Chapter 961

The relationship between Wang Tong and Li Rusong has become much closer than when the meeting was held. When Wang Tong asked about Liao Zhen and Jurchen, Li Rusong drank a glass of wine leisurely and asked with a smile:
"I don't know if Lord Hou wants to hear the official story or the truth?"

It's not that Li Rusong is frivolous. First, he can speak casually at the banquet. Second, Wang Tong, as the commander of Jinyiwei, may not have initiated the inquiry himself. If he asked on behalf of the emperor, it must be reported according to the report and the mansion report. Generally speaking, it is enough for everyone to know it well, but the truth is different. As the eldest son of Li Chengliang, the general of Liao Town, Li Rusong naturally knows something that others don't.

"Of course it is the truth."

Wang Tong also said with a smile, seeing Li Rusong's style of speech, he really didn't care much about Liao Zhen, Li Rusong picked up the chopsticks to order food and served it with wine, this was also a time for himself to think and ponder.

"Since Lord Hou asked this question, I will tell you the truth. It must be a fake beating."

Li Chengliang really told the truth. Although Wang Tong could probably judge the situation, he couldn't help but be taken aback when he heard Li Chengliang say that.

"Li Pinghu, Qin Deyi, Sun Shoulian, and my father's own sons and godsons all know one thing. The Tartar bandits outside are invincible. They must be fought slowly, and they will win more than a hundred battles at a time. A head is enough to get promoted and make a fortune, there is no need to drive others out."

Looking at this appearance, I don't know if this Li Rusong is drunk or what, anyway, the words are not very clear, but the words are eloquent.

"The Tartars are different from the Tartars, the ones in the east are different from the ones in the west, those in the north of Xuanfu ride horses and graze all day long, and those outside the Liao Town's wall are no different from those in Liao Town. Each of the villages, farming and raising pigs, fishing and hunting in autumn and winter, is nothing more than Han people in Liao Town, and foreigners outside Liao Town. Such a Tartar, with a large army, is difficult to exterminate, and it’s not on the grassland, it’s urgent Run away on horseback, here, watching the stockades and villages, there will always be times when they have nowhere to run."

The words just now were just foreshadowing, but Wang Tong concentrated his attention. Li Rusong’s words made Wang Tong realize that the Jurchens are not nomads, they are sedentary people, and they support themselves through farming, fishing and hunting, and trade. The Mongolian tribes on the steppe were very different.

Settlement means that they are more organized, and farming means that they can obtain a stable supply of materials, and they get more than the Mongolian tribes on the grasslands. Fishing and hunting, a highly coordinated semi-military operation, make their Men can get a certain degree of training, and trade allows them to communicate with the outside world so that they are not far behind.

Such a foreign tribe is not comparable to those big tribes on the grassland in the short term, and they have to submit to the hegemony on the grassland, but in the long run, they are even more terrifying.
".Jurchens can also ride horses. They usually train diligently. When fighting, they don't dare to rush. Therefore, many people in Liao Town have servants of Jurchen backgrounds. They also raise many Jurchen women and servants. Some People's status is not low, some people have long been the confidants of the master's family, the relationship is intricate, everyone knows each other, Li Pinghu stayed on the side wall of Liao Town for a long time, and there are many Jurchens under his hands, What a fight, it’s not a false story.”

This was within Wang Tong's expectation. After so many years of border trade, the personnel of each other also had contacts.

Wang Tong pressured Liao Town to conquer and exterminate the Jurchen ministries through various pressures. He knew that it would not be effective, but at the very least, doing so would cause some conflicts between the two sides. Swells well.

But what Wang Tong is paying attention to now is not this, but the Jurchens are serving as soldiers in Liaozhen, and they are still at the core of Liaozhen's military circles. They also know the military establishment and military technology of Ming Dynasty. In other words, the Jurchens are not some tribes now. Riot, his military strength is also formally trained, and he knows the Liaozhen official army like the back of his hand.

"Did the Jurchens make their own weapons, or did they go to Liao Town to buy them?"

"They build it by themselves, they can forge iron by themselves, and they learned the ability to make armor and weapons in Liao Town very early on. Moreover, these Tartars are honest and never cut corners."

Even the weapons are self-sufficient. Seeing Wang Tong's serious expression, Li Rusong said with a smile:

"Master Hou, don't you think that Liao Town should deal with it? They are also used to it. They are afraid that after the thieves outside are wiped out, they will lose their own capital. The lower officials also wrote letters to urge them. The little thief who can be relied on every day, why bother?" Worry."

"How many people can there be on the Jurchen side?"

