Chapter 938

The corpse is vegetarian, and the bag is incompetent. This is Wang Tong's evaluation of Zhang Weizhong, the general soldier of Ningxia, and Dang Xin, the governor of Ningxia. Looks like this, their reports are still greedy and arrogant.

There are Jinyiwei Qianhu who are stationed in each of the nine sides. It turned out that the Qianhu in Ningxia was also a fool. To say it was a dog of the Xiao family was too much, but to say it was the porter of the Xiao family was exaggerated.

After Guihua City was taken down, there were many things on the ground in Hetao that his family had to take care of. Wang Tong directly arranged for a trusted subordinate to replace that side.

Although Jinyiwei Qianhu took office directly from Guihua City and brought a group of subordinates, he went to Ningxia. After all, he was unfamiliar with the place, but even if he was not familiar with the place, he still came to such a judgment.

Wang Tong believed that his subordinates were responsible, so he arbitrarily framed a deputy chief soldier with the intention of treason, which was a crime of beheading and ransacking his home.

After having this confirmed news, looking at the memorials of the Ningxia Commander-in-Chief and the Ningxia Governor and confirming each other, I became more and more convinced that the news was accurate.

Although the Qi family was greedy and arrogant in the past, they were still servants of Ming Dynasty after all, that is, in less than two years, such changes have already taken place. In the end, Wang Tong often became the most fundamental reason. Such an analysis is really unfair. It makes people feel helpless, but Wang Tong has brought about this great era. In the tide of this era, some people rise and some sink. This is not what Wang Tong can think of and change in advance.

The second relevant news from Jinyiwei in Ningxia Town came. At this time, it was confirmed by the news from Gansu and Shaanxi, and it was confirmed that what was said was correct. Wang Tong made it clear to Emperor Wanli.

This kind of thing is big, but the rebellion of a foreign lieutenant general in a border town can't make a big deal. It's small, after all, it's a big general of a side town who is about to rebel, and the court still needs to pay attention to it.

But after all, the Qi family has not yet formally set up a banner, and Jin Yiwei's report is only a judgment. When speaking at the court meeting, they considered their words carefully, saying that Ningxia was a little unstable.

Whether it is an eunuch in the inner court or a minister in the court, they are all too familiar with the language routines of such officials. If Ningxia is unstable, there are nine out of ten that there will be trouble.

Naturally, because of the fall of Guihua City, a series of chain reactions caused the Ningxia Xiao family to have a different opinion, and that would not appear in the court.

Although the ministers in the court didn't have a good impression of Wang Tong, they had to admit that after Wang Tong appeared, the court didn't seem to have to worry too much about military affairs. Suddenly, Da Ming became a powerful martial artist. nation.

What happened on the prairie from Guihua City to Mantaoer, the capital knows all aspects of it. In fact, several new nobles, such as the Xiangcheng Bo family who are in charge of the Beijing camp and the imperial army, are There are private soldiers operating on the grassland, and the ministers in the court and the eunuchs of the inner court are also involved.

Without using the officers and soldiers, without using the family members of the frontier generals, this situation can be achieved only by regimental training. In the past, the Tartars on the grassland were said to be as fierce as tigers and wolves by the frontier soldiers, and they kept asking the court every year. Yin Zi needs soldiers, but he doesn't see any victorious battles, but these things are so easy in Wang Tong's hands.

The instability of Ningxia Town is nothing, Ningxia Town has won any battles against Taokou and Alta for so many years, but Wang Tong wiped out Alta, this comparison is really nothing.

"Your Majesty, because the imperial court favors border towns and border towns, they feel that they should benefit from everything and should not suffer on their own. Whenever there is a disturbance, their minds will be unstable, so the minister said that the system of border towns must be changed!"

In private, the situation in Ningxia became Wang Tong's reason for improving the border town. Emperor Wanli's impression of the border town was already getting worse, but what Wang Tong said deepened his impression.

"Long Live Lord, we need to be cautious about this matter, it's better to just discuss the matter right now!"

When Emperor Wanli called for a match in private, the expression on his face was still quite rich. The people around him could generally judge the tendency of Emperor Wanli through the changes in their expressions. Naturally, Zhang Cheng, the eunuch who supervised ceremonies and held seals, could tell it. It is necessary to remind , and then said again:
"Long Live Lord, although the Nine Frontier Towns control each other, if you want to reform the border town system, you can't act at this time. If the Ningxia Town is in chaos, coupled with the reason for the reform, I am afraid that the other border towns will also be unstable. , then it will be a big mess.”

This is a mature and prudent consideration. The improvement of the border town will definitely harm the existing interest groups in the border town. If it is proposed at this time, and the rectification is based on the instability of Ningxia town, it will cause big trouble.

Zhang Cheng understood this truth, and Emperor Wanli and Wang Tong would also understand it. Zhang Cheng wanted to keep reminding him, but Wang Tong couldn't help but glanced at Zhang Cheng, but found that Zhang Cheng was completely normal.

