Chapter 962

Since Wang Li's death, Wang Tong's concept of home has always been vague. His mansion has always been used as an official office, where he sleeps in the bedroom, and the rest of the place is used for business and discussion.

Even when he got married to Han Xia and other three daughters, and took in Zhai Xiuer and Lu Ruomei, he felt the same way. He was busy with business every day, and even when the husband and wife shared the same bed, the discussions had little to do with family affairs. .

But this time it was different when he came back from going out. Wang Tong often thought of his son Wang Xia when he was on the road, and he couldn't wait to go and have a look when he got home.

In any case, it has been nearly four months. Seeing a baby with wrinkled skin has become so cute now, Wang Tong is really happy, but Wang Tong has been away, and the child has no memory of him. Seeing Wang Tong Come to hug, scared straight into Han Xia's arms, crying loudly.

Although the scene was a bit embarrassing, Wang Tong was still full of joy, and the whole family looked happy. Being a parent is also a stage in life, and the feeling is completely different.

Han Xia, who has always been very strong, complained to Wang Tong, and her voice was quite calm at first:
"Xia'er was still young, so the master would go to the dangerous place outside, and the concubine would be afraid at home, because the master would be outside. Xia'er and the concubine."

While talking, he choked up, wiped his tears and couldn't speak, and the eye circles of several women around him were also red. Wang Tong looked around, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart, and said with a smile:

"Your husband has a rich life, how could something happen outside, relax, relax, look, the child is crying again, give me a hug."

Wang Xia was picked up again by Wang Tong, but the situation was the same as last time. After struggling a little, she cried again. Wang Tong was reluctant and had no choice. This embarrassing appearance made all the female relatives laugh. Zhang Hongying said on the side:

"This child is full of energy. Other children fall asleep after crying for a while. When he cries, his voice is loud, and he is not tired. Even if he stops crying, he is still messing around. From now on, he will be like the master. He is the fate of a general." Woolen cloth!"

The two generations of father and son are rich, this is a kind wish, and the atmosphere in the room has improved again. Wang Tong handed the child back to Han Xia, and said with a smile:

"From now on, I shouldn't have to run around all day. There are so many officials in the court, so I can't keep me busy."

Wang Tong rested at home for five days, and the official circles of the capital were all sighing, if others have left the capital for so long, how dare they rest when they come back, and don't show their face in front of the emperor as soon as possible, leaving the imperial court for too long, this holy family is too strange , that is, this Dingbei Hou dared to rest at home for five days.

And outsiders would not suspect that something happened, it was just because Mr. Wang wanted to rest, that's all. In fact, Yang Sichen came over on the third day.

Wang Tong made a statement of what he had seen and heard along the way, plus his own analysis and judgment, and Yang Sichen compiled and synthesized it into a thick memorial, which was sent to the palace on the fifth day.

However, this memorial did not go to the Secretary of the General Administration, but was directly handed over to Zhang Cheng in the form of a secret memorial, and he forwarded it to Emperor Wanli.

After going to court on March [-]th, Wang Tong was left to call alone. The cabinet and the six chiefs looked at each other and shook their heads. In the current court situation, Wang Tong's family dominates!

"Your Majesty, since I traveled westward from Datong, the frontier soldiers I saw along the way may look like beggars and rogues, or like thieves and bandits. The only thing I can see in each army is the private soldiers of the generals, but what are these soldiers? It’s hard to say that the subordinates of the generals are still soldiers of the imperial court.”

There is nothing bad to say, the servant listens to his general and not to the court. This is already the consensus of most people. Emperor Wanli read Wang Tong's memorabilia there. Wang Tong's memorabilia has a characteristic. But there are also descriptions of customs along the way.

When Yang Sichen sorted out this, he often ignored it, but Wang Tong corrected it several times, and Yang Sichen still didn't understand why. Official documents such as memorials are like travel notes, but such memorials can make Emperor Wanli very happy. Interested, after all, I have lived in the deep palace for a long time, so I can learn about the scenery of other places through this.

"Zhang Banban, have you checked all those waist badges and battles?"

Emperor Wanli raised his head and asked Zhang Cheng. Zhang Cheng was stunned for a moment before he realized it, and quickly replied:
"Long Live Lord, I have already checked at the East Factory, and it is consistent with what Wang Tong said."

"With hundreds of people dead, Bianzhen will definitely find a reason to report it. Is there any news from the Ministry of War?"

Zhang Cheng was taken aback by Emperor Wanli's second question, and Zhang Cheng quickly said:

"Long live God forgives the sin, it's because of the negligence of the servant, and the servant will arrange for someone to investigate."

Wang Tong bowed his hands and stood there quietly. When Zhang Cheng left and Zhao Jinliang closed the door of the imperial study, Emperor Wanli shook his head and sighed:
"Zhang Banban is getting old, and his spirit can't keep up, really."

