Chapter 965
Depressed, gloomy, sad, several states that should appear on Zhang Cheng, Wang Tong didn't see them all, only saw a very relaxed old man.

"Come on, come on, this tea is the top grade in the Wuyi tea house, and the good tea that is paid in tribute every year can't keep up with this."

The carriage compartment was spacious, and there was a copper charcoal stove in front of Zhang Cheng. The water in the kettle had already boiled, so Zhang Cheng picked up the kettle and started making tea.

Zhang Cheng's movements were very steady, the boiling water was poured into the teacup just right, and the fragrance of tea immediately filled the carriage. Wang Tong noticed that Zhang Cheng's hair and eyebrows were much whiter than the one he saw when he returned to Beijing. Woke up more than ten years old.

"Eunuch Zhang, there are advantages to being in power, but there is also the freedom of leisure. You are not in the palace anymore, so you don't have to worry too much."

Wang Tong persuaded in a deep voice, Zhang Cheng put down the kettle, moved a chimney over the charcoal stove, and lit the charcoal stove in the car. It is always dangerous to close the space, so the Sanjiang workshop also provided this chimney with it, which is also Quite delicate, it is connected to the outside of the car for smoke ventilation.

"Our family has also been to Tianjin Wei twice, but they were on business. I heard that it is amazing over the years. Our family didn't believe it at first, but seeing your charcoal stove and chimney, our family believed it."

Zhang Cheng smiled and said something, stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation, he picked up a cup of tea first, Wang Tong also picked up a cup of tea, and took a sip, full of fragrance. Qi Qi has seen a lot, and he also knows that the tea is so delicious. The tea is one aspect, and the method of making tea is also the other aspect.

Seeing the admiring expression on Wang Tong's face, Zhang Cheng said quite proudly:
"After our family entered the palace, we have worked hard on this. The heat of the charcoal stove, the water boiled to almost [-]%, and the hand gestures when ordering tea must be accurate, so that good tea can come out."

He didn't answer Wang Tong's words at all, but Zhang Cheng is also a very smart person, and he also found out why Wang Tong said this, took a sip of hot tea, let out a long sigh of satisfaction, touched the top of his head with his hand, and said with a smile :

"Long Live Lord is young, and a servant can't look too old. He always has to find something to dye his hair black. Look at the old Han in the imperial prison. He is almost 80 years old, and he still has black hair. This is also 30 years old." Hexi in the 30th year of Hedong, our family still remembers that at the time of Emperor Sejongsu, all those who were a little older in the palace had to dye their hair white, it seemed that my family had been working in the palace for a long time, and Emperor Sejong still had nostalgia for the past."

This anecdote is quite interesting, Wang Tong couldn't help laughing, picked up the teacup and took another sip, it was really good tea, but at this moment he suddenly realized that since he left the palace, Zhang Cheng looked like an old man indeed, But never old-fashioned.

Zhang Cheng's reactions and thoughts were quick and flexible, and his movements were also precise. The old look he showed in front of the imperial court had long since disappeared. Zhang Cheng put the teacup on the coffee table, leaned on the back of the chair and closed his eyes slightly. Said softly:
"For so many years, I have been busy during the day and night, and I have never had any leisure. These days, I finally know what leisure is. After a few sleeps, I feel that the bones and flesh have fallen apart. It is really comfortable!"

Wang Tong smiled and nodded, but he didn't know how to answer the conversation. He was still thinking about the things that suddenly occurred to him just now.

"Long live God has been watched by our family since he was a child. He always calls others a name, and calls us a 'companion'. Now he is also an adult, so naturally he doesn't want to treat a servant all day long. Be polite, our family is also concerned, and we can't help talking about everything we see. Besides, our family is in this position. I don't know how many people in the palace are thorns in the eyes and flesh. This is calling for trouble! Our family has seen what happened to that man called 'Big Companion' by the Lord Long Live."

This "big companion" is naturally Feng Bao. He is a high-ranking and powerful man, and his coercion is even higher than that of the emperor. Then, with the joint efforts of both inside and outside the palace, he sadly went to Nanjing to guard the imperial tomb.

"Eunuch Zhang retreated bravely, it is really wise!"

Wang Tong flattered, Zhang Cheng shook his head with a smile, Wang Tong pondered for a while, but couldn't help asking:
"Eunuch Zhang, if Wang doesn't go to Eunuch Zou to persuade you, what are you going to do?"

"Our family also has some familiar officials in the court, so there is always a way."

Zhang Cheng replied with a half-smile, Wang Tong was also smiling, but just shaking his head with a smile, Zhang Cheng picked up the teapot and poured a cup for Wang Tong, and asked:

"I have learned a lesson from this matter, so don't think that you are smart and everyone in the world is stupid."

Wang Tong sighed thoughtlessly, Zhang Cheng laughed out loud, put the tea cup in his hand on the tea table, took out a handkerchief to wipe the corners of his mouth, and said in a deep voice:
"You are a kind-hearted child. Let you do this first. Our family feels very comfortable. I didn't misunderstand you!"

