Chapter 966
The place name Maldunzhai was not given by the Jurchens or the Mongols, but by the Han people. During the time of Ming Taizu, the outside of the Liao Town’s border wall was also under the control of the Ming army.

The terrain here is very simple, there are no dangers, horses can come and go, and infantry can move easily. Here it is said that it is outside the side wall, but it is not the desolate scene outside the dry side wall from Ji Town to the west, but densely populated villages. , there are fields everywhere, but it's not the land of Ming Dynasty.

Li Pinghu and Qin Deyi, the generals of Liao Town, led their troops to the Qing Dynasty. This job was actually good. Compared with the stepping on the grassland, it was not 01:30, because here are all villages and villages, and there is not much difference from the inland of Ming Dynasty. If you want to talk about the difference, it is that there are more mountain products and livestock, and the looting is more lucrative.

However, the soldiers and horses of Liao Town have been dealing with the ministries outside the border wall for a long time, and they would not do it by burning, killing and looting. It is nothing more than that when they cross the border, the villages have to provide more property supplies, and they will be blackmailed even more. .

Going out for a trip, the generals are rich, the soldiers are happy, and the Jianzhou Jurchens hide and hide, and they don't even see blood when they fight, why not do it, this is also after Li Ping has been fighting for a while, Qin Deyi came to take turns.

Li Chengliang commanded Liao Town, and his prestige was grand. Apart from his commanding troops to fight well, one of the reasons was that he was good at winning over and balancing. Since Li Pinghu made so much money in suppressing thieves, no one else could be left behind. One of them went up to make a fortune, which also showed that Liaozhen was serious about exterminating the Jurchens, and the whole town went out together.

Qin Deyi's more than [-] soldiers and horses stopped at Maldunzhai. There are several big families here, including Han people and Jurchens. I don't know if they are maids or young ladies. They are sent to Qin Deyi's bed, food, fodder, and horse feed. The benefits of going up and down are also complete, allowing Qin Deyi, a soldier and horse, to go to the sky comfortably.

They were also surprised that when Li Pinghu handed over here, he also said that Maerdun Village and the villages up and down the Suzi River were all scraped clean, and now it is Jianzhou City, and the people outside the side wall are all called Hetu There is still some oil and water in Allah's place, but it doesn't look like this.

Out of Fushun Pass, along the Hunhe River, through Sarhu, then to Suzi River, to Jiefanzhai, Gulezhai, all the way to this Maerdunzhai, along the way these Jurchens surrendered, the supply is also very sufficient.

When Li Pinghu came out, they fought a few battles, but there were still a few casualties. Qin Deyi's team came out, and they were on strict alert at the beginning. After walking comfortably along the way, their vigilance went down.

There were no enemies at all along the way, and they were all looking forward to the wind, which made the trip of the Liaozhen army soldiers like an outing for fun.

When we arrived at Maerdun village, we slaughtered pigs and sheep, and provided shochu made from grains. Everyone was full of food, and the generals with more than a thousand generals had a girl to serve them, which was very comfortable.

What happened next was no different from what was said in the book of war. The gate of the camp was opened in the middle of the night, and the Jurchen soldiers and horses who didn't know where it came from went in and slashed and killed.

At any rate, the soldiers and horses of Liao Town were not those wimps in the interior. Qin Deyi's personal soldiers protected the general, stabilized his position, gathered the disorganized soldiers and horses in his hands, and fought outward step by step.

At the beginning, they were caught off guard, the casualties were heavy, and some people were trapped in it and couldn't get out. At any rate, Qin Deyi led the brigade to break out of the encirclement, and fled all the way back to Liao Town.

If there were only over a thousand casualties in such a battle, experienced people like Wang Tong would naturally not believe it.

The facts did not meet his expectations. The news from Sanjiang Commercial Company came later, and at least half of the more than [-] people Qin Deyi took out were lost, and all their belongings were lost.

"Li Chengliang also knows that this cannot be hidden, and he is probably discussing countermeasures!"

Yang Sichen made this judgment, and it was the same as his judgment. At the end of May, Li Chengliang, the commander-in-chief of Liao Town, made an apology to the capital.

Li Chengliang's attitude is extremely sincere. In the memorial, he explained that he underestimated the enemy and that his subordinates were arrogant and arrogant. As a result, they were taken advantage of by others. However, the casualties of more than 2000 people were not enough to have any impact on Li Chengliang's power. There are opportunities to make up for the mistakes made.

Sure enough, the memorandum also said that although Qin Deyi was defeated, he had made a lot of military achievements in the past. Please, His Majesty, for the sake of his previous achievements, grant him a chance to make meritorious deeds before the army. Annihilate Jianzhou Jurchen, and present the head of the captive chief to the imperial court.

This pleading note first clarified the responsibility and was willing to bear it all by himself, and then clarified the position of taking the crime and making meritorious service, saying that Liaozhen was going to treat it with caution, and that it would require all the troops to wipe out the Tartars. This was the solution.

