Chapter 950
In the Ming Dynasty, water wells were one of the main sources of water in towns and villages. Sweet water wells were suitable for reference and were even more precious. Therefore, sweet water wells were used as place names in many places, including in the capital and towns of Ningxia.

The Northwest is arid, and wells are regarded as very important. Naturally, this sweet water well has become the center of the city. In fact, this well has dried up, but it is a large open space in Ningxia Town. Several decent restaurants and shops are there. Here, there are often street vendors trading here, which is very lively.

According to past traditions, the Tianshui Well in the first month is the busiest market place in Ningxia Town, and there will be a lantern festival during the Lantern Festival, and all the people in the city are willing to hang out here.

But the 15th year of Wanli is different. Although it is more lively than the first month of previous years, there are not many women and children here, all of them are adults, and most of them are warriors and idlers.

After all, Ningxia Town is a border town, and the residents in the city are more or less related to the border army, and the men are very keen on such things as fighting with weapons.

In fact, starting in June, the servants of the Qi family provoked everywhere in the city, fought against all forces and won a complete victory, which was greatly beneficial to the hearts of the people in the city. People with good deeds gave various nicknames to some very brilliant ones, such as sky-shattering kites and the like.

The Qi family is so strong, the warriors inside and outside the city are proud to join the group of the Qi family's private soldiers, and they have formed a kind of understanding that if the Gao family is so strong, they are capable of great things, and they cannot escape with the glory and wealth.

Not to mention that people of all ethnic groups did not have much awe of the Ming court, and the original little majesty also disappeared in this series of failed fights.

In the twelfth lunar month, the situation in the city is already quite turbulent. Some rich and noble families are going to Xi'an Mansion. Forts in Ningxia towns and cities are facing enemies. Some people are going to follow the Qi family, and some Prepare to deal with military chaos.

However, all these things seem to have changed in the past few days. Jin Yiwei, who has always been low-key in the city, suddenly came to the fore, and had a few fights with the Xiao family for no reason.

The first game was won with more than one team, and the second game was won with almost the same number of players. Moreover, the advantage was too great, basically overwhelming.

Everyone was puzzled, could it be that the servants of the Xiao family were paper tigers, and the folk customs in the Northwest were fierce, and the combat effectiveness of the frontier soldiers was not so respectable. Losing this time, this impression will inevitably be shaken.

Wang Tong knew about this effect, and the Qi family and Liu Dongyang naturally also knew about this effect. The Ningxia defender had such a mess, and the news couldn't be hidden. On the contrary, it was necessary to fight on the street. Something happened over there. If you show timidity here again, the situation you managed with great difficulty will be dissipated.

Although the big team went to Ningxia to guard, the family still left the strongest cadres. In order to be complete, they deliberately postponed the time for the fight, and set it on the fifth day of the first month.

This postponement actually made the whole city even more anxious. Before dawn on the fifth day of the first lunar month, some servants from wealthy Wu families in the city came to occupy their seats, and a group of people from the garrison also came to clear the place in time to maintain order. .

According to Liu Jilin's early report, anyone in the city who has a famous family background will send someone to come over to take a look. Those who are so lively come to watch the fun by themselves, and those who don't like this will send someone to see the results. Everyone has an opinion in their hearts. .

"Isn't this a flipping kite?"

"Tsk tsk, look at this man's tall and burly appearance, he is indeed a good man who came back with ten heads in a pair of ten."

"That's right, that's right, the head has been tested by the chief soldier, and they are all real heads!"

"Look over there, Leopard!"

"Keep your voice down, it would be great if your name is Leopard, you have to add a fancy word, you don't know that he dislikes being called pockmarked the most."

"This man is fast with a knife. It is said that a watermelon was thrown out, and he could split it into four pieces before it hit the ground."

Wang Tong was wearing casual clothes in the crowd, listening to the discussion, these things are very interesting, just like the heroes in those storytelling books, watching the people around him talking about it, it is obvious that they are all famous.

After listening to it for a while, Wang Tong took off his robe and walked into the Jinyiwei. Those who have seen the bustle know what the Jinyiwei soldiers look like. Those who have not seen it are surprised, and some discussions even spread to the ears of the soldiers.

"...Except for a few big guys, the rest are not all half-grown children, these people can beat those in the family."

"You haven't seen it before, it's not that you can play it well, but you can play it very well. Let me tell you, I bet a tael of silver today, waiting to win and buy some wine and meat for my family."

Both sides occupied a team, and the soldiers were talking quietly while looking at each other. In fact, there was no killing intent in this scene, not even hostility.

Everyone is a hard-working man, what is there to be dissatisfied with when you come here to fight without blood or death? This is just a matter of exercising your body during the Chinese New Year. Of course, you can't lose, face is also very important.

