Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 953 Disposal under Disparity in Strength

Chapter 953 Disposal under Disparity in Strength
All kinds of news spread to Ningxia Town, more and more local people provided information to Jinyiwei and Ningxia Town, and Wang Tong got more and more comprehensive information.

Everyone knew that the family was not stable, but after all, they didn't pull the flag and tear their face to rebel, which made most people in the city have no position. After Wang Tong showed his strength, the people who showed his favor immediately stepped through the threshold.

It was the second day after Wang Tong summoned the general soldier, the governor, and others. All the respectable people in the city came to express their respect and deliver various news.

Wang Tong was a little disappointed and bored. Logically speaking, conspiracies and tricks should always have something that he didn't expect to judge, but he didn't expect that there was nothing wrong, which was similar to what he thought.

There is also the ambition of this family, which makes Wang Tong feel relaxed, but also a bit boring. After so long, the chief soldier and the governor are as scared as his grandson. Liu Dongyang took the lead, the situation was really too small.

"Dutang, the treasurer of Gao Shenghe in this city is here to pay respects!"

Jinyiwei Qianhu Liu Jilin is now a personal entourage. He announced aloud that this Goldman Sachs is one of the big merchants in Shanxi. It is said that there are shadows of Majia and Daiwangfu behind it, and it belongs to one of the core big merchants in Guihua City. They also have their own branch in Ningxia, Wang Tong quickly said something to call in.

When Liu Jilin sent away Goldman Sachs and the shopkeeper, Wang Tong had already put on his official robes. Liu Jilin also noticed that the guards in the yard were all wearing armor, all of which were tiger plate armor, and were still arranging their weapons. .

"Go invite the father and son of the Qi family and Liu Dongyang, invite them to the east gate, and tell them that I want to see them."

Wang Tong said the word "please", which meant that no force was needed to arrest him. Liu Jilin quickly agreed to go over and make arrangements. Wang Tong checked his short gun and said again:
"Let Sanbiao transfer 1000 people to maintain law and order in the city, and don't move lightly without orders!"

Both Ma Sanbiao and Chen Dahe were sent out to control the troops, and there were messengers rushing to do it immediately. Wang Tong thought he would be delayed in Ningxia Town for a few months, but now it seems that it won't take that long, and he should be able to return in March. The capital master is looking at his son, Wang Xia, the name sounds strange, but it is so kind when he thinks about it. Wang Tong thought that he could devote himself to government affairs, but he didn't expect that he would always miss him at night. Maybe this is a new father. people's mentality.

Today, on the eighth day of the first lunar month in the 15th year of Wanli, the towns and cities of Ningxia are more lively than the first and second day of the first month. According to the news from Jinyiwei, many wealthy businesses feel more relaxed than the first and second day of the first month, so take care Happy happy.

This is also understandable, everyone has been worried for so long, fearing that there will be a military disaster, now that Wang Tong has arrived, the situation has been completely stabilized in a short period of time, everyone will naturally have to make up for this year.

The weather is very clear. When the wind is not blowing in the northwest, it is also a good experience to stand on a high place and see far away.

Liu Jilin had returned not long after, and the father and son of the Qi family and Liu Dongyang immediately set off for the east gate. In this situation, they had no position to refuse, and they dared not even refuse, so as not to give Wang Tong any reason. , The messengers who went to Ma Sanbiao and Chen Dahe also came back.

The horses were brought outside, Wang Tong got on the horse, and more than a hundred guards also got on the horse, and there were 400 Jin Yiwei, except for fifty horsemen, the rest lined up behind the horse team.

This team walked swaggeringly on the streets of Ningxia Town, and immediately caused a commotion. Forget about Jin Yiwei, there are not even a few new flying fish suits in Ningxia Town, and no one bothers to pay attention to it, but Wang Tong's more than a hundred personal guards , each of them is wearing armor, and their weapons are shining with cold light, they are really imposing.

Moreover, the people on the street also know that the guards of Lord Dingbei and Jin Yiwei, who commanded Mr. Wang, have real skills. The guards of the Qi family who have been rampant in Ningxia for so long have not been beaten to death. This is not only because of ability, looking at the equipment of the personal guards, this armor is probably only worn by ten people in the Xiao family.

Seeing this, everyone knew that the Xiao family couldn't make any waves anymore. Following Wang Tong's group to the east gate, the town of Ningxia became more lively.

When Wang Tong arrived at the east gate, the father and son of the Qi family, Liu Dongyang, and a dozen or so entourages were waiting there respectfully. It was already in such a situation that even if he pulled out his remaining team members, he would be in trouble for himself. It would be better to follow the official rules. It is also in Wang Tong's judgment, since everything has not been clarified, then the Qi family will also take its own core interests as the criterion, there is no room for loss in Huamachi, it is one of the roots of the prosperity and wealth of the Qi family, how can we not Giving up, so most of the power was transferred away, and after Wang Tong revealed his true identity, the weak family became a fish on the chopping board.

