Chapter 964

After Qi Jiguang served as a general in Guangdong for a year and a half, he was impeached again by the officials, saying that he had withheld military pay.

But everyone understands that this is Qi Jiguang's retirement. According to Jin Yiwei's report and Guangdong local news, Qi Jiguang had already started to train sailors, but after this impeachment, he was also disheartened, and he pleaded guilty and resigned.

There is hard work even if you don't think about meritorious service. How could the imperial court punish the crime? It directly approved the memorial to return home. As for the crime, it didn't even mention it. It was approved, and the court immediately praised Qi Jiguang's meritorious deeds. Please repair Qi Jiguang's mansion in Dengzhou , a memorial with generous rewards, by the way, the person who wrote this memorial and the one who impeached Qi Jiguang are the same speaker.

The general is in charge of the army, with the power of life and death in his hands. It seems that he has a spirit and spirit in his body, and he is immune to all diseases. But once he loses his military power and goes home for the elderly, although he can rest and be pampered, it is a better rest for the body, but On the contrary, for example, people like Qi Jiguang who devoted themselves to the military affairs of the Ming Dynasty, not long after returning home for the elderly, were lonely and unhappy, and their spirit and body collapsed.

Even though he was a famous general in the world, Emperor Wanli could not allow him to take over the military power because of the strong imprint of Zhang Juzheng's era on him, and the officials below naturally understood this truth.

When the news of Qi Jiguang's death spread to the palace, Emperor Wanli also sighed. He had to reward the Qi family in Dengzhou generously. The two children born to Qi Jiguang's concubine also gained fame and wealth.

Qi Jiguang went, and another famous general withered. Some people in the capital expressed emotion, but most people didn't pay attention to it. The retirement of the eunuch Zhang Cheng, the chief inspector of ceremonies, was the most eye-catching event. This position is equivalent to Prime Minister, this change of position will affect the political situation of the world.

There is no reason, why did Zhang Cheng retire? Could it be that he committed some crime, or there was some struggle in the palace that everyone didn't know about?

Everyone was guessing, but within a few days, everyone realized that Zhang Cheng was indeed retiring, because no matter what the news was, it was impossible for everyone in the capital to be ignorant.

Eunuchs are the emperor's slaves, they don't have any personal freedom, they always have to do whatever job they do, or they will die of old age. The position of Supervisor of Ceremonies can only be retired, and it is inappropriate to use anything else.

The news of Zhang Cheng's old age is widely circulated by people who are qualified in the capital. At this time, the news from the palace is also the same. Any omissions will delay the country's major affairs, and it is better to let the virtuous as early as possible.

Emperor Wanli did not retain Zhang Cheng, and Tian Yi was the one who took over the position of eunuch in charge of the chief inspector of ceremonies. This was both expected and unexpected by everyone.

Everyone knows that Tian Yi is not from Zhang Cheng's family. Everyone thought that Zhang Cheng would find a reason to kick Tian Yi out of the chief of ceremonies when he was in charge of the chief of ceremonies. It's the Office of the Supervisor of Rites, which means that he doesn't have any ideas of his own, but just follows orders and drafts texts.

But he didn't expect that he would have good luck this time, and suddenly changed from a Bingbi eunuch to a ceremonial supervisor, because Tian Yi and Zhang Cheng are not in the same faction, and Emperor Wanli's failure to retain and appoint Tian Yi made people outside the palace guess Get up, but the next appointment broke their guess again.

The eunuch Zou Yi, the eunuch in charge of the imperial horse supervisor, is the supervisor of the etiquette supervisor, and the admiral of the Dongchang. A former eunuch Wang An has become a eunuch with a pen. This Wang An is cautious and honest, and he is Zhang Cheng. He was elected together with Tian Yi.

Zou Yi was Zhang Cheng's adopted son, and his entry into the Prison of Rituals undoubtedly represented the attitude of Emperor Wanli and dispelled the suspicion of everyone outside the palace.

"It's really the same as what Brother Wang said. The eunuch with the seal of the Imperial Horse Supervisor is empty. The eunuchs of several prisons are active, but they have all been reprimanded. According to the news, the current supervisory eunuchs and admirals of the Imperial Horse Supervisor Both eunuchs must report to Eunuch Zhao?"

Lu Wancai was in Wang Tong's study, talking with a smile, he came to visit Wang Tong, and Lu Wancai's wife also went to the inner house to meet Han Xia and the others. This kind of good family relationship is the easiest way to get closer.

"Eunuch Zhao" is naturally Zhao Jinliang. Zhao Jinliang, who is only 16 years old this year, is still in charge of the Sixth Division of the Rites Supervisor, but now the two eunuchs of the Yuma Supervisor have to report to him. This is also a scene.

"Although Xiao Liang is smart, but at this age, there is nothing he can do. It's because His Majesty wants to capture soldiers himself."

As long as the two of them were here, Wang Tong didn't hesitate to speak, so Lu Wancai shook the folding fan in his hand, nodded with a smile and said:
"Your Majesty is worried about civil servants, and he is also jealous of his inner ministers. Brother Wang's market will continue to rise. This is a great thing, and even the brothers will be blessed with it!"

"How high can it be? No matter how high it is, it will be a blessing or a curse!"

