Chapter 957

Hearing Wang Tong say "a chance to make a fortune", all the people in the room concentrated their attention, and some smart ones even guessed what Wang Tong was going to say.

".Salt pond monopoly, this will be strictly controlled in the future. If the local salt administration is not effective, Jinyiwei will participate."

No one thought that this was what they said at the beginning, and they immediately realized that the most profitable business in Ningxia Bianzhen is salt. The quality of pool salt is high, and the cost of mining is very low. Whether it is on the grassland or inland, it can A business that sells at a high price and makes a fortune on the ground.

The reason why the Xiao family is so arrogant and domineering is because of the support of Chiyan's wealth, and why they are hostile to most people in Ningxia Town, and it is precisely because he controls Yanchi.

Now everyone can't eat it, and some powerful people from other places swallow it in one gulp. Everyone doesn't want it, but they can only help it. Wang Tong is really too big for Ningxia Town, and Ningxia Town is different from other border towns. , He is within the range of Hetao, and he has the deepest influence on Guihua City, but he knows more about Wang Tong than other places. The more he knows, the less he dares to act rashly.

".You take the side wall too seriously now! Do you think that beyond the side wall is an extremely dangerous place?"

Wang Tong's second topic caused a commotion in the audience. In the past, the wall was the boundary between Daming and the grassland. There are still laws and regulations on this side, and there is a barbaric world where the weak prey on the strong and lawlessness. The most people who communicate with the outside world are traders. However, it is different now. The clan that controls this place has fallen, and several large tribes outside have been wiped out by the naturalized merchant group. There is no danger there now.

In fact, when the Alta Department was wiped out, people in Ningxia Town had already established pastures on the grasslands and farms in Hetao, but they were all trying to do it, and they didn't show it to the public.

"The Yellow River is full of harms, but only benefits. The Hetao land is Jiangnan in the northwest, and it is the land of fish and rice in the northwest. You are on the edge of Baoshan, why don't you go to get it!?"

Wang Tong's loud rhetorical question made the people below a little restless, and he continued:

"Go outside to enclose land, and you can go back to Ningxia Town. There is also a naturalized business group outside to help you, to help you trade supplies. How difficult is it to find a piece of irrigated land in Ningxia Town? How much can one mu of land produce a hundred catties of grain? Difficult, how much money does such a field cost you, but such fertile and beautiful land is boundless in Hetao, as long as you cultivate it, you will definitely have a good harvest."

"Master Hou, there isn't much water to irrigate on the other side of the Hetao!"

He said that the crowd was passionate, and some people didn't care about the distinction between superiority and inferiority. Hearing this question, Wang Tong sneered and said:
"Everything is ready-made? Your Majesty sent troops to destroy the Ministry of Alta. Is it possible that the land deeds will be prepared for you and delivered to your door. People in Shaanxi and Shanxi built ditches to irrigate themselves, and they have had a good harvest for a year. You have to wait, wait, until people from Shanxi and Shaanxi have enclosed all the land!"

The Hetao area is surrounded by the Yellow River, has a rare and abundant water source in the northwest, and the terrain is flat, so it is not a big project to build ditches to divert water for irrigation.

Moreover, this person’s psychology is not afraid of not having it, but fearing that others will have it. Hearing Wang Tong talk about the people in Shaanxi and Shanxi, everyone who is doing it naturally understands it, and immediately feels urgent. up.

"Don't worry about the safety on the prairie. Your commander-in-chief has two Zhuangzi on the prairie. What are you afraid of? If you really encounter risks, the naturalized merchant group will not sit idly by, and the Ningxia frontier soldiers are not vegetarians either. .”

Everyone's eyes were focused on Zhang Weizhong, the chief soldier again, but there was not much kindness in their eyes. It turns out that you kid has already made a fortune outside, but everyone is foolishly guarding against his family here.

Zhang Weizhong, the commander-in-chief, laughed a few times, took a sip from his wine glass, and was a little embarrassed. Wang Tong had already promised Sanjiang Commercial Bank Ningxia branch to have [-]% of his shares after opening. This is a great benefit. Wang Tong did not pursue him. The crime of dereliction of duty, on the contrary, gave him some benefits, so he naturally knew the good and the bad.

The commander-in-chief of Ningxia Town is considered one of the biggest figures in Ningxia Town. I didn't expect him to be there quietly. Why don't you worry, if you don't go, all the meat will be snatched by these big shots.

"This Marquis can give you a promise that within three years of land reclamation, no tax will be charged, yes, no money will be collected."

Everyone was buzzing and discussing that the people at this banquet were all rich and powerful families who went outside to reclaim the fields. There was no shortage of people, tools, etc., and it was conceivable that after the irrigation system was repaired, the harvest would be good and they would make money. The workshops are different. For these tyrants, the field is a family property that can be passed down to the family.

For such a good thing, Wang Tong was prepared to put forward conditions, but unexpectedly, he promised not to collect any taxes for three years.

