Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 951 The Gap Is Comprehensive

Chapter 951 The Gap Is Comprehensive

The weapons and various equipment produced by the Sanjiang Workshop with the help of hydraulic machinery may not produce any magical weapons, but they can raise the overall equipment level of the brigade to a higher level.

There may not be anything extraordinary about the weapons, but the quality is very stable. On the battlefield, where tens of thousands of people fight to the death, magic weapons are of no use at all.

Just now when the sharpshooters on both sides ended, this is what Mo Zhigen outperformed the opponent. This is no longer a question of personal skill, but a reflection of the overall strength gap between the two sides.

Wang Tong had this insight, but the other party didn't. On the contrary, the servants of the Qi family were all suffocated, thinking that the Jinyiwei was not good at winning, and that he had lost to luck, but the crowd seemed to be raucous.

In the military competition, the first round is archery, and then there is nothing new about these things. The second round is a long weapon competition. In fact, this is often done in the primary training of the Tiger Mighty Army. Both sides hold poles that are as long as spears. Holding cotton pads and holsters on the pole heads, they stabbed each other.

In Wang Tong's system, Li Hutou and Li Tao are the ones who are good at spears. The generals pay attention to this training the most. Those who are with Wang Tong now, the brothers of the Tan family have learned miscellaneous skills, and one of them is injured. Wang Tong is not going to let him They go, the rest are Han Gang and Qi Wu, both of them have stayed in Ji Town, and they learned Qi Jiguang's skills.

In these few days of group fights, Han Gang has already done his best. This time it is Qi Wu's turn. Qi Wu is a calm person in Wang Tong's system, but he is not very old. He also showed excitement at this time, eager to try.

The other party was a person next to Xiao Chengen. He looked outstanding among these people in his clothes, and his appearance was quite similar to that of the father and son of the Xiao family. He seemed to be a nephew. Long pole out.

The art of long spear is a skill on the battlefield, and people in the Jianghu basically don't use it. Those who learn it are all the children of the army. The poor people can't afford to learn the art of big spear and horse bow. Is there such a systematic training as Tiger's Might Army? Those who understand this are all generals' children or elites in the army. Like equestrianism and archery, this spear technique is an important criterion for measuring a general's ability.

After the two left the field, they each set up their flags and drums, and the originally noisy scene quieted down. The cautious appearance of Qi Wu and the person opposite also affected the onlookers.

The two sides moved a few steps sideways, looking for opportunities for each other, and then stepped forward suddenly. The pole in Qi Wu's hand seemed to shake, and the opponent's long pole was directly separated, and Qi Wu stabbed bravely with the long pole in his hand. , hit the left chest of the man. Although the front end of the pole was covered with cotton pads and leather covers, the heavy blow was still unbearable. The man was out of breath and in pain, so he sat on the ground directly.

"it is good!!"

The applause came from Wang Tong's side, and the face on the other side was naturally even more ugly, but the crowd was not very excited. In their eyes, this competition where the winner could be decided in two seconds was really boring. On the Lianzhu arrow just now, one arrow after another, that is beautiful.

But for the generals and soldiers in the army, Qi Wu's few strokes just now are the real skills.

"Let's try the knife card in the next game!"

The other side just proposed, but Sha Dongning squeezed to Wang Tong's side, and said in a pleading tone:

"Master, let the subordinates go up and try!"

Among the youngsters, Sha Dongning was the one who was good at swordsmanship. Wang Tong glanced at him with a smile, and asked:
"Can you do it?"

"My lord, my subordinates know how to use Japanese swordsmanship, and I have also learned Miao swordsmanship from Teacher Tan. When it comes to swordsmanship, my subordinates have the bottom line!"

Wang Tong nodded, and reached out to pat Sha Dongning on the shoulder. Sha Dongning knew Japanese knives, had seen life and death fights, and was taught by General Tan the Miao Knife skills, which is the Knife skills of the Qi family army on the battlefield. There's nothing wrong with it, if you say it's bad, it's because of your strength.

Both long and short wooden sticks were in place, and both sides stood still. This time, it was Liu Dongyang's confidant who ended up on the other side of the house. He looked like a guard leader. He was tall and burly.

This person may not be much taller than Sha Dongning, but he is two or more as strong as Sha Dongning. When the two sides are compared, there is a huge disparity. That person is also very arrogant. Looking at Sha Dongning, he said with a grinning smile:

"You look like a rabbit, run fast, don't wait until you are beaten by grandpa and you can't serve others!"

The voice was not low, and the idlers around suddenly burst into laughter. Sha Dongning blushed with anger, stared at this person and said:

"I don't need a real knife today, or I'll chop you up and feed you to the dogs!"

Tit-for-tat, Ma Sanbiao and Han Gang applauded in unison, and suppressed each other's arrogance. It is useless to talk too much. Seeing the truth in their hands, the opponent is a shield and a short stick, while Sha Dongning is holding it with both hands. With a slightly longer short stick.

