Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 973 It May Not Be Surprising

Chapter 973 It May Not Be Surprising

On September 15th, the [-]th year of Wanli, the Liaozhen army assembled in Shenyang City, marched along the Hun River, stopped at Qianhu Station in Fushun, and then left Fushun Pass and entered Jianzhou.

This time, the general army of Liao Town gathered [-] troops, of which there were more than [-] cavalry, most of whom were family members of the generals.

In this battle, both Li Pinghu and Qin Deyi acted as forwards, leading the soldiers and horses of the headquarters to the forefront. This is also the hardest and most dangerous position. There is no way. He led the army by himself, and Sun Shoulian, the deputy commander of Liao Town, was the one who was cut off.

The rear army guards the grain roads for the army and receives the wounded. To put it bluntly, it is a job of doing chores. Jianzhou is close to Liao Town, so there is actually no grain road to speak of. As for receiving the wounded, the rear army is located almost within Liao Town , Its own local generals will handle it.

Sun Shoulian was helpless about this, and he also understood Li Chengliang's meaning. Although Li Pinghu and Qin Deyi failed, but this time Liaozhen invested so much power, the victory was almost certain. If there is victory, there will naturally be military merit. Sun Shoulian now owns a mansion and builds a yamen, and guards one side. He is no longer a member of Liao Town, so why give him a share of the benefits.

Fortunately, Sun Shoulian can see it for himself, he won the position of Shoujun, and now he cooperates with Tianjin Wei to make a fortune, so he can do everything according to his own wishes.

It took a few days from Shenyang to Fushun Pass. On September 25, the army had already approached Sarhu.

The situation of Jurchen, which was originally vague, suddenly became clear these days. Some people said that this was caused by Marshal Li's power.

This is flattery, and everyone actually knows that there is no need for the Tatars to cover up and blockade, because their soldiers and horses are also gathered at Jiefan Village, and now they have more than ten thousand soldiers, and it seems that they are going to fight.

The current situation is that the Jurchens and Tartars are about to engage in a decisive battle. Liaozhen mobilized nearly [-] troops, and Jianzhou Jurchen can mobilize more than [-]. This is almost the old foundation. Xidou has expanded his power a lot, otherwise he would be considered too much if he could spend [-].

One hundred thousand against more than ten thousand, all the generals in Liao Town thought it was ridiculous. After a few victories, this kind of barbarians really got carried away. Here we go.

"Sarhu is a mountain pass. There can't be too many people passing here at a time. It's a good place to cut off. Li Rubai leads your troops to guard this place. There must be no mistakes."

"Father, my son can also fight here, what are you doing next to Saarhu, let..."

"This is a military order!!"

When discussing matters in the military tent, Li Chengliang reprimanded Li Rubai bluntly. After all, he is a veteran, and his arrangements are well-balanced. Li Rubai also disregarded the rules.

After being reprimanded so sharply by Li Chengliang, Li Rubai quickly took orders.

"The Jiefan Village is the confluence of the Hun River and the Suzi River. Although the Jiefan Village is at a high place, the regulations of the Jiefan Village are too small to accommodate too many soldiers and horses. The terrain below the Jiefan Village is flat. There, the battle is also here."

Everyone nodded. The generals in the command tent were very familiar with the terrain here. In the past, what they had to deal with was the Tartar cavalry from the Taining and Duoyan tribes. There is a foundation.

"Marshal, since the Eastern Prisoners have come out in full force, how about leading a partial division to Gule or Maldun to cut off their food routes?"

Seeing Li Chengliang's arrangement over there, Lieutenant General Marin came out to ask for the battle in a low voice. Folding a green shirt and folding a fan, discussing poetry and papers with a group of aides, and acting like a Confucian general, Liaozhen generals have always looked down upon him.

"No, this battle is for total victory. Our army should spare no effort. When we take on the battle, we must devote all our efforts to completely defeat the Eastern Captives. If we divide our forces to cut off the enemy's rear, it will be easy for the enemy to collapse. Our army will not be able to catch up. Instead, it hit the empty space with a punch, and lost the original intention of sending troops this time."

"The next official is reckless, don't blame the commander-in-chief."

Ma Lin still understood the advances and retreats of the officialdom, so he bowed quickly to speak, and Li Chengliang nodded. If Ma Lin was not the lieutenant general, he would not have said so much. Li Chengliang was not going to let Sun Shoulian get military merit, and the same was true for Marin.

Sun Shoulian, the deputy commander in charge of southern Liaonan, didn't even participate in the military council. He was only busy with his military supply and supplies in the rear. Although the higher-ups didn't see him, the lower-level got along well. Who doesn't know that Vice-General Sun's business skills are amazing, everyone If he wanted to make a fortune, he had to rely on the help of his great-grandson deputy general.

Sun Shoulian also had important work to do, and every day, a few fast horses set off from him, and rushed to the pass without stopping to deliver the news to Wang Tong.

