Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 976 Four Great Hate

Chapter 976

The main force was attracted to the front, and the flanks were rushed in by a large group of cavalry that suddenly appeared. The end was very simple, and the whole army collapsed
After nearly four hours of fighting, the Ming army in Liaozhen was extremely exhausted. Li Chengliang used infantry in rounds. The courage and discipline of the infantry were far inferior to those of the cavalry, so they could not be allowed to fight for too long, lest casualties would happen later. Disintegrated, the generals will fight like this tomorrow, and the one who decides the victory or defeat depends on his own soldiers. The reason why Li Chengliang is known as the best in the world is nothing more than the fact that he has the most servants.

The infantry were exhausted, and they all hoped that the family cavalry would win. The family cavalry besieged there, and the battle situation was in the upper hand and slowly moving towards victory.

At this time, the men and horses were exhausted and relaxed a little, and then a large group of Mongolian cavalry came over. The main force of the servants was in the front, and only a small number of cavalry led infantry on the flanks. They saw the Mongolian cavalry covering the sky and the sun. , The flanking cavalry did not dare to fight at all, and often fled by surrounding the main general.

Thousands, ten thousand, or even tens of thousands. No one in the Liao town knows how many Tartar cavalry have come. They only know that the enemy is not only the Jurchens but also the Mongols. The enemy's cavalry is no less than their own cavalry. Even far more than that, in such a state, even the family cavalry, the core of the Chinese army, began to panic.

At this time, the Jurchens' camp opened wide, and soldiers and horses rushed out, rushing towards the already flustered Liaozhen Central Army. The Jurchens' soldiers were brave, and they also had more than a thousand cavalry, and they rushed over directly.

The Liaozhen army collapsed. Qin Deyi and Li Pinghu did not escape this time, perhaps they had no chance to escape. When most of the Jurchen rushed out, they were involved and never came back.

Li Chengliang wanted to gather all the servants and guards to calm down the situation, but there was nothing he could do. The scattered soldiers threw the formation into disarray, and the outer edges could no longer be maintained.

Everyone was counting on Li Chengliang to come up with an idea, but they didn't expect that Li Chengliang was stunned on the horse, that is, in less than half an hour, he seemed to be ten years old, and several masters thought about each other's leaders, but they didn't care What's the difference between superiority and inferiority, let each other communicate, surrounded Li Chengliang and left.

There are more than 10 people on the battlefield on both sides, and the spread area is also huge. Although one side has collapsed, it will take time to kill the Chinese army. Li Chengliang's servants surrounded him and fled, and the rest of the generals would not stick to it. Well, the current situation is not dead, not to the point of sacrificing one's life.

The main force of the cavalry on the battlefield retreated, and the whole situation collapsed completely. Even the Jurchen infantry could chase down the elite cavalry of the Ming army. It is a good target for killing, and the collapse is constantly intensifying.

Li Rubai, who was besieging Jiefanzhai, knew the news later than the formation, but when the Jurchens defending Jiefanzhai came out in full force, he also felt that something was wrong.

The artillery didn't pose much threat to the pawns charging out, and the Donglu Jurchen took advantage of being condescending. Li Rubai didn't expect the opponent to charge so recklessly. When the regrouping force was ready to fight again, the news of the collapse reached here.

Li Rubai is a dutiful son, he didn't care about running for his own life, first he gathered his bodyguards to rescue his father, and then saw that his father and the others had already escaped, so he naturally ran away with him.

The infantry is completely out of control, and the cavalry guards are also constantly breaking up halfway. The cavalry fleeing frantically in Liao Town did not see the Mongolian cavalry behind them, and they chased hard. However, they often look for empty horses on the spot and continue to catch up.

The big camp can no longer be taken, and the food and grass in the big camp can't be taken anymore. Run back to Liao Town as soon as possible
It was already early November when the capital received the details of the battle. The Jianzhou Jurchen Ministry had won such a victory, and the news blockade was naturally relaxed. Shen's deepest eyeliner and those scattered soldiers began to return to Liao Town. They brought the most detailed message.

The Jurchen and Mongol coalition forces have now broken through Fushun Pass and entered Liao Town. Fushun Station has also fallen, and Shenyang, the second largest city in Liao Town, is directly at the forefront.

The Horqin Mongols are allied with the Jianzhou Jurchens, and the remnants of the Duoyan and Taining tribes, as well as the Mongolian tribes of Baishan Heishui, have mostly joined this alliance.

In fact, three years ago, when Nurhachi unified the Jianzhou Jurchen, the various ministries of the Haixi Jurchen united Horqin Mongols and the Jianzhou Jurchen to fight. The Jianzhou Jurchen won a small victory and had the upper hand. Enemies, but did not expect to form an alliance because of the same opponent.

Slaughtering the white horse and the black ox to form an alliance is the most important covenant ceremony, which is already similar to the merger of life and death.

