Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 974 Congratulations Your Majesty

Chapter 974 Congratulations Your Majesty
The Liao Zhen army was defeated in Jiefanzhai, and this is the urgent report sent by the messenger who hurried over.

Calculated according to the time, this is two days faster than the normal news transmission, because Sun Shoulian's communication with Wang Tong is a normal procedure, step by step, but this time the transmission of the battle report did not care about any horses at all, and ran all the way , The horses were all run away to death.

In fact, in the gate of the city, there were horses limp on the ground, foaming at the mouth, convulsing and dying violently, but the messenger didn't care about that.

When the court meeting was just over, an urgent message came into the palace, and the little eunuchs hurried out again, calling back the big bosses who had already left, Wang Tong was among them.

I don't know why, but when he heard about Wang Tong's anxiety all the time, his mood calmed down, but he also noticed that the courtiers looked at him rather unkindly. Wang Tong was the driving force behind the Liaozhen campaign to suppress the Jurchens. Although procedurally speaking, he cannot be held accountable, but everyone understands.

There was a battle report just now, and it was thousands of miles away outside the border wall of Liao Town. I was frustrated because I felt frustrated, but there was no panic and urgency among everyone, just discussing what to do.

Now all the news is unknown, and we can't make any specific judgments, so we have to follow the steps and order the troops of Jizhen, Xuanfu and Jingying to stand in line to avoid any mistakes. To clarify the truth, stabilize the situation, and send Dongchang, Jinyiwei and military officials into Liao Town to learn about the news.

After discussing this, the supervisor of ceremonies and the cabinet finished their errands as quickly as possible, and then the messengers who delivered the decree rushed out of Beijing.

All the ministers dispersed, Wang Tong was left behind to summon the right party. Seeing this scene, the big bosses who participated in the court meeting also understood the situation. At least Wang Tong has not been affected by the defeat of Liao Town at the moment. At least Emperor Wanli He didn't vent his anger or blame him, but he still asked for advice, which was still the treatment of a confidant.

"Wang Tong, what do you think?"

Emperor Wanli has no expression on his face, but this shows that he is irritable and nervous. Emperor Wanli's experience in Huwei Martial Arts Hall has a great influence on him, so he cannot accept military failure. I was looking forward to it, but I didn't expect it to be such a result. It is inevitable that I will not be in a high mood.

"Your Majesty, right now I only have one side of the messenger's story, and I'm not sure yet. In three or four days, the definite news will come, and it won't be too late to make a decision at that time."

Wang Tong answered calmly. Tian Yi, who was standing behind Emperor Wanli, wanted to speak, but he endured it and still didn't speak. Emperor Wanli grabbed a brush, subconsciously tapped on the table, and said:
"Naturally, you don't need to say anything if you win, but it looks like Liao Zhen is about to lose. If you really lose, what do you think?"

Wang Tong pondered for a while, bowed deeply solemnly and said:
"If you really lose, I congratulate Your Majesty, congratulate Your Majesty!"

"Wang Tong, how dare you be so presumptuous in front of the Lord Long Live, what joy is there in the defeat of Daming Border Town!?"

Tian Yi, who was behind Emperor Wanli, couldn't bear it at last. He scolded him at birth. Emperor Wanli raised his hand. Tian Yi immediately didn't dare to say any more. Emperor Wanli stared at Wang Tong's expression, and said in a deep voice:
"I know you don't know how to joke, and you won't talk like this on this occasion. How can you be happy if you tell me?"

Wang Tong saluted again, and said:
"Your Majesty, once Liao Town is defeated, even if its strength is not damaged, he will lose the previous capital and confidence. The imperial court wants to reform the border towns. Liao Town will benefit the most from the system of border towns, and Liao Town will be the most powerful. Moreover, he has a large army and is on the side of the capital. If he opposes it, it will be very difficult to reform the border town. Now that this obstacle disappears, His Majesty can let go of the reform. This is the first, and the second is that Liao Town occupies an area It is vast, and it is not inferior to the provinces in the pass. Although Liao Town is cold, the land is fertile and the production is rich. This is a place to provide wealth for His Majesty, but because it is under the rule of the military town, all the money and food belong to itself, and the imperial court also allocates silver. , Now the imperial court can turn Liao Town into Liao Province, send officials to collect taxes, change from a feudal town to a province, and if His Majesty's territory increases greatly, wouldn't this be a happy event?"

Nine Sides is naturally the territory of Ming Dynasty, but Liao Town is like this, all the wealth belongs to itself, and the Li family has a lot of connections. Although it obeys the imperial court's order, it is not impossible to say that this kind of land belongs to the Li family. If we can set up local officials there , The collection of taxes is naturally different. You must know that Liao Town also has a population of several million, a large amount of land, and various benefits, which is a great benefit.

But when Wang Tong said this, Emperor Wanli's attitude remained unchanged. He tapped the pen on the table more frequently, and asked:
"Liaozhen was defeated, and the Tartars invaded. If this is not resolved, what about reforming border towns and establishing provinces!"

