Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 935 Boring Attack and Defense

Chapter 935 Boring Attack and Defense

By October of the 14th year of Wanli, Mantao'er Gold Mine had become a war zone with a radius of a hundred miles, and all the guards of the merchant group were ordered not to leave the town at will.

The only ones active outside are the cavalry attached to Guihua City. They often have small-scale conflicts with the Tartar cavalry in the Mantaoer gold mine, while the merchant group armed in the Mantaoer side. The drill under the management of General Tan requires a tough battle, and the opponent has an advantage in numbers, and the terrain is not suitable for the deployment of a large car formation. It is necessary to improve the coordination and cooperation of the caravans.

The actions of the Horqin Department are not just to strengthen the strength of the full set. In the area further east of the full set, there are water grasslands, alkali lakes, and trade points occupied by various caravans. After October, These trading points were harassed by Horqin cavalry and suffered heavy losses.

Firearms are limited, and not every settlement will be equipped with firearms, because the front line is to the east, and they all think they are safe in the rear.

After all, the Horqin Department is familiar with the terrain here, and knows how to cross the border without being discovered by the full set of merchant armed forces. Even if they are discovered by the cavalry near the city, too little force can't stop the large cavalry, and Even if you go back to inform, the speed of the cart is not as fast as that of the cavalry.

Many of the strongholds that thought they were in the rear and neglected to guard against them suffered a lot. The cavalry roared in. Many of these strongholds did not even have a wooden wall, and they were directly rushed in by the opponent.

Their weapons are broadswords and spears at best, but in the contest of such cold weapons, they have no advantage over the cavalry of the Horqin Department, and it is inevitable that they will suffer heavy casualties.

In fact, after five strongholds were destroyed, the armed forces of the business group here at Mantaier received the news, because it was very difficult to escape from being besieged by the Tartar cavalry on the vast grassland.

These strongholds do not actually have much power. It is a big expense to maintain a guard in a commercial firm. Merchants seek profit. If it weren’t for Wang Tong’s mandatory regulations, and these armed forces can be robbed to benefit, some merchants would have complained and given up. But expanding the scale is still something that big businessmen do. Many businesses that are not large enough even entrust their own guards to big businessmen, just to make a name for themselves.

This attack on the gold mine, according to the rule that the more power invested in Guihua City, the more benefits will be obtained, the rich merchants who can send manpower will send as many armed forces as possible.

The armed forces of the merchant group are limited. If they use more on one side, they will naturally use less on the other side. There are not many guards, or even no guards, for those newly dug water grasslands and soda lakes.

Since there was no defense, the ending can be imagined. The occupied places were uprooted one by one by the Tartar cavalry, causing many casualties.

Faced with such a situation, the small and medium-sized businessmen beat their chests with distress, but the big businessmen were more determined to take down this full set of gold mines. After they were taken down, they could make up for their losses.

For Sanjiang Trading Company, which followed the rules and was not greedy, there was naturally no such thing, and everything was fine.

Now in such a situation, General Tan can't care about the chaos in other places. He has already accumulated a lot of supplies with a full set of armed merchant groups, and the logistics route is transported from Longmen Station and Gubeikou. Armed with private soldiers and business groups, there is no need to worry about harassment.

General Tan simply does what you want, I will only fight on one side, he doubled the reward for the enemy's head, let the cityside cavalry armed with the merchant group go out to guerrilla private plunder, let the cavalry deal with the cavalry, use carts and firearms as the The Lord's business group armed forces are concentrating on training, preparing to attack a full set of gold mines.

Because for the Horqin Department, other places can be indisputable, but this full set of gold mines is not only a large source of wealth, but also a geographical gateway, so it is impossible to indispute.

No matter how many forces he arranged on the grassland, as long as the merchant group armed forces attacked the full set of gold mines, these guerrilla forces would inevitably go to rescue, and the fighting situation would become the positional warfare favored by the merchant group armed forces.

In the second half of October, another team came to Datong Town. This team was said to be the guards of Datong's commercial firms, but in fact it was composed of private soldiers from the Ma family and various generals in Datong, as well as local wealthy merchants. With the addition of this team, the number of fully armed merchant groups is close to [-].

The battle started at this time, the brigade of troops filed out in full sets, and rushed to the gold mine, what kind of strategic situation, it was really coming to the battle, that is, a simple comparison of strength.

More than 4000 cavalrymen from the city surrounded the armed forces of the merchant group, and all the light cavalry scattered on the grassland by the Horqin tribe rushed to the full set. This distance, the march was only one day, and the large army moved, and the nuisance of the small cavalry had no effect. If you get close, you will be eaten by the cavalry near the city.

