Chapter 934

They spend a lot of money to purchase weapons, recruit people, provide compensation for those who died and injured on the grassland, and even send people to the capital to arrange theater performances. What is all this for? It's not for the goods on the grassland.

The gold mine near the full set has been everyone's goal since it was discovered by the caravans coming and going, but this full set can pull out more than 4000 men riding horse-drawn bows, and the small-scale caravan dares to fight What crooked idea, I didn't even dare to get too close, but, intentionally or not, I kept this position firmly in my heart.

Since the Naturalization Merchant Conference, the armed forces of the Naturalization Merchant Group have advanced eastward step by step, and finally reached the vicinity of the gold mine.

Mantaoer is on the bank of the Chaohe River, and to the south is the Gubeikou area, which is also one of the transportation hubs on the grassland. The Han people and Mongolians gather, and the commerce and trade are quite developed.

These places where commerce and trade are developed and are close to the river are often places where the Mongols are relatively strong. Because of the convenient transportation, the acquisition of materials is also relatively convenient. The Horqin Department also sent people to collect taxes here.

In the second half of August, the two armed caravans with a total of more than [-] people were close to the full set. Since they were named caravans, they were here to do business.

No one will be fooled by this reason. The smell of blood has permeated the grassland. The Mongolian people know that there are butcher knives hidden behind the smiling faces of these Ming caravans. The Han people here looted their property.

The Han people in Ming Dynasty abided by the law, but on the grassland, where there is no kingly law, who would wait to die with their hands tied? There have been battles and fights, but the power of the Mongols was greater after all, and the Han people still suffered a lot. Some of their wives and daughters were insulted, and their property was robbed.

In such a place, the Mongolian people have no ability to do business at all, and they are accustomed to strong horses and spirits, and they are unwilling to work hard. They often can only watch the Han people gradually become rich, and they are full of resentment in their hearts. Taking the opportunity to break out, burning, killing and looting is so fun.

The escaped Han Chinese naturally defected to the caravan. Seeing that it had developed to such a degree, they simply tore off the veil of the caravan, playing the banner of revenge for their compatriots.

There are nearly [-] men who can kill people on horseback, and even some women can draw bows and hold knives.

The armed forces of the caravan are on the roster in Guihua City, led by the veterans of the Huwei Army, and the soldiers of Datong Town serve as the backbone of the caravan guards. In fact, these two armed caravans are the six merchants who put together their own guards. , the equipment and quality are strong, and the 500 people are just the number of caravan guards, counting the cavalry around the city who followed, the total will exceed [-], not to mention, the number of soldiers near the Xuanfu After reorganizing and setting off, as usual, he followed a cavalry of more than a hundred men from the Xuan Mansion. Don't underestimate the cavalry of more than a hundred men. This cavalry is either from Li Rusong or the Li family or the Ma family.

It's also because the generals saw that the business group's armed forces made too much money, and they were also jealous. They sent their own armed forces to follow, and they always had their own share.

In fact, the so-called armed forces of the business group, if you look closely at the shareholders and bosses behind the business group, there are always shadows of these frontier town generals, and now they are just more directly involved.

The whole set of battle process is very simple. The horses are unloaded from the cart and pushed forward by people. The gunmen use this as a barrier to shoot, and the cavalry rushes closer to serve with swords and spears.

The full set of mobs didn't resist for too long at all. The initial charge was beaten to shame, and then they were suppressed step by step by the armed forces of the merchant group, and soon collapsed.

The cavalry collapsed, and after they were dispersed, they gathered together again, and it was much easier to gather them together than the infantry. However, the collapse on this battlefield was a complete disaster, because the cavalry near the city and the armed forces of the border towns were also cavalry, and they would take advantage of the victory to pursue them. It crashed.

After beheading hundreds of people, most of the people who could escape ran away, and the remaining people also experienced a massacre. The armed forces of the merchant group knew that the gold mine was not far from the full set, but they did not go there immediately. Fight, but start to rectify and rest here.

Manset has a certain amount of material reserves, but it is far from enough for the next use. There are large convoys transporting grain, grass and supplies from both directions of Longmenwei and Miyunwei. This time, the armed caravan It's a striker who plays for the team behind.

Dealing with those small tribes on the grassland has always been a field battle. No matter how many people are there, just rush over and fight, but the full set of gold mines has thousands of soldiers and fortifications. The regulation of a small city, this one has to be fought, but it can't be a wave of war.

The merchants naturally didn't have this understanding. After hearing that there was a gold mine there, some wealthy merchants clamored for a brigade to rush over there, completely flattening the other side with the advantage of numbers, and occupying the gold mine.

