Chapter 940

Wang Tong has been vigilant for many years, even when he was with his wives and concubines, sometimes small movements in the yard would wake him up.

In this position, I have done so many things and encountered so many things even though I am careful. If I am not careful, I am afraid that I will die outside.

When dry branches are placed on the ground, people will think that they are there naturally, and no one will pay attention at all, but the sound of breaking and stepping on them will be extremely ear-piercing in the quiet wild night.

Shi Qi's arrangement seemed to be irregular, but Wang Tong knew that he would not step on the sentry post at night, so this sound represented an enemy attack.

Wang Tong held a knife in his hand, put his body very low, got up from the blanket, and found out the firecracker with the other hand. The short blunderbuss with the flint was already activated, and Wang Tong didn't move. On the other side, someone jumped up and shouted:

The slogan was shouted, and ordinary people couldn't react, but none of the people led by Wang Tong stood up straight. Before the shouts fell, they heard the sound of the bowstring, the howling of the arrows, and then there was a scream. .

"East of the fire!"

Everywhere they camped, from Wang Tong to the ordinary soldiers below, everyone had to identify the direction, and use the bonfire as a benchmark, so that they could respond immediately when they were attacked at night.

Calling out the direction, Han Gang had already picked up a skinned wooden shield and placed it at the front, and a dozen people stood on the two wings with weapons each, and rushed towards the east.

Tan Dahu and Tan Erhu had already come to Wang Tong's side, and they could see Bao Er kitten coming to the fire, holding a knife to stir the fire that was about to be extinguished, watching the fire become bright, and picking up the arrow The arrow in the pouch ignited and shot towards the east.

Among Bao Erxiao's arrows are rockets wrapped in oilcloth. The arrows fly in mid-air, and the flames burn forever, which can play the role of short-term lighting.

Sure enough, the rocket shot past, and dozens of panicked figures appeared. Almost at the same time, the two Mongolian archers brought by Wu Er got up, and just like Bao Erxiao, they lobbed rockets in all directions. There are still people in the other two directions.

There must be more than a hundred people who can be seen in the dark night, Wang Tong paused for a while, and shouted loudly:
"It must be the thieves who followed from the security guard, not the other side, go up and kill, kill all these thieves!"

This time I went to Ningxia Town to investigate the case, and I was cautious along the way. When I was attacked suddenly at night, my first reaction was to send someone from the Xiao family, but Wang Tong immediately judged that it was not. , because there is no need to worry about being discovered in the wilderness.

There are always places that cannot be taken care of in the battle in the dark, and it may be a big trouble to go away in the chaos. Wouldn't it be more convenient to directly send out soldiers during the day.

Now that you have made this judgment, you don’t have to worry too much. Just as Wang Tong gave the order, Tan Erhu pushed him from behind and threw him directly on the ground. He screamed in pain, but the people on Wang Tong's side were injured.

The bow and arrow roared, and the opponent also shot an arrow. Wang Tong got up from the ground. Tan Dahu had already taken a shield and stood behind Wang Tong. He was shot with an arrow in his arm.

"The thieves' bows and arrows are piercing their hands, hurry up and use the firecrackers!"

Someone shouted again over there, the place where the horse was tied was disturbed, and the horse began to neigh, Wang Tong grabbed the arrow shaft in Tan Erhu's hand, looked at the light of the fire, was taken aback for a moment, and said loudly:

"These bastards are using military bows!"

The bows and arrows made by the people are often not enough in weight, and the range is not far. Although the bows and arrows in the army are also shoddy, the overall quality is much better than that of the folks. Moreover, the frontier army is mostly defensive, and the arrows are long arrows. Take advantage of the long range.

For Wang Tong, it was obvious at a glance. He originally thought he was a thief, but he didn't expect that he had something to do with soldiers. Could it be that he really belonged to Ningxia Town?

"Put on armor, put on armor, go light the matchlock!!"

While Ma Sanbiao was yelling there, he threw all the fuel he could get into the fire, and the flames began to flourish. It was cold at night, and the armor was made of iron plates. The body temperature would be lost quickly when worn on the body, so at night To sleep, you still have to take off your armor and sleep.

The fire was burning, and someone ignited the torches and quickly distributed them. The people guarding Wang Tong began to form a team. Chen Dahe and several Mongolian shooters had already reacted, and the shields of the soldiers in front covered them for the first round. , They roughly judged the direction of the arrow, and shot it regardless, and the screams on the other side began to intensify.

At night, the firecrackers are kept in a state of complete ammunition loading. As long as the matchlock is lit, it can be fired immediately, and it will be ready in a short time.