However, with the titles of Dingbeihou and Jinyiwei Commander, they couldn't help but not believe it, but the governor Dang Xin and the military eunuch sitting on the side looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

Not collecting taxes for three years is not a big deal. Compared with Daming’s financial revenue, the plate is not big, but its significance is extremely important. Even Wang Tong’s identity can’t decide, but after careful study, the land outside the side wall It's not the territory of Ming Dynasty either, Wang Fa can't find it, and can't find too many faults, besides, everyone has benefited from Wang Tong's side, so let's turn a blind eye or close one eye.

The expressions of all the people here gradually became excited, and people who were familiar with the land nearby began to whisper. Ningxia Bian Town is already familiar with the outside of the Bianqiang. up.

"But there is one thing. Every household must organize a village bravery regiment to train and provide their own armored soldiers. This is not ambiguous. Without this, we are not allowed to open up wasteland and set up villages on the grassland!"

Wang Tong added with a smile that it is only natural for the armored soldiers to prepare their own supplies for the training of the village bravery, but the cost is really high. If the regiment training can't fight the village brave, it is useless. If you want to be useful, you have to train out of production and raise a bunch People, no one is reconciled to this.

"There is nothing in the world that can be taken for nothing. The large group of thieves outside the border wall have been wiped out, but there are still many small groups of Tartar horse bandits. Do you want these small groups of thieves to be wiped out by the frontier army? Or when you find the frontier army, will there still be time?"

Finding the frontier army to clear the border may be more troublesome than the Tatars crossing the border. It is a well-known robbery and extortion, and it is miserable. Wang Tong said again:
"If you want to reclaim wasteland and train the group according to the rules, I will follow the rules of Guihua City and send them to those who know how to train and prepare them, and sell them to weapons at a low price."

Since Wang Tong had thought through all the details, the people below had only two choices: to go or not to go, and most of them naturally chose to go.

After setting this tone, the atmosphere of the following banquet will be much more joyful and harmonious. In the future, when we go to the Hetao land to develop land, everyone will help each other, and even form a partnership. At this time, it is necessary to pre-negotiate the lesbian relationship, exchange cups and exchange cups , It was very lively, the men from the Northwest are all experts in drinking, and the atmosphere during the banquet became more and more lively.

Wang Tong and a few people drank wine, and everyone respected Wang Tong for three more rounds of wine according to the etiquette. Then Wang Tong went to the back hall to rest and sat there. Liu Jilin brought up the list, and Wang Tong said:
"Anyone who attended the banquet today and is willing to go will make a sign and send it out, just like the Ping An brand. Those who did not participate in the banquet are not qualified to open up frontiers. If they want to go, they can only rely on those who are qualified today. This The rules must be done well, do you understand?"

Liu Jilin quickly agreed, admiring Wang Tong's comprehensive thinking here, the river is vast, and the people who pioneered and cultivated land are too many and too scattered, not to mention inconvenient to manage, and they are easy to be defeated by the Tartars on the grassland, causing unnecessary losses. Select enough tyrants to participate, and then attach those small and scattered ones in the past, so that larger settlements and manors will be formed outside, and there will be enough strength to resist accidents.

"Dudang, my subordinate, take the liberty of not collecting taxes for three years. Please be cautious. You must make it clear to His Majesty, otherwise there will be trouble!"

Liu Jilin exhorted, Wang Tong Jiaxu looked at Liu Jilin, and said:
"You have a lot of things to do in Ningxia in the future. It's not a bad thing to be so thoughtful. You just need to listen to this matter alone. Go outside the side wall to open up wasteland and reclaim land. Their supplies and even weapons have to be purchased from the naturalized business group. , The business group must have the priority to purchase the grain they harvest, and you must know that the naturalized business group pays taxes to the imperial court."

After being told this, Liu Jilin suddenly realized that the naturalized business group had actually collected taxes for the imperial court, and it also made these people feel gracious.

"Everything is so clever, my subordinates admire it!"

"It can't be called a clever calculation. I have been in business for several years, and I understand the business experience. That's all!"

Wang Tong replied with a smile, and Liu Jilin also clasped his fists to salute with a smile. Wang Tong took a sip from the tea bowl, and exhorted again:

"In half a month, there will be a team of naturalized business groups. After the goods are delivered, they will be responsible for escorting the family back to Huacheng. Before that, gather the servants that the family does not want as soon as possible, and don't let them escape. Scatter, the more power you have in your hands, the greater the responsibility. You should pay more attention to the affairs inside and outside the city. If you have any matters that you are not sure about, you can discuss with the shopkeeper of the local Sanjiang Commercial Bank. He can help and provide supplies. s help."

"Yes! Dou Tang, don't worry, your subordinates must ask for instructions on everything, and the most important thing is to make a decision."

"You are the commander here, and it is also a training to be more in charge of yourself. I thought I would stay here for a few months. Looking at it this way, I can go back in a few days!"

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(End of this chapter)

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