Zhang Cheng sighed there, Wang Tong also adjusted his emotions, anyway, the result was good, and there was no trouble. After all, Zhang Cheng had helped him so much, and now he can take care of the rest of his life, and his wife lived the rest of her life peacefully. That's a great thing.

"Eunuch Zhang went to Tianjin Wei, which is his own place. If you have anything to say, just open your mouth. Cai Nan can make the decision, or let Wang make arrangements."

"Our family has so much money, even if we live happily without you taking care of us, after serving others for so many years, it's time for our family to let others take care of us this time."

"This is easy to say, this is easy to say."

Wang Tong said with a smile.

There was not much to say along the way. When the team arrived at the border of Tianjin Wei, Cai Nan, the supervisor of the Huwei Army, and a group of people from the Tianjin Wei Wangtong system all came to greet them.

After Wang Tong helped Zhang Cheng down from the carriage, Cai Nan immediately knelt down and kowtowed, and said:
"The ancestor lived in Tianjin Wei, and let his grandson show his filial piety."

Speaking of which, Zhang Cheng is Zou Yi's adoptive father, and Zou Yi is Cai Nan's adoptive father. Although Cai Nan's status is not low now, he is still a grandson in front of Zhang Cheng. of this.

But Zhang Cheng is an old eunuch with no rank and no power after all, while Cai Nan is like an eunuch sent by the palace to Tianjin Wei. The status and power are very different. The old man left his original position. Said that he had no idea, Cai Nan acted like this, but Zhang Cheng was very pleased.

"Eunuch Zhang wants to live by the Hai River or in the city. The house, utensils and servants are all ready."

Wang Tong said with a smile.

Zhang Cheng, the former eunuch who was in charge of official affairs, lived like a prince in Tianjin Wei, and everyone who has been to Tianjin Wei said so.No one thinks that this matter is too much. He was a minister who served as a minister in the court, and he returned to his hometown. He is not as rich as a prince, living in luxury, let alone a cabinet scholar.

The palm seal of the chief inspector of ceremonies, that is, the position of the chief assistant of the cabinet, rich and luxurious, is a matter of course at this time, if it is not like this, it will appear that the court is mean and ungrateful.

On the contrary, Wang Tong has won a lot of reputation in this incident. It has only been ten years since Wang Tong became a pawn in Jinyiwei to his current status. At least, Wang Tong took Zhang Cheng to Tianjin Wei to support him, and he was so willing to spend money, which is an act of gratitude.

In May of the 15th year of Wanli, a certain person from Shanxi Dao Yushi went to Shu, saying that now Guihua City is the border, Datong, Taiyuan, and Yansui border towns have disappeared, and border towns are still set up there. The garrison of the army is a waste of money and money, and a waste of state funds. Please ask the imperial court to abolish it.

This is the first time since the beginning of the Zhengde Year, someone talked about the abolition of border towns. As soon as the news spread, the public opinion in the capital was completely silent. I want to find out more news and understand the background of this incident.

"This is a big matter, how can you speak nonsense!" The palace only gave this instruction, and the censor who spoke falsely was sent to Qingzhou Prefecture, Shandong Province to be the magistrate. When the turmoil came, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that this might be the scholar's big talk.

The censor may have been upgraded by two ranks when he became the magistrate of the state, but in the eyes of the people at the time, it was a real downgrade. The future prosperity and wealth are hopeless, but from another point of view, the censor is also suffering in the capital. , if you can go to the local area to serve as a herdsman officer, maybe at most the level of the magistrate, but you can live comfortably, then you have your own world.

Compared with this memorial, Governor of Jiliao Bai Qingchen's memorial made all parties in the capital really take action. Governor Jiliao's memorial is an apology.

The troops led by Qin Deyi, the general of Liaozhen, were defeated in an ambush by the Jurchen army at Maerdunzhai in Suzihe. After losing more than a thousand soldiers and horses, they hurriedly returned to Liaozhen. Qin Deyi's thigh and shoulder were shot by arrows. , or the soldiers desperately snatched him back.

If in the past, the loss of more than a thousand soldiers and horses, the Li family would have concealed it, and just found a reason to confuse it, but now Liao Town is not the whole family of the Li family, there are Ma Lin in Shenyang, and Sun Shoulian in Fenghuang City, although the Li family was blocking the news, Marin found out through other channels, and a secret letter was delivered to Governor Ji Liao.

Governor Ji Liao also had his own news channel, and this matter was quickly confirmed. More than a thousand soldiers and horses were damaged, and the main general was injured. He has been reporting victories but not gaining much, but this time the failure is solid.

Everyone involved is afraid of being involved in other matters, and everyone knows that Wang Tong and the Li family will not deal with each other. If Wang Tong wants to make a move, everyone should not be involved. Therefore, although this news is covered up, the memorial is still going on. Came to the capital——
Special thanks to "Peng Haifan" book friend for your generous reward. You are the leader of Jinyi Dangguo Fan List. I am grateful for your continuous support. Lao Bai will definitely continue to work hard and persevere. Thank you, thank you

Thanks to the two book friends "Peng Haifan, reply with your heart", thank you everyone

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(End of this chapter)

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