The words just now were neither intended to wake someone up, nor were they intentionally cryptic. Seeing Zhang Cheng's concerned expression, Wang Tong sighed inwardly, Zhang Cheng was getting old.

Most of the eunuchs in the inner court and ministers in the outer court are around 70 years old, and even in their 80s. They are clear-headed and quick-responsive when making decisions, but people are different. Zhang Cheng is obviously the kind of spiritual Weakened quickly.

Emperor Wanli just nodded there, and said in a deep voice:
"What Zhang Banban said makes sense."

Wang Tong said with a smile:

"Please don't worry, Eunuch Zhang. Wang Tong knows the seriousness, and he is only talking here in private. The improvement of the military town should be considered in a long-term way, and there is no rush for this matter."

"Although the town of Ningxia is limited to that corner, the soldiers and horses of the clan are considered strong. They should be top-notch among the military towns in Shaanxi and Gansu. It is still necessary to prevent problems before they happen, and deal with them before the chaos breaks out. The situation over there is complicated, so don’t let anything get out of hand.”

Wang Tong hesitated there, bowed and cupped his fists and said:
"Your Majesty, I am willing to go to Ningxia once to settle this matter for Your Majesty."

Hearing what Wang Tong said, Emperor Wanli frowned and asked:
"Are you going to adjust the Tiger's might?"

"If the Huwei army is mobilized, there will be too little time, and the momentum will be too great. If there is no change in the family, they will be panicked when they hear the news."

On the contrary, Emperor Wanli was a little curious and worried, so he paused and said:
"Don't be brave. Those barbarians in the northwest border town are not here. They are really anxious. They will kill and rebel regardless. You are considered to be valuable now, so don't take risks. Visit incognito and investigate the case alone. That's something in the drama, so don't be stupid."

Zhao Jinliang grinned and wanted to laugh, at least he remembered that he was beside the emperor, and held back there, but Wang Tong didn't hide his smile, bowed generously and said:
"Thank you for your majesty's concern. This time I went to Ningxia with only my personal guards, but I didn't take a risk. Your majesty, although the Tiger's Mighty Army didn't move, the power I used to go there will not be less than that of the Qi family. .”

"The power of the border towns in Shaanxi? I'm afraid it's just to scare the snakes. There are still many people from the Xiao family in the northwest who tipped off the news, which is not appropriate."

"Your Majesty, the merchant armies that are currently fighting against the Tartars on the grasslands are what I will use this time."

Wang Tong answered straight to the point, and Emperor Wanli pondered for a while. Although the merchant group's armed forces were nothing more than village warriors, they seldom heard of any defeat on the grassland. It was a lot of punching and kicking. The combat power of the regiment is not weak.

"Can they listen to you?"

In the battle on the grassland, many news came back. The merchants were ungrateful for profit, and the armed forces attached to each business firm had their own plans. Emperor Wanli naturally knew about it. Ordinary merchants did not listen to the government. There are all kinds of dignitaries behind every commercial firm on the Internet, and they are inextricably linked.

But Wang Tong was going on a business trip this time, and it was considered dangerous. If the armed forces of the merchant groups still refused to listen to their orders, it would be easy to cause disaster.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty. They live in His Majesty's Huangzhuang and are under His Majesty's protection. If they do not listen to this trivial matter, then they are not ministers of Daming."

Wang Tong bowed down again, Emperor Wanli was taken aback, but nodded.

After Wang Tong gained a firm foothold in the capital, his life in the capital was uneventful, but Lu Wancai talked with Wang Tong in private, that is, if he had the opportunity to work abroad, he must go out more often.


"In the past, the commanders of Jinyiwei were not as powerful as you, brother Wang. You are in charge of internal guards, detectives and spies. You have a close relationship with the imperial army, and you have such a good relationship with the eunuchs of the inner court. You have such great achievements. You are in the capital. , has already invisibly affected His Majesty's power, it's okay if you don't move, but His Majesty will be aware of it if you move, even if the relationship between the monarch and his subjects is deep, I'm afraid there will be suspicion."

What he said was heartbreaking, but it was also the truth. Wang Tong remembered it in his heart. He brought it up at the court meeting. According to the usual rules, the commander of Jin Yiwei should accompany the emperor. There is absolutely no reason to go out on business, but Wang Tong suggested that Emperor Wanli agreed, which confirmed Lu Wancai's judgment from another aspect.

Wang Tong needed the strength of the naturalized merchant group, so he didn't want them to wait too long at the full set. He secretly used artillery to help the merchant group arm the full set, and then ordered them to prepare their forces in Guihua City to obey orders and wait for dispatch at any time.

With General Tan's status and prestige in Guihua City, he can't command the armed forces of various merchant groups. Wang Tong has not been in Guihua City for so long, so his words may not be so effective.

Wang Tong's order to Guihua City was very simple, "If you don't obey the order, don't do business on the grassland."

(End of this chapter)

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