Fortunately, the really big actions were determined by the guards of the Sanjiang Commercial Bank. To be precise, they were decided by the brothers of the Tan family. After learning about the regulations of the gold mine from the leader, General Tan began to plan carefully.

Gold mines represent a huge amount of wealth, not only the wealthy merchants in Guihua City, but even those in Tianjin Wei Zonghao have an attitude that they must fight.

But how to fight, how to fight, the command power is in the hands of General Tan. Those wealthy merchants are the owners of the guards in name, but Wang Tong gave General Tan the command power. Coordinated, and only Tan will have this power.

General Tan thought very clearly that such a gold mine must be extremely valued by the Horqin Department, and this location is equivalent to a pass. Fighting with everyone on the grassland, in such a terrain, the armed merchant groups equipped with firearms and carts will not suffer, and after passing this section of the foothills, it is much more convenient for Ji Town to support.

In such an important place, the Horqin Department will definitely have support, and will even find allies on the grasslands to fight here. Since this is the case, then this place cannot be underestimated.

In fact, General Tan also understands that the current armed forces of the merchant group are extremely impetuous. Relying on the tactics of using firecrackers and large carts, there are also brave warriors with swords and spears, and fierce city cavalry on horseback. The battles above are basically victories, which makes them more and more confident and underestimates the enemy.

This kind of mentality has always been the root of failure. After winning the battle smoothly for so long, if he suddenly encounters a tough bone, he may be in big trouble.

Therefore, a surefire strategy must be adopted. The so-called perfect strategy is very simple, that is, to accumulate strength, use the full set as a base, gather sufficient superior strength there, and then go to fight.

Gold mine, the word itself is shining, and it is too attractive to profit-seeking businessmen. There are more and more business groups with full sets of arms, and these arms are becoming more and more ready to move.

And when Mantao was cleaned, the results of the battle that day, Mantao's miserable experience of these Han people were all seen by the armed forces of the business group, filled with righteous indignation, and had to go around to mop up and take revenge.

Although this raid plundered a lot of property, it also drove several tribes wandering nearby to the vicinity of the gold mine, greatly increasing the power that the gold mine could use.

What's more troublesome is that it takes time to accumulate strength. The armed forces of various business groups have their own purposes on the grasslands. Some are enclosing the pastures, some are looking for alkali lakes, some are plundering tribes, and even testing trade routes. Yes, it takes time to put together a full set.

It was already the second half of September when the armed forces of the business group on Mantai'er's side reached about 5000, and there were still various disturbances in between.

Although the core of the armed forces of each business group full of confidence is the veterans of the Tigers, the main body is the brave people recruited from all over the place. These people rarely have the energy of the army, no discipline, and lawlessness. Even if the veterans of the Tigers do it themselves The leader has been around for a long time, and he is a civilian, so his mind is very different from before.

These thousands of people gathered in a full set, in a mess, it was really troublesome, and there was a default rule of the naturalization business group, that is, first come, first served.

Everyone went to burn, kill and loot, whoever took it first would get it. The gold mine is here, so it is the same reason. There are at least [-] cavalry over there now. What is [-] cavalry? In front of this big cart, everything is not worth mentioning, as long as you get there, you will definitely win a big victory.

Under this idea, although General Tan tried his best to restrain them, there were still a few caravans armed with life and death who went first, and the result was as everyone expected.

Near the foot of the mountain, the terrain over there is no longer flat, and the formation of carts may not be smooth. It would be a disaster if they were invaded by Tartar cavalry or infantry.

It's a coincidence that in a private attack in the second half of September, it was raining, and the cart was already in formation, but the firecrackers couldn't be fired in the rain, and the Tartar cavalry used iron hooks to pull the cart away , rushed in, and in the end only two people came back on horseback.

Fortunately, the casualties of nearly a thousand people finally woke up the conceited merchant group armed forces, and it was easier for General Tan, who rushed to the full set, to restrain the various teams.

The battle can be launched in mid-October, this is the judgment made by General Tan, but there is also a problem, that is, the grasslands have begun to get cold in mid-October, and the Tartars in the gold mines can slaughter their livestock and freeze them, and the meat can be eaten. Long-term preservation, that is to say, they don't have to worry about running out of food, and can fight for a long time.

What they didn't know was that Horqin Khan had sent a Taiji to the gold mine, and the Horqin Department was also preparing to treat this battle with caution and test the strength of the merchant group's armed forces.

(End of this chapter)

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