"Your Majesty, the Eastern Captive is a trivial matter, and it can be destroyed overnight!"

Wang Tong's answer was simple and powerful. Emperor Wanli was taken aback, and Tian Yi was also taken aback. Then Tian Yi was about to scold him, but neither of them said a word. The simple sentence "can be destroyed overnight" is indeed arrogant, but one Thinking that this sentence was said by Wang Tong, but there is no way to refute it. Thinking about the victories that Wang Tong has won, it is really nothing to say.

Emperor Wanli was silent for a while, and finally said:
"You go down first, wait for the detailed news to come, and then discuss."

Four days later, the detailed battle report came to the capital, written by Li Chengliang's staff, and also sent by Sun Shoulian.

The battle report that Li Chengliang was able to send was stable, which also showed that the situation was not that dire. Of course, it was also the tradition of the battle report memorial to conceal what could be concealed and make major incidents smaller.

Even so, it is still admitted that Liaozhen had more than [-] casualties, collapsed twice as many times, and the enemy had already approached Fushun, so the imperial court was asked to send troops to rescue. The difference is too much, which makes Wang Tong very surprised.

However, just relying on more than [-] Jurchen men and horses will not be able to win such a victory. Li Chengliang said that the number of Jurchen soldiers and horses participating in the battle exceeded [-]. But it was not the Jurchens that made Liaozhen's defeat so decisive.
After all, the Jurchen Donglu is a settled ethnic group and knows how to build cities and houses. That is to say, they are still capable of doing civil engineering work, especially many people from the Jianzhou Department have served in Liao Town, so they know it quite well and even know how to use it these skills.

The battlefield was on a flat area not far from Jiefanzhai, where the Hun River and Suzi River converged. The Jurchen East Prisoners set up two positions, one at Jiefanzhai and the other at the junction.

Outside Jiefanzhai, large logs were used to cover soil to build low walls and trenches were dug. At the junction, local materials were used to dig trenches, and wood and stone were used to build low wall fortifications. In this season, the two rivers are not much of a barrier, because the dry season The river is not deep at all, and the ice in many places is already quite solid.

The Jurchen garrisoned in a strong village, this tactic surprised Li Chengliang, after all, the two sides lined up in a field battle is the choice for the side with fewer people. I am trapped in a death zone, and there is nowhere to escape when the time comes.

But this arrangement is exactly in line with Li Chengliang's intentions. He originally wanted a complete victory this time. In such a fight, he didn't worry that the opponent would collapse in the mountains and fields. But when the two villages were formed, the Ming army could only attack hard, which was fine. Tricky means.

All kinds of obstacles were created in Jiefanzhai, for example, many big trees were cut down and blocked everywhere, and ditches and pits were dug on the roads. In this state, soldiers could pass through, but the heavy artillery of the Ming army There is no way to go up the mountain, or it will take a lot of effort to go up the mountain.

The main direction of attack is naturally the position at the intersection, led by Li Chengliang, and the attack on Jiefanzhai is led by Li Rubai.

Li Rubai didn't even bother to drag the cannons up first. Jiefanzhai was a small place guarded by 4000 people, so he directly drove the soldiers to attack.

The battle was very difficult, and there was no advantage in the upward attack. The opponent was condescending, and the bows and arrows shot down like raindrops. The Jurchen bows and arrows could not reach far, but the arrows were heavy, and the wounds were large when they were shot down by the arrows. They immediately lost their combat effectiveness. It was shot from the back, and the opponent's cover was good, but the killing was not good.

Moreover, the hand-to-hand combat ability of foot combat, the Jurchen soldiers who occupy a good location really don't suffer any disadvantages, and they are not afraid of death. They have been beaten back after several times of rushing in, tossing back and forth, and the morale of the Ming army who attacked Jiefanzhai Already vented, Li Rubai had no choice but to withdraw the team and start to clean up the battlefield.

Since we can't get down with people, we should clear the obstacles and pull the cannon up. However, in doing so, the Jurchen soldiers in Jiefanzhai dared to come out and fight. More people have to be called up to take precautions.

The battle at the intersection was relatively normal. Li Chengliang used cannons at the beginning. The cannons in Sanjiang Jiangfang were too expensive, and the Li family still used the old-fashioned artillery of the Ming army. There are fewer cannons to open the fortifications, and the people inside have enough time to make up for it.

After bombarding for a while, troubles such as overheating of the gun barrel appeared, and some ammunition was reserved for backup, and the effect of the bombardment was also very bad. The situation in Fanzhai is similar, and each family is reluctant to use their own soldiers and family members to consume them, but ordinary soldiers are really inferior to Jurchen soldiers, and their bravery is far inferior. Moreover, there are two rivers as boundaries for such a large position , in fact, Liaozhen's numerical advantage has been diluted so much that it can't put much pressure on the opponent.

After two hours of fighting, more than 2000 Jurchen cavalry appeared on the south side of the army, that is, on the right wing, but this attack was within Li Chengliang's expectation.
The double monthly ticket has started, brothers, vote

(End of this chapter)

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