Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 941 Never let it go

Chapter 941 Never let it go
Hearing Sun Pengju's words, everyone showed no other expressions, but nodded in agreement. Private looting by family members and soldiers sounds disgraceful, but in fact it is very common.

The soldiers and servants are the most powerful elite under the generals. They are supported by generous treatment with sufficient food and salary on weekdays, and they also have to eat and live together for training.

Naturally, these people cannot be treated rigidly with military law, and they will inevitably be indulged in discipline, pretending to be thieves and robbers to rob. It takes a lot of food and salaries for ordinary soldiers to support their families and soldiers, and the other money is deducted and deducted, so they have to spend it. This kind of looting is not without compensation. participate.

However, the frontier generals did a lot of things like this, if they really wanted to burn, kill and loot in the interior and the territory of Daming, they would not be able to do such lawless things.

The left and right borders are a place where there is no kingly law, and the people there are not citizens of Ming Dynasty, so as long as you do it in a more secretive way, and don't provoke the hands that you can't get rid of, then there will be no troubles.

Sun Shoulian's garrison in Liao Town was originally based on Goryeo, and that was also the only way for Goryeo to trade with Daming, so it was not surprising to do such a thing.

In fact, what Wang Tong's Huwei army did on the grassland was nothing more than private plundering in a larger sense, which was quite normal.

But although this land in northern Shaanxi is desolate, it is in the territory of Daming after all, so it is a bit shocking that such activities can be encountered.

"Walking westward from Bao'an Prefecture, there will be no people on the way for a few days, and there will be few merchants. If they are robbed halfway, and the corpses are thrown in the wilderness to be eaten by wild animals, who will take care of this remote place, especially because There are few merchants, and no one will notice."

Wang Tong pondered for a while, and judged that the people around him also agreed. There must be spies for these thieves in Baoan Prefecture. Everyone in Wang Tong's team has horses, and there are horses carrying supplies and equipment. People with a lot of wealth, naturally, a team with such magnificence must have something to do with the officials. Everyone knows this well, how dare ordinary thieves dare to attack, but if they are military figures, it makes sense , more than a hundred merchants, even if they may not be a team of ordinary people, even if they are soldiers in disguise, there are more soldiers, and they can't eat them after a surprise attack. Those people may have this idea last night.Last night, although it was pitch black and we couldn't see clearly, there were no less than three hundred people who came.

Thinking of this, Wang Tong shook his head and said:
"The matter is of great importance. You can't speculate here. You have to catch up and find out."

Chen Dahe on the side was taken aback, and persuaded in a low voice:

"Master Hou, it's important to hurry. After all, this is not the land of Gyeonggi. The sky is high and the emperor is far away. I don't know how brave the people here are."

"It's because of the danger here that I have to be cautious. The person last night is most likely not from Ningxia Town, but what if it is, even if it is not, if the news is leaked, will it really provoke people from the Qi family?"

When he said this, the people around him became quiet. Wang Tong rubbed his face. He didn't sleep well. The cold wind was like a knife. His face was a little numb. He raised his voice and said:

"With so many people coming last night, there must be traces of them walking. They attacked at night and found a place to rest during the day. Let's catch up!"

This is the order, and everyone suddenly agreed, it is very simple to do such things, tracking people in such a landform in northern Shaanxi.People like Shi Qi couldn't do it anymore, but Mo Zhigen and Batu were born on the grassland just right.

A group of people prepared simply, leaving two people to accompany the wounded, and the rest rode on the road, and chased them down. There were a lot of people and horses who came last night, and there was no cover on the road. It was still easy to see the traces, so they chased all the way go down.

After the thieves started to rob, no matter whether it was successful or not, those who were robbed were either afraid of trouble or hurried on their way, and they were unwilling to waste time. I can imagine that people like Wang Tong will catch up.

Moreover, the northern part of Shaanxi is desolate, and if they attack at night and retreat in the dark, there are traces to be found there, as long as they run out, there is nothing to worry about.

Apparently the bandits who attacked Wang Tong last night thought so. Wang Tong chased them for less than two hours, and saw horses parked outside a shelter from the wind, and dozens of tents of various sizes were tied inside. The horses stopped outside and approached slowly in the downwind direction, and could still smell the burnt smell of burning grass.

This is basically just lighting the fire to warm the ground, and then setting up a tent to rest. Looking at the tent and the regulations for camping, it confirms the previous judgment of a group of people, and it is indeed from the army. It is also very clear that these people are not even arranging a clear post on duty right now, it is really bold.

