Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 939 You Zi Wang Xia's Ascetic Journey

Chapter 939 You Zi Wang Xia's Ascetic Journey

The capital is making intensive preparations, but there is a big happy event for Wang Tong in September, Han Xia gave birth to a son for Wang Tong.

The Commander of Jinyiwei made Wang Tong have a descendant. This is a great event. It is a reward from the palace and congratulations from relatives and friends. Needless to say, with a position like Marquis Dingbei, his eldest son also has a title and official status. Although he is a baby, he was born in his infancy It is also rich and prosperous.

Wang Tong was alone. Although Mrs. Ma was considered an elder, it was difficult to intervene in the matter of naming. This matter really stumped Wang Tong, who was really inexperienced.

During this period of time, there were many reports and secret reports about Ningxia Town, which provided Wang Tong with an idea. He named his son Wang Xia.

A single word can't be judged good or bad, and everyone doesn't know that Wang Tong made it based on this. After hearing it, they all praised "it sounds loud", and they can't say anything else.

The birth of the eldest son naturally made the entire Wang family rejoice. Needless to say, Han Xia, Han Gang was also extremely happy. It is said that when the news first spread to the palace, Han Taiping, the imperial prisoner, almost lost his anger with joy.

The child was just born, Han Xia was still recuperating, but Wang Tong could only spend the full moon at home. The child's [-]th birthday would definitely be behind him, because there was an errand in Ningxia Town.

It is also Wang Tong's practice to do things during the Chinese New Year in the twelfth lunar month. I don't know if it is a coincidence or not, so the female family members can only treat him with a wry smile.

Naturally, this trip could not be as grand as going to Guihua City, Wang Tong only brought more than a hundred of his own soldiers, Ma Sanbiao and Chen Dahe also followed.

The team of 120 people were all on horseback, and their luggage was also carried by horses. Everyone pretended to be businessmen and left the capital before the city gate was closed at nightfall.

There are many people in the capital, so it is always better to keep the news secret. Before leaving the city, all the pedestrians along the road and inside and outside the city gate are all driven away. After [-] miles out of the city, a caravan like Wang Tong is really nothing. No one noticed.

When Wang Tong left the city, the news sent to Guihua City also set off together, and hurried to the north.

Take Baoding Mansion to enter Shanxi, then Shanxi to Shaanxi, and then Ningxia. In fact, if you go to the grassland in Xuanfu, and then go to Hetaodi with Guihua City as a transfer on the grassland, it will be faster, but the same, the grassland now It is not peaceful, and mobilizing a large cavalry guard will alarm others. If it is only these 100 people, it is the white dragon fish suit, which is easy to be in danger.

The goods sold by each commercial firm are different, and their interests are also different, so their appeals on the grassland are also different. Because of these differences, General Tan has various obstacles in mobilizing the merchant group's armed forces on the grassland, which is very troublesome.

The difference between business groups is often the difference between the various forces behind them. Most of these forces are close to Emperor Wanli and are Wang Tong's allies.

In such a situation, even Emperor Wanli and Wang Tong didn't have much to do with them. Some trivial matters could not be forced, but could only be guided by the situation.

Wang Tong said that he would use the armed forces of the merchant group as a preparation to deal with possible turmoil in Ningxia Town, and Emperor Wanli had such worries.

Wang Tong is very confident about this, Tan Jiang does what Tan Jiang does, Wang Tong is different, Wang Tong did not go to the capital to find the dignitaries behind these business groups, but went to write a letter by himself.

"If you don't obey orders, don't do business on the grassland!"

This sentence is really simple and extremely rude. Naturally, this order will not be promulgated with great fanfare in Guihua City, but will be notified by Meng Duo and the local Tan family in batches, and only those bosses will know.

When the Tan family sent a group of people to deliver the letter, they were a little worried. They knew all about General Tan's experience, and they were afraid that Wang Tong's order would be delayed and violated, which would be ugly.

To their surprise, as soon as the order came, all the rich merchants were shocked, and immediately mobilized their manpower to prepare. Some even sent fast horses overnight to contact various strongholds on the grassland, not daring to waste any time.

During this period of time, the business group expanded too fast on the grassland. Many guards or go to full sets, and the rest are guarding everywhere. After receiving this order, several companies even defended their strongholds on the grassland. Regardless, they hurriedly transferred people back to prepare, not daring to slack off a bit.

The people of all ethnic groups outside the city were even more excited. It was a great honor for Mr. Wang to employ someone. Being able to choose him represented his bravery.

General Tan, who rushed back to Guihua City, saw such a situation, so he could only smile wryly. Those businessmen who were full of excuses and all kinds of evasion and procrastination became extremely active in Guihua City. Even the Huwei veterans who dared to talk back to General Tan to defend their own forces were extremely diligent this time and dared not slack off a bit.

With Wang Tong's order, the whole Guihua City is frantically preparing, and even this power has far exceeded the actual needs. It is necessary for Tan Jiang to select elites here.

