Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 959 Changes in Times

Chapter 959 Changes in Times

The news from all over the world is nothing surprising, and it was all within Wang Tong's expectation. After the opening of Tianjin Wei, with Tianjin Wei's strong commercial and handicraft capabilities, the Tiger's Might Army was also greatly strengthened, and the Tiger's Might Army was wiped out. The Alta tribe on the grassland disrupted the balance between Daming and Mongolia, and this series of events affected everywhere, changing all aspects of Daming.

For example, in the past few years, the officials of the household department in the imperial court have paid more and more attention to commercial taxes. Scholars are ashamed to talk about profits and taxes, and feel that they are insulting to the gentlemen. The more professional Lang Guan began to discuss why the Tianjin Wei tax office had such a large income, and why the Ming Dynasty set up seven tax offices on the canal, and why the income was so small.

The Ministry of Industry has also sent additional manpower to Tianjin Wei's workshop. Everyone is doing errands. Why is Tianjin Wei Wangtong's work so brilliant, and other places are full of criticism.

Nowadays, when the army in the north applies for weapons and armor, it would rather spend money to go to Tianjin Wei to buy them than take those things in the arsenal for nothing.

After all, these shoddy things may kill people once they go to the battlefield, but those weapons and armors of Tianjin Guard can save people's lives and make meritorious service. Of course, these are all equipped for the private soldiers of various generals. They are reluctant to spend.

The atmosphere among the people is also changing. In the past, the most influential people in the local area were officials, followed by scholars. Even if a businessman has money, he must rely on his fame, or make friends with the government, or recruit a scholar-son-in-law, otherwise he will not be able to lift him up. In the beginning, but now around Tianjin Wei, as well as the Beizhili prefectures that are deeply influenced by Tianjin Wei, it is not a bad thing to have fame, and it is even better to have an official status. Nothing counts.

In Tianjin Wei there are many people who used to be penniless, but now they are all developed. Some are engaged in border trade, some are engaged in sea trade, and some are smart. They found their own opportunities in Tianjin Wei, where business opportunities are unlimited. These people have no fame. Not relying on power to make money, but still making a fortune in an upright manner, this example is too valuable.

Even if you are a scholar, and your family pays less taxes, you will not see any meat for a year. There can be a few, and there can be a few in the middle school, but they can go to Tianjin Wei to be a craftsman, a buddy, etc., and there is still enough to eat. If they are smarter, there are still more prospects for prosperity waiting for them.

This made many people ponder. There are many benefits to studying and working in business. Most people only look at the immediate benefits. Going to Tianjin Wei or working in a business has become the choice of most people.

As for the scholars, except for those extremely pedantic masters, the rest live longer than the common people think. They also ponder, I suffer so hard, and many people who are not as good as me make a fortune in Tianjin Wei, why can't I? It's not easy, even if you win the exam, you don't have any strong backing, you can only go to a remote county to be an official, or else it's a job like Qingshui, it's better to go into business to make money, make life easier for your family, and make yourself happy.

Those who have land to eat and rent at home also find that this guy is not very easy to do. If the salary is the same as before, it will not be able to keep people. The people who work hard are all working as errands in Tianjin Wei, which is much better than farming. Moreover, the money is invested in this field every year, and the income is really too little. If the money is thrown into Tianjin Wei to do business, it may make a lot of profit.

This is true of the scholars, squires, and ordinary people below, and it is even more so for officials and dignitaries. Just ten years before Wanli, what everyone had to do was to buy a lot of land. A shop, opened a few mills, mortar mills, oil mills and so on in their own village, only the land is the most valuable, nowadays, everyone has money to invest in Tianjin Wei, Zhangjiakoubao and Shanxi Datong. There are also bold people who go to Guihua City to invest money in sea trade, border trade, fur, livestock, and alkali. They all wonder why they haven't discovered so many ways to make money before. good.

While regretting, he sold some of the good land in his hand to raise more money and invest it in Tianjin Wei. The safest thing is to put the money in Sanjiang Bank and Sanjiang Insurance Bank to earn interest. You can earn a lot more from renting a house. Even if you don’t want to take risks outside, you can earn more than farming by opening a shop in the capital or a big city, or opening a workshop or something.

Naturally, if you want to make money, you must learn the rules of Tianjin Wei, especially the rules of Sanjiang Trading Company, where the rules are strict and everything is done carefully, and it is difficult for people to take advantage of loopholes.

Everything is changing. In the northern Zhili area where Tianjin Weineng radiates, the atmosphere of emphasizing industry and despising agriculture has gradually spread. Originally, businessmen from Jiangnan came to the north and found it easy to do business and make money. Because people in the north I don't know much about business, and there are many loopholes that can be exploited. Only the merchants in Shanxi are not easy to deal with, but now it is different. Everyone's business brains are alive, and it is not as easy to take advantage as before. Of course , business opportunities are much more than before.

