Chapter 967

The defeat of Maerdun Village in Liaozhen was not much interested in this matter after the imperial court decided on a disposal strategy.

For the vast majority of people, when the word Jurchen is mentioned, the first thing they think of is definitely not those peoples in the north and east of Liao Town, but the one that perished in the Northern Song Dynasty.

The purpose of setting up Liao Town at the beginning was to defend the Mongolian forces in this area. There is also a defense target that everyone understands although it is not explained-Koryo. Setup and preparation.

What are the Jurchens? They are just a group of savages who herd pigs and farm. Such a force is also worthy of being the enemy of Daming. Strength, otherwise, since Li Chengliang became famous all over the world, why all the battles were with various Mongolian ministries, and there was no mention of Jurchen.

This is the attitude of the government and the public. In fact, most people don't even know the terrain of Liao Town, let alone the situation outside the border wall of Liao Town.

There is a lot of news from Wang Tong's side, but there are not many of real value. Liao Town and foreign businessmen do not have a large range of activities outside the side wall, and it is difficult for them to deal with the local aborigines. Especially during such a war, the natives are even more hostile to the people from Ming Dynasty.

All I know is that Nurhachi's power is rapidly expanding now. The Liaozhen army went out to fight and suppress them. They ran amok in the villages outside the side wall and chased Nurhachi, who had been avoiding the main battle. He hated the Ming army deeply, and Nurhachi continued to fight like this without a major defeat, which greatly boosted his prestige in the white mountains and black waters, and he became a great hero. Many tribes voluntarily surrendered.

Wang Tong understood very well that no matter how much the power of the Jurchens swelled, they were still in disarray. Liaozhen had already mobilized with all its strength. The more the Jurchens gathered together, the more people would be killed as a result. The greater the victory, Wang Tong is still very optimistic about the situation.

After confirming that Wang Tong had no intention of reaching out to Liao Town, the courtiers quickly turned their attention to wealth.

Taxes have been declining year after year since the 11th year of Wanli. If there were no wars in the border towns, the governors and soldiers everywhere would have no reason to ask for food and salaries. The world is still peaceful, and the scale of several earthquakes and floods is not too large. Not too much money, and the palace now has a lot of income, and rarely needs the treasury to subsidize it. It is because the expenditure has not increased, so it can still be maintained.

But this trend really makes people unable to be optimistic. If it decreases at this rate, if it reaches the level of Wanli five years ago, it may not be able to maintain the balance. After all, the expenses have not been reduced, but the income has been decreasing.

How to increase the income of the imperial court has become the most concerned thing at the moment. People in the ruling and opposition parties have come forward to express their ideas and opinions, most of which are unreliable.

Now the collection is so little, why did they collect so much in the past? Emperor Wanli was very upset about this matter. He didn't want to give people the impression that he would do bad things if he left Zhang Juzheng, but in fact this is the case. After 11 years of Wanli, all What Zhang Juzheng did was good, but now it has negative effects.

Because of this, Emperor Wanli asked Wang Tong to think of another way to see if he could create another treasure land like Tianjin Wei. If there was such a place, the financial gap would be very simple.

It took Wang Tong in Tianjin Wei a full ten years of operation to achieve such a scale and achievement. It is not easy to create another one out of thin air.

Wang Tong's thoughts here are useless here, and the left and right emperors are just a half-joking remark. After returning from Ningxia, they talked about too many things along the way, most of which were related to business. This should be slow. Slowly straighten things out, the shopkeepers of Sanjiang Bank, insurance companies and commercial firms all came here, planning and discussing all day long, and when one thing was decided, someone immediately rushed to the north or northwest.

Those who rushed to the north or northwest almost had to stay there permanently. These people were the backbone of Sanjiang's commercial system.

At this time, it shows Wang Tong's foresight in running the business science school back then. Sanjiang's commercial system is always expanding, and batches of backbones are constantly going to various places, but those who are sent out can stand up to the sky, and those who stay are still useful. , this commercial system has been able to develop benignly, because there are constantly professional candidates coming in.

According to the practice of many things in the Ming Dynasty, when Wang Tong was in Tianjin Wei, the merchants in Tianjin Wei were still willing to maintain enough enthusiasm for the business school. When Wang Tong left, they had no such thoughts.

Apprentices in the business school have to be paid as soon as they enter the door, and they are much higher than ordinary clerks. You must know that it is the rule for apprentices to take care of food and lodging without paying wages. There are a lot of smart young men in Tianjin Wei who want to work in shops. , why bother to find some business school!

Others don't want it, but the Sanjiang system can't. The businesses in the left and right Sanjiang are also big businesses. You don't need to care too much about the salary, but this use is beneficial. These apprentices understand the rules and can get started after a few months. It takes only three years for an ordinary apprentice to become a full-fledged clerk. In the business school, he can become a proficient in half a year, and he can be used as an old man in a year. Of course, it still takes time to deal with people, but in such a situation , but it allows the Sanjiang system to dispatch more people to expand and run errands.

