Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 969 On Songjiang

Chapter 969 On Songjiang

The Ming banned the sea, and gradually resumed sea trade in the year of Longqing, but only the four ports of Guangzhou, Hangzhou, and Quanzhou were opened, and other places remained the same.

Songjiang was originally a good port, but when pirates were rampant, the local government in the south of the Yangtze River directly closed Songjiang port, and now only fishing boats come from the sea.

Regardless of Emperor Wanli or Tian Yi, they have no idea why Wang Tong brought up the Songjiang Mansion. What does it have to do with this Songjiang Mansion.

When Wang Tong said this, both Emperor Wanli and Tian Yi had confused looks on their faces. Wang Tong himself was also taken aback. He is a rational and calm person, and he blurted out subconsciously. This kind of behavior that can be called reckless is really rare. .

But after thinking about it, Wang Tong realized that his suggestion was deliberate. After he went to Songjiang Mansion on business in the south of the Yangtze River, this idea has always existed in his mind, but he just said it under the right circumstances.

"Songjiang Mansion?"

Emperor Wanli asked suspiciously, with an interesting expression on his face, thinking that even if you can't think of my question, you should pretend to be thoughtful, and blurt it out.

"Your Majesty, this is Songjiang Mansion. Your Majesty, can you bring me a map, and I will explain it to Your Majesty based on the drawing!"

Emperor Wanli made a gesture, Tian Yi immediately went to give instructions, and a little eunuch hurried there, Wang Tong said:
"Your Majesty, why does Tianjin Wei prosper and prosper? The so-called favorable time and place are the blessings of His Majesty. The favorable location and harmony are also important. Tianjin Wei is a seaport that can gather goods from the north, south and overseas. It is also the hub of the canal. , is the north-south transshipment place of Northern Zhili. People and goods can come from all directions conveniently, and go to all directions from here. Tianjin Wei is also close to the capital. The capital is rich and rich, and goods from all over the world are bought. There are also people who have extra money to do business in the past. This is due to the favorable location, and there are many shops in the capital, and there are many people who are good at business from top to bottom. It's snowballing bigger and bigger and more prosperous."

The hall became very quiet. Emperor Wanli and Tian Yi listened intently. The success of Tianjin Wei was a very miraculous thing to most people. There must be some gods and Buddhas blessing.

Not to mention the outside spectators, even the God of Wealth Temple in Tianjin Wei is extremely prosperous, and the incense is not falling, but after listening to Wang Tong's explanation, everyone discovered that there is so much truth in it.

Everyone in the hall was thinking that this is the so-called "Business Sutra". What you hear today must be kept in mind, and you may be able to use it sometime. Wang Tong continued:
"Why do you say that in the land of Songjiang, Songjiang Prefecture not only has a good port, but also relies on the Yangtze River Estuary, and has rivers connecting various prefectures in the south of the Yangtze River, and also connects canals, connecting the world. The place in the south of the Yangtze River has been prosperous for thousands of years, and it is even better than the capital. If it is developed, there will be no shortage of manpower, and the location is favorable and the people are harmonious, so it is much better than Tianjin Wei."

Emperor Wanli patted the table and suddenly said:
"Tian Yi and Wang Tong stayed, and the others withdrew. What we say today must not be circulated."

The eunuchs serving in the palace all took orders in unison, and quickly retreated. Emperor Wanli said again:

"Tian Yi, take a pen and paper and write down everything you just said."

The pen and paper is at Tian Yi's hand, and he quickly wrote it down here. Emperor Wanli thought for a while and asked:
"You can explain in detail about the location of Songjiang Mansion."

At this moment, a little eunuch brought a map from outside. Tian Yi went out and brought it in, and spread it out in front of the throne. Emperor Wanli got up, and Wang Tong squatted in front of the map. He reached out and touched a place, and said:
"Your Majesty, this is Songjiang Mansion. Follow the Yangtze River from Songjiang Mansion to the west, go west along the river all the way, pass through Nanzhili, Jiangxi, Huguang, start from Songjiang Mansion, Songjiang Mansion, Yangzhou Mansion, Suzhou Mansion, Yingtian Mansion, Ningguo Mansion , Anqing Prefecture, Huizhou Prefecture, Raozhou Prefecture, Jiujiang Prefecture, Huangzhou Prefecture, and Wuchang Prefecture all the way into Sichuan, Your Majesty, these prefectures and counties along the river are all rich and prosperous places of the Ming Dynasty, with a lot of produce."

Emperor Wanli nodded. What Wang Tong said was the most quintessential region of Ming Dynasty. Huguang, Jiangxi, and Nanzhili were also the richest provinces of Ming Dynasty.

"Your Majesty is watching. There are many rivers leading to the inland in these places along the river. That is to say, from Haikou in Songjiang Prefecture to the west to Sichuan, there are many water networks along the road, and goods can be reached everywhere by boat. The goods from the north and the south of the ocean can be transported from Songjiang. The mansion enters the Yangtze River through the waterway, and the goods from the north and south of the Yangtze River can enter the Yangtze River through the river. From Songjiang Mansion to overseas and other places in the north and south. Items, buying and selling transactions, and transportation, the imperial court can benefit hugely from it.”

