Chapter 977 Overjoyed
Since the detailed news of Jiefanzhai's defeat came back to the capital, Emperor Wanli did not summon Wang Tong. Every day when Wang Tong went to court, everyone mechanically sent officials to Liao Town to deploy defenses to stabilize the people's hearts. Tong's errand was the commander of Jinyiwei. Except for intelligence, other things were not in the way, so no one paid attention to him, just pretending that this person does not exist.

It stands to reason that Wang Tong was the instigator of this Liao Town's failure. If he hadn't put pressure on Liao Town, Liao Town would not have gone to conquer Jianzhou Jurchen, and naturally there would not have been such a failure.

But no one said anything, and no one even mentioned it. Emperor Wanli and Tian Yi were doing things step by step, and even put a lot of energy into opening Songjiang port. The court situation was such a strange atmosphere.

Today, Emperor Wanli summoned Wang Tong. It was a long time since the incident happened and he understood the situation. This is also a strange thing.

The guards got busy, some prepared horses, some prepared official robes for Wang Tong, the former commanders liked to wear court clothes as civil servants when entering the court, while Wang Tong wore flying fish suits, military attire, which made people know at a glance It's Jin Yiwei.

The area of ​​Wang Tong's mansion is small, so the horses are mounted outside the gate. When Wang Tong walked out of the gate, he heard movement by the gate. He has been used to it these days, so he couldn't help frowning and said:

"Didn't I tell you to go back? Kneeling here all day, are you tired!?"

A warrior dressed as the general manager was on the right side of the gate of Wang Tong's mansion. He was kneeling there, listening to Wang Tong's words. The man raised his head and said in a crying voice:

"Master Hou, the situation in Liao Town is already bad. My general will ask Lord Hou to give the Li family a way out."

Wang Tong's expression suddenly turned cold. Seeing his expression, Han Gang waved his hand, and the two guards went down the steps to set him up. The warrior struggled and shouted:

"Master Hou, my general is respectful to Lord Hou, please read it here."

The guards were not welcome, someone was already holding a rope to strangle his mouth, Wang Tong walked down the steps, pondered for a while before getting on the horse, and said:
"Let him go, and you can go back to the Xuan Mansion to return to your command. This Marquis will keep the Li family safe, and let him prepare his troops. At that time, your family's old background will be used!"

After finishing speaking and getting on the horse, the guards had already let go of the handle, and the handle stood there in a daze. When the guards got on the horse and surrounded Wang Tong to leave, he knelt on the ground again with a plop, touching He kowtowed, and said in a sobbing voice while kowtowing, "

"Great kindness of Lord Hou, great kindness of Lord Hou!!!"

Wang Tong's route to court is fixed, and he doesn't sit in a sedan chair. Passers-by on the road will know that Lord Wang is passing by when they see the leading cavalry, and they will dodge it.

The speed of riding the horse was not fast, and Wang Tong didn't pay attention to the side of the road when he was on the horse. He was thinking about something. When he passed a section of the street, he suddenly heard someone shouting:

"Master Hou, be careful!"

At the same time as the phrase "Hou Ye be careful", I also think of "Traitorous ministers who will harm the country!!" Some of the guards surrounding Wang Tong picked up the shields hanging on the saddle to guard Wang Tong, and some drew their knives at the voice. rush in the direction.

The people on the street were dodging normally. They never thought that the knife was suddenly moved here, and they immediately scattered in fright. They are also experienced in such things in the capital. Find a nearby courtyard or something to hide in, and wait Let's talk about it after the matter is over.

Wang Tong had already put his hand on the handle of the firecracker, and he had already shouted, "The assassin is caught!" In the midst of the confusion, he saw someone raising a knife on the outside.

The blade is narrow and long, and this regulation is known to be Sha Dongning's sword as soon as you see it. In addition to the standard weapons, Wang Tong's personal guards also allow them to carry weapons that they are used to. Sha Dongning wears a Japanese sword with him. Glittering in the sun, the knife is wearing a steamed bun.

"Master Hou, that assassin threw steamed buns!"

Sha Dongning said with a strange expression, he was on the periphery of the guard, someone threw something on the side of the road, he subconsciously drew out his knife to block it, and wanted to pry it away, but he didn't expect the knife to stab a steamed bun.

The "Assassin" had already been dragged in front of Wang Tong, and a few trembling people who looked like they were sifting chaff were also pulled over. Er's appearance, before the "assassin" could speak, the anecdote dressed up cried out first:
"Master Hou, please forgive me, this matter has nothing to do with Xiaomin, who knows that this bastard thing wants to harm Lord Hou, it has nothing to do with the shop, it's all this bastard"

The other people also spoke in general terms, and there were some people who were struggling to make a move. This scene was easy to understand. The person must have picked up the food on hand and threw it over. Let the shopkeeper go away, bowed his head and asked the "assassin":

"Why are you doing this!?"

"You treacherous minister, if it weren't for you, how could the situation in Liao Town collapse like this, and how could the people of Liao Town be tortured like this by the Tartars!!"

