Chapter 955

The Xiao family really did not expect such a treatment. According to the practice of Ming Dynasty, even if Wang Tong was magnanimous, he would commit suicide by worshiping himself. The family property was confiscated and the whole family was for the people.

But now that the official position is gone, it has given hope to the third generation of the Qi family, and they can continue to join the army to seek wealth. You must know that children from the general family are better adapted to the army physically and mentally than other people, and they are more likely to be promoted. There are many more opportunities. As for opening a commercial firm in Guihua City and opening a branch in Tianjin Wei, although this is a toss, it will allow the family to continue to live a wealthy life. It is definitely not willing to go to the wind to eat and sleep in the open, let alone those in his family who grew up well-clothed and well-fed.

Kuaibai and Kuaicheng'en are very clear about what Guihua City looks like. In the northwest, I am afraid that only a few of the richest prefectures in Shaanxi can catch up. Let my family go there. Not better and agnostic.

And don't want the family's property, let them keep five hundred private soldiers. The family has been in the town of Ningxia for so many years, controlled Yanchi, and has border trade. Even if Zhuangzi sells it, if he takes it to Guihua City, there may be a better deal.

The Xiao family also knew that doing business in Guihua City not only depended on capital, but also on the handles in their hands. If they were allowed to bring five hundred private soldiers there, they would have five hundred guards. , Whether it is robbing or doing business, you will definitely not suffer losses, and it is more likely to make a fortune.

Xie Bai and Xie Chengen have been in Ningxia Town for so many years, and they have encountered countless things. They are used to the rise and fall of tribes on the grassland, and they are also used to the life and death of local tyrants in Ningxia Town. Today, these things are my turn. , I thought there would be a miserable end, but I didn't expect to be dealt with like this.

I was overjoyed and saddened, I couldn't control my emotions, so I naturally kowtowed to thank you with tears streaming down my face.

Wang Tong accepted their courtesy, stood up and said:

"Resign after you get home, hand over your weapons and everything, and hand them over when your family is beyond the border wall."

Kowtow to agree, Wang Tong pondered and said again:

"Let Xiaoyun hand over the defense to the local frontier army. Your family's private soldiers will be stationed there, and you will spend your own money on the supplies. Explain the situation to Xiaoyun. If he changes, the outside soldiers and horses will immediately break the border. Attack the wall and kill the thief."

Wang Tong said it indifferently, but the father and son of the Xiao family below did not dare to be negligent, and quickly agreed again. Xiao Yun controls most of the private soldiers of the Xiao family in the Ningxia guard area. If they move around, it is really troublesome. The so-called trouble is killing people. The armed forces of the Guihua City Merchant Group are completely superior outside, and they are not afraid of their troubles at all.

Liu Dongyang committed suicide in fear of crime, his family property was confiscated, and his family was sent to Guihua City as slaves. He did not know who he knew, so he resigned from office and had already submitted to the capital.

On the morning of the eighth day of the first lunar month, there was nothing unusual. The well-informed people in Ningxia town knew that the commander of Dingbeihou and Jinyiwei, Wang Tong, had summoned him at the east gate of the city. He was surprised, but he also understood that the situation had completely stabilized.

The chief soldier Zhang Weizhong and the governor Dang Xin immediately wanted to send their guards to search the house. The house was too fat, and it was really unwilling not to take a bite.

But after hearing Wang Tong's disposition, they had no choice but to go back resentfully, they could only be unwilling to do anything else, because now most of the power in the city was controlled by Wang Tong.

"Jinyiwei went to 50 people to follow. Don't worry about the dirty hands of these general guards, but don't do anything that hurts nature and reason."

After Wang Tong returned to Jinyiwei's Qianhu yamen, he immediately ordered Chen Dahe to lead a team to Liu Dongyang's fort. The generals in Ningxia Town, apart from the soldiers and horses of the headquarters, mostly joined forces with the local tyrants, and they should not be allowed to make trouble. This is also a simple matter. The personal guards of the chief soldier can't beat the private soldiers of the family, and it is more than enough to deal with the fort of the general in such a place.

"You arrange someone to go to the Xiao's house first, ask the father and son of the Xiao's family to get a certificate, and let the naturalized business group outside the city go to Yanchi to get salt, and tell them that there is nothing wrong here. Sanjiang Commercial Bank will leave five hundred guards to obey orders, and the rest will go back. Bar!"

Liu Jilin quickly agreed to do it. No one dared to disobey Wang Tong's order to naturalize the armed forces of the merchant group. Naturally, the armed forces of the merchant group provided their own food and supplies, but Wang Tong had always had contacts in his work, so it would be beneficial to let them come. Salt is their reward.

Pond salt is the best quality salt at present. There are also salt ponds within the control area of ​​Guihua City, but the output is far from self-sufficient, and it has to be imported from Shanxi and other places. A lot of business in Ningxia Salt Pond comes from Guihua City. Use carts and horses to fill the pool with salt and return, and the cost of this trip will come out, and maybe you can still make money.

