Chapter 954
Liu Dongyang, whose neck was strangled by the rope, just struggled a few times. Although he was also a general, he was so controlled by others, and he was still restrained by two Wang Tong's personal guards, so there was no room for resistance.

Soon, Liu Dongyang's body softened, and a stench filled the city. The strangled person became incontinent, and the body was quickly dragged down the city.

The father and son of the Qi family looked at each other, and they could see the fear in each other's eyes. This Marquis of Dingbei would kill if he didn't do anything, and if he did, he would kill people. He really couldn't think about his own fate.

"Qi Chengen, your private soldiers have been tossing around in Ningxia town for so long, but none of them died. What do you think?"

Xie Chengen didn't know the meaning of Wang Tong's question at all, and wanted to see his father's opinion, but how could Xie Bai speak at this time, he hesitated, and said:
"If you go back to Lord Marquis, I'm a lowly official. I think it's better not to harm the local people too deeply. I will have to deal with people from all walks of life here in the future."

Wang Tong shook his head with a smile, but asked Qiao Bai again:

"Your ambition is only to be a general soldier?"

Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, and now that things are up to now, he doesn't care about so much, he sighed and raised his head and said:
"Master Hou, I have been in Ningxia Town for 30 years with a lowly position. I have made countless military achievements. I was replaced by a lieutenant general until I was old. The son of a lowly position also has meritorious service, but this life is just a lieutenant general. Those cowardly and incompetent people can become generals. Handsome, humble job is really not reconciled!"

"Now, do you still want to be the chief soldier?"

"Don't make fun of Lord Hou. He used to rely on his strength and was able to use it. He always felt that he was the best in the world. Hearing about Master Hou's achievements, he thought it was empty talk. When I saw it these days, I realized that I was watching the sky from the well. What used to be said It seems like a child's play."

Xiaobai seems to be an old man who is too old to ignore everything. He sighed again at this point, kowtowed a few times on the ground and said:
"The lowly post is doing something wrong, and I know the crime. These things are all done by the villain himself. Liu Dongyang fanned the flames, and they didn't know about it. I hope Hou Ye will let the villain's achievements in these years go. , the villain is willing to commit crimes!"


Chengen next to him was in a hurry. He just said a word, but he was stared back by Bai Bai. Wang Tong waved his hand, and a guard brought a chair, and Wang Tong sat in front of them, even Feeling condescending, the matter has already been resolved for the most part, Wang Tong said again:
"I beg you to do anything wrong? Since Chengen is appointed by the court as a lieutenant general, why did he follow suit? I beg you to bear the responsibility for the crime yourself, so that they can be fine and continue to be officials?"

Xiaobai kowtowed a few times there, and when he looked up, he could see that his forehead was bruised. Just as Xiaochengen was about to speak, he was scolded angrily by Xiaobai:
"Evil animal, if you don't beg for mercy, will the whole family be implicated by you and me?"

"Master Hou, the villain doesn't ask for anything to continue to be an official, but only asks the adults to spare the lives of the little old man and his family."

Xie Bai began to want to take responsibility for the crime himself, and after hearing Wang Tong's rhetorical question, he thought about adding Xie Chengen's life in exchange for the safety of the whole family. Wang Tong showed a clear smile on his face, but this plain The smile made the father and son of the Qi family even less confident. The wind was strong in the city, and the unpleasant smell of Liu Dongyang's death had dissipated, but the despair and resentment when he was dying seemed to still be in front of the father and son of the Qi family. Even more frightened.

There was silence for a while, which seemed to be a long time for the father and son of the Qi family. The weather was cold, but they were already covered in cold sweat. Wang Tong said slowly:
"I don't care what plans you have in your heart. You have been tossing around in the city for so long, but you haven't caused any serious incidents. This is your good fortune! People inside and outside now say that you just want to be the chief soldier , this is a luxury, not a crime."

Hearing what Wang Tong said, Qiao Bai's eyes widened. His family's crimes have been mitigated a lot. Don't tell me Mr. Wang doesn't want to investigate, but at this moment, he really can't be surprised. Talking, but Wang Tong asked:
"Qing Chengen, can you speak Mongolian?"

This question does not match the interrogation at this time, but in this situation, the father and son of the Qi family can only keep their doubts in their stomachs, and Cheng En said:
"The villain only knows a few words, but he doesn't know anything else."

There was nothing unnatural on Qiao Chengen's face when he said these words, Wang Tong looked at Qiao Bai again and asked:
"Why, you were born on the grassland, but you didn't teach your descendants the language of your hometown?"

It was a very random question, and it was always a respectful obeisance, but his face was flushed, and he said there in a low voice:
"Master Hou, the villain is a Han, but he was kidnapped and taken to the grassland when he was young, so how could he teach his children and grandchildren such barbarian words? Even the few words learned by this evil animal, he didn't know how to deal with his servants I learned it, I was whipped by the villain back then."

In this era, the appearances of the Han people and the ethnic groups on the grasslands are still quite different. Even Wang Tong, with his level of knowledge, can see that Qi Bai and Qi Chengen are standard Mongolian people, but the statement of Qi Bai just now is not. It's very interesting, and it fits well with what Wang Tong heard.

