Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 952 The Great Enemy Comes to Ningxia

Chapter 952 The Great Enemy Comes to Ningxia

What standard does the frontier pass use to judge the enemy, that is, people who appear in the frontier army's field of vision without saying hello in advance, without notifying the frontier general.

The so-called children holding sharp knives in the downtown area, pedestrians will dodge and panic, this inexplicably formed a large team, and the generals of the Ningxia defenders also panicked.

Although you can see far from the beacon tower, the distance you can see is limited after all. The soldiers watching were discovered from the changes of the tribes stationed around Yanchi.

First, a knight in the distance ran into the tribe in a panic, and then the whole tribe seemed to be boiling, becoming chaotic, with people screaming and yelling to get on their horses.

After that night of fighting and chaos, the tribes around Yanchi were very wary of each other. One family made a change, and the rest of the tribes were on alert for fear of being taken advantage of. But the tribe that made the first change became chaotic. The chaos seemed to be contagious, and there was chaos before the border.

The officers and soldiers of Ming Dynasty on the border watched all this dumbfounded, and wanted to go down to ask questions, but the whole group of Ningxia guards actually did not dare to step out, for fear of being taken advantage of by the raiders that night.

In fact, time passed very slowly. After the tribes in front of the border disperse the birds and beasts, the lookout soldiers at high places finally knew the cause of the chaos. A black line appeared on the other side of the sky, and the experienced lookout soldiers naturally understood that this was There is a large group of people coming.

But why those tribes ran away, they understand the mentality of the Tartar tribes on the grassland very well. If there is really a big force on the grassland coming to attack, these tribes will not run away, and they will follow behind to attack together in all likelihood. , No one will remember Yanchi's love.

What is it that makes them so frightened? There are no such huge monsters in the grasslands, so who has such a deterrent.

The black line gradually turned into a large group of troops. The troops coming from a distance were not moving fast. As they got closer, they could see light cavalry cruising in front and large cavalry guards on both wings. The troops in the middle did not seem to be cavalry, but they were not infantry either. Pawn, very strange.

Finally, when they got close enough, the guard soldiers finally saw clearly that it was a large convoy, a large convoy of hundreds of carts.
The border gate is guarded by the adopted son of the Xiao family, Xiao Yun. Although the large convoy usually comes from Guihua City, which is also the territory of the Ming Dynasty, after he saw the large convoy, he was more impressed than seeing the large stocks on the grassland. When the tribe came to attack, he was even more panicked. Although he had more than [-] family guards in his hands, he had no chance of winning against the team of almost [-] cavalry, more than [-] infantry, and hundreds of carts in the city.

Qiao Yun is also considered to be a battle-hardened veteran. He can judge that there is no chance of winning, and he also knows that even if he relies on the border wall, it is very easy for the opponent to win.

But since they are also citizens of Ming Dynasty, why bother to attack? I saw some cavalry and carts camping on the spot, and saw someone approaching the side wall and handing over the paperwork.

The document is very simple. The goods shipped by the Guihua City Commercial Bank are required to enter the customs. The town of Ningxia already has the semicolon of the Guihua City Commercial Bank. It is normal to ship goods from the grassland. Team team exudes awe-inspiring "buddy", who doesn't know what this is for.

But at this time, there is a huge disparity in strength and weakness, and it is not possible to block the outside. If it is really blocked, the outsiders will make a fuss. It's powerful, but it's nothing compared to that one, but it's a disaster for his own family.

Seeing such a great power, Xiao Yun thought about it and understood that all the plans of the Xiao family would be in vain, so what else, let's put it in!What Xiaoyun can do is to slow down the interrogation procedures, and then send people to Ningxia town to deliver the letter.

"You are a guerrilla as big as a sesame seed, you dare to stop our father-in-law's goods, do you still want to do it!?"

If he wanted to procrastinate, the people in the caravan would not listen to him at all, and some people would just scold him. If it was normal, Xiao Yun drew out his knife and slashed directly, but now he can only humbly.

A total of [-] cavalry cavalry and [-] carts entered the town of Ningxia. These are Daming's business names, and the rest are foreigners on the grassland. Then when he stopped outside the border, Xiao Yun didn't dare to do anything, but the power in his hand was directly restrained.

On the night of Tianshuijing's victory at Tianshuijing, Wang Tong sent a post to invite the commander-in-chief of Ningxia Township, the eunuch of the army, and the governor. Suppressed to death, naturally, these three people also had to bow their heads in front of Wang Tong and salute, claiming to be subordinate officials.

Wang Tong came here with an imperial decree. The imperial decree made it clear that Wang Tong controlled all the people in Ningxia and could transfer troops from three sides of Shaanxi when necessary. This position was actually temporarily given to Wang Tong as the governor of the Northwest. Power, those three people are naturally nothing.

