Chapter 958

When Wang Tong left Ningxia Town, the momentum was much bigger than when he came. The leading figures in the entire border town almost all came out to see Wang Tong off.

Not to mention the strength that Wang Tong demonstrated in Ningxia in just one month, the upcoming pioneering and reclamation will connect many interests of the two parties. After forming a community of interests, the relationship between the two parties will be shortened a lot.

I came quietly so as not to disturb the family, so I don't have to be so cautious when I leave. This time I don't need to go to those barren mountains and wild places, but to go to a rich place like Xi'an Mansion.

In a sense, Ningxia Town is also under the jurisdiction of the three governors of Shaanxi. People with Wang Tong's identity cross the border, and they have to visit each other with the governor and governor to say hello, and the King Qin of Shaanxi also pays tribute.

Naturally, the two sides had never had much contact, and they could have left with the excuse of busy business, but this time, a senior official from Xi'an, Shaanxi Province sent someone to invite them. This situation is different.

I came here specifically to find out why, Wang Tong probably had a guess, the commander-in-chief of Gansu Town had already sent his trusted aides over, and respectfully paid a respectful visit to Wang Tong.

Gansu Town is the most northwestern border town of Ming Dynasty. It deals with various tribes in the Western Regions. Border trade is also a tradition. Gansu Town has a wider horizon. It knows that there are places suitable for farming in the Western Regions, and that there are minerals and various materials in the Western Regions. His plan was very simple. He planned to open a business firm in Guihua City, and his own soldiers would act as the guards of the merchant group. He would try his best to intervene in the cultivation or trade in the Western Regions in the future.

Wang Tong is welcome. Although the naturalized business group has expanded far enough to the west, the core areas of the Western Regions such as Chijin Mongolia, Yarkand and Yili Bari are still beyond reach. With the help of Gansu General Soldier , can be further expanded, why not do it.

Of course, the General Soldier of Gansu also saw what it meant to develop Hetao, so he had to use his wealth to get a few Zhuangzi.

Frontier generals like Gansu General Soldier knew about such a business opportunity, and Xi'an Mansion was one of the most prosperous places in the world, so why didn't a group of people know how to participate.

Among the naturalized business groups and the reclamation activities that started long ago outside the border wall, many rich people from Shaanxi and local tyrants participated. They are more aware of the wealth here than other places. Originally, the king After Tong was in the capital, wealthy merchants from Shaanxi gave gifts and greetings on New Year's Day. Now that everyone is here, it is inevitable to meet.

In fact, this also involves a protection issue. The border troops of the Ming Dynasty always have a defense zone, and the reclamation farms are all outside the border wall. The frontier army really has nothing to do, and everyone knows the discipline of the frontier army. If something really happens, the frontier army may not be stronger than that thief, but the business group in Guihua City has always had a good reputation, and they are active outside the Great Wall. The reaction is also faster.

Everyone understands that Guihua City is under the management of Wang Tong, not to mention that it is officially appointed by Emperor Wanli, but in private, those wealthy families in the business houses all use Wang Tong as their spokesperson, not to mention that Wang Tong has a lot of influence there. Everyone wanted to meet and chat with Wang Tong, even if there were no such things outside the border wall, it would be good to have a good relationship with the commanders of Dingbeihou and Jin Yiwei.

Hospitality is hard to come by, even if you go to Xi'an Mansion, you will have to go. Wang Tong knows that in such a huge grassland, it is not enough to just rely on the adventurers of the naturalized business group. Only then can Daming's rule on the grassland be stabilized, and if possible, it can even be extended further.

After staying in Xi'an for more than half a month, Wang Tong felt that he was busier than in Ningxia. He met people from different aspects every day, socializing with people with a smile on his face.

The governors and governors of the three sides of Shaanxi are here to pay a courtesy call, and Wang Tong’s visit to the Qin Palace is also a courtesy call, but the next step is to discuss specific affairs, such as the reclamation farm outside the Shaanxi side wall, For the things produced by farming or animal husbandry, should Guihua City buy them, what price should they buy them, and whether the naturalized business group’s caravans on the grasslands should have discounts when doing business with these reclamation farms, etc.

All these things need to be discussed, and everyone needs to talk about it in detail. Business is business. For a while, everyone has forgotten Wang Tong's prominent status. Let's discuss business together!
In fact, at the reclamation point close to the side wall, the goods can be directly transported to Shaanxi for sale, but the farther away from the side wall, the more contacts and supplies from Guihua City are needed.

There is another big problem, that is Chiyan in Ningxia. Shaanxi and Ningxia are adjacent to each other, and they communicate with each other very quickly. Everyone understands that the future of Ningxia has been captured by Wang Tong, not to mention the side wall. The reclamation sites outside need pond salt supply, and how many prefectures and counties in Shaanxi need this.

