Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 949 The Disaster After the Carnival

Chapter 949 The Disaster After the Carnival

The Huoluochi tribe belongs to the Tao bandits, and is the most powerful tribe in the Hetao area. There are more than 500 people, more than [-] horsemen and more than [-] armored cavalry. This area has already been able to run rampant. Even when the Alta tribe dominated the grassland, the Huoluochi tribe belonged to the kind of force that was recruited.

Although he was only Nayan Wanhu to the outside world, Huoluochi's own chieftain was called Khan in his own tribe - Huoluochi Khan.

The relationship between Daming Northwest Frontier Town and this tribe is related to its military strength. When the Northwest Frontier Town's military force is relatively strong, it can maintain peace with the Huoluochi tribe, but if it is weak, it will be endless wars.

However, Daming's generals were unwilling to go deep into the grasslands to seek merit, and Huoluochibu didn't have the ability to go deep, so the state has been maintained like this.

Since the emergence of the Qi family, there has been peace for at least 30 years, and the Qi family is Mongolian, and the Huoluo Chibe is also Mongolian. There are many common languages. close.

Huoluochibu did not have such a big influence on the grasslands before Qibai became the real power in Ningxia Town, but after the two sides got in close contact, they could get much cheaper salt in Huamachi than others, and they could also buy salt in the town of Ningxia. The family obtained a large amount of goods, resold them, and used this to win over, and developed step by step on the grassland.

Huoluo Chibu has been active on the border for a long time. In fact, they also celebrate the Ming Dynasty's Spring Festival. Of course, one of the reasons why they can rest assured that they are stationed in the Huamachi area.

For them, the Spring Festival in the 15th year of Wanli was probably the most beautiful time for their tribe on the grassland, because [-]% of the salt in Huamachi was handed over to them, and they distributed it to the tribes on the grassland to promote the family The benefits and so on, although many cronies of the Qi family were in charge of this matter, the Huoluochibu received rare respect and their prestige was greatly improved.

On the first day of the first lunar month, Huoluochibe sang and danced for a day of carnival. The chiefs of more than a dozen small tribes sent people to participate and presented gifts, which made Huoluochibe even more beautiful.

In order to show their favor to the tribes on the grassland, the Ningxia Xiao family brought a large amount of spirits from the inland this time. Camels are good for willows, and Mongolia is good for wine. This is a joke that everyone in the world knows. The wine, which is as strong as fire and extremely mellow, is a rare enjoyment for men and even women on the grassland.

Roasted sheep, roasted cows, heavy alcohol, carnival from the afternoon until night, many people are drunk, in a place like Huamachi, it is the border of Ming Dynasty, big forces will not approach, and there are so many people here When the tribe gathers, there is no need to worry about any danger. Everyone is very relaxed.

When it got dark, the sound of Matouqin and singing became louder and louder, but there were many out-of-keys. After drinking, this was inevitable, and the audience couldn't hear anything.

But gradually the sound of the piano and the singing could not be heard clearly. Rubbing his face and concentrating, he heard a rumbling sound. Many people were confused and didn't know what it was, but some people gradually realized that it was the sound of horseshoes. The sound of hooves of a large group of people.

Alcohol paralyzed the nerves of many people, making them unable to hear the horse team coming from afar, and the gathering of many tribes also made the sound noisy, making it difficult to make a clear judgment.

Drunk tribal men shouted and took up arms, many climbed on horses and fell off, women and children cried out, and the carnival turned into riots.

Three cavalry teams of about a thousand people rushed here from several directions on the grassland. The formation of the cavalry was very tight. The people on the horses were all wearing leather robes common to cavalry on the grassland, and everyone wore hoods. It looked no different from a masked horse thief who robbed.

But these teams are extremely fierce and well-mannered. After rushing into the camp, more than a hundred people in front formed an arrow and slashed with long knives, killing anyone who stood in front of them. Torches were thrown over tents and cargo, igniting everything that could be ignited.

These people seldom shoot arrows, and they also know that when it is dark, archery is not accurate at all, and they are not obsessed with attacking the settlements where the leaders of various tribes live. , but choose another direction to charge again. Their purpose is to kill more people and burn more things.

After the people in the tribe assembled to resist, the attackers turned to the herds and drove and disrupted the gathered herds. Some of the herds panicked and even rushed into the tribe's area, and more Run in all directions.

In a state of revelry and relaxation, they were invaded by a large group of cavalry, and after being burned for a while, the spirit of alcohol woke up. The remaining people gathered together and began to organize an orderly resistance, but just after this orderly resistance was organized At that time, these cavalry turned their heads and left without thinking about the results of the battle or the robbery.