"The lower official (lower position) has seen Lord Hou!"

The father and son of the Qi family saluted, while Liu Dongyang was about to kneel and kowtow. They also saw the guards behind Wang Tong who were armed to the teeth. There is nothing to panic about in this situation.

"Follow me to the tower!"

Wang Tong nodded, and said calmly, the three people here respectfully agreed, and they were about to follow up. After taking two steps, Han Gang and others stopped him politely and said:
"My lords, please take off your weapons."

The three of them were taken aback, then sighed, nodded and took off their sabers, and both Chengen and Liu Dongyang did the same. The three also noticed that the entourage they had brought had been separated. Continuing to keep up, Liu Dongyang shook his head and took out a dagger from his riding boots and handed it to the other party, because he noticed that Wang Tong's personal guards had been staring at his two riding boots after taking his saber. It's okay to wait until the cleverness doesn't do it, so as not to cause trouble.

The city tower was originally a fort watchtower and a temporary warehouse. After a few people came up, they found that an open tent had been built with felt, and it was full of charcoal, wine, meat and so on. Wang Tong sat directly on the head. Stretching out his hand, he opened his mouth and said:
"Sit everyone!"

Even the guards who served in the house were older than Wang Tong, and Bai Bai was even more gray-haired, but Wang Tong's actions seemed extremely natural, and everyone felt that it should be taken for granted. Such a high-ranking person, It should have the style of such a high position.

A few people did it respectfully, the people behind came to pour the wine, and someone was cutting up the grilled meat and served it. Wang Tong ate a few mouthfuls of the delicious wine and food. When he was about to get up to speak, Wang Tong reached out his hand to stop him, but turned his head and asked:
"Go and see how much time is left!"

A guard at the back agreed and ran out in a hurry, where Wang Tong slowly cut up the barbecue, and then dipped it in the pickled vegetables on the side and put it in his mouth. This way of eating is weird, but not so Greasy, Wang Tong likes it very much.

This kind of situation of sitting at one table but ignoring others at all is very strange. The three members of the Qi family were a little restless, but they could only sit there bored looking at Wang Tong who was looking at himself and the guards standing in armor.

"Master Hou, there is still about a stick of incense left!"

The personal guard returned and reported in a low voice. Wang Tong nodded and said:
"Everyone come with me!"

In the first month of the northwest, standing in a windy place like the head of the city is not so pleasant, but everyone has experienced it, and they can bear it, but they don't know what to wait for.

The effort of a stick of incense is either long or short. Slowly, I saw cavalry and brigades approaching from the east. They ran inside the city, but some generals shouted at the top of the city to maintain order, but they refused to close the city gate, saying that it was their own people who came.

Gradually, the panic subsided, and the cavalry and large groups of troops in the distance had already arrived at the city. These teams did not enter the city, but began to stop and set up camp under the city.

There are almost 2000 cavalry, more than [-] carts, and nearly [-] infantry. Ningxia knows the troubles on the grassland very quickly. Seeing this cart and the warriors holding weapons beside them, they also know Nine out of ten of these armed forces were armed by the merchant groups in Guihua City.

"My lord, my lord, my lord has [-]% more soldiers and horses at the Huama Pond than now. If you want to come to the family, you will not be afraid of the soldiers."

How can it be possible not to be afraid, the cavalry from Guihua City is better than the Qi family in terms of equipment, and not inferior in combat experience, and seeing these Han Chinese cavalry, Xie Bai knows that most of the people on the Huamachi side are from the city The cavalry are selected soldiers from various ministries, and they are stronger than the family soldiers of the Qi family.

Chang Bai sighed, but knelt down silently, and Cheng En also knelt down. Before they could speak, Wang Tong said again:
"Do you still want to do those plans in your mind?"

"Master Hou, this subordinate now realizes that he is a frog in a well, and he is arrogant."

Xiaobai said something dejectedly, and kowtowed to the ground with Xiaochengen, Liu Dongyang was a little flustered, because two personal guards had already walked behind him, Wang Tong stared at him and said:
"You go to contact the Huoluo Chibu and say that after you become the chief soldier, you will invite them in. What are you talking about, the rich and wealthy women of the Han family, you can take them at will?"

Liu Dongyang trembled all over, but the father and son of the Qi family looked up. After Liu Dongyang was stunned, he quickly knelt there and kowtowed. Wang Tong looked at Liu Dongyang with disgust on his face and said:
"The Qi family is still a Mongolian, and even if you haven't done such a thing, you, a Han, are so insane."

"Master Hou, they spout blood, they want to slander, it's the Tartars who want to rebel"

"Shut up! Your chief follower personally came to make the first complaint, what a slander, a shameless villain, even your cronies are not loyal, it's a good example, you're screwed!"

Just as Liu Dongyang was about to continue talking, Wang Tong's personal guard standing behind him had wrapped a rope around his neck and tightened it tightly.

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(End of this chapter)

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