"Get your firearms and bows and arrows ready first. A dozen men with spears on horseback. Lead their horses to rush in first, and then start killing. You can lead ten men on horseback without letting any of them escape!"

Wang Tong said in a deep voice, everyone below agreed to prepare. This time, unlike last night, everyone put on armor, and even the horses that were about to charge were covered with felt.

The crowd approached lightly. Han Gang and Qi Wu were at the front of the line with short spears in their hands. After a group of people got on their horses, the people behind untied the thief's horses. He whipped his horsewhip towards these mounts.

Hundreds of horses rumbled and ran towards the camp of the bandits. The tent was only made of wooden poles and spears to keep out the wind. How could it withstand the collision of the horses.

The mounts of the thieves were already frightened, neighing and screaming, jumping and running around, the gang of thieves who had just been awakened by the sound of horseshoes didn't know what happened, the camp had already been rushed halfway, and many people were in a daze. He was trampled to death by the horses in no time, or his muscles and bones would be broken.

Halfway through the rush, I saw someone running out of the tent in a panic. Even with a weapon in hand, I might see a herd of horses rushing over. How to block and dodge, the cavalry with spears came to the front, condescending , a piercing heart.

After a while of chaos, the camp had been trampled flat, and the horses were far away, but there was no tent to cover them, and the ground was either dead or wounded, crying, or standing there in panic.


The exposed thieves naturally became targets, and the firecrackers that frightened them last night rang again, but in such a scene, the firecrackers were not as lethal as bows and arrows. Several Mongolian archers, Chen Dahe, Bao Er Those who are good at bows and arrows, all of them stretched their bows and set their arrows there, and shot them quickly. Every arrow is life-threatening.

In fact, when they were called by bows and arrows, these thieves hadn't reacted yet. Even if they had some courage, they were panicked when they heard the screams around them and saw the corpses of their companions lying all over the ground. They couldn't escape under this situation. Because he has already been circled in a semicircle by the opponent, it is tantamount to besieging and killing.

When the bow and arrow shot to the second round, the enemies in the inner circle could no longer be contained, and some people also grabbed the shield and rushed towards this side roaring.

The distance itself is very close, and these rushing bows and arrows couldn't hit the vital points for a while, but they gave the firecrackers an advantage. They aimed at the shield and bombarded directly. What could the skinned wooden shield block, they were directly shot through, and the people behind It is also accounted for.

"Dare to attack the officers and soldiers of the Shunning Battalion, are you planning to rebel?"

The person who yelled these words became the target of Mo Zhigen, shot an arrow directly in his mouth, and died immediately. Wang Tong shook his head. The family has nothing to do with it.

Wang Tong put on his cotton armor, raised the simple knife in his hand, and shouted loudly:
"The archers sweep the formation, the firecrackers stop, follow me in and kill people!!"

He agreed again with a bang, and a group of people put on armor and held swords and began to enter the camp. After trampling on horses, shooting with bows and arrows and firecrackers, the number of thieves in the camp was still a few more than Wang Tong's team, but they were already out of their wits. There is no courage to fight.

This battle was far less thrilling than the fierce battle that broke out suddenly last night. It was even boring for Wang Tong. Unexpectedly, the enemy in front of him was stunned, turned around and ran away.

There is no need to talk about offense and defense here. He quickened his pace, turned up the simple knife in his hand, and slashed directly on the neck. With a horizontal swing, the one on the other side hadn't reacted yet, and the Pu Dao that was slashed across directly chopped off his head.

After killing two of them, Wang Tong could no longer see the enemies facing him, they were all fleeing, and some were already kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy.

Wang Tong shook the simple knife in his hand, stood there silently observing the battlefield, the battle ended too quickly.

"Master Hou, I tortured a few times, and they all said the same thing. I got the news from the security guards. They came to intercept me on the way. It was led by a deputy Qianhu. When it comes to Ningxia, no one knows, and they don't know what we are doing. of."

Wang Tong nodded and said in a cold voice:
"Kill them all, so as not to leak the news!"

The tone was very flat, and I didn't think much about it below. I only heard screams and curses in the camp. Soon, the cooking was cleaned up. After a short rest and a change of horses, the group of people set off on the return journey and followed Wang Tong. After being around for a long time, I could also feel that Wang Tong was a little unhappy. Ma Sanbiao approached and persuaded in a low voice:

"Master Hou, there are some miscellaneous things on the left and right. If you kill them, you will kill them. Why bother?"

"Didn't these people do such a thing once, so lawless, yet so incompetent, such a frontier army, it will die if it is not rectified!"

Wang Tong didn't answer the question.
I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival in advance

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(End of this chapter)

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