But the damage caused by this raid was already great enough. The various tribes camped around Huamachi were in flames, crying, and scattered livestock all over the mountains and plains.

Finally, some clear-headed people began to shout, "Everyone go to put out the fire first, and quickly collect the livestock!" Then everyone got busy and didn't gather the livestock. The tribe couldn't last until the warm spring, when the flowers bloomed and the water and grass were luxuriant. The livestock are grassland tribes everything of.

What followed was an even more chaotic situation. The livestock ran away. Not all the livestock had brand marks. The various tribes would never meet each other on the grassland, and they rarely did this thankless job again. As the distance is so close, the running of livestock has long been mixed together.

It started as a quarrel, but soon turned into a fight. Livestock is the key to the survival of the entire tribe. No one will be bullied. Everyone can only draw their knives to see life and death.

The big tribe mobilizes manpower, and the small tribe unites, and there is another new fight. After everything is almost subsided, it is already dawn, and the Huamachi, which was still laughing and laughing yesterday, has become a hell on earth, with corpses everywhere.

The station is naturally outside the side wall, but it is also close enough to the side wall of Ningxia Town. These days, the side wall is basically open to allow the internal materials and personnel to go out continuously. There are also two places outside Yanchi. , and they are also the two with the largest output.

Xiaobai's adopted son, Xiaoyun, is the guerrilla general in charge here. He is also a Mongolian, so he naturally knows what the tribes on the grassland are like. It is his requirement to be on guard during this period of time.

There was a sudden chaos last night, Qiao Yun immediately brought out all the servants and soldiers who could be used, and strictly guarded the side wall. Anyone who came close to the side wall was considered to be attacking and would be shot to death.

But the fighting on the grassland is all about killing each other. The people on the side wall stayed up all night, watching the cruel killing field with trepidation, and did not dare to act until the dawn subsided.

It was only after Qiao Yun led his soldiers to the salt pond that he discovered that the salt pond had been destroyed, and all the belongings used to fetch the salt had been burnt clean. It takes more than ten days to recover, which is really troublesome.

The real big trouble is that some tribes are about to leave, and each tribe has started to hate each other. In fact, several small tribes have been annexed last night, and even perished directly. Compared with the attraction of cheap salt, survival is more important. big thing.

Of course Xiao Yun would not do it. As the third person in the Xiao family, he naturally understood why Yanchi should give up the benefits. If these people left and hated each other, what else could they do? If you have more, you can also persuade and appease, and make more promises.

Salt cargo is not an ordinary thing on the grassland. Even after the turmoil last night, some people reluctantly agreed to stay.

At the time of persuasion, people from Botan's tribe came to ask for help. After doing this, the Mongolian tribe who wanted to leave did not dare to leave. The people who sent to inquire quickly got back the news. More than [-] mouths were killed
At least there are about [-] grassland cavalry operating nearby, and they are still hostile to Ningxia. Under such circumstances, it is a trivial matter to win over the tribe, and the defense of Ningxia's defenders has become a major issue.

Without further ado, Xiaoyun immediately sent his cronies to Zhencheng to send a letter to ask for help. Huamachi is the lifeblood of the Xiao family, and there must be no negligence. The most worthwhile thing in the hands of the Xiao family is private soldiers, and the town is safe. , Qian Chengen is the deputy general of Ningxia Town, and he can also mobilize frontier soldiers.

The Ningxia defenders went to Ningxia Town, and rushed on horseback. One day and midnight was enough. When the news reached Ningxia Town, although the Xiao family didn't know what happened, they couldn't ignore it. One thousand two hundred soldiers guard.

During the first month of the 15th year of Wanli, the most lively thing in the town of Ningxia was not watching the lanterns, but the fighting that took place in the Tianshuijing area in the center of the city at the beginning of the first month.

There are 150 members from the Qi family and 150 members from the Jinyiwei. They are only allowed to wear leather robes and carry wooden sticks. The heads of the wooden sticks must be covered with cotton pads and leather covers. The fighting begins at noon.

Under the guidance of intentional or unintentional, the idlers attract people to watch everywhere, and even among the rich and noble people, there is a case of betting on the outcome. Those people in the institute even went to delineate the area and maintain order.

In the past few days, people around Tianshuijing have even started business. How much do you sit in front of the wall, how much is the roof, how much is the stool by the wall, and there are even vendors selling snacks and fruits. Lively, tossing so far, it is no longer a fight with weapons, but a big show.

By the way, there are only 200 private soldiers in the city now
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(End of this chapter)

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