Wang Tong knew that Lu Wan was joking again, and he also said with a smile, Lu Wan only laughed a few times, and then said:
"Official rank and title are one thing, but the thickness of the holy family is another matter, right now"

"Eunuch Zou is here~~~"

There are rumors from the soldiers outside, and now Zou Yi's identity is different, but everyone is acquaintances in Wang Tong's mansion, and there are not so many formalities.

While speaking, Zou Yi had already walked in. After he came in, he was accompanied by two young eunuchs. Zou Yi said solemnly:
"Long Live God has an oral order, and Wang Tong accepts the order."

The imperial decree can be large or small, but it is about Wang Tong accompanying Zhang Cheng to Tianjin Wei. After passing this oral order, the two accompanying eunuchs were sent out. The three of them sat down and served tea again. water.

Huang Yang, who taught the Huwei Martial Arts Academy back then, was old, and with the grace of the palace, he was allowed to go out of the palace and be picked up by his nephew to take care of him for the elderly. Zhang Cheng's face is more than enough, and he resigned without making a mistake. Emperor Wanli I have to be kind to Youhou.

"The adoptive father said that after staying in the palace and Beijing for so long, he wanted to live in Tianjin Wei for a few years when he was old, to see what's new there. Our family wanted to write a letter, but after thinking about it, it's brother Wang, you go and Cai Nan said over there, if the adoptive father goes over there, he will take care of the care of the elderly."

Wang Tong noticed that Zou Yi's address to Zhang Cheng has changed a little. In the past, he usually called "Master Yifu" or "Eunuch Zhang", but now he has become "Yifu". His status has changed, and his mentality has also changed. up.

After chatting for a few words, the topic changed. Talking about what he saw in the palace today, Zou Yi was also quite emotional. Zhang Cheng went to say goodbye to Emperor Wanli, and he said nothing about political affairs, nor anything about the palace. Regarding personnel affairs, he kept on talking about the trivial details for Emperor Wanli to pay attention to.

For example, I told Emperor Wanli to remember to wear more clothes when it was cold, and not to be brave enough to catch the wind and cold. I was a little impatient, but my eyes were red when I heard it.

Zhang Cheng took care of the driver with Feng Bao when Emperor Wanli was very young, and later accompanied Emperor Wanli until now. He has experienced many ups and downs. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is an elder and a child. The two parties still have true feelings. The extreme farewell can be regarded as an expression of true feelings.

After everyone sighed, they talked about the future situation again. Zou Yi was worried about one thing:
"That Tian Yi was originally a student of Feng Bao, and Feng Bao's disciples and grandchildren are still in control of the various yamen in the inner court. It's going to be difficult for our family to go up and down and collude with each other."

Wang Tong didn't speak, but Lu Wancai said with a smile:

"Eunuch Zou doesn't have to worry. If Tian Yi dares to collude with the top and bottom, then this position will not last long. Your Majesty asked Eunuch to supervise Dongchang, isn't it just to keep an eye on him?"

Zou Yi was taken aback, exchanged glances with the three of them, and they all laughed together. Wang Tong is fine, but Zou Yi and Lu Wancai are somewhat complacent. Wang Tong is in charge of Jinyiwei, Zou Yi is in charge of Dongchang, Lu Wancai is in charge of Shun Tian Mansion, this situation is really good.

Escorting Zhang Cheng to Tianjin Wei, this errand even if Emperor Wanli did not arrange it, Wang Tong would go there in person. After all, Tianjin Wei was run by him, and the arrangement in the past was as it should be.

When Zhang Cheng left the imperial city, Zou Yi, Zhao Jinliang and all the close followers of the inner court came to see him off. After a farewell, Zhang Cheng let them go back, knelt down outside the gate of the imperial city, and kowtowed a few times in the direction of the Qianqing Palace. He was tall, and when he got up, tears were streaming down his face.

Wang Tong was also upset, and tried to persuade him a few times, but Zhang Cheng, who has always been a prime minister, couldn't control his tears.

Zhang Cheng didn't bring out anything from the palace, just a few pieces of clothes, looking very desolate, after leaving the palace, Wang Tong's side was also ready, there was already a big carriage ready, Zhang Cheng was invited to get into the carriage, and Wang Tong led his personal guards on horseback.

After leaving the capital, Ma Sanbiao felt a little emotional. He had spent a long time with Wang Tong, had contact with the eunuchs in the palace, and knew more than others, so he was particularly touched:
"Master Hou, this father-in-law was so beautiful back then, but now, it's just a few clothes and a burden, this man!"

Wang Tong shook his head, but he didn't say anything, but Ma Sanbiao was wrong about something. Zhang Cheng must have bank notes from Sanjiang Bank on his body or in his luggage, at least 150 million taels, a lot of money is Wang Tong. After passing through his hands, he naturally knows.

Of course, compared to his power and status in the palace and the world, no amount of silver is nothing, and it is inevitable for Zhang Cheng to feel depressed.

"The space in the car is spacious, come in Wang Tong, and talk to our family."

After leaving Tongzhou, Zhang Cheng called Wang Tong to enter the carriage. After entering the carriage, Wang Tong found that in less than half a month, Zhang Cheng had aged and haggarded a lot, but he was also much more relaxed than before.
(End of this chapter)

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