The civil and military officials sent by the imperial court were oppressed by foreign local tyrants. It is really not a glorious thing. The governor Dang Xin can also use the excuse that he is a civil servant and has no knowledge of military affairs. The general Zhang Weizhong is extremely ashamed. Fallen flowers and flowing water, lost face for half a year, and it depends on the imperial envoy to come and get it back.

Wang Tong has nothing to criticize and rebuke, but he just took over the command of the two forces of the general guard and the governor's pacesetter. The total number of these two forces is nearly 3000 people, including the garrison, which is also under the governor's control. , There are almost [-] people who can come up with power, although it is not that strong.

After taking over the command, the general leaders of these forces came to see them that night, and several leaders of Wang Tong's subordinates began to go over to accept the command.

The town of Ningxia is not big, and the activities of high-level figures such as the commander-in-chief, governor, and military supervising eunuch cannot be hidden from others. Wang Tong didn't intend to let them hide it, but he didn't express it himself.

The news spread quickly that night, saying that Wang Tong, the commander of the Marquis of Dingbei and Jin Yiwei, had arrived in Ningxia town, and that the elite group of victorious people on the streets these days was Wang Tong's pro-army.

Ningxia is a border town, so they are naturally well-informed about the news on the grassland, and they are also very clear about Wang Tong's deeds. When they heard that Wang Tong came here, everyone was shocked.

After the shock, people with a little bit of political insight also knew that the faint ambition of the Xiao family was probably nothing but vanished.

The wall collapsed and everyone pushed, and the news spread. Early the next morning, someone came to Jinyiwei's Qianhu yamen, saying that they had something important to report and wanted to meet Mr. Wang, but Wang Tong had expected someone to come to inform him. Among them, the guards were also unambiguous, and directly took a set of clothes for this man to change into, so that he had no chance to carry weapons.

The origin of the person who came to report is really not simple. It is actually a steward of the Xiao family. The people in the frontier are brave, but their vision is also small, and this person has participated in the changes of the family. He thought that the prosperity and wealth are right in front of him, and his arrogance followed. But these days of turmoil, and hearing the news from Huamachi, I have no idea. The family is a Ningxia Dahao, and the news in the city is very well-informed. After Wang Tong was released, their family knew immediately.

Originally, in the eyes of Ningxia people, the commander-in-chief, the governor, and the Lieutenant's family, who are the deputy generals, are already great figures. What are you doing here? It's not aimed at the Xiao family.

Right now the small family in the city has no strength, the army is under the control of Wang Tong, the situation has changed drastically, those villains who followed the arrogant family when they flaunted themselves are now panicked, this steward is one of them, and hurried over to "take the crime and make meritorious service" ", to see if I can get rid of myself and get some benefits at the same time,
This is also Wang Tong's intention. If enough pressure is released, some people will not be able to stand up, so that they can get more news. What the Xiao family is doing now is not even enough to be dismissed from office. At most, it is demotion. Moreover, the gangsters of the Qi family ran rampant in the city. Although they caused injuries and losses, there was nothing harmful to the sky. There were a lot of exaggerations in the words of the commander-in-chief and the governor. The reports and descriptions in the paper are much more objective. Wang Tong is quite sure that the family can make it like this.

"My master doesn't. Well, I said that he and Chengen are the lives of lieutenants in this life, and they always want to be the leader of the army. But being the leader is afraid that people will not be convinced, so let Liu Dongyang be the leader."

There are quite a few Mongols and Huihui in the frontier army. In Gansu, there are even Tubo and Huibu. There are also many generals. Han people are not allowed to be general soldiers.

In fact, for warriors, the general soldier is the pinnacle, which is the supreme glory of being called a commander, and only those honorable warriors go up. Such honors are often not regarded as generals, and they In the center, more people are regarded as courtiers. Wang Tong, who was born as an internal guard and commanded the army, is an odd number among odd numbers.

To achieve Wang Tong's level, it is not only a matter of bravery, but also some luck, such as knowing Emperor Wanli very early
But Wang Tong was very surprised by the steward's confession. There was no other reason. People with evil intentions usually think about being king and emperor, and what is it like to be a general.

"He didn't want to sweat outside?"

"The family's background is low on the grasslands. It is said that the shepherds from the Yarkand side ran out. They have the most important blood outside the Great Wall. They don't count on it."

Tribes and nationalities on the grasslands place great emphasis on bloodlines. Even though An Da Khan was born as a general of thousands of households, it is said that Khan has always been criticized by people, so he has to convert to religion and let his position have legal authority. This Wang Tong is got it.

"This family's ambition is too small!"

(End of this chapter)

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