Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 933 The Discussion of the King's Account

Chapter 933 The Discussion of the King's Account
Going out of Xifengkou to outside the Great Wall, about [-] miles to the northwest is Duolun, the so-called "the place with the most abundant water and grass in the ten thousand miles of grassland".

Every July is the best season in Duolun. When you stand on a hill and look around, you can see endless green, as if there is a big green carpet on the ground.

And Duolun has an advantage. The terrain is close to the basin, and the surrounding heights shelter the wind and snow. It can also recuperate well in winter. The water and grass are abundant. The cattle, sheep and livestock in this place are extraordinarily fat. There is sufficient water source, and the fields can also be reclaimed. , to grow crops.

There are thousands of miles of grasslands, and the area that is really suitable for long-term farming is the old land of Alta, Tumochuan and Hetao, and the other is Duolun.

There are more than [-] Han farmers and almost as many Mongolian and other farmers farming here in Duolun. This is not because there is anything special about this place, but because the strength of Jizhen and Liaozhen has always been strong, and the combat effectiveness of the Horqin tribe is in the grassland. Among the major tribes, they were not considered powerful, and the plundering of people had always been ineffective. In desperation, they could only find manpower from various tribes outside the Liao Town's border wall, and recruit and kidnap Han people piecemeal.

In the past, the herdsmen drove their cattle and sheep to graze leisurely, and the nobles drank and had fun all day long, or rode horses to hunt in the white mountains and black waters in the east. It was a relaxing time, but this year was different. Four thousand cavalry, a tense and chilling atmosphere permeated the grassland.

The Horqin tribe is fully mobilized, and there can be more than [-] horsemen. Moreover, in the east, from Duolun to Nenjiang, all the tribes, large and small, are headed by the Horqin tribe. Up to [-] soldiers, of course, it's hard to say whether the combat power is strong or weak.

Compared to this number, [-] riders are nothing, but this season is the busiest time, and cattle, sheep and horses all need to put in labor to graze and raise them. Labor, you should be busy at home at this time.

At the same time in previous years, Horqin Khan was surrounded by at most a thousand cavalry guards. Half or even more than half of the thousand cavalry guards took their families and their own livestock to graze in rotation.

If you are not busy at this time, and there are not enough livestock in winter, the whole family will suffer from cold and starvation in winter. If the entire tribe does not invest enough labor in production at this time, the strength of the tribe will also weaken, which will affect the nobles. wealth and power.

But this year, I can't take care of anything, because the pressure from Guihua City is increasing, and the Duolun base camp must maintain enough strength to deal with it.

Horqin Khan Weng Guodai has long since lost interest in hunting and playing. If in the past, this season he would have led his personal guards to plunder the Jurchen tribes outside the Liao Town’s side wall, plundering people, and doing whatever they want. This is his so-called "hunting". .

"Could it be that I don't respect gods and Buddhas, why my father and grandfather can enjoy the wealth and women of the Han people for generations, but when it comes to me, the situation is so bad."

Sitting on the blanket, Weng Guodai said with a gloomy face, the weather is fine and the sun is just right, the top of the big tent is rolled up to let the sunlight shine in.

"Khan, don't say that. This matter has nothing to do with gods and Buddhas. Then I'm still called a living Buddha by the monks. Didn't he end up like this? Those greedy Han people are too hateful. They occupy Tumochuan , and fell in love with the fertile and wealthy Duo Lun, but these things should be caused by Wang Tong, Da Khan, I have an idea, can people take gold and silver to buy off those eunuchs and ministers in the Han capital? Let Wang Tong."

"Manggus, if Han people come to Ben Khan with gold and silver and speak ill of you, will Ben Khan listen to those Han people and believe you!"

Horqin Khan Weng Guodai glared at the person who spoke, and said with hatred, the big man sitting on his left bowed quickly, and the other Taiji nobles in the tent did not dare to intervene, this manggus and Weng Guodai grew up They grew up together, and they were Weng Guodai's companion since childhood, and now they have a position of tens of thousands of households, responsible for commanding the elite soldiers of the Horqin Department.

Manggus is not very scheming, but he is a strong general who can rush and fight on the battlefield. Recently, I heard that he invited foreign monks from the Western Regions to worship at home. These foreign monks from the Western Regions understand knowledge and writing. It is regarded as a think tank, and those words just now come from this.

After reprimanding Mangus, Horqin Khan's face was still gloomy, and he shook his head and said:
"At this time, if the cavalry of various ministries is conscripted, it will definitely hurt their vitality, but if they don't move, they will watch the Han people press down on them step by step, and the end will be the same. If they fight, there will be big troubles in winter, Chaha You negotiated peace with the Han people there, but you are staring at our population and territory, and now you have no idea, whether to fight or not, it is nothing more than early death and late death, so why not just wait here?"