General Tan was named the captain of the guard of the Sanjiang Commercial Company, but in fact he had to make a judgment on the military strength of the entire naturalized merchant group on the grassland. The whole group had just been defeated, and only three three-pound cannons were left behind. It is necessary to tilt a certain amount of power over there. At present, the Horqin Department is closer to that side, and it is more convenient to invest in power. On the Guihua City side, except for the two large transfer stations, the other places are occupied by the Tatars. The captives harassed and destroyed, and there were many troubles.

But to General Tan's surprise, the Horqin Ministry began to shrink, and all the ministries west of the Yanshan Mountains were withdrawing eastward. When they first laid a full set of gold mines, people often came to harass them at night. If the number of armed forces is less than a hundred, they are often harassed and attacked.

But when the end of the new year was approaching, everything was quiet, and all the supplies brought in from the Senai could be replenished, and the whole set could actually have a good year here.

Regarding this situation, Tan Jiang was very puzzled, but after a short while, there was no news. The news from Ji Town said that the Horqin tribe was indeed shrinking. It was said that the Chahar tribe was moving southward. Bian turned out to be the sphere of influence of the Horqin Ministry.

Since this is the case, it made General Tan's deployment a lot easier. He had already planned to recruit groups from various reclamation farms around Guihua City to practice full sets, but this time he didn't need it. The merchant group's armed forces alone are enough to support At the beginning of spring, when the ministries of the grasslands were unable to act, the naturalized business groups could invest their strength.

The group training that was originally planned to be transferred was disbanded, and they went back to prepare for the New Year. For these serfs, this was the second year after they changed masters. The year was much better and they were willing to celebrate the New Year at home.

General Tan posted a list of recruits, to select soldiers, regiment training is not enough, but this time the conditions for selection are similar to the soldiers of Tiger Mighty Army, which makes everyone look a bit embarrassed, but the conditions are also very good It is very rich. If you can be selected, the family will not have to pay taxes, and will specially allocate fields, farm tools, and even cattle.

This is equivalent to changing from a tenant to a rich peasant all of a sudden. Some people may not be able to get this kind of treatment for a lifetime of hard work. Immediately, more people participated...

Wang Tong's journey here is not fast. Even if he rushes from the capital to Ningxia, it will take 20 days.

The situation changes day by day, Wang Tong went here to quell the instability, and more often, after the turmoil happened there, Wang Tong led his forces to quell it. Know the changes over there, and deal with them at any time, because it takes time to mobilize power.

Therefore, wherever Wang Tong went, he waited for the messenger from Ningxia to arrive before moving forward. He made an appointment with Qianhu in Ningxia to meet in advance, and the Jinyiwei who sent the message was there. The place reported the news to Wang Tong.

Although Jin Yiwei's report judged that the Ningxia Town's family had evil intentions, and the Ningxia Town's commander-in-chief and the governor each made impeachment reports, rebelling was not an easy task, and the Xiao family has not made any major moves.

From Shanxi to Shaanxi, Wang Tong's team took the route from Fenzhou, Yongning Prefecture to Shaanxi Wubao, and Suide Prefecture. Yan'an Prefecture is located in northern Shaanxi, which is not considered rich. Township, Yulin Town, and Ningxia Town were connected by three towns. The Tartars fought endlessly in those days. Because the three towns were at a disadvantage to the Tartars most of the time, the Tartars often swept across northern Shaanxi.

There have been many wars and disasters, and this is the Loess Plateau, the land is barren, and there are few people in the place. When Wang Tong and his group were in Shanxi, they could always find a place to stay at night after walking a day's journey. But it didn't work. After passing through Suide Prefecture, they needed to go camping.

Camping in the wild is quite hard work in cold weather, but Wang Tong and his team have a lot of experience in the wild. At night, they find a sheltered place to camp, use dry grass to light a fire, and hunt some prey to add some oil.

After lighting the fire, I wrapped myself in a woolen blanket and fell asleep around the fire. I often woke up from the cold when I woke up in the morning. I thought that my family was busy for the New Year, but I was running around outside. This emotion was inevitable.

The members of Wang Tong's team stayed overnight in accordance with the army's drills, set up guard posts, and prepared for the next day's itinerary, etc., but Shi Qi who came with him had to make other arrangements. After the protection arrangement was completed, he had to surround the Walking around, not knowing what to do, Wang Tong followed to see, but found that Shi Qi just placed some dry branches in some places, and sometimes tied them to two stones in the secret place with a thin rope.

After passing through the security guards, at least three days are spent sleeping on the road. The trouble is that many things can't be bought in the security guard county, and they are quite noticeable.

After leaving the capital for such a long time, the road is hard, and although the scenery along the way changes, there is nothing new. It has become the habit of most people to fall asleep after setting up and eating at night.

One day after leaving the security guard, Wang Tong was suddenly awakened by the sound of a branch breaking in his deep sleep. He reached out and grabbed the handle of the knife beside him.
I found that my codewords are updated every day, and I almost have obsessive-compulsive disorder

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(End of this chapter)

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