Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 975 Who Says Barbarians Don’t Know Soldiers

Chapter 975 Who Says Barbarians Don’t Know Soldiers

When the two armies are at war, the main army confronts each other head-on, sending partial divisions to attack the enemy's flank, it is easy to defeat the enemy in a sudden state, and it receives miraculous effects. After all, the flank is the most difficult side to defend when an army is deployed.

Although Donglu Jurchen fought resolutely this time, after all, they fought more with less. If they want a miracle reversal, they must use such unexpected tactics.

Li Chengliang has been a general for many years, and he also understands why the Jurchen blocked the news for a long time. It must be so that he could not get too much news. When he was on the battlefield, he was caught off guard. excess power.

Liaozhen's army had been prepared for a long time, when the Jurchen's partial division appeared, the infantry of Liaozhen's flanks immediately "collapsed", but the breakup was orderly, allowing the enemy cavalry to rush in.

After the Donglu Jurchen cavalry rushed into the formation, the Ming army surrounded them again. Firearms, bows and arrows were all greeted up, and what kind of three-eyed blunderbuss, thunderbolt blunderbuss, bird blunderbuss, tiger crouching cannon and the like fired together.

This kind of firearm is not very useful in actual combat. The Ming army who used it often threw it indiscriminately outside the range. The first time I came prepared, I always fought within range.

All of a sudden, the firearms rang wildly, the gunpowder smoke filled the air, and the shooting effect was excellent. The Jianzhou Jurchen cavalrymen screamed and fell off their horses.

But the barbarian is a barbarian after all, after suffering such a big loss, a group of people were able to turn around in place, or they gathered together and rushed out.

From the beginning of the war to the present, the offensive and defensive Jurchen fortifications did not make any profit. On the contrary, this attack and defense on the flanks caused the most damage. The Jurchen suffered more than [-] deaths and injuries at once. From the looks of it, at least two cattle were killed.

This news was immediately informed by Li Chengliang to the entire army. The morale of the Liaozhen army was greatly boosted, but the Jurchens were obviously unable to suppress it. It can be seen that they pressed their treasures on this flank attack. Small.

The so-called trapped beasts should describe such a state. The Jurchen soldiers guarding the camp violently pushed back the attacking Ming army, then opened the camp gate, and a team of more than [-] people rushed out.

According to Liao Zhen's judgment, when his own army arrived, Donglu Nuzhen had to be careful not to mention that the wind would collapse, and he didn't dare to make any rash moves. He didn't expect that the opponent would really dare to fight on the frontal battlefield.

The people on the outside of the team of more than [-] people were all wearing cotton armor or chain mail, and the people inside were also wearing pigskin armor, with big knives and long guns in their hands. It could be seen that they were elite infantry of the Jianzhou Jurchen. They rushed out The purpose of the attack is very clear, that is Li Chengliang's Chinese army, the commander-in-chief of Liao Town.

In this era, commanders on the battlefield can only rely on visual observation, and the reports from various places cannot be used as a direct reference. Therefore, the leader of an army is often very close to the front line. Li Chengliang is actually only [-] steps away from the edge of the Jurchens. about.

Both sides of the Jurchen team who rushed out could understand the intentions. It would be best if Li Chengliang's Chinese army could be crushed. If he could kill Li Chengliang, it would be the best. It's all pressure, and the Jianzhou Department is almost unable to support it. If the Ming army is forced to retreat, at least there will be a chance to breathe.

Li Chengliang has already judged this trend. He is in the middle of the army, one is to command, and the other is to lure the enemy. With the level of the generals of Liao Town, Li Chengliang's sons and Ma Lin can do the front-line command.

The judgment was made, but Li Chengliang found that his estimate of the Jurchens was still too low. The more than [-] Jurchen soldiers were very brave, and they quickly broke through the first line of defense.

To be precise, they defeated the troops of the Ming army before the fortifications. They were able to go out at this time, and the purpose was to attack the Shuaiqi Zhongjun of the Ming army in Liaozhen. It was an oppressive attack again, and it was inevitable that he would relax a bit.

In terms of the quality of the soldiers alone, the Jurchens of the East were even better. At least since the tenth year of Wanli, the Jurchen of Jianzhou had been fighting with all sides.

The Ming army at the front collapsed, and Li Ruzhang, the commander of the war, was shot in the right shoulder by an arrow. Li Ruzhang was originally wearing a tiger plate armor. The shoulder pads of the plate armor were removed, but he was shot, and the soldiers retreated surrounded by soldiers.

The infantry were unbearable and were driven back like sheep. The Jurchen's plan was quite satisfactory, so that the scattered Ming army infantry would at least disrupt the central army. However, Li Chengliang was also prepared here. If there is a gap, let the rout walk through the gap, and then gather nearly [-] family cavalry around him, ready to strike the enemy hard.