Emperor Wanli sighed himself, but did not continue the topic, but continued:
"I can rest assured that you do things. Although what you say sounds absurd, it is not false. If Bianzhen is really like this, why does the imperial court give them millions of taels of silver every year?"

"Your Majesty, the towns in the northwest are no longer capable of fighting, but the people are the victims of such corruption. Not only do they have to bear their military pay and supplies, but they also have to be bullied and robbed by them. If things go on like this, sooner or later There will be trouble."

Emperor Wanli nodded. Speaking of this must not be very pleasant. Emperor Wanli closed the notebook, leaned on the back of the chair and let out a sigh of relief, and said in a solemn voice:

"I can't be free all day. This place is more comfortable, and there is another place that I don't feel at ease. After such a toss, I also want to learn from the emperor. Find a place to stay, and just talk about government affairs with you guys. It's also free." since"

Speaking of this, Emperor Wanli kept silent, waved his hand in a self-conscious manner, and said:
"Bianzhen has been here for so many years, and there are many bad rules. Except for the generals and soldiers, I don't know how many people in the world are involved. If there is a movement, it may cause chaos. What do you think?"

Wang Tong had already prepared a plan to answer, but the few words that Emperor Wanli just said made Wang Tong feel a little bit emotional. Emperor Wanli was a little tired of governing. When you are full of energy, you have a lot of hobbies.

And now it is different from the past. In the past, if the emperor wanted to spend money, he would send eunuchs out of the palace to search the palace. Tax supervisors, mine supervisors, weaving supervisors, etc. caused the world to boil, and then civil servants made trouble all day long. Now there is Tianjin. Wei's supply of gold flowers and silver, and the large income from Guihua City Huangzhuang, the palace is very relaxed, and there are many new things. Tianjin Wei is now the largest official port in Ming Dynasty. Ships from many countries have arrived. There are a lot of Western goods and new gadgets, and he can indulge in extravagance and enjoyment, but people are tied to this boring government affairs. No wonder he gets tired of it.

There are countless affairs in the Ming Empire, such as the exciting battle reports of Guihua City Victory and Gubeikou Victory are just accidental. Balancing is a headache.

"Your Majesty, all the generals in the border towns deduct their salaries to support their families and soldiers, and drive their soldiers to farm and produce for him, making money. Everyone is a landlord and rich man. If the soldiers below make trouble, they will use their own soldiers and family members. Repression in the past, Your Majesty, what is the difference between this and the inland landlords, the landlords force the tenants to work long hours, if there is a disturbance, they will use their own domestic servants to suppress it, why did those landlords ask the court for food, border towns Most of the soldiers are probably not as good as the long-term tenants in the inland."

Wang Tong's words were a bit convoluted, Emperor Wanli put his arms on the table, leaned forward, with a thoughtful expression on his face, Wang Tong said again:
"If it is abolished, the power of the generals will be gone, and there will definitely be troubles, but if it is not abolished, the soldiers will be recognized as their private property, and the farms and pastures in the border town will be recognized as their own property. The court will no longer pay the border town military expenses. What will happen if we change border towns into chief ministers and military administrations into civil administrations?"

Emperor Wanli pondered for a while, and gave the border generals a large number of servants and land, and the border generals would be much less resentful. If the frontier soldiers had a hard life and didn't go out to fight, they would probably be willing to farm the land with peace of mind.

"But whoever guards the frontier of thousands of miles can't just ignore it!?"

"Your Majesty, after Guihua City was brought down, the four border towns of Datong, Taiyuan, Yansui, and Xuanfu were all worry-free. Why? Because Guihua City is a vital place, without passing through here, the Tartar army cannot enter Daming, guard here and attack everywhere. There is no possibility of gathering large soldiers on the grassland, but this place alone is far from enough. There are a few elite soldiers stationed at key points, mainly with firearms and carts. The cavalry and the armed forces of the merchant group can communicate and communicate, so that the frontiers can be kept safe.”

Emperor Wanli simply stood up, walked to the map hanging on the wall beside him, looked at it a few times and asked again:
"According to what the martial arts school said, the so-called vital points are all outside the side wall. There are only three or five places. However, there are only three or five places on the frontier of thousands of miles. How can we defend it?"

"Your Majesty, hide behind the side wall all day long. How can we defend it? We can only wait for the Tartars to come and fight. Outside the side wall, we are the ones to beat them. Let the Tartars think about how to hide and how to guard all day long. Who dares to enter the bandits, and when they are slowly killed, they will naturally be in peace for a long time."

Emperor Wanli nodded his head slowly. It is true that if he can save food, pay and military expenses, and achieve such good results, it is good governance. However, Wang Tong said that this is just a plan, and the details and feasibility need to be discussed in detail. After the presentation, it is necessary to discuss in detail next.

This topic came to an end, Emperor Wanli slapped the table and said:

"Wang Tong, you haven't been in the capital for so long, do you know that the tax collected last year was nearly [-]% lower than the previous year?"

(End of this chapter)

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