Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 971 Tian Yi Prepares to Ask Wang Tong

Chapter 971 Tian Yi Prepares to Ask Wang Tong

The fame and gentry of Songjiang Mansion are useless, and they are not exempt from taxes.

As the Mid-Autumn Festival approached, the first clear news came from the court. Songjiang was only opened to increase fiscal revenue. Naturally, it was necessary to collect taxes on the goods entering and leaving Songjiang, as well as the shops opened in Songjiang. Families with officials all have the privilege of tax exemption. If this privilege is retained in Songjiang Mansion, then the imperial court will be making wedding clothes for others, so why bother.

No one in Tianjin Wei is exempt from taxation, and Songjiang Mansion also handles the same. It is said that this news will touch the bottom line of the interests of the civil servants and scholars, and it will cause an uproar. A few stubborn old masters came out and made a fuss.

After all, Songjiang Mansion is just a mansion, and has nothing to do with the interests of most people, so why bother arguing, and there is another most important reason, this news is to confirm the opening of the port.

The news spread from the capital to the whole world, even slower than normal news spread, because many bigwigs inside and outside the palace intentionally obstructed the spread of the news, the less people know, the sooner they know, the cheaper it will be bigger.

Right now, even the most conservative bigwigs have arranged for people to go there, and the cornucopia is about to open, and whoever gets closer can reap more benefits.

Of course, the imperial court made such an arrangement in Songjiang Mansion with prior considerations. There are many rich and noble families in the Jiangnan mansions. Exempting the privileges of the gentry over there will definitely cause court disputes.

But Songjiang Mansion is special. A few years ago, Songjiang Mansion was dominated by the Xu family, and the rest of the gentry had no room to survive there. The family was wiped out overnight, and then the imperial court cleaned up the entire Songjiang mansion again because of his family's collusion with bandits. All the status and reputation of the country gentry back then, who had no relationship with the Xu family, were swept away this time.

To some extent, Songjiang Mansion is now empty, there are no interest groups there, it is completely a blank sheet of paper, it is easy to paint whatever you want.

After Emperor Wanli wanted to understand this joint, he also sighed, Wang Tong was really impeccable in his work, and he chose Songjiang Mansion, which has all kinds of suitable places.

In the palace and court, news from various sources continued to spread to Wang Tong's side. The new eunuch Tian Yi's attitude towards Wang Tong was indeed not friendly, but he had not yet expressed any clear hostility.

According to Tian Yi's private chats and his evaluation of Wang Tong on certain occasions, they all think that Wang Tong is a traitorous official with corrupt morals. , will definitely make people feel uneasy.
However, Tian Yi did not deny Wang Tong's ability. A traitorous official would not be called a traitor if he was incompetent. such trust.

When these words reached Wang Tong's ears, Wang Tong could only smile wryly, he had no reason to talk to the nerd, he just pretended he didn't hear it, just be careful.

Of course, Wang Tong also guessed the reason at a deep level. Tian Yi took the position of the eunuch in charge of the chief of ceremonies, but his control over the power of the inner court was far inferior to that of his predecessors. The situation was very complicated.

Many of Feng Bao's old ministries are still working in various yamen in the palace, but Zhang Cheng's subordinates have already seized the real power, and Zou Yi has become the chief eunuch and the chief eunuch in charge of the East Factory. Characters, Tian Yi, as the head of the inner court, must be unwilling to be reconciled to having people who hinder him everywhere.

But he couldn't move Zou Yi, not to mention that Zou Yi and Emperor Wanli were closer than him, and he also had Zhao Jinliang as an ally. Now Zhao Jinliang bears the title of Chief of the Sixth Division, but his power is already that of an eunuch, which is very amazing.

More importantly, both Zou Yi and Zhao Jinliang have some kind of relationship with Wang Tong. Although it is a bit awkward to say this in Daming, Wang Tong, a foreign minister, is indeed the backer of Zou Yi and Zhao Jinliang, two internal officials.

If Tian Yi wants to spread his power, he must attack Zou Yi, and if he wants to attack Zou Yi, he must make Wang Tong fall out of favor, but this is simply impossible now.

At the court meeting that day, Tian Yi was only a little aggressive, but Emperor Wanli warned him with his eyes, and Tian Yi was following the trend.

In fact, what Wang Tong said and did now, including the opening of the Songjiang port, were all added to his credit book. The more others said, the more he said, the more The more mistakes he made, Wang Tong's side was obviously reversed. Tian Yi couldn't find any opportunities, so he had no choice.

What's even more embarrassing is that after being aggressive, Tian Yi asked to come over, begging Wang Tong to assist in the opening of Songjiang port
Not to mention Tian Yi, Emperor Wanli didn't want Wang Tong to intervene in Songjiang's affairs, but after confirming that Songjiang Mansion was indeed the first choice for opening a port, he had to proceed to the next step, only then did he realize that it was impossible to leave Wang Tong.