From top to bottom, everyone began to think about how to make money. For the first time, the capital and northern Zhili prefectures also experienced desertion when the year was good. Many landlords could not hire short-term and long-term workers for work. Many people simply opened shops and workshops. Let their own tenants go in to work, and some people began to recruit farmers from poor places in Henan and Shandong to cultivate
After the implementation of the whipping law, many taxes and corvees that require payment in kind and labor have become cash. Although the whipping law has been abolished under the name of harming the people and laboring the people, the money that should be paid still has to be paid. Small farmers Even small and medium-sized landlords had to sell what they produced in their fields in order to pay taxes. They had to be extorted by checkpoints to collect money when entering and leaving the city, and they were also exploited by merchants in the process of buying and selling. During this process, many landlords went bankrupt, and some Many small farmers lost their land.

This situation that occurs in other places does not exist in Beizhili, because it is easy for everyone to obtain silver, because the industry and commerce are prosperous, the money is abundant, and the number of people farming is decreasing, but there is no delay in paying taxes.

As a result, the small and medium-sized landlords and peasant households in Northern Zhili and the surrounding provinces of Shanxi went bankrupt and broke their homes because of a whip law. This is also the inexplicable blessing of Daming.

This change is on the one hand, and the difference between civil and military has also changed. Since the founding of the country by Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang and the Northern Expedition of Chengzu Zhu Di, Daming has not had any martial arts. It has always adopted a defensive policy, and the inland has always been considered peaceful.

The result of this is that the frontier army is dangerous and does not think about making progress, and the inland is peaceful and does not think about guarding. The generals raise their own soldiers as private soldiers, and treat the rest of their soldiers like slaves.

In such a state of internal and external rot, no one would go to serve as a soldier to eat food, and it would be a shame to say it, not to mention that he would not have a good career background, that is, there was a slight change during the Jiajing year when he was fighting against the Japanese.

It’s different now. From outsiders’ point of view, how did Wang Tong get his prominent status? He didn’t rely on his outstanding military achievements again and again. He was said to be noble and humble, but those big shots in the court, those in the opposition Those fame, and even those relatives of the emperor inside and outside the palace, Huan, who usually called Banda, waited for the army to come, and the knife hadn't been drawn yet, and everyone was honest.

I heard that at the Great Court Meeting, the soldiers led by Wang Tong did not kill anyone at all, and many speech officials were so scared that they peed their pants, and they didn't dare to fart. In such a comparison, who would say that the gentlemen are noble and the martial arts are cheap.

There is another one. Nowadays, Lord Long Live has been offended by civil officials too much, so he is quite close to military generals. Back then, the youths from Huwei Martial Arts Academy are now the worst defenders. In the future, they will be the generals. As for the future of the lieutenants, they have developed a lot, and they haven't overwhelmed the civil servants. Now that they join the army as soldiers, they may be able to catch up with this wave of benefits.

Moreover, today’s grasslands are different from those on the sea. I originally thought that the Tartars were like tigers and wolves. Now the grasslands are dominated by Han cavalry. There are few Han people on the grasslands, and merchants charge high prices for recruits. If you are willing to work for the guards, you will be able to earn even more money. If you can catch up with someone who burns, kills and loots, you will even get rich.

Many of the noble sons of the capital, who have not yet become the kind of people who can only sing the wind and play with the moon, go to the brothel and play with the old man's trash, have the intention of going to the grassland to see and see.

Now all the border towns and noble families in the capital are thinking about expanding their industries on the grassland, grazing and cultivating, and they also need a large number of manpower to guard them. They lack such men who can ride horses and open bows. He told the emperor what he had seen and heard, and the emperor praised him a lot. He also said that those who can gallop on the grassland can also lead troops to fight when they come back, and be a pillar of the country. Wang Tong also said that anyone who has stayed on the grassland and fought , can gain fame in the army.

It is adventurous and exciting, it can be burned, killed and looted, it can make a fortune, and it can gain fame. This kind of thing is what the noble family likes to do most, and it is also what the young people in the capital yearn for the most, or young people with affluent lives and full of fantasies. Very yearning.

As a result, in the Beijing-Tianjin area, from top to bottom, many young people want to join the army and go to the grasslands. It is much easier for various commercial firms to recruit guards. In particular, the guards of Sanjiang Commercial Bank have selected many good seedlings.

And this trend has also led to the great development of the armor and weapon retail business of Sanjiang Workshop. If you want to go to the grassland, you must get decent equipment——
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(End of this chapter)

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