Horqin Khan became more and more angry at the end. He picked up the silver bowl in front of him and threw it out. Fortunately, there was a thick blanket on the ground, so it didn't matter.

However, all the nobles in the tent fell to the ground together and did not dare to make a sound. A white-bearded Taiji sitting at the head of Wenggu, wearing a purple satin robe and gold ornaments, looked very dignified. He fell to the ground After a while, he raised his head and said:

"Honorable Khan, when the blizzard comes, don't go against it, but avoid it. The blizzard will eventually subside. What the old people say is reasonable. Khan, you should think carefully!"

Horqin Khan pondered there for a while, still shaking his head with a sullen face, and said there:
"We can also send out an army of 3 for a decisive battle. The guards of the Han businessmen can gather up to [-] at most. Why should we leave? If we defeat them, we can even take Guihua City, just like me The answer is like that"

"Great Khan, we have enemies to the west and enemies to the south. If Xuanfu and Jizhen of the Ming Dynasty send troops like they did in previous years, we will immediately face the enemy. We may not even be able to keep the king's camp, and if we let If Wang Tong leads troops out, they will far surpass us in terms of strength."

The more the white-bearded nobleman said, the straighter his back became. All the nobles in the king's tent looked more cautious. Horqin Khan Weng Guodai's expression changed, but in the end he shook his head and said with a sigh:
"Without this Duolun, Horqin wouldn't be Horqin anymore."

"Khan, there is Khan, there are Khan's loyal cavalry and herdsmen, and there will be Horqin everywhere. If Khan stays here, there will be no one, and Horqin will really be gone."

The white-bearded nobleman raised his voice a little, bowed down on the ground, and the king's tent was quiet. Although the tribe lives by water and grass, humans and animals need water to survive. The total number of men, women, and children in the Horqin tribe is nearly one hundred thousand , I have lived here for several generations, how can I say that I will leave when I leave, leaving such a fundamental place as Duolun, what is the difference between that and Alda losing Guihua City and Tumochuan.

Not to mention, if a large tribe like the Horqin Tribe migrated if they could not resist the oppression of the naturalized Han Chinese business group, the forces attached to them would be centrifuged.

However, no matter whether you want to admit it or not, in a few years, the Ming Kingdom seems to have suddenly changed. The original huge but clumsy and cowardly fat sheep suddenly turned into a bloodthirsty and ferocious hungry tiger with teeth and claws. , where is this hungry tiger going.

It has been a long time since the Horqin tribe received any news from the west of Guihua City. They vaguely knew that the tribes there had been forced away, looted, or reduced to vassals. Now it seems that such a fate is about to befall the Horqin tribe. Facing the armed forces of the merchant group, the Horqin Department still has a chance of winning.

But there is one thing that everyone is unwilling to mention. Who knows if this is the beginning of the war between Daming and Horqin. If there is a war now, the Horqin Department has no chance of winning.

After the silence, everyone's faces became ugly, but the gloom on Horqin Khan's face disappeared a bit, and he sighed and said:

"The west is the enemy, the north is the desert, the south is the Ming Kingdom, and the east...isn't the east also fighting?"

Having said that, the atmosphere in the Wang Tent became a little lower again. Weng Guodai gritted his teeth, reached out and grabbed his saber, and was about to say a few impassioned words when someone whispered:
"Khan, the Ming army in Liaozhen chased and suppressed the Jianzhou Jurchen, but it wasn't a real fight at all. It was just a chase to respond to the story. On the contrary, some Jurchen who were not in Jianzhou were wiped out. Now many people there are attached to the Jianzhou Jurchen. state"

Speaking of this, how can the nobles in Wangzhang not understand, a few people immediately laughed out loud, and said disdainfully:
"If the rabbit is caught, the falcon is useless. The Han people over there also understand this truth."

"Doesn't that mean"

That Manggus said suspiciously, the king's tent became quiet again.

Going out from the Longmen Office on the east side of Xuanfu, walking for two days and one night, passing the small settlement of Mantaoer, thirty miles to the east, there is an earthen enclosure where [-] soldiers from the Horqin tribe are stationed. , and there are two neighboring tribes supporting them, with a total of almost [-] males.

After passing this soil enclosure, we will pass through the remaining veins of the Yanshan Mountains, and then we will be on the eastern grassland in the true sense. However, the reason why heavy troops are stationed at this soil enclosure is not because it is an important gateway. If you want to take a detour, it will only take two more days.

The reason why this place is an important place is because there is a gold mine here. Many of the materials that the Horqin Department needs every year are purchased through the production of this gold mine. Now the naturalized merchant group is here.

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(End of this chapter)

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