"The places you mentioned just now are full of wealthy people. They have the money to buy them, and they also have the money to go to Songjiang Prefecture to open businesses. Jiangnan's business is prosperous, and there is no shortage of people working in it. Is this the reason?"

Emperor Wanli pondered and said, Wang Tong said with a smile:
"Your Majesty Shengming."

Emperor Wanli shook his head and sat back on the throne. This time, he was contemplating for a long time, and got up and lay down on the map to redraw along the route Wang Tong just pointed out.

"Songjiang Mansion is really feasible here. If we follow Tianjin Wei's regulations, it's not impossible to beat Tianjin Wei."

After thinking for a long time, Emperor Wanli finally made a judgment. Tian Yi, who was recording there, raised his head when he heard this sentence, then shook his head and continued to record. Emperor Wanli pondered for a while and said again:
"This place cannot be handed over to the local authorities."

"What your majesty said is that the local officials in Hangzhou and Suzhou prefectures collect taxes, and they all think that they don't collect taxes. They once set up a wooden box in front of the government office, so that merchants can pay by themselves. The tax payment is 750 yuan a year. There was once a tax. He didn’t accept it, and he claimed to be a man with two sleeves, and this kind of behavior has earned his own reputation, but it has delayed the affairs of the official family.”

Emperor Wanli nodded and said:
"You said that the tax bureau is suitable to be placed here, and then arrange a Jinyiwei Qianhu, Tian Yi, to complete the regulations of Tianjinwei and present them to see how Songjiang implements them."

"The slaves obey the order."

The discussion in the palace has almost settled the opening of Songjiang port, saying that it will take time to set up a tax bureau. It will also take time to re-plan Songjiang Mansion and turn Songjiang Mansion into a commercial center similar to Tianjin Wei, and it will not be effective immediately. .

However, Emperor Wanli did not mention this topic. Whoever went to Songjiang Mansion, Wang Tong, who had a successful experience in Tianjin Wei, would naturally be the most suitable, but Emperor Wanli obviously did not have this intention.

Naturally, Wang Tong would not fight for anything. He already had too much in his hands. Emperor Wanli had been implementing checks and balances against Wang Tong because he had too much power and wealth.

Having said that, what Wang Tong did in Tianjin Wei was not only at the right time and place, but because of the existence of an absolutely strong and disciplined Wang Tong force, the commercial rules of Tianjin Wei were generally fair, and the planning of ports and urban areas Construction is extremely efficient.

In Tianjin Wei, there was no powerful annex like the Ming Dynasty, and there were no servants to blackmail, and Tianjin Wei could guarantee the safety of maritime merchants, basically eliminating pirates, and Tianjin Wei was turned into a city dominated by the business class by Wang Tong.

The reasons why Tianjin Wei prospered could not exist in Songjiang Mansion, because without Wang Tong, these would not be possible at all.

However, Wang Tong also understands that even without his own methods and rules that are ahead of the times, Songjiang Mansion will far surpass other cities in Ming Dynasty, including Guangzhou and Hangzhou, because Songjiang Mansion has its own unique geographical advantages, The seaport, the south of the Yangtze River, and the Yangtze River, the collection and circulation of goods alone will make Songjiang Prefecture extremely prosperous.

As for bad practices such as annexation and extortion, the local government in Jiangnan has no ability to control them. It is because there are many wealthy families in Jiangnan, and they check and balance each other. They can survive in Songjiang Mansion.

As for pirates, although Songjiang Mansion may not have the protection of such a strong force as Tianjin Wei, but Jiangnan wealthy merchants, all those who have access to the sea have some kind of relationship with pirates, or are big nest owners themselves, providing supplies for pirates, concealing and selling stolen goods, Not to mention those who raise their own boats and become pirates. These people do business in Songjiang Mansion, and the pirates will give them some face.

Tianjin Wei here does business with Grassland and Liao Town, but Songjiang Mansion faces the most affluent place in Ming Dynasty. This is the great advantage of Songjiang Prefecture.

Although Wang Tong was intentionally or unintentionally prevented from intervening in the port opening of Songjiang Mansion, but this plan was really implemented, and Wang Tong could also gain huge benefits from it.

When going to the south of the Yangtze River, the Sanjiang system has already acquired many industries in Songjiang Prefecture and purchased a large amount of land. If it opens a port, the Sanjiang system has already taken the lead.

Moreover, Emperor Wanli mentioned Jinyiwei, and now the few families of Jinyiwei in Nanzhili are in awe of Wang Tong, so it will be easy to reach out at that time.

There is one thing that Wang Tong didn't talk about. There is Tianjin Wei in the north and Songjiang Mansion in the south. Shipping and maritime trade will become more and more developed. Sooner or later, the system of water transportation will collapse, but this is not a bad thing. Water transportation is laborious and costly. , Keep what should be kept, and the rest will be abandoned!
Back in his own mansion, Wang Tong suddenly realized one thing. Isn't the location of Songjiang Mansion the same as the extremely prosperous giant city in later generations?No wonder I proposed Songjiang Mansion——
Shanghai has a unique geographical advantage. This is why so many cities opened up in modern times, but Shanghai is the most prosperous. The place similar to Shanghai is New York in the United States. Interested book lovers can look up relevant information.

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(End of this chapter)

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