Chapter 972 Purge
If Wang Tong was in Liao Town at this time, he would find that the outside of the pass was much colder than expected. It was only the beginning of September, and there was actually a light snowfall.

The crops inside and outside the side walls have been harvested and put into storage. Some young and strong people are repairing their houses and fields, and some are preparing to leave home to go fishing and hunting or go to the mountains to collect herbs. The long winter is about to begin, and they are always looking for something to support their families.

Hetuala city is not big, not even a third-class county in North Zhili, it is a big town at best, but the Jurchen area outside the side wall is already considered a big city, surrounded by dozens of villages outside the city. The situation in Daming is similar. After all, relying on the Walled City, security is guaranteed and trade is facilitated.

At this time of year, Hetuala will be very lively. As the center of the Jianzhou Department, Han people, Jurchens and Koreans will come here to do business.

This year is different. You can see a few Koreans in and out of the city, but you can’t see the Han people from outside. The local Han people also look cautious.

Daming is going to use troops against the Jurchens. Everyone knows about it. Liaozhen generals Li Pinghu and Qin Deyi took turns to go out of the side wall. The closest one is less than eighty miles away from Hetuala. Many people in the city are facing east. Escape, there are deep mountains and old forests, you can't always catch up.

But no one thought that the Jianzhou Department actually agreed, not to mention a large number of soldiers, armor and luggage, and over a thousand prisoners. Nurhachi is really amazing.

After this battle, some elders in the Jianzhou Department were extremely worried. Daming was a colossus, and a few thousand soldiers were nothing to them. If they were defeated this time, more officers and soldiers would come to fight.

But few people would look so far. Most people thought that the Ministry of Jianzhou was already a brand name that could independently raise the flag and enclose the territory.

Not to mention the Jurchen tribes in the east and north, even the Koreans sent people over to express their goodwill. Although it is nothing, the Koreans are nothing but grass, and they will not offend anyone who is strong.

Looking at the heat, but everyone felt the tense atmosphere, the young and strong men were transferred again, Han people in the city were often caught and beheaded, and the avenues and paths leading to Liao Town were set up Passing through the checkpoints and patrolling by cavalry makes people nervous, but now the pedestrians everywhere are basically Jurchen aborigines wearing leather jackets and leather caps.

Go out of Hetuala, pass Zaotu Mountain, and walk along the Suzi River along the Suzi River. After walking for more than a day, you will reach Maldun Village. There are not many pedestrians on the road. There are two Jurchen men walking on the road. They should be hunting together. Or visiting relatives, they walked very fast, and stopped and looked around.

"It is said that this slave chieftain went to the north a month ago, but it is a pity that Old Wu's side was cut down by the Tartars, otherwise he would have known more news."

"They know the identity of Old Wu."

"I know what a bird, it's not that I covet the property of Lao Wu's family. How many Han people have been killed by these bastards, and all the women in the family have been taken away. My side is fine, they all think I am from Lao Linzi's side. of."

"The Jurchens here can't care about it anymore. It's too risky here now, and I don't know who gave the slave chief the idea. Now he is not allowed to ride a horse when he goes out of the city. By the way, do you know that the slave chief is in a A month ago, I asked the people below to buy cattle and horses, and what more white horses and black cattle are needed."

"This coat color is not easy to find, no, isn't it a white horse and black cow?"

The two of them had just discussed a few words, but they heard the sound of horseshoes behind them, and they both turned their heads in astonishment, only to see more than a dozen horsemen chasing after them.

At the beginning, I wanted to pretend to be calm, but there were only the two of them within sight on the road. The two of them immediately understood, and started to run wildly. How can a person outrun a horse? The other reached out and pushed his companion With one hand, his companion staggered and ran into the woods by the side of the road. When he pushed this hand, the rider behind him had already caught up, and he could see the knight on the horse swinging his long knife, and a head was cut off immediately.

At the same time, someone got off their horse and got into the woods with a bow and arrow. It didn't take long before they heard a scream in the woods. After a while, the person who chased him came out with his head in his hands.

"If those people didn't come here to report, I really don't know that they are also Minggou's spies!"

One said in a rough voice, and the other laughed and said:

"Take your head back and divide their family business with the women. Let's all be happy!"

Everyone laughed, beat the horse and walked away, leaving two headless corpses here.

Liao Town used to be the overlord of the Jurchen region. Liao Town also had spies and eyeliners in the Jurchen region. At that time, those who ran fast ran away, and those who could not run fast were beheaded and ransacked.

There are always spies buried in such a big Liao Town, but after defeating the Liao Town Army, the road traffic was completely blocked, and soldiers from Liao Town came here. These soldiers may not all be Han Chinese, there are also women Real person, they have stayed in Liao Town for a long time, and they have dealt with Han people a lot. They know more or less the habits of Han people in work and life, and many people have exposed it like this.

