to be guides or took refuge, but turned their faces or led them into traps. There were many casualties.

Those merchant guards in Guihua City who have been doing such things for a long time are fine. Some people just recruit some brave people. They go to walk on the grassland without even a firearm in their hands. If they encounter Tartar cavalry, there will be no good end. , In fact, the tragedy on the grassland is far more than that. Many people are just shot by arrows, but there is a lack of medical treatment and no medical treatment on the grassland. He died on the grassland because of the deterioration of his wounds.

However, the naturalized merchant group's teams are scattered and attack. If they want to destroy any small team, they have to use superior forces, and it will take time. In this season, the tribe gathers a large number of cavalry to fight, which is slow suicide.

Moreover, the naturalized business group initiated the influx of more and more Han Chinese into the grasslands. In fact, they continued to squeeze the big tribes such as Horqin and Harashen to the east, and their sphere of influence was gradually eroded from the west. , and then can only continue to retreat.

Even if it is to gather strength and prepare for the last fight, it needs enough depth space, but Horqin is actually not only under the pressure of the armed forces of the merchant group on the west side, but also on the south side of him, there are Xuanfu and Jizhen. The Bian Town is eye-catching, and there is Liao Town in the east.

Thousands of miles of grassland, nowhere to retreat
(End of this chapter)

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