Wang Tong could recognize the accent of this scholar, it was very similar to Li Rusong, that is, the official dialect with the accent of Liaodong Army dialect, he should be a scholar who came out to study in Liao Town.

Scholars always read more than ordinary people, and they think they know more. The current situation in Liao Town has nothing to do with Wang Tong officially, but with a little understanding of the official political situation, one can figure out who is the instigator.

Pedestrians who had dispersed to hide just now slowly reappeared, and some bold ones even came over to hear what happened. The scholar scolded fiercely. About to step forward, Wang Tong stopped him, but took the steamed bun from Sha Dongning's knife, shook his head and said calmly:
"This is a steamed bun made of high-quality white flour. How many people in and out of the city eat it is considered a holiday. You actually threw it over and let him go."

After saying this, Wang Tong threw the steamed bun down. The scholar was probably angry at first, but when he was caught by the wolf-like guards, he was already terrified. Still trembling, he didn't expect to be let go suddenly, and the steamed bun was thrown back again. He subconsciously caught it, completely unaware of what would happen next.

Wang Tong didn't continue to argue with him, but continued on the road, the scholar stood there blankly.
Qi Wu, who was following Wang Tong, had a relatively delicate mind. He could see Wang Tong's face sinking like water, and he seemed a little unhappy. He rode his horse and leaned over, and said:
"Master Hou, why bother with that sour boy? He is just an ignorant scholar who wants to make a name for himself with his compassion and magnanimity."

Wang Tong was silent for a while, then said in a low voice:
"What he said is also true. The one million soldiers and civilians in Liao Town suffered such ordeals, and the instigator is indeed my official."

"Hou Ye said that Li Chengliang was known as a famous general, but he was beaten so badly by the Tartars. This is due to his own incompetence. This incident is obviously a great contribution."

Qi Wu said angrily, Wang Tong smiled helplessly, was silent for a while, but raised his head and said:
"A little pain today is for the sake of no pain in the future. I did nothing wrong!"

After speaking, he flicked the reins and accelerated the speed of the horse.

There was a little eunuch waiting in front of the gate of the imperial city, and when he saw Wang Tong arrived, he hurriedly led him to the imperial study.

When Wang Tong entered the imperial study room, the lamps were already lit. Tian Yi and Zou Yi were waiting on the sidelines. One was arranging the documents and the other was annotating them. Wang Tong greeted him, and Emperor Wanli raised his head and read from the memorial. She turned her attention away, sighed and said:
"Speaking up, Liao Town reports three urgent reports a day. Every day, villages are plundered, soldiers and civilians are killed and injured. In a blink of an eye, the situation is deteriorating. The defeat of the day came. You said congratulations, Your Majesty. Now, what do you say? ?”

After Wang Tong thanked En and stood up, he paused for a while when he heard Emperor Wanli's question, and noticed that both Zou Yi and Tian Yi were looking at him. For some reason, Wang Tong's first reaction was not how to answer this sentence, but I think why the names of the inner court and the outer court are so coincidental, or else the full surname is Zhang, Zhang Jing, Zhang Cheng, Zhang Juzheng, Zhang Siwei, etc., and now there are two names with "righteousness", so I took back my thoughts in a daze , Wang Tong said solemnly:

"I still congratulate Your Majesty, Your Majesty is overjoyed!"

"Wang Tong!! Now is not the time to be aggressive!! The situation has become so rotten, how happy it is! How many soldiers and horses are there between the barbarians and Jurchen? Liao Town is now seriously injured, and it is time to clean up the situation, isn't it? Congratulations!"

Emperor Wanli threw the memorial on the table and shouted angrily there. The door of the imperial study was opened a crack, and someone looked at it and closed it again.

Wang Tong did not kneel down to plead guilty, but straightened his back and said loudly:

"Your Majesty, since the sixth year of Wanli, Daming has been killing Tartars, Jizhen, Huwei Army, Frontier Army, and regiment trainers. Now it's time to kill them all once and for all. After that, there will be a millennium of peace on the northern border!"

The room was silent. Emperor Wanli looked at Wang Tong, trying to see something on Wang Tong's face, but he only saw calmness and indifference, not even excitement. Wang Tong was narrating a fact, not impassioned.

"Your Majesty, the Ida tribe dominates the grasslands and has a crowd of nearly one hundred thousand. What will happen? It's not about being wiped out in front of the officers and soldiers. The barbarians and Jurchens are nothing. I invite you to lead the army and put an end to the chaos for Your Majesty and Daming."

After finishing these words, the imperial study was quiet again. Tian Yi glanced at Zou Yi beside him, but Zou Yi lowered his head. Emperor Wanli looked at Wang Tong, the anger on his face had disappeared, and his expression became very complicated. After a moment of silence, Emperor Wanli leaned forward and asked:
"Wang Tong, do you really want to be the commander of the army this time? Do you want to understand the consequences of leading the army this time?"

Without any hesitation, Wang Tong said:
"The minister is willing to lead the army!!"
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(End of this chapter)

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