For the cavalry near the city, salt is also very important to them, but they all come on horseback, even if the accompanying horses carry salt, it does not have much weight, but Wang Tong gave them a certificate, relying on this According to the evidence, how much salt can be bought at a low price in the salt pond, which is actually a benefit to the tribes behind the cavalry near the city. These people are fighting for the armed forces of the merchant group, and they respond to Wang Tong's order in such a way, so naturally they cannot be allowed to go back empty-handed .

The resignation papers of the father and son of the Qi family have been issued in accordance with the procedures. Both the general soldier and the governor have received the official official documents, and the letter written by Qi Bai to Xiao Yun has also been sent. The people from the yamen followed, and after the current guards of the Xiao family in the city disarmed and bound Liu Dongyang's guards, they also dropped their weapons and walked out of the mansion to wait for disposal.

Shi Qi led people to search around the mansion, and then took away the weapons outside the mansion, and let these guards continue to go back to work. Since the Xiao family did not hide anything, then this side will also give them face.

Liu Jilin came back from a business trip. In the past, he came to Ningxia town, let alone an arrogant and domineering family. The governor, the commander-in-chief, and even the thousand households in the garrison never looked at him. Nowadays, everyone respects him from all walks of life. You're being polite, Liu Jilin is also very excited, and he admires Wang Tong even more.

Everyone has been helpless for so long, Wang Tong has only been here for a few days, but he was beaten a few times, and one person died, and it was solved so lightly. Sure enough, those who are capable have their own advantages.

However, after Wang Tong came to Ningxia Town, Liu Jilin's affairs were much busier than before. Liu Jilin was also ashamed in private, and he couldn't come to the hall. He didn't know that he still had so many things to do.

When he returned to the yamen, someone came to call him, saying that Lord Hou ordered Liu Qianhu to go there as soon as he came back.

"There are more than [-] Ding Qinwei in the Xiao family. They keep [-] and take them to Guihua City. There are still about [-] people who have nowhere to go. You have to manage it. Later, you will issue a charter to maintain their treatment. If you keep it, the family members will also help you."

When Liu Jilin arrived, Wang Tong cut straight to the point and ordered that the private soldiers of the Qi family were considered elite in Ningxia City. If so many were suddenly disbanded, there might be troubles. Even if there were no troubles or they could be suppressed, It is a pity to let such a force dissipate like this.

So Wang Tong planned to let Liu Jilin seize this force, Liu Jilin quickly agreed, but this matter is not small, he asked cautiously:
"Dutang, there are still more than 500 vacancies in the humble position. The rest of the old and the weak can always be vacated by [-] seats, but I am afraid that there are more than enough. The rest will be impeached if they are used as private soldiers of the subordinates. .”

"It's enough to select 500 people to directly belong to this department, but the premise is that you can suppress and control it. Your current direct lineage is only a few dozen people. If you invite [-] people in, don't be turned against others."

Wang Tong warned, and then continued, obviously he had a comprehensive consideration:

"My plan is to let you recruit the five hundred guards outside into Jinyiwei, and then disperse the more than two thousand private soldiers. Some of them will be used to guard Yanchi, and some will be used as guards for the newly opened Sanjiang Commercial Firm. In such a situation Now, if you manage the small with the big one, you will be much calmer.

"Dutang is still considerate."

Liu Jilin said convincingly, and Wang Tong waved his hand, not caring about such flattery:
"But you have to hold the private soldiers in your hands as soon as possible so that they can be used by you completely. Can you do this?"

Liu Jilin pondered for a while, then saluted solemnly and said:

"Please don't worry, the food and pay are sufficient. Using the training method of the Tiger's Might Army, we can guarantee that they will be loyal and loyal. However, the trained generals have to be taken care of by Dutang. Otherwise, only four people here are from Tianjin Wei. It's really a shame. Can't handle it."

"It's good to be sure of this. Among the 150 merchant group guards outside the city, there are at least [-] veterans. The others are also used to the military system of the Tiger Mighty Army. They can all be used as instructors. You know why you are allowed to master Is it such a big force?"

Wang Tong suddenly asked a question, five hundred merchant guards, and nearly two thousand private soldiers from the Qi family filled in. The strength of Liu Jilin's subordinates from the Qian family of Jin Yiwei is no less than that of the Qi family at that time, but he has no military position and cannot be mobilized That's all for the frontier army, Liu Jilin pondered for a while, bowed and said:
"It's to protect the salt pond, so that Guihua City can use salt without any worries."

"This is one, what about the others?"

"In order to have a detailed grasp of the dynamics of the various ministries on the grassland." "No, the ministries on the grassland will last for more than ten years, and those who do not seek refuge with Ming will only be driven to the desert or further north. This force is to let you keep an eye on Ningxia Commander-in-Chief and Governor."

What Wang Tong said was very straightforward. Liu Jilin trembled when he heard it, but he didn't feel any panic. He bowed down again and said:
"Your subordinates are dull, please show me your subordinates, you should move forward bravely, at the cost of your life!!"
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(End of this chapter)

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