Moreover, when Chiyan entered Shaanxi, he actually took the route of smuggling salt. Behind this large-scale trafficking, there are wealthy families in Shaanxi. If he wants to continue this business, he must have a talk with Mr. Wang.

Firearms, armor, carts, and salt goods are the most important material needs. In fact, the material supply and armed protection of the naturalized merchant group's armed forces, and even the training of Tiger's Veterans, this is the service demand.

Although the governor, the governor, and the king of Qin all met each other with courtesy, most of the wealthy businessmen who came to the door afterwards were mostly related to these three people. Even on the fifth day, it was the king of Qin's brother-in-law who came directly to the door, politely. I want to discuss business with Mr. Wang and do business.

What makes everyone in Shaanxi happy is that Mr. Wang is not only making a fortune for himself this time, but also helping everyone to make a fortune together. For example, he purchased a large number of felts and livestock in Shaanxi. These things can actually be bought in Ningxia and Guihua City , the price could even be lower, but by doing this, Wang Tong is actually benefiting everyone and returning what he earns to everyone. This kind of practice can really be called benevolence and righteousness.

After talking here, people from Shanxi also came over. Most of the business circles in Shanxi have established close ties with Guihua City. They came this time, and they also asked Mr. Wang to pass by Xuanfu on the way back.

The reason is very simple. Now the naturalized business group has expanded a lot of space eastward, occupying pastures, alkali lakes, trading points and even gold mines. I believe that in the near future, there will be a reclamation farm here.

There are so many materials and so many benefits, but everyone needs to discuss it, because the Horqin Department has always been in a state of intact strength, and has not yet launched a full-scale war with the armed forces of the merchant group, and has always retained considerable strength.

In fact, the naturalized business group and Shanxi merchants also realized one thing. Their oppression to the east of the grassland, in a sense, strengthened the strength of the Horqin tribe, and even made Chahar, who was originally hostile to the Horqin tribe, The Ministry is also united with the Horqin Ministry.

In this way, the Eastern Mongolia forces they faced could be called giants. In the offensive and defensive battles full of gold mines, the Horqin cavalry’s experience in eradicating colonies on the grassland made the merchant group more careful. .

If they want to develop cultivation in Eastern Mongolia, they will definitely need the support of Xuanfu Town and Miyun Guard, including the protection of materials, and even the direct discharge of elites.

After all, the strength of the naturalized business group is limited. The Wanli Grassland has already made their stalls too large, and it is impossible to have enough strength to defend every place.

The only one who can coordinate with the Xuan Mansion is Wang Tong, who has this status. Ordinary, but Li Rusong is a very flexible person, knowing what is good and what is false.

When Wang Tong set off in Xi'an, businessmen from Guihua City and Shanxi had already started to go to Xi'an. When it came to specific matters, the businessmen needed to discuss the details. Someone from Tianjin Wei also had to come over, but the distance was too far. The messenger should still be on the way.

Although he was away, the news was still flowing. When Wang Tong entered Shanxi, he received news from Tianjin Wei.

The news came from Ji Town, saying that the Horqin tribe currently only maintains more than [-] people in Duolun. There are not too many people here, and Duolun is the place with the most abundant water and grass on the grassland. If the Han family is fighting for hegemony to seize the Central Plains, the hegemony on the grassland will also depend on whether they occupy Duolun and Tumochuan.

In such a place, the attitude of the two major ministries to give up like this is really confusing. People in Ji Town dare not go too deep, but there are many businessmen from Tianjin Wei who go to Duolun to do business. According to some news, the two major parts are now moving eastward.
The news seems unbelievable, but it is easy to analyze in detail. It is the expansion of the merchant group's armed forces and the change of Ming's foreign strategy from defense to offense. The various forces on the grassland were either wiped out, surrendered, or shrank to avoid. These two tribes in Eastern Mongolia are obviously shrinking and avoiding.

Ever since Zhu Di became the ancestor, under the oppression of various forces on the grassland, Daming has been shrinking and defending, but now it has been reversed, and Wang Tong is very proud.

The news other than that is relatively fragmentary. For example, Sanjiang Trading Company got the news from Sha Dacheng in the south of the Yangtze River, saying that the number of real Japanese pirates on the sea has greatly increased. Able to roam the sea, some work alone, and some are recruited by maritime merchants.

Also in Liao Town, Qin Deyi was the general who was sent to eliminate the Jurchens. It was a small victory in three days and a big victory in five days. According to Qin Deyi's report, the Jurchens had been killed long ago. Many times, but according to the reports of the merchants, the Jurchen ministries did not hurt their vitality, but the Jurchens became more and more hostile to the Han people.

(End of this chapter)

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