The sword and shield pay attention to the integration of offense and defense, and the shield can also be used as a blunt weapon to hit people. Seeing Sha Dongning's posture with a knife, everyone thinks that this half-sized guy is an amateur, and he will be beaten later.

The five big and three thick sword and shield hands roared, and rushed forward, although they spoke provocatively, but their movements were very rigorous, the shield covered the body, and the short stick waited for an opportunity to attack.

The short stick in Sha Dongning's hand ignored the man's upper three, and directly pointed towards his legs and feet. This seemed to attack the lower body, but in fact it exposed his own flaws. Look at the sword and shield hand Seeing the opportunity, the shield swept over directly, but with such a movement, his chest and abdomen were also exposed.

With both hands holding the knife, both hands control the end of the wooden stick. The direction change is much more flexible. Sha Dongning's movements are even more agile, avoiding the sweep of the shield. The wooden stick is already poking at the opponent's lower abdomen, and the knife and shield hand roared With a sound, he came over to block with a short stick, and he wanted to use his strength to smash the opponent's short stick.

But Sha Dongning moved even faster, with a wing, the short stick jumped and slashed, and slammed on the man's wrist. The sharp-eyed person immediately saw the wrist turn purple, and screamed in pain, If he can't hold the short stick, if he loses the short stick and the shield, the man's shield will be pulled back.

The movements of both sides were very fast. The short stick in Sha Dongning's hand was already in front of the other party, but he did not withdraw to use force. Instead, he shrank back and stabbed violently. He hit the man's chest, and the other party screamed in pain again, only then did Sha Dongning swing the short stick in his hand to chop.

With two slashes, the man was already knocked down on the ground, unable to get up because of the pain, this fight was very exciting, you come and go, not to mention the constant applause from Wang Tong's guards, the crowd of onlookers was even more excited Get up, cheer and curse, applaud and shout, very lively, just like watching cockfights in the market.

After this round, there is no need to continue this one-on-one competition. Jin Yiwei won a complete victory. The first game may be a little lucky, but the next two games are all about real skills.

Looking at the father and son of the Qi family, the red faces turned into black faces, and Liu Dongyang didn't have a good face. Wang Tong gave Liu Jilin a wink, and Liu Jilin raised his voice and said:

"Now let's compare the battle formation!!"

As soon as the voice fell, Wang Tong raised the long pole in his hand, and the guards who had prepared a long time ago immediately formed a small square formation based on him. Such a rigorous formation, the family members on the opposite side were not ready yet.

"Go three steps forward!!"

Wang Tong shouted loudly, relying on the wooden poles, the phalanx collapsed three steps forward, although they held wooden poles in their hands, the Qi family and others who were directly opposite seemed to be facing thousands of troops, many people Can't help but take a few steps back.

There is no need to fight after such a retreat. Many people in the Xiao family couldn't help looking to one side and hesitated. Wang Tong turned his head and said:
"The weapons are on the cart beside you. If the other party moves, you should do it immediately, regardless of killing!"

The other side was also thinking about the same thing, Liu Dongyang looked at Wang Tong viciously, turned his head and said in a low voice:

"These boys are just a showman. The knives and guns are in that yard, or if we do it now, we will kill them all!"

"Now my family and your family can't gather 500 people in the city. How can the general soldier and the governor combined to resist? You think the other party is not prepared. When will this sweet water well have a cart to do business? Let's go , the embarrassment is not enough, go back and discuss it!"

Xiaobai scolded a few words in a low voice, turned his head and left, Xiaochengen hurriedly followed, Liu Dongyang hesitated, stared back viciously, and left in a hurry. People applaud constantly, today's competition is really exciting.

Wang Tong's personal guards were all complacent, but Liu Jilin, a thousand households of Jinyiwei, didn't know what to do. If the competition was won, wouldn't the Xiao family have any disagreements? He didn't come here to compete in performing arts. Just as Liu Jilin was about to ask a question, he heard Wang Tong say in a deep voice:
"The overall situation has been settled!"

Liu Jilin was taken aback again, thinking that the whole situation would be settled after just a few trifling gang fights. Wang Tong was already walking towards the place where the horses stopped, and said as he walked:
"Let's invite the commander-in-chief of Ningxia Town, the eunuch of the supervising army, and the governor to come over tonight."

Liu Jilin who was behind him hurriedly agreed, still puzzled in his heart, and was still thinking about how to avoid the eyes and ears of the Qi family, but he heard Wang Tong's order:
"In a fair and honest way, I'll post a post to invite someone, and I will wait in the main hall of the yamen at night."

Hearing what Wang Tong said was full of confidence, Liu Jilin unconsciously felt relieved, and quickly bowed and agreed.

The guards of Yanchi Fort in Ningxia, the guards of the family have already arrived, and the gang fights in the towns and cities of Ningxia don’t mention him, but the guards of the two thousand family members are enough to wipe out five times their grassland herdsmen cavalry, and the situation is immediate. It has stabilized.

But it was stable for less than two days. At noon on the fifth day of the first lunar month, the soldiers watching from the beacon tower rushed all the way to report:
"There are a large number of enemies coming."
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(End of this chapter)

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