Chapter 970

There is no impenetrable wall in the world. The news that Songjiang Mansion is about to open a port began to spread in the capital on the second day of the concert. At first, it was just news. After all, this is a major national event, and no one is sure how it will develop next.

However, at the end of June, Zheng Guotai, the younger brother of Empress Zheng, went to Tianjin Wei, and withdrew a large sum of money from the Sanjiang Bank to take a boat to Jiangnan. This incident made everyone understand.

The businessman who was in Tianjin Wei in the fifth year of Wanli had a capital of only a hundred taels. As long as he did not make mistakes in the past few years, he could take out more than 5 taels of cash in his hands at any time. It's hard not to make a fortune. Many people are greedy for this opportunity but haven't caught up.

Now that Tianjin Wei has a successful example, Songjiang Mansion is also going to open the sea. If you don't seize this opportunity, you will be too stupid.

Even if you have doubts, Uncle Zheng Guo has already rushed over. This is the best guarantee. Right now, the Zheng family, who is the most noble, has gone there with real money, so what are you waiting for.

A group of rich and noble families in Beizhili who had not caught up with Tianjin Wei sent people there one after another, carrying large sums of gold and silver. If Sanjiang Insurance Bank had not accumulated a large amount of gold and silver, they could have Sanjiang Bank allocate them. In a short period of time, Sanjiang Bank There is almost no gold or silver to give.

However, the people from the Sanjiang system were the first to go, and a large number of people from banks, insurance companies, and commercial firms rushed to the south on ships of maritime merchants.

No matter how the Songjiang Mansion is, one thing is certain, Wang Tong is the one who can get the biggest bargain, and he has no objection to the Wanli Emperor. The ministers who make a fortune and become the monarch are naturally happy to see the success, as long as they don't control it.

In fact, the reason why Zheng Guotai was in such a hurry to go was because he had learned the news that the Sanjiang system capital was going south, which made him feel assured.

Regarding the opening of the Songjiang Prefecture, the attitudes of the courtiers are quite complicated. The household department that should speak out the most is because of Song Xun's slip of the tongue, but there is no voice. No matter what other people think, they can't think of anything wrong. reason.

On the contrary, there are quite a few ministers who claim to be upright and upright officials and officials who go to Shangshu to denounce this profit-oriented and business-oriented atmosphere. They think that if things go on like this, it is not morally corrupt. Where will the righteousness of sages and sages be? , Let the family go to Songjiang as soon as possible, so as not to delay getting rich.

"The news should have passed from the empress to Zheng Guotai, and then spread in the capital."

Li Wenyuan said in a deep voice that the Department of Public Security can easily find out the source of the news leak, Wang Tong smiled and said:

"Since your majesty told the empress, he naturally thought of this level, and we don't have to worry about it. The news spread that Songjiang mansion will gather thousands of merchants in a short time, and it will be prosperous. But, having said that, It is indeed rich to go early. With this rumored news, the navy in Nanzhili will not be so strict on the sea. A large number of ships and merchants will pass by. At present, there are not enough tax collectors over there. Make a fortune. Business is about making money.”

"Brother Wang, I know something about Tianjin Wei. If Songjiang prospers, Tianjin Wei will decline. That is your fundamental place, Brother Wang."

"It's okay, Daming's business plate is too big. Tianjin Wei is doing business in the north, and Songjiang is doing business in the south. They each eat a piece. After the opening of Songjiang, the Sanjiang system will also make a fortune there, and there are still more channels. And Now Tianjin Wei is shining like gold, and everyone in the world is watching closely, and with Songjiang, everyone doesn’t have to keep staring at Tianjin Wei.”

After Lu Wancai heard Wang Tong's answer, he nodded quite convinced. Wang Tong took a sip of tea and continued:
"Eunuch Zou sent news that Tian Yi was not kind to us, and said that everyone should be careful in their actions, and don't be caught by Tian Yi."

Lu Wancai shook his head and said:
"This Tian Yi just reads and reads his mind. You are an internal official. What do you learn from the civil servants outside? Brother Wang, have you heard of this? Last time in the provincial examination in Beizhili, Tian Yi asked someone to mix his papers into it. In the end, the examiner really admitted him, and he boasted to everyone he met, and he was so proud that he really didn't know what he was thinking."

Eunuchs are actually scholars, and the education they received was the same as that of scholars outside. It is impossible for eunuchs to take the imperial examination. They always have illusions about this, and Tian Yi can figure it out by doing so.

"I don't care about him, I don't rely on him to gain a foothold in the court, and besides, his handprint eunuch is not like Feng Bao and Zhang Gonggong, let him go!"

Wang Tong said casually, "The eunuch with the handprint of the supervisor of ceremonies doesn't like your eyes, and it would be a disaster if you put it on someone in the court, but Wang Tong didn't care so much. Although Shang Tianyi in the court was aggressive, the emperor Wanli glanced back. A glance showed a lot of problems. If Zhang Cheng and Feng Bao talked, Emperor Wanli would never act like this.