Along with this memorial, a large number of tax collectors from Liao Town came to the capital, bringing huge amounts of gold and silver benefits, giving gifts everywhere, and opening up joints.

According to the news sent by Sun Shoulian, this time the Li family used their old background in the public school, and they must manage all the capital and let the court allow Liaozhen to handle the matter by itself.

"I know the little actions Li Chengliang made, and I know this official. I have always been afraid that something went wrong on my side and I will intervene. What the Li family is most worried about this time is that this official will make trouble. They are afraid that I will take the opportunity to intervene and ruin them. The foundation of the Li family and the wealth of generations."

Wang Tong commented that, as usual, he drank and discussed matters with Zou Yi, Lu Wancai, and Li Wenyuan. Since Zou Yi went to the Supervisor of Rituals as an admiral and eunuch, his time is not as free as before. The appointment this time is because of the Liao Town It was too big, and Emperor Wanli wanted to hear Wang Tong's opinion.

Hearing what Wang Tong said, Zou Yi pondered for a while, and said in a low voice:

"Everyone here is my own family. Liao Town has always been run by an iron bucket. Li Chengliang is very thoughtful, and there is no reason to treat him for nothing. This time is an opportunity!"

"You can't move lightly. Although Li Chengliang has always been unkind to Brother Wang, if he does it now, His Majesty and the people in the world will think that Brother Wang is taking advantage of the fire, which is not beautiful."

Lu Wancai shook the folding fan and said, his expression was very relaxed, and he said with a smile:

"What those ants-like characters of Jurchen can do is to take advantage of the slack here to make some money. If Liaozhen really wants to get serious, it will be destroyed in an instant. Liaozhen has already discredited itself after suffering a loss. We You don’t need to do anything, just watch it, if you do it, Na Liaozhen will be able to catch it.”

Zou Yi nodded and said with a smile:

"Brother Lu is very thoughtful!"

Lu Wancai closed his folding fan and arched his hands. Although Zou Yijiu was in the palace, although he did a lot of errands, he was still slightly inferior to Lu Wancai who had spent many years in the outside world. The problem, this is to get advice from Zou Yi.

Wang Tong and the others got together and benefited a lot from each other. The two over there were talking happily, but Wang Tong smiled wryly and shook his head. Not intervening was not the reason they said, and they also underestimated this Jurchen The Tartars are gone. You must know that this force that looks like ants now will accomplish great things in the future.

".The Jurchens are very useless. Their original territory was in Goryeo, and they were driven out by the Goryeo people. Those soldiers in Goryeo don't know what kind of uselessness they are."

Speaking of this, even Li Wenyuan has spoken. In Daming, the evaluation of Gao Li is gentle and cowardly, a bunch of softies. The Jurchens were kicked out by them, and their strength can be imagined.

However, this allusion happened a long time ago, before the founding of Ming Dynasty.
"Your Majesty, it is a safe way for Liao Town to do this. After all, it is only a small defeat outside the side wall, and it does not hurt the root cause. If the imperial court intervenes at this time, it will cause more disturbance for no reason. It is better to let Liao Town mobilize its own strength. Atonement!"

As soon as Li Chengliang's memorial came, he had to bring it to the court meeting for discussion. When Wang Tong was away, he said that when Wang Tong was at the court meeting, he was the authority for discussions related to martial arts. After all, Wang Tong's qualifications Here, no one dared to talk about knowledge in front of him.

Originally, those who wanted to fight against the Li family in Liao Town and Wang Tong had long since disappeared. Now everyone is complaining in private, and the Li family itself is also absurd. The commander-in-chief is not hurting over there, and I'm afraid he will be in big trouble now.

Now Datong, Xuanfu, Jizhen, and Wang Tong are all able to talk, Taiyuan and Ningxia are also friendly, and Sun Shoulian is also installed in Liaozhen. The nine sides of the world have reached out so many hands. This time, Liaozhen I'm afraid it will fall into his hands too.

But what Wang Tong said in the court hall surprised everyone. He didn't want the opportunity in front of him.
Don't say that the ministers in the court were so surprised, even Emperor Wanli was a little surprised, but now he is calm, glanced at the court, and said:
"What do you ladies think?"

"Your Majesty, Mr. Wang is seeking security in this discussion. Military affairs should be so prudent."

Shen Shixing came out and said, and the rest of the ministers didn't say anything else. The second assistant Wang Xijue pondered for a while, but said something else, admonishing:

"Your Majesty, Liao Town has always been known as a strong army, but this time there was a defeat. The Jurchen captives don't know the truth. If you still go to Liao Town, the risk is not small!
"My lord Wang is worried too much. Liaozhen went to Duolun with the force of a town, and even won a big victory. The Jurchen captive Koubi Tuman is so different in size, why should he be so prestige by others."

Before Wang Xijue finished speaking, someone came out to refute. Emperor Wanli glanced at him, then at Wang Tong, and said in a deep voice:

"Let Li Chengliang do it. The cabinet and ministries should do what they should do."

The ministers in the court were all relieved, seeing Wang Tong's expression was also indifferent, not knowing what he was planning.

(End of this chapter)

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