Chapter 936

After all, the armed forces of merchant groups are different from the regular army. In the regular army, there are military laws and discipline to restrain them. The generals and soldiers also have the belief of fighting for their own country and nation.

But in the business group armed forces are militias and mercenaries. Everyone fights for money. If you make money, you have to enjoy it with your life. If you lose your life, don’t say anything.

The battle to attack the gold mine was not very smooth from the very beginning, and the next few battles were also very troublesome. This Taiji first sent out some of his own cavalry, and guarded against them coming in during the battle. Harassment, so you can't fight with all your strength.

The inside of the gold mine is not squatting behind the soil enclosure. They have built a low wall with wood, mud, ice and snow outside. There is no shortage of trees here. Even after being demolished, it can be quickly restored.

The armed forces of the merchant group had to break through the low wall before they could get under the earthen wall, and the Tartar soldiers were strictly ordered to shoot arrows only when they were within the range of the bow and arrow. In this state, the bow and arrow were really indistinguishable No matter how high or low, breaking through this low wall, the other side of the earth wall is also similarly troublesome.

Firecrackers can kill people, but for thick earth walls that have been poured with water, they are of no use at all. When under the earth wall, the attack method still has to go to the traditional way, using a simple ladder tied up On the top of the wall, and then climbed up the ladder to fight, fighting face to face with big swords and spears.

In such a battle, the armed forces of the merchant group did not have any advantage over the Tartar soldiers, and with such a cold weapon attack and defense, the side defending the city would have a big advantage.

The fighting was fierce, with many casualties. Many guards retreated in their hearts, thinking that they would come to the grassland in order to make a fortune and be happy. Willing to mess around here.

On the third day after the battle began, there were deserters who deserted. What made the leaders of the guards dumbfounded was that the cavalry from the outside city did not escape.

This is certainly due to the bravery of these cavalrymen near the city, and the fact that their wealth and lives depend on Guihua City. In the current situation, if they deserted, they might have to go to Mobei or the end of the Western Regions to make a living.

The morale of the deserters was the most shaken. Since the military law had been enforced when the battle started, it was not polite at this time. The cavalry near the city was sent out to guard, and the deserters were caught and directly regarded as the vanguard, rushing to the front.

In this way of attacking and defending continuously until the beginning of November, General Tan has nothing to do, and it is not an option to go on slowly. The current cohesion of the merchant group's armed forces is not suitable for a protracted war.

Several big merchants from Guihua City have come to Xuan Mansion, some are in Miyun, some are in Longmen, they naturally know the benefits of laying down this gold mine, and their message to General Tan is very simple, don't be afraid of death, Go ahead and fight, those guards are supported by money, so naturally they have to work hard.

With this statement, General Tan didn't care anymore, and the caravans went up in turn, and they even arranged for people to cut wood from local materials to make simple siege equipment.

But still can't get it down, there is water source inside the gold mine, and there are enough food reserves, and more importantly, the armed forces of the merchant group have no way to completely block the inside, and they can always keep in touch with the outside.

On the tenth day of the first month of November, General Tan became a little angry. He simply gathered the veterans of the border towns in the team, the private soldiers sent by the generals, and all the backbones wearing plate armor. Assault once, after all, the main entrance of this gold mine is the most open road, and the Tatars always opened the main entrance and rushed out several times in counterattacks.

This is almost putting the core force of the merchant group's armed forces into it. Tan will be about [-] people, and he is also leading the team in armor. Although it is a gamble battle, he still walks cautiously.

At the beginning, the cavalry around the city drove the ordinary guards to rush forward with the wooden cones that hit the door, and the brigade followed behind. Many casualties occurred during the collision with the gate. Unexpectedly, the door was knocked open.

The elite merchants who had been holding back for a long time rushed in, but as soon as they rushed in, they found that it was broken. The Tartars actually built another earthen wall inside the gate, just like a regulation of the urn city in the Daming City. , which means that they are still outside the defense of the earth wall. After all, they are elites who can attack and withdraw.

But the arrows rained down, and more than [-] people were damaged. Even General Tan's left arm was hit in a gap. It is said that the plate armor can protect the whole body, but it is unlucky to shoot an arrow into the gap.

It's nothing to deal with it briefly, but Tan Jiang couldn't lift his left arm. This battle may not have killed as many people as the previous few battles, but the morale of the merchant group's armed forces has plummeted, let alone the siege. , Even the most elite forces didn't get in, and the main general was still injured, these guards couldn't stand it anymore.