In such a big mansion, there will be tens of thousands of merchants there in the future. The port must be full of sea-going ships, and there will be a large number of ships and horses on the rivers and roads. How to manage and guide them, and how to collect taxes.

To collect too much tax is to kill the chicken and take the eggs, and it will decline in a short time. If the tax is reduced, it is against the original intention of the court.

With so many people and so many goods gathered in Songjiang Mansion, how to arrange them, how to plan the shops, where should the warehouses and goods yards be, and where the shopkeepers, shopkeepers and merchants will live, and suddenly there is such a big place, what will happen to his food? Solve, even how to carry and clean the dirt. There are many problems and complex problems.

Originally, I wanted to use local governance methods, but after thinking about it, I found that the Ming Dynasty’s method of managing those big cities may not be suitable for such places where ports were opened.

Since it was the opening of the port that Emperor Wanli was so concerned about, it would be impossible to deal with it. If he wanted to pretend to understand, then there would be troubles and troubles, and it would be unlucky to be held accountable.

After thinking about it, I don't care too much, I can only find an experienced person to ask, and there is only one person in the world who has experience, that is, Dingbeihou and Jinyiwei are both commander Wang Tong.

The capital couldn't hide anything, Tian Yi's hostility towards Wang Tong was known to most people in the capital, some knew the specific reason, and some could guess it.

I know it's not pleasing to the eye, but I still have to come to ask for advice. This feeling is really bad, but grievances are one thing, and Emperor Wanli's attention is the greatest. Since Tian Yi was arranged to arrest the matter, it can only be generous He came to the door with a smile on his face.

"The flow of people, logistics, goods and goods, the first thing to do is to plan first. The residential area and the commercial area must be separated. The residential area and the commercial area must leave enough space for future expansion and certain preparations. Emergency rescue and evacuation. Sewers need to be repaired, open drains and hidden drains must be installed, and someone needs to clean up the garbage. Otherwise, it’s the south again, where people gather and diseases are prone to occur.”

".Don't worry about spending money on this. Let the people living in the port area pay the fee, but it must be strictly controlled. This small amount of money can easily be used as a means of making money. No one cares about hygiene. You need to prepare more doctors, after all, it is easy to have some illnesses when you travel from south to north, and doctors will come in handy at that time, and pharmacies and drug dealers can give some discounts tax-free."

"What would you like to call it? What is the name Shanghai? There is already Shanghai County."

When Tian Yi left Wang Tong's mansion, his expression was very subtle. He was actually a little confused. Wang Tong was young, but the city was very deep, and he was ruthless and decisive in his strategy. He was prepared to make things difficult, and he was very cautious, for fear that Wang Tong would say the wrong way to entrap him.

What he never expected was that Wang Tong would say everything. Tian Yi was wary at first, but he was also an extremely intelligent character. He could immediately understand that what Wang Tong said was good advice, and most of the time In my memory, I'm afraid I missed a little bit, Tian Yibo learned it by force, it's not difficult.

".Manpower can be selected from various places in Tianjin Wei, and Wang will not choose. Eunuch Tian will handle it by himself."

Wang Tong also made such a guarantee. If Wang Tong helped select candidates, there is a possibility of intervening, but these words undoubtedly made a full-fledged gesture.

But Tian Yi also understands that even if Wang Tong doesn't extend his hand in picking people, Tianjin Wei is a part of the iron bucket he manages, and the people he picks out will have Wang Tong's shadow.

But Wang Tong's attitude was a bit too enthusiastic, Tian Yi even thought, could it be that Wang Tong is really dedicated to the country and has no grudges against him, but Tian Yi immediately denied this judgment.

"It can't be said that we make wedding clothes for others. Our family's fleet is now very large, and the capital of the Sanjiang system is also increasing. Having a new place like Songjiang Mansion is of great benefit to us, not to mention that we are in Xuzhou. After the incident at home, arrangements have been made in Songjiang Mansion. The opening of Songjiang Mansion this time has already created momentum, and the interests of all parties have been mixed in. It is impossible to stop, but one thing is certain now Yes, we will benefit the most from the port opening this time.”

Wang Tong said to Yang Sichen that there was nothing wrong with the capital in August. Jinyiwei captured two shopkeepers of Sanjiang Commercial Company in Henan. They were originally sent to Ningxia to do business, but they fled privately with money, looking for a place. Live happily for a lifetime, but was soon caught by Jin Yiwei.

The upper echelon of the Sanjiang system felt that this was the backbone of the elderly, so it would be better to let them return their silver taels and deal with errands with crimes. Wang Tong's instructions were very simple:
"Confiscate the house and kill the head!"

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(End of this chapter)

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