This move did not conceal others, and it was not collaborating with the enemy. It seems to be the right thing to report the news in the army to the big men in the court, and all the people in the military supply and supply admired Vice General Sun's generosity. They went from Shenyang to the capital. In order to ensure the smooth flow of information, post stations must be arranged along the way. Without more than a hundred horses and hundreds of people to maintain it, this matter cannot be done.

"Everything is in order, but this makes me feel uncertain!"

The news continued to pass to Wang Tong, but Wang Tong actually made such an evaluation.

"Nurhachi has also fought for so many years. He also went to the military school in Liao Town. He will not understand the truth on the battlefield. Gathering soldiers and horses on the flat ground to wait for the decisive battle, even if the Jurchen soldiers are strong, But this number is too disparate, and Nurhachi will not seek death clearly."

Being outside the bureau, some things can be clearly judged and analyzed. Li Chengliang may not be able to do so when he is in the bureau. There are not many people in the capital who can accompany Wang Tong to analyze and discuss military affairs. Both Ma Sanbiao and Chen Dahe Not those who are good at strategy, the rest are either naturalized or in Tianjin Wei.

After Wang Tong said a few words, Ma Sanbiao said:
"I've also read the news sent over there. The soldiers of Donglu are indeed braver than ordinary soldiers of Ming Dynasty. They dare to charge and are not afraid of death, but they can't match ten against ten. What's more, there are tens of thousands of private soldiers in Liao Town. Every time I go out, no matter how I think about it, Donglu is going to die."

Jurchen ministries also have a master-slave relationship, but after all, they are relatively primitive, and the exploitation is not serious. The living conditions are better than those of the farmers in Ming Dynasty, and the people in the Northland are taller and stronger. The relatively primitive social form and fishing and hunting operations allow them to have Certain military skills and bravery far surpassing that of ordinary soldiers.

These are their advantages. The infantry of the Ming Dynasty are often peasants who go to the battlefield with weapons, their food and wages are deducted, and they are usually oppressed and beaten like slaves. Liao Town has nearly [-] troops, and almost [-]% of them are soldiers like this.

But what makes Liao Town famous all over the world is because of his tens of thousands of private soldiers. These are professional soldiers with good equipment, superb combat skills, and the courage to charge to the death. These are the core of Liao Town. In front of a large group of professional warriors, these ten thousand Jurchens are nothing.

It is precisely because of such a huge disparity that Wang Tong felt that he had no idea in his heart. Fighting is a matter of life and death, how could he treat it lightly? Doing so must be strange.

"Li Chengliang's actions are quite standard. His large army gathers in one place and moves forward with one fist. Even if the Tartars want to send out surprise troops and deviate from the army, they have nothing to do in front of such a large army. When the army moves, any surprise soldiers will deflect the division." Being crushed, this is a surefire solution!"

Wang Tong knew the origin of Chen Dahe's words. He said it when he led the army to conquer and naturalize, and he seemed to have said it in the class at the Huwei Martial Art Museum at that time.

At the end of the discussion, Wang Tong just shook his head and sighed, and said:
"We can only talk here, we can't do anything, let's see!"

It will take ten days at the earliest to deliver the news. What Wang Tong sees here is the news from Liao Town ten days ago.

That is, when Wang Tong turned his attention to Jianzhou, news came from Ji Town that the Duolun area was now occupied by the Chahar tribe. What resistance.

This news is mutually confirmed with the news of the armed forces of the merchant group. The advance rangers of the armed forces of the merchant group entered Duolun, and found that there would be conflicts and those who pursued were the cavalry and herdsmen of the Chahar tribe, while there were very few tribes of the Horqin tribe. , It was found that most of the tribes were old and weak, and they were all migrating eastward.

On the second day of October in the 15th year of Wanli, the war should have started or even ended in Jianzhou, but the news sent to the capital was still the eve of the war. It was nothing more than the soldiers working hard and preparing well. With the blessing of God's power tomorrow, they will surely win a big victory Wait, the news Wang Tong got is similar to this, everything is normal.

On the third day of October in the 15th year of Wanli, the gatekeepers at the east gate of the capital leaned against the wall to bask in the sun. The weather had turned cold, and the noon sun shone on their bodies, making them warm and comfortable, a rare enjoyment in a day.

When I closed my eyes and was dazed, I heard a burst of noise and confusion. When I opened my eyes, I saw that the flow of horses, horses and people in front of the city gate were all dodging, and some horsemen were galloping wildly.

The soldiers of Wucheng Bingma Division are very experienced in this. Someone went to move the horse, and a general yelled at the soldiers to block the gate of the city, forcing the horses to stop, and shouted loudly:
"At the feet of the Son of Heaven, enter the city and dismount your horses for interrogation. You look like officials, don't you know the rules!?"

"Let's go into the city quickly, Liao Town urgent report, Liao Town urgent report!!"
I was very tired and fell asleep before I knew it, thank you everyone
(End of this chapter)

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