The Sanjiang system has accumulated a large amount of capital during the prosperity of Tianjin Wei. When the capital has accumulated to a certain level, if there is any need to buy land, it can only expand, go to the various prefectures in Beizhili, Shandong and Henan, Shanxi and Shaanxi, and even To go beyond the Great Wall and Jiangnan, the manpower brought in from the business school can meet their needs.

It is not only the Sanjiang system that made a fortune in Tianjin Wei, and it is not only the Sanjiang system that needs to be expanded, but they all have other problems. If they send out trustworthy people, their business at home will be affected. If they are not trustworthy, then throw them out. The money is meat buns beating dogs.

Only then did they see the benefits of the business school. When they wanted to recruit people, they realized that it was too late. Why, Sanjiang System has tasted the benefits in the business school, and they immediately started investing money in the business school, and they have not yet graduated. The business school students signed a contract, so that they can only work in the Sanjiang system after graduation.

The Business School is indeed one of the industries under the Sanjiang system, but the Sanjiang system does all these things according to the rules, and other people can't find reason.

Naturally, other businessmen didn't do it, but they couldn't find any faults, so they had to raise wages to recruit talents, discuss with business schools, hold short-term training courses, and students in the next few periods also wanted to If there is a profit, it cannot be eaten by the Sanjiang System family.

But after all, they were a step late, half a year behind the Sanjiang system, and they had just passed after the Sanjiang system had gained a firm foothold in many places.

The business school immediately rises. If the local people see that their children have no hope of studying, they will all go to the business school. If you can’t be an official, it’s good to make money. Many people in Hejian Mansion and Shuntian Mansion have also seen this way out. They sent people over one after another, and now not only the prefectures and counties of Beizhili, but also people from Shandong, Henan, and Shanxi.

With so many students, the school also needs to be expanded. The new school is actually a large farm reconstruction. The money for the expansion is paid by various merchants in Tianjin Wei. They have no objection to this, because the more money they give, the more money they pay The more students can be assigned.

Now everyone has a judgment, that is, your future future will definitely not be limited to Tianjin Weiyi. If you are prepared, you will definitely have a chance to make a fortune.

The Sanjiang system doesn't like to eat alone, of course, because the benefits from outside are often too big for his family to swallow. If everyone goes to join in the grand event, opportunities only favor those who are prepared. If everyone doesn't lay a good foundation, it's no wonder others will miss out on wealth. .

Compared with the business school where everyone is enthusiastic, the general school is much deserted. To learn a foreign language, you need talent, and you need to have some cultural background. Such a source of students is not easy to find. The salary is very high, and it is inevitable to be left out in front of the door.

But what is more interesting is that there are dozens of Fans studying Chinese in Tongshi School. Most of them are white people from Nanyang or India, or they are businessmen themselves, or they are representatives sent here. They understand a little bit. Chinese, but in such a prosperous environment, they feel that they need to know more, and this general school just meets their needs.

The School of Business and the School of General Affairs were all schools set up by Wang Tong in Tianjin Weishi. In fact, there are similar institutions under the Sanjiang Craftsmanship and Sanjiang Shipyard.

However, the only ones who are willing to go to study in the workshop are the foreign residents around Sanjiaodian. They don’t have many opportunities in Tianjin Wei. They are moved by the generous treatment in the workshop, and they can find a good place for their children. the future.

At Sanjiang Shipyard, there are actually dual trainings for shipwrights and sailors, but life and death at sea are unpredictable. Even many people who are sailors and fishermen are unwilling to let their children continue to do this. However, for most people, There are not many choices, and you still have to work hard to survive. There is no shortage of manpower here, but it can't be called lively, far inferior to the business school.

"Wang Tong, as I said at the time, do you have any plans to create another place similar to Tianjin Wei?"

Emperor Wanli did not forget this incident.
(The number of words below is free, please forgive me for the length of the article)

Yesterday's single chapter was emotional, but I didn't expect the subscription to increase so much, and I got so many monthly tickets and so many rewards. Lao Bai thanked everyone.

Special thanks to the "Confused Sleepwalker" book friend for your consistent and generous support. You are already the leader of Jinyi Dangguo Fan List. Thank you for your birthday wishes. .

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Special thanks to the "72 pole" book friends for their consistent generous support. You are now the protector of Jinyi Dangguo fan list. Thank you for your birthday wishes. Lao Bai will not relax himself, and will continue to move forward to repay everyone's support
Special thanks to the book friend "Bai Lin in Shuzhong" for your generous reward. You are now the leader of Jinyi Dangguo Fan List. Thank you for your birthday wishes. Lao Bai will not relax himself, and will continue to work hard to repay everyone's support .

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(End of this chapter)

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