Compared with the closely guarded Jurchen side, a large number of Jurchen came to Liao Town either in the name of fleeing or seeking refuge. Among the personal guards, there are also a certain number of Jurchens because they dare to fight and rush, and they are not afraid of death.

There are even many large Han families in Liao Town. The way they get rich is to trade with the Jurchens. Once the war broke out, the trade was cut off, but if they can do business secretly, they will make huge profits. These people have never cut off their connections with the Jurchens. connect.

The current situation is that Jurchen has blocked their own news very well, while the situation in Liao Town seems to be transparent on Jurchen's side, without any concealment.

Li Chengliang, the general soldier of Liao Town, his son and those trusted generals, they all took root in Liao Town for many years and were born and raised. Do business there, exchange salt and cloth from the Jurchens for mountain products and special products, because now the prices of special products outside the side wall are high, and there is huge profit to be made.

The reason why they are not worried is because they have absolute confidence in the strength of Liaozhen. Liaozhen is now mobilizing with all its strength and preparing for war. Now the blockade of news and intelligence is nothing. If the army is at war, they can't play any tricks.

"Families who believe in the Fragrance Sect, no matter they are old or weak, will be sentenced severely. They are given two choices, either go to Guihua City, or go to the farm over there in Mantaoer."

Wang Tong in the Jinyiwei yamen was on duty. Looking at the file, Wang Tong said in a deep voice, whether to go to naturalization or to get full set, these two choices are actually equivalent to exile. It's hard to get used to it.

Experienced Si Qianhu Hou Zhen stood aside respectfully, raised his head when he heard Wang Tong's words, and said cautiously:

"Someone from Uncle Anyuan's family was also involved. Today they entrusted someone to intercede, asking if they can use money to atone for their sins."

"Is it a direct descendant of Uncle An Yuan and the Guo family?"

Wang Tong frowned, and Hou Zhen said carefully:

"It's Uncle An Yuan's nephew. His wife believed in Xiangjiao, and he followed suit!"

"It's just what I said. His nephew went to the north. He suffered some hardships, but his body and life will not be hurt. His family will not be harmed. Others, we can't accommodate."

Hou Zhen wanted to open his mouth again, but he didn't dare to speak after thinking about it. Seeing his expression, Wang Tong said coldly:
"It's been less than five years since the disaster of the Sanyang Sect. Have you forgotten the lesson? This kind of cult, at the beginning, pretended to be harmless. After it caused a catastrophe, your lives would not be enough. He How much money the family gave you will be returned, and the dry stocks of those shops are not enough for you to spend?"

After Wang Tong said a few words, Hou Zhen almost knelt on the ground, and said with a pale face:
"The lower official understands, the lower official understands!"

Wang Tong waved his hand and said:
"Go down, let the people from Sanjiang Commercial Company come over."

After Hou Zhen backed out cautiously, Yang Sichen, who had been recording by the side, raised his head and looked at Wang Tong. Wang Tong said in a deep voice:
"These old people who work in Jinyiwei's yamen feel that they can lie to others. I can turn a blind eye to some things. This matter is not good. You go and stare at it. It has something to do with Xiangjiao. Catch one and strictly deal with the other. Inside Jinyiwei Anyone who wants to do something wrong will be punished more severely."

Yang Sichen hurriedly got up from his seat to answer. While speaking, two people who looked like shopkeepers hurried in outside. The nominal owners of the Sanjiang system were Zhang Chunde and Gu Zibin, and there were also more than a dozen shopkeepers who followed him from the beginning. Wang Tong was originally an eyeliner or servant, but because he was smart, he was assigned to the Sanjiang system. Over the past few years, he has slowly worked his way up. Being able to speak up in front of Wang Tong is considered a face.

Wang Tong's complexion was not good at all, and the two people's faces turned frosty when they entered the room. After entering the room, the two shopkeepers knelt down and kowtowed. Before they could speak, Wang Tong interrupted them first:
"Did you intercede for those two people? No need to ask, they will definitely lose their heads. This time the crime is not as good as the family. It is the Lord's mercy."

After all, they followed Wang Tong for a long time, and the two dared to speak. One of them kowtowed and said:
"Those two people were deluded and did foolish things. They were greedy for Master Mo's money. The younger one is willing to make up for the shortfall with his own money. I also ask Master Hou to show mercy for the sake of the relationship they have made for many years."

Wang Tong shook his head, his voice became a little heavy:
"You don't lack this money, and I don't lack it. The business is getting bigger and bigger, the shop is getting more and more, and the money in hand is more, and some people's minds are active. They must kill them and send someone to hold the head. Walk around the shops, let everyone be vigilant!!"

(End of this chapter)

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