Lu Wancai nodded with a smile. To be honest, he didn't have any confidence in his heart, but seeing Wang Tong's confident appearance, he felt relieved. He tapped his palm with his folding fan and said:
"A large number of people in Liao Town are now active in the capital, each with their own duties. Some people are preparing for the dispatch of troops at the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Households, and some are walking around the big bosses everywhere, in order to invite these people. Speak more good things in court"

"There are still people staring at the adults, and they all know about Jin Yiwei's troubles."

Before Lu Wancai finished speaking, Li Wenyuan interrupted, Wang Tong smiled disdainfully, and said:
"Now there are three people in front of the mansion, and a few Jinyiwei who came back from Liao Town. These are all sent by the Li family to watch over them. How good it is to use such thoughts on fighting and dealing with these petty things."

In fact, Li Chengliang's approach is considered mature. The generals lead the troops out to fight, the supply of food and grass, and the deployment of troops are naturally the most important things, but you must also do the work of the court well, otherwise you will lead the troops outside, and there will be someone behind you. If the officials come to criticize a few words, or if someone finds fault, it will be a big trouble.

The few times Wang Tong led the army outside, there was a fire in the backyard, and the court continued to attack him. Several times, the spearhead was even pointed at Emperor Wanli. This is Wang Tong's shortcoming.

From Li Chengliang's point of view, there were a lot of quarrels between him and Wang Tong, among other things, if Wang Tong did something small while he was on the expedition, it would be trouble for the world.

The most detailed news about Liao Town comes from Sun Shoulian in southern Liao. Under normal circumstances, news is sent by sea and land every five days. If there are urgent and special matters, additional messengers will be sent.

Both Qin Deyi and Li Pinghu were demoted to become guerrillas, and Li Ruzhang was sent to lead them, just as a forward to bring crimes and meritorious service.

The soldiers and horses of the various guards in Liao Town, except those who had to stay behind, led the army to Shenyang. Li Chengliang was very cautious this time, and he treated the Jurchen with the attitude of a lion fighting a rabbit, so as to suppress Mount Tai. Absolute advantage to annihilate the opponent.

Although Wang Tong didn't like the generals like the Li family who were not purely soldiers, it couldn't be denied that according to Li Chengliang's preparation, there would be no problems in this battle, and it was probably a very dazzling victory.

However, what made Wang Tong feel a little uncomfortable was that he didn't get much news from the Jurchens. It wasn't that Liao Town blocked his news. There is not much news, knowing yourself and the enemy can win every battle. Before the battle, Wang Tong has a very comprehensive grasp of the enemy's situation. Li Chengliang is also a veteran, and it must be the same.

According to the news from Sun Shoulian, all the Jurchen ministries outside the border wall of Liao Town had cut off news from Daming, and they were very uncooperative. They used to take the initiative to communicate, but now it is completely different.

This is the strange thing. Jianzhou Jurchen is considered to be the most powerful among the Jurchen tribes. In recent years, many tribes have come to seek refuge, but it cannot be said that the Jurchen is completely unified. There are also many hostile forces, such as Ye He. Yehe tribe is hostile to Jianzhou, but friendly to Daming.

But now, Ye Hebu has not provided any news to Daming either, not to say that nothing has been discovered, or that everything is normal and there is nothing to report
This "everything is normal" is the biggest abnormality.
The discussion of opening Songjiang as a port gradually started, and Liaozhen was preparing for war intensely, but this period of time was not peaceful. After the family moved to Guihua City, results were soon achieved.

The guards of three Guihua city local tyrants, including the private soldiers of the Qi family and Niu Gensheng, fought a battle with the Chijin Mongolian tribe in the west direction of Ningxia.

With the addition of the Jia family who are more familiar with the western grassland, the advantage of the naturalized merchant group in the western grassland is getting bigger and bigger. Dingbei Hou.

In the eastern part of the grassland, the armed forces of the Naturalized Merchant Group, Xuanfu, and Datong frontier soldiers pulled out several strongholds of various Mongolian tribes in the Yanshan Mountains, and formally entered the sphere of influence of the Horqin tribe. During the battle, I saw the strength of the merchant group's armed forces. The resistance of the Horqin Department was not very strong. The merchant group's armed forces set up the first reclamation point, and the first conflict with the grassland forces was not with the Horqin Department, but it has never been in time. Enter the Chahar Department here.

However, the trouble here is that because of the mountain range, it is not very convenient to come from Xuanfu to transport supplies or something. It is closer to Gubeikou, the guard of Miyun, but it is okay to walk here occasionally. A large number of people and goods transiting the border will involve all aspects of the capital.

After all, the Miyun guard is the capital's barrier, and the Ministry of Operations and the Imperial Horse Supervisor here have to intervene, and it is rare for each firm to send people to operate in the capital.

It's August and the weather is getting cooler.
(End of this chapter)

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