The rout was hacked and killed by the supervising team and the rushing cavalry, and soon dispersed, but the Jurchen barbarians didn't stop at this time, seeing the troops ahead of them rushing towards them, they still went up to meet them.

The generals of Liaozhen who were watching the formation were all amazed at this time. The Jianzhou Jurchen was really amazing. In such a battle, they advanced almost [-] steps forward, and the formation was still so complete and so fierce. Afraid of death, some people are already thinking that after winning this battle, they will recruit some Jurchens.

There are also people who are quick-minded and thought about why the Jurchen didn't retreat but came forward instead. Now that they are going to retreat, it must open up space for the elite cavalry in Liao Town, so that the cavalry in Liao Town can charge vigorously. In fact, it became a buffer, and the cavalry could not charge up. The two sides could get as close as possible and fell into a melee.

If cavalry and infantry fight in melee, although cavalry has the advantage of condescending to slash and kill, it also has the disadvantage of inconvenient movement. This can be regarded as a survival tactic.

The soldiers were almost scattered, and the two sides were within [-] paces. The Liao Town cavalry were all shooting arrows with their bows, and the Jurchen soldiers here were all holding their shields, and a group of people behind them were shouting and shooting arrows.

The two sides roared and charged wildly. An arrow shot at this distance would definitely hit. Someone fell to the ground screaming, blood splattered everywhere. The private soldiers of Liao Town were all fed by them with enough food and money, and they knew this scene When it was time to fight with their lives, the Jurchens were in a desperate situation, and they were already forced to fight, and they all moved forward bravely.

After two rounds of shooting with bows and arrows, everyone slammed into them abruptly, regardless of casualties. Some Jurchen infantry were directly knocked down by the cavalry, and some Liaozhen Ding cavalry were directly knocked down by the Jurchens from their horses.

For a moment, the sound of killing shook the sky, and the generals in Liao Town looked at each other in blank dismay. No one thought that the Jurchens of the Eastern Captives could reach such a point. Even though the cavalry did not charge, the Jurchen did not break up against the cavalry.

Seeing such a situation, Li Chengliang was relieved. Although the cavalry didn't seem to have made any money in the first battle, the advantage is an advantage after all. Fighting, that is, it can cause great damage to them.

"Tell the sons not to fight too tightly, surround them, Li Rumei, you lead the troops and horses, wait for people from the camp to rescue, you go and block, such a force comes out, there must be cronies of the thief chieftain and even that Shu Commander Erhaqi, I don't believe that they won't come to the rescue!"

Li Chengliang gave the order confidently. He could hear the sound of artillery from the direction of Jiefanzhai. It seemed that Li Rubai had already set up the cannon and began to bombard him. Strength can also be won.

After the initial stalemate, the cavalry gradually circled the rushing infantry, and then they strangled them. As Li Chengliang predicted, in the Jurchen camp, they really couldn't just sit back and watch this force be eaten up. There were more than [-] people rushing out, but hundreds of them were sick.

The rush of this team brought joy to the faces of the generals in Liao Town. The battle situation gradually fell into the direction preset by the Ming army, and victory was in sight.

The sun is about to set. According to Li Chengliang's judgment, if the battle continues like this, the battle can be resolved tomorrow. At that time, we will give the sons who contributed today a few days off, let them have fun in Jianzhou, and give Haixi Jurchen and A few Mongolian tribes took a look at what would happen if they opposed Daming and blocked Liao Town.

"Master, there is smoke in the north"

At this moment, the soldiers around Li Chengliang shouted loudly. Everyone was attracted by the siege on the battlefield. After being shouted like this, they saw thick smoke rising in the north, and the smoke column soared into the sky. It should be far away from the battlefield place.

"The Tartars are about to come out in full force!!"

Someone shouted again that the Donglu Jurchen's camp had already begun to commotion, and the Ming army that had just gathered was beaten down again.

This was originally a good opportunity to wipe out the forces of the Jianzhou Department, but Li Chengliang couldn't laugh. At this time, the north of the Liaozhen army, that is, the left wing of the army, began to stir up. Not long after, Li Runan, who was guarding the left wing, sent his own soldiers Hurry up and report:

"Commander, there are enemy cavalry in the north, and there is a large group of enemy cavalry."

When he rushed over, the Chinese army could already feel the ground shaking. There were no fewer than ten thousand cavalrymen of this size, and they were already approaching a dangerous distance.

Gather up the troops and prepare to meet the enemy, but the elites of Liao Town are strangling the Jurchen. Although they have the advantage, they have no way to eat the opponent and are dragged there.

The infantry on the left wing was already shaken after seeing the large group of cavalry, and their morale collapsed. If the generals hadn't tried their best to restrain them, they might have collapsed.

The cavalry that appeared on the flanks of Liaozhen were Mongolian cavalry, and the number would not be less than [-]. After a little rectification across the Hun River, they began to charge the Liaozhen army, and then the Liaozhen army collapsed.——
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(End of this chapter)

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