Wang Tong's question made Li Rusong ponder for a while, and he answered with some uncertainty:
"Several 10 people, some people say millions, but that's not sure, Lord Hou doesn't know, those Tartars in the north and east of Liao Town, some are Mongols, some don't know what ethnicity they are, as long as they are Those who live there are all called Jurchens."

All the questions that should be asked have already been asked, this was a chat and banquet, it would be inappropriate to talk too much, Wang Tong also stopped this topic, and the two talked about other things.

When the banquet was about to disperse, Li Rusong obviously hesitated, left the banquet and bowed deeply, and said sincerely:
"So that Lord Hou knows that although the father of the lower official has not thought about making progress in recent years and is a bit arrogant, the brothers and colleagues of the lower official are also obsessed with wealth and honor, but they are also loyal ministers of Ming Dynasty and dare not have the slightest They can have today's status because they fought on the battlefield with one knife and one gun regardless of their lives. These years, my father is getting old and he is a little confused in handling things, and he feels that Lord Hou has robbed Liao The limelight of the town, did something absurd."

Having said that, Li Rusong paused, knelt down on both knees, and said again:
"My father is getting old, so he may not stay in the position of Liao Town's chief soldier for a long time. The brothers of the lower official are all just conservative roles. The lower official is willing to bear all the mistakes in the family. The original intention of the lower official is to be a marquis. Lord, please be magnanimous and don't care about those wrong things."

"I don't remember anything, sir?"

Wang Tong asked back with a smile. Li Rusong, who was kneeling there, was taken aback for a moment, then realized that he prostrated again, and said sincerely:
"Your Majesty is magnanimous, I am here to thank you!"

Wang Tong nodded. Since Wang Tong was naturalized in the Northern Expedition, Liao Zhenming had secretly made a lot of tricks. The two sides directly touched on the matter of Sun Shoulian. In the border town, the disciples were powerful and powerful, but compared to the current Wang Tong, they were nothing, and compared to them in the border town, Wang Tong was an important minister of the central government and a direct descendant of Emperor Wanli.

Not to mention, the relationship between Wang Tong and the great eunuchs in the palace, it is said that Empress Zheng's family is also friendly to Wang Tong, such forces are really crooked, and the Li family may suffer catastrophe.

Originally, the Li family wanted to punish Sun Shoulian for his crimes, but in the end, Sun Shoulian took a lieutenant general. Instead, he cut off his own flesh and blood. This time Wang Tong went to Ningxia. Ordinary people may not know the inside story, but Li Rusong's status and status should naturally know. Everyone knew that Li Rusong was a little terrified by Wang Tong's effort to let the family go to the government and leave the country to calm down the chaos.

The Xiao family is also a local tycoon in Ningxia, with nearly [-] private soldiers under their hands, it took Wang Tong less than half a month to dispose of it lightly. The way they dealt with them was really good, the Xiao family was treated leniently, so there was no old grudge, but the Li family was different, Li Rusong naturally felt drummed in his heart.

The atmosphere of drinking today was good. Wang Tong, who thought he was capable but young and vigorous, was very friendly and valued his interests. Feeling drunk, let's talk about it.

"If the official refuses to agree, you will say that you lost your mind after drinking!"

Wang Tong asked back with a smile, Li Rusong laughed too, and the atmosphere during the meeting was much better again, and the rest was pure chatting.

During the meeting, we talked about the border town of Datong, but there were jokes. Now Datong town is extremely peaceful, and the generals and soldiers in each fortress are all panicked. Be a labor porter, or sell nearby, do a hand-in-hand business, and some bold people directly organize caravans to run business on the grassland.

These people are doing well, but there are also generations of generals who want to make contributions, which is depressing. Now Datong is as peaceful as the inland, where there are no battles.

However, some people have come up with a way, such as joining the guards of the caravan, and reporting the heads cut off in battle as military achievements. Although this is suspected of false merit, it is better than killing one's own family members .

Ma Dong, the commander-in-chief of Datong, is sure about such military exploits. Otherwise, he might be the most peaceful person among the nine borders of the Ming Dynasty. People going out is also an important force for the protection of Guihua City's business.

During the attack on the full set of gold mines, a Datong guerrilla beheaded a lot, and finally got these heads back to Datong. Ma Dong directly gave military merits. Now this guerrilla is about to be promoted to a general, the eunuch of the army From the Governor of Datong to the Governor of Xuanda, everyone is very convenient.

The name of this general is Ma Gui, but everyone can't remember clearly. Li Rusong just laughed when he mentioned this, and he also felt emotional in his heart. That is to say, five years ago, the leader of military merit was still very valuable, but now, it has become such a situation , if the peace continues like this, wouldn't there be no need for warriors in this world?

In March of the 15th year of Wanli, when spring was warm and flowers were blooming, Wang Tong returned home.
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(End of this chapter)

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