This time it was not a desertion, the entire team of guards directly proposed to leave, and the loss here was in vain, and the owner didn’t know how much compensation money would be spent. The cavalry of the Horqin Department took it back. There was nothing to gain, and even now, it was even a loss.

One person or a few people can say that this general Tan can march in the army, but if the whole team leaves, general Tan is not qualified to be restrained from a legal point of view.

If you want to fight, the guard team of Sanjiang Trading Company can be the main force. No one will say anything about him if they fight all out, but if other companies don't fight, General Tan can't restrain anything. After all, everyone's relationship is an alliance.

On November [-]th, the brigade began to retreat in batches, and then retreated to various places after preparing here. This battle made everyone discouraged, and it was really suffocating.

After arriving at Mantai'er, a new convoy came from Miyun's guard, also to deliver supplies. The leader of the convoy, Tan Jiang, recognized him, but it was Mu En.

After resting for a full day, General Tan led the armed guards of Sanjiang Trading Company and several other alliances to the gold mine. Although Jiang Jiang was also a helper of Guangyue before he went, seeing General Tan's hanging arms, The crowd didn't know that Mu En was coming, except for the three guards who were closely related to Sanjiang Trading Company, the others didn't follow, but those cavalrymen from the city followed.

Everyone is not in a hurry to leave, it is good to wait for the result, the distance is less than a day, the people of Sanjiang Commercial Firm are too arrogant.

Everyone who fought so badly before came back disheveled, wouldn't it be a bigger loss for you to go there by yourself?

On November [-]th, the news came back full set, and the gold mine was struck down.
The guard leaders who were resting in full set were all dazed when they heard it, and it was over. Their first reaction was to wonder if they had heard it wrong.

The middle and upper ranks of the Naturalized Merchant Corps are basically veterans from the Huwei Army and other border towns. They naturally understand that they couldn’t beat them down a while ago, but now that Tan Jiang’s strength has weakened and they beat them down, there must be something strange .

There are also leading figures from various commercial firms in the whole set. When they heard the news, they all beat their chests and feet. Originally, everyone found this piece of meat. Who would have thought that later, it would become the Sanjiang Commercial Firm's monopoly. This is really frustrating. Not reconciled.

Hurry back and forth, and the news can be exchanged on the same day. Tan will let people from various commercial firms go over, and Sanjiang Commercial Firm is willing to give up half of the gold miners, and everyone will get rich.

Everyone was astonished again. This is a gold mine, and it is said to be a high-yield gold mine. Half of the members are worth a lot of money. Why are they so easy to give up? The guards went back to kill again.

General Tan's request is very simple. In the past year, the guards of Sanjiang Commercial Bank will not invest too much guard force in the gold mine. It will be shared by other companies, so the rights and interests are sold.

This couldn't be simpler, and everyone agreed with it. In fact, in such a situation, Sanjiang Commercial Bank and Xuanfu can split the accounts, which can completely ignore the armed forces of the merchant group.

Some veterans also went to the battlefield to have a look. Several big gaps were opened in the earthen wall around the gold mine. It is thought that the armed forces and the city guards of Sanjiang Trading Company broke in from here. This gap must not be man-made. People who participated in those wars We all know what caused this, good guy, it must have been hit with a cannon.

Mu En brought five cannons over, and there were [-] soldiers from the Huwei Army. This kind of battle became easier. The cannons were set up and directly blasted down the earth wall.

The thunderous cannons directly destroyed the will of the Tartar soldiers to resist. When the cavalry and infantry broke in, they could not organize a strong resistance, not to mention that without the assistance of fortifications, they had no way to resist in front of firearms.

But after all, General Tan led few people this time. Despite the pursuit of the cavalry near the city, more than half of the Tartar forces still ran out.

The gold mine fell, the door changed hands, the battle between the armed forces of the merchant group and the Horqin Ministry was over, and the Horqin Ministry finally had a judgment on the strength of the naturalized merchant group.

The Guihua Merchant Group has reached this position, and they don't have much strength to go east. At least it will take some time to digest the results of the battle and stabilize the rule between Guihua City and Mantaoer. The war on the grassland is considered to be over.

Tan gave generous rewards to his subordinates and the cavalry near the city with the seized property and a part of the gold sand stored in the gold mine, but he did not stop at Mantao'er, but directly sent the backbone of the Sanjiang Commercial Guard He and the elite, as well as most of the cavalry near the city, were taken away and returned to naturalization.

He was still injured, so it was incomprehensible to be in such a hurry.

Mu En brought support and news from Wang Tong. Wang Tong was on his way to Shaanxi at this time. Wang Tong gave an order that Sanjiang Commercial Bank should maintain a military force in Guihua City and be ready to call at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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