The Jianzhou Jurchen did mobilize [-] men to participate in the battle this time, not only the Jianzhou Jurchen, the Haixi Jurchen, and even the savage Jurchen further north, more than [-] people participated in the battle.

In order to attract these forces, Jianzhou Jurchen scattered all the wealth accumulated by herself and the results of the plunder over the years, and also attracted a large number of forces. Naturally, this business is not bad. After this victory, the food and grass seized, There are also various captures, which are enough to compensate for the previous expenses.

After the great victory, the ministries elected Nurhachi, the leader of the Jianzhou Jurchen tribe, as Khan and Yingming Khan in Hetuala. The official title and title completely broke with Daming.

Originally, Li Chengliang, Liao Town's commander-in-chief, had a great reputation outside the pass and between Baishan and Heishui.

This time, the myth was shattered, and Nurhachi, who defeated the Ming army, became a great hero among the Jurchens. The Jianzhou Jurchens rose up, and the Haixi Jurchen had a grudge, and even colluded with the Ming army, tipped off and even harassed Attacks, but after victories again and again, more and more tribes of Haixi Jurchen began to join Jianzhou Jurchen's side.

As for the savage Jurchens, they live in the mountains and only rely on hunting for a living. Although they are wild and brave, they are often extremely poor. As long as they are given goods and food, they can often get their willing loyalty and refuge.

Manggus, the leader of Horqin's ministries, had long been titled King Khan, and Nurhachi became Yingming Khan, and the two claimed to have a common status.

There was no turning back when he opened the bow. Nurhachi was called Yingming Khan, and he defeated the Ming army at the confluence of two rivers. Now it is no longer a matter of being a bully outside the side wall.

It is winter now, and the farm work is stopped, so the male force can be mobilized. After Nurhachi announced the "three major hatreds" against the Ming Dynasty, he marched into Liao Town.

The main force of Liaozhen collapsed, and the territory was empty. It was a good time to attack. The Mongolian and Jurchen troops entered Liaozhen, Fushun fell, and the army went straight to Shenyang City. .

Neither Horqin Mongols nor Jianzhou Jurchen have much experience in attacking large cities. Shenyang City and Tieling Guard will not be able to take it down for a while. It is the northernmost fortress town of Liao Town. If this side is taken, the Liaohe River will become an undefended area. It can directly invade Shenyang and Liaoyang from the northern grassland. Convenient direction to enter Liao Town.

And Shenyang City is the gateway to the heart of Liao Town, and it is on the center of the main road. If Shenyang is not captured, no matter which direction you go to Liao Town, there is a danger of being cut off.

At this time, Sun Shoulian, the deputy commander in charge of southern Liaoning, showed up. Because he was in the rear, when the front army was routed, he had time to withdraw his forces. Although it was a rout, the lost strength was not much. Moreover, Li Chengliang didn't want him to bring too many soldiers and horses to make meritorious service, but the power in Sun Shoulian's hands was still intact.

After Sun Shoulian ran back to southern Liaoning, he set up defenses along the Taizi River that traversed the east and west of Liao Town, and he strengthened all the forts and military strongholds.

Horqin Mongolia and Jianzhou Jurchen's main attack direction is one in the west and the other in the north. The pressure on the south of Liaoning is less, and the strength is still there, but it can be defended.

The total strength of the Western and Eastern captives is only tens of thousands, and the cover is not so good, but the news is still continuously sent to the capital.

The governor of Jiliao and the officials sent by the imperial court all entered Liao Town, and the front, middle and rear guards of Guangning, the garrison guards, the guards of Liaoyang, and the Haizhou guards all gathered troops to deploy defenses on the front line of Liaoyang and Shenyang. , stabilized the situation, the two sides are now at a stalemate.

One of Li Chengliang's sons died in the war, one was seriously injured, and his trusted army general lost four or five other people. The loss was indeed heavy, but it is absurd that under such circumstances, there are actually some aides who suggested that Li Chengliang conceal it. Bribe the Jurchen and Mongols with money, let them retreat first, and then work slowly to solve this matter.

The aide who said this suggestion was pushed out to beheaded, Li Chengliang also thought clearly at this time:
"The current plan is to ask the imperial court for help. If we continue to hide and evade the imperial court, my Li family will not be able to maintain its prosperity and wealth. I am afraid that the disaster of annihilation will happen in an instant!"

"Hate Ming for killing my father and grandfather for no reason, hate Ming for plundering my property and population, hate Ming for dominating our ministry."

Wang Tong smiled and shook his head after reading Nurhachi's Three Great Hatreds. After reading it, he was a little dazed. He always felt that something was wrong, and he didn't know why this feeling came from.

Regarding the failure of Liaozhen, the atmosphere in the capital is relatively low, but that's all. After all, Liaozhen is still far away from the capital, and the situation has not completely collapsed. The next thing to do is how to recover.

"My lord, Your Majesty has summoned you, please enter the palace quickly."

There are pro-Wei Tong preaching outside.

(End of this chapter)

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