Wang Tong nodded, and said again:
"Is it better to be a Han Chinese? Or to be a Mongolian?"

These questions have nothing to do with the current trial and the chaos in Ningxia City for more than half a year. However, the father and son of the Xie family still wanted to answer, and Chengen said in a muffled voice:

"What good are those Tartars? Even the nobles in the tribe can't afford to drink burning knives. The women's body smells like fish. They walk around in summer and hide in tents in winter. It's not like they live in Shaanxi. Prefectures and counties, even Baozi in Ningxia are better than them."

Qi Bai sighed again, but Wang Tong's question brought back memories of his past, his voice became low and deep, and he forgot what the scene was like now.

"Master Hou doesn't know. The life on the grassland is too hard. You can't even throw away cow and horse manure, and you have to use it for fire. The nobles eat meat, but the people below can only eat wild vegetables and things made of milk. Even this It may not be enough to eat. When the villain was still on the grassland, he raised horses and cattle for the chiefs. That was a pain. Sometimes it was colder, and a strong snowstorm passed, and people would freeze to death in the tent the next day. They are also used to feed the dogs of the nobles, and the skulls have to be inlaid with silver to make wine bowls. This is still a big tribe, and those small ones are often caught by a heavy snowstorm, or even some kind of disease. The whole tribe will disappear if they say nothing. "

Wang Tong waved his hand, and Xiaobai also knew the meaning and stopped talking. Xiaobai is a Mongolian, but I am afraid that Chengen has a lot of Sinicization, and they obviously regard the identity of a Mongolian as a stain. Such a person, He still has a sense of proportion in doing things, and he also has military merits and hard work. Wang Tong pondered for a while and said:
"Xiao Bai, Xiao Cheng'en, Xiao Yun, and the two generations of your family who are in charge of soldiers and officials, don't want to be officials anymore!"

Xiaobai's father and son, together with Xiaobai's adopted son, Xiaoyun, and several sons and nephews of the Xiaobai family are all serving as military generals. After Wang Tong's words, they have no official status. The father and son of the Xiaobai family have been in the Ming Dynasty for so many years. After tempering, he naturally understood that after Wang Tong's words, the Qi family became ordinary people.

How big the gap is between the officials and the people, and Qi Bai who was born as a shepherd slave and became the deputy commander of the army naturally understands, but Wang Tong's treatment and his previous words let Qi Bai know that this is a rare grace.

Although the father and son of the Qi family had sad expressions on their faces, they still kowtowed at the same time and said:

"Thank you Lord Hou for your great kindness, the villain is here to thank you!!"

His head knocked loudly, but Wang Tong muttered there, paused and said again:

"The Xiao family cannot stay in Ningxia from now on. The children, nephews and grandchildren of the Xiao family, including the married families, will all move away. You must avoid suspicion!"


Next, he kowtowed and agreed, but his expression was even more ugly. The Xiao family is the leading local tyrant. Any nephew of the Xiao family here has great appeal and is also a big trouble for the government. Since Wang Tong decided to be lenient, naturally he would not What future troubles will be left, although Wang Tong did not say a word of magnanimity.

"Bai, how many male grandchildren are there in your grandchildren?"

Asked this sentence, the father and son of the Qi family were stunned, and Bai Bai wanted to hide it, but after thinking about it, he still said:
"If the villain remembers correctly, there are a total of 16 grandchildren, six girls and ten boys."

Wang Tong felt that this number was too much at first, and immediately realized that this number was actually too small among people of Daming's status.

"Except for those who can't do without their parents, send them to Tianjin Wei to join the army!"

Wang Tong's words stunned the father and son of the Gu family who were waiting to be dealt with. Gu Chengen immediately took a step on his knees, but when he heard the sound of a knife being drawn behind him, he quickly knelt there and cried, saying:

"Master Hou, the villain's nephews are still young, please please Master Hou"

"If you stop being officials, don't you want your children to be officials?"

Wang Tong smiled and asked back, the father and son of the Qi family were stunned again, and they were stunned too many times in this conversation, Wang Tong said again:
"All of you are going to naturalize. Your servants allow you to keep [-] yuan. All your assets in Ningxia will be sold. You will use your money and livestock to be used in Guihua City. Your family will open a business in the city. Tianjin Wei has a semicolon, so Chengen or Xiaoyun can do things in the semicolon!"

Although Guihua City is in the northeast direction of Ningxia, it is in the most affluent place in Hetao, and it is also a big city on the grassland. Compared with Ningxia, it is much better, and let the family go to Guihua City to do business, without official status , but the wealth will not decrease, on the contrary, it will become stronger. As for the grandchildren of the Qi family serving in the army in Tianjin Wei, and the opening of a semicolon in Tianjin Wei, this is actually a great grace. But I didn't expect it to be handled like this.

Xiaobai and Xiaochengen were stunned for a while, then kowtowed with tears streaming down their faces, and said in a broken voice:

"Thank you Lord Marquis for your grace"

(End of this chapter)

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