"Go east, shoot a volley to the east!"

Wang Tong shouted, twenty soldiers lined up in two rows, Wang Tong stood on their right side, and a row of soldiers with shields in front of them acted as meat shields.

The campsite is a flat place on the mountainside. Everyone ran to the edge of the east side, and they all pointed their firecrackers at the darkness. Wang Tong shouted loudly again:
"Tiger's prestige is low!!"

The group of people who were fighting in front bent down subconsciously, the short gun in Wang Tong's hand was pulled, and he yelled:

There was a loud bang, and there were screams immediately on the other side. After the firecrackers rang, the scene seemed to be much quieter, but Han Gang roared and rushed forward, and the thieves who came up in the dark were shot by the firecrackers They were startled, and the sudden charge of Han Gang and others made them unable to react in time.

"The firearms of these people belong to those bastards in Guihua City, retreat, retreat!!"

Someone shouted, even though it was in the midst of a tense battle, Wang Tong was still stunned. The other party could tell that it was a firecracker used in Guihua City, and these people did not say who it was Wang Tong or the capital. That speaks volumes about the identity of this person.


In the other direction, Qi Wu also lined up to fire, and there was another scream, and Sha Dongning could be heard shouting:
"Follow me!! Kill these bastards!!"

"Go, go, don't worry about the horses... I will take care of your wife, children and parents!"

I could hear the thieves yelling in a hurry, someone shouting angrily, two bursts of firecrackers, bows and arrows shooting indiscriminately, and Wang Tong's personal guards rushing and beating bravely, which has already made the thieves rushing in in the middle of the night confused. After running away, Wang Tong compacted the ammunition in the short blunderbuss with the cleaning stick, and fired another volley forward. He could hear that the surrounding movements were not as chaotic and noisy as before, and many voices were fading away. Wang Tong again He opened his mouth and said:
"Everyone is returning to the team, firecrackers and bows, as long as there is movement around, they will fight!"

The following suddenly agreed, the so-called military order is reflected in this, Wang Tong ordered, and all the people who rushed out just now withdrew.

The firecrackers continued to shoot, but by the time of the third round, the screams could not be heard a hundred paces away, presumably everyone had already gone far, but this happened suddenly at night, who could still sleep , this night everyone was cautious and vigilant until dawn.

Three of Wang Tong's personal guards were shot by arrows, and minor injuries such as scratches and scratches were not counted. The three people who were shot were seriously injured. Although they were not life-threatening, they were Immediate diagnosis, treatment and recuperation are necessary, otherwise, not to mention future operations, there will be problems even in actions.

The short fight at night came quickly and ended quickly, Wang Tong and others did not dare to move out easily at night, and only dared to expand the scope of the search after dawn.

There are more than a dozen corpses around the camp, all of which were stripped naked and thrown there. These should be the thieves who were killed last night. It is impossible to talk about the sound of the hands and the accuracy of the head.

Killing so many enemies is already very impressive, not to mention the wounds on a few enemies are obviously the appearance of being hit by their companions. I think they are the ones who gave me a good time last night. There should be injured enemies , but these enemies should all be taken away.

Who is it? Everyone has some guesses. The battle happened suddenly last night. Sun Pengju, who just joined Wang Tong's personal army for a few days, reacted relatively slowly. By the time he put on his armor and rushed out, the fight was almost over. In Wang Tong's personal army, martial arts are still very important. Sun Pengju is a tall man with a rather mighty appearance. Everyone looked down upon it a bit.

Sun Pengju was also depressed. He thought that Wang Tong's personal guards who were the same age as him were at the level of Li Jiajia Ding in Liao Town, but he didn't expect to be so elite.

Seeing this, when everyone was discussing where this group of thieves came from, Sun Pengju hurried over to express his guess, and also wanted to show it quickly.

"Master Hou, there are probably thousands of households or forts nearby. The thieves from last night must have come out to rob them. They are all generals and soldiers!"

The shaft of the arrow has already proved that this person came from the army, but was it sent by the Ningxia Zhenqian family?It was another source, but there was no way to confirm or confirm it. Sun Pengju said it was so sure, which was quite surprising.

"When our brigade passed the security guards, people should have been watching them. When we got here halfway to looting, this must be a familiar routine. The military bow, the rules of advancing and retreating, and stripping naked If you take off your clothes, it means that it was done by soldiers.”

Everyone looked over, but Sun Pengju lowered his head unnaturally and coughed a few times. The reasons he gave were not enough, so he had to add one more thing.

"...The private soldiers of the Sun family often go to Korea to pretend to be thieves and rob..."

(End of this chapter)

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