The powers on the grasslands are accustomed to horseback riding, quick assaults, looting, burning and killing, and very few people can fight hard battles, especially offensive and defensive battles that require civil engineering work.

But the miners who are full of gold mines understand this. They dug trenches and pits around the gold mines before the ground was frozen hard to strengthen the strength of the soil enclosure.

It is impossible to expect the cart to fall into the ditch and sinkhole foolishly, but these things can hinder the movement of the army on the road, regardless of the distance of a day.

The gold mine is at the foot of the mountain, and the array of carts cannot be connected end-to-end like on the flat ground. They take care of each other and tend to be scattered. Sometimes they have to be pushed or dragged manually. There are also slopes and woods on both sides of the road.

They walked very slowly, and there were often cold arrows shot from both sides of the road. After dozens of people were killed or injured by the arrows, General Tan simply recruited elites from various merchant groups and brave cavalrymen from the city to form a team first. , Go to the woods on the road ahead to clear out the guerrilla enemies, and then move forward.

Around the gold mine, there is a flat and spacious place. When the carts walk out of the mountain road, they want to form a camp here. After all, this is not a grassland. It is impossible to arrange the carts end to end to form a circular array. up.

The generals sent by the Horqin Department are obviously experienced and familiar with the tactics of the merchant group's armed forces. Just as the merchant group's armed forces left the mountain road in sequence and were preparing to set up camp, the cavalry came from the soil enclosure where the gold mine was located. There were two other directions rushing out. Before this, the surroundings were quiet, and there was no disturbance on the road.

When the opponent was least vigilant, he was harassed along the way, and then the harassment stopped, he tightened and loosened, and when he was a little relaxed and at ease, the protruding cavalry also meant to catch him off guard.

Moreover, under such circumstances, the horses on the cart had just been unloaded, and the defensive position of the cart could not be formed.

The reactions of the armed forces of the merchant groups were different. The newly recruited people ran in in a panic, while the guards who had experienced many years in Guihua City picked up the firecrackers and fought, and the companions with spears guarded by the side. For these guards, the fear is that the Tartars will not come out, and if they come out, they will be sent food.

A large group of over [-] people can be regarded as a large army, but it was in chaos at this time. Tartar cavalry had rushed in in one direction, and the other two directions were beaten by firecrackers. Even if they approached, the guards Dare to climb into the carriage and fight desperately with a spear.

Those warriors newly recruited in the provinces may still be considered desperate in the villages. When they come to such a scene, they see the Tartar cavalry rushing towards them with thunderous hoofs, shouting with swords, and the earth-shattering momentum. It is comparable to rolling up one's sleeves and wielding a knife to fight for one's life. Originally, they followed the brigade, and the Tartars were not worth mentioning. Today, they saw the real scene. Some people were so frightened that they collapsed on the ground and were trampled to death by war horses. There were also people who were blocked in front of them when they were running, and those who swung their knives at their companions, and the horses pulling the carts were left unattended, running and bumping around, and the situation was not what it looked like.

But those who have experienced on the grassland for a period of time, and those who are veterans, are completely different. They are used to fighting with their lives, and they will not panic when encountering such a scene. Next, he put the cart into formation while killing the enemy, and quickly stabilized the situation.

Moreover, the border generals sent by each border town are different, and they still have some rules. Now that the general situation has stabilized, they, under the command of General Tan, began to fight against the rushing Tartar cavalry and drive them out of the way. Driven out of the formation.

Taiji, who is also a Tartarist, was cautious, and did not dare to invest too much power at the beginning. When he wanted to invest later, the cavalry near the city had been dispatched by General Tan for emergency, and even if it was invested, it would not have much effect.

In the first battle, the armed forces of the merchant group suffered a disadvantage, and the atmosphere couldn't help but feel a little bored, but General Tan didn't think it was over. The leader was beheaded by the marching law, but there were still these familiar people shouting, this is not an army, why talk about military law, he thought he was justified, and was arrested by General Tan and beheaded together.

After chopping it up, let people pick up their heads with spears and walk around the team to frighten the whole army. Who owns the Sanjiang Commercial Bank and who is General Tan? No one in the naturalized business group knows. If it is military law, then it is military law.

On the second day, the boring siege battle began. There were no artillery or catapults. If you want to open the city, you can only fight and climb the wall. The people of Horqin hide behind the earthen wall. If the gunfire hits, then shrink your head, the two sides are at a stalemate, and the naturalized merchant group that attacked the city suffered more casualties.

What's more troublesome is that after two days of fighting, it actually snowed. It was inconvenient to use firearms in this situation, and the Tartars in the soil fence actually fought back twice——
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(End of this chapter)

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