It was almost noon, and everyone had eaten early. Wang Tong was about to enter, but saw a person walking out from the other side. This person, whom Liu Jilin pointed out to Wang Tong a few days ago, was Liu Dongyang.

"Everyone, it's not bad for us to have a fight today, but there are some things that need to be discussed in advance. I don't know if Jin Yiwei's brothers are willing to listen?"

Liu Dongyang had a high tone here, and Liu Jilin agreed loudly after getting Wang Tong's consent.

"For the Chinese New Year, all the young and old in the city will come to support us. We can't fight in a row. Wouldn't it be disappointing the expectations of the big guys? I have a plan. Why don't both sides choose a few to compete individually, and then gather together Right, what do you think!?"

The voice of these words was not low, Wang Tong did not answer, and the surrounding people didn't know who took the lead, so they first applauded and cheered continuously.

Group fights are exciting, but if there is one-on-one, wouldn't it be more exciting, everyone understands this truth, everyone applauds, but the few people around Wang Tong are all frowning, they are not used to such things It was too much fun, Wang Tong smiled and said:
"If we win against them today, the overall situation will be settled by [-]%. Let's accompany them!!"

Wang Tong was so confident, Liu Jilin was also full of confidence after hearing the news, nodded repeatedly, and quickly replied loudly.

Liu Dongyang didn't expect Jin Yiwei to answer so easily, he frowned, since it was his suggestion, there was no reason to refute it, and he agreed loudly.

Wang Tong looked around, and soon found that the father and son of the Qi family, the father and son of the Qi family were not watching the fun around this time, but behind the servants, with quite solemn expressions.

"Looking over there, we are all young, and we have the ability to advance and retreat in group fights. We must think that we have trained well, but such effective cooperation may not be able to take advantage in single fights, so let's fight alone for a few rounds to frustrate us. sharpness."

Wang Tong smiled and guessed that there was not much difference between the actual situation and his guess. Over there, Liu Dongyang discussed with the father and son of the Qi family with a serious expression. It was obvious that the easy agreement here made him feel less sure of going it alone. He has learned a lot, so he has that dignified expression.

Not long after, the results were presented over there, and Liu Dongyang came out and shouted:
"Let's compete in archery for the first match!"

Naturally, archery is not shooting against each other, and it is unrealistic to do any kind of riding archery in the city. I found a grass handle based on local materials, and let the crowd leave a space for two people to shoot arrows.

The middle part of the grass is painted with white ash, which is an area the size of two palms. It is considered accurate to shoot here. Within the time of a stick of incense, the one who shoots the most wins.

Even a strong archer has to rest after shooting eleven arrows with a Ming military bow, but only seven arrows with a harder Mongolian bow, but a skilled archer can shoot more than forty arrows in the time of a stick of incense. Because the frequency is maintained, the rest is intermittent, and the recovery is also very fast. It is another matter that you may not be able to lift your arms the next day.

Mo Zhigen, Batu, Chen Dahe, and Bao Erxiao made a comparison, and Mo Zhigen was off the field. Because of this comparison, the ability to shoot quickly is actually very high, and Mo Zhigen has this ability.

The person who ended up on the other side was also a Mengren. They all said that Mengren was good at riding and shooting. Although it may not be true, he was really good at bows and arrows.

The two sides settled down, and after a yell, the two of them immediately started to shoot arrows, and applauded outside the field when they first hit an arrow. Afterwards, everyone was tired of shouting, because it was too easy for the two archers to shoot from a distance of [-] steps. , Accuracy doesn't matter, what is required on the battlefield is how to shoot more arrows while maintaining accuracy, this competition is actually quite coincidental.

How could the little grass hold more than forty arrows, and it was stopped after shooting one arrow, and then took a few grass handles to stand there, this is considered appropriate.

Screaming and screaming, arrows were nailed to the grass handle. Mo Zhigen and the shooter who ended up on the field were actually at the same level. After a long time, the comparison between the two was only concentration and stability. .

But Mo Zhigen won, because when the opponent reached the second round, the bowstring broke suddenly, so he had to change the bow. He was obviously not used to the new bow, his accuracy was slightly poor, and he wasted time, so he lost.

"Do you feel that victory is invincible?"

Wang Tong on the side asked with a smile. Although the people around him didn't say anything, they agreed with them. Wang Tong shook his head and said with a smile:

"A shooter must use a bow well. Mo Rigen's bows and arrows are produced by Sanjiang Craftsmanship. They are regularly maintained and the quality is naturally guaranteed. However, the opponent's bow may be made by himself. How can it be compared? When the two armies are fighting, is it just a comparison? Is it the bravery of the generals?"

Wang Tong was talking about this competition, but the meaning was not. Everyone was in awe, Wang Tong nodded and said:

"This time Mo Rigen won, Sanjiang Workshop won, and we won!!"

(End of this chapter)

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