Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 978 I want to fight this battle

Chapter 978 I want to fight this battle
When Wang Tong said frankly that he was willing to lead the army, Emperor Wanli stared at Wang Tong for a long time without making a sound. In the imperial study, both Tian Yi and Zou Yi stopped their work, lowered their heads and hands, and dared not speak.

After a long silence, Emperor Wanli closed the notebook in front of him, and said in a deep voice:
"In this case, you bring up a charter, and you lead the troops to Liao Town!"

Wang Tong solemnly agreed, saying yes, the atmosphere in the imperial study room was very strange, and there was no need to continue here. After saying this, Wang Tong bowed and bowed to leave.

When he reached the door, he was about to turn around and leave, but Emperor Wanli stopped him again and asked:
"Wang Tong, do you really want to lead troops to Liao Town?"

"Your Majesty, the minister is sincere."

Emperor Wanli waved his hand and said nothing more.

There is a joke in the capital, saying that the wealthy in Tianjin Wei and Jiangnan are all beautiful wives and beautiful concubines. If there are fewer than ten wives and concubines, they dare not boast in front of outsiders, but Emperor Wanli is just monogamous and concubine. very.

Although the words were harsh, what they said was similar to the real situation. Emperor Wanli and Empress Zheng were almost a young couple. They were together all day long. Occasionally, Concubine Li De would go there once, and the other concubines didn't pay much attention at all.

After Emperor Wanli returned to the palace, his expression was very tired. Empress Zheng waited on Wanli to wash and change his clothes. After he settled down, he asked softly:

"What's bothering the emperor?"

"Tian Yi said that Wang Tong had ulterior motives, was not satisfied with his current status, wanted to gain more achievements, and act like a reckless person, so he took the initiative to ask for orders to go to Liao Town to seize military power and achievements!"

Empress Zheng also frowned, but then she sat beside Emperor Wanli and said softly:
"Your majesty, my concubine would venture to say that with Wang Tong's mind and ability, if he really had such an ulterior ambition, he probably wouldn't have brought it up to the emperor so clearly. Wouldn't he be bringing trouble on himself if he did so? Thinking of it, how could Wang Tong not think of it?"

Emperor Wanli took a sip of fruit wine, shook his head and said:
"That's what Zou Yi said. He said that Wang Tong knew that he might cause trouble if he said it, but because of his loyalty to me and the Great Ming Sheji, he raised it openly."

Empress Zheng pursed her lips and smiled softly, then asked softly:

"What does the emperor think?"

"What happened in Liao Town made me feel that the elite soldiers in the border town and the veteran generals are all fooling people, just like on the stage, they have done enough superficial skills, and when Wang Tong comes out, they will all be fools." But this time the situation in Liao Town has deteriorated to such a state that it is necessary to send someone to clean it up. The person who reassures me the most is Wang Tong. If he goes, maybe he can really calm down the border troubles as he said. Kill all the Tartars."

There was a pause at this point, Empress Zheng took the fruit wine with interest, and brought another cup of tea. Emperor Wanli continued:

"But what I am most worried about is Wang Tong. Putting the soldiers in the hands of foreign ministers, even if nothing happens thousands of times, but once something happens, it will be a catastrophe that will overthrow the country."

Empress Zheng hesitated for a while, and suggested softly:
"Your Majesty, the previous few times Wang Tong led the army were special affairs and there were no rules to rely on, but this time it is different. The Emperor can handle it according to the ancestral system. Supervising the army, the three parties control each other, the emperor chooses a reassuring civil servant to lead, and a reliable internal official to follow, isn't that reassuring?"

"The general meaning is that the regiment training in Guihua City can form two regiments, and the local township guards in Tianjinwei can form about three regiments. In addition to the two regiments of the Tiger's Might Army itself, the troops under the Tiger's Might Army can There are six regiments, and then the armed forces of the merchant group and the city of Guihua can be used. Four thousand cavalry is no problem. The cavalry can always be dispatched.”

When it got dark, Wang Tong was in his study with Lu Wancai, Li Wenyuan, and Yang Sichen, and anyone could tell that Wang Tong was very excited.

"Although Liao Town was defeated, the big city is still there, and the hinterland is still in our own hands. All the soldiers and horses only need to bear the food and fodder for the journey to Liao Town, and the rest of Liao Town's own storage can supply it. This expedition Naturally, they will not be busy in vain. Horqin and Jurchen’s goods can be used as rewards. Veterans can retire according to the rules in Guihua City, and give them land, fields, houses, and even slaves. With these temptations, everywhere Mr. Yang, you draft a post now, and send someone to Tianjin Wei tomorrow, so that Sanjiang Jiangfang, Zhang Shiqiang, and Sun Dahai can check the inventory, first look at the firearms, carts and Ammunition storage, after all, several regiments will be newly equipped this time.”

Yang Sichen and Lu Wancai looked at each other, stood up and nodded in agreement, and spread out a pen and paper on the desk to start writing. Lu Wancai closed the folding fan in his hand, tapped his palm a few times, and said in a deep voice:
"Everyone here is not an outsider, so let's talk about Lu Mou's words. Let alone talk about the dangers of the military, Brother Wang is a famous general in the world. This trip is bound to be a victory, but has Brother Wang ever thought about it? If it loses, the situation that has already been managed will disappear in smoke; if it wins, with such a great achievement, how will Brother Wang manage himself in the court and in the officialdom?"

Wang Tong put the draft of the regulations for the Eastern Expedition on the table, and after listening to Lu Wancai's statement, his expression did not change. Lu Wancai said again:
"Brother Wang went to the north to become naturalized. Have you forgotten the treatment after returning? If he wins this time, his merits will not be inferior to naturalization. If the two are added together, there is no title to reward. Are you going to be crowned king?"

Wang Tong smiled and shook his head, but said:

"I didn't expect Brother Lu to think so highly of me. Before the soldiers and horses move, you already think that I will definitely win a big victory."

"Hey, Brother Wang, this is not the time to be joking. You thought that His Majesty and you were still in the Tiger Mighty Martial Arts Hall, and it was already gone. Now the Holy Judgment has decided that we can't tolerate people like you around you. Do you want to be a brother?" Make your words more clear, you have already made great achievements, you must not go on like this!"

The more Lu Wancai spoke, the more direct he became. He was already in a hurry. Yang Sichen put down the brush in his hand, bowed and said:
"Lord Hou, Lord Lu is right. Master Hou leads the army again this time. Not only will the merits he gains be of no benefit, but there will be great risks. I hope Master Hou will be careful!"

"Master Wang, you now have a wife, children and family."

After Yang Sichen finished speaking, Li Wenyuan, who had been silent by the side, said something in a muffled voice. Wang Tong shook his head and asked:
"I have asked the emperor for an order, and now you are saying this again, can this be rejected?"

"Why can't you refuse, Lord Hou, you are just pretending to be sick. There are many ways to pretend to be seriously ill suddenly. His Majesty will not blame you at that time, and it may not be easy to push the boat along!"

Lu Wancai spoke bluntly, Wang Tong lowered his head and pondered for a while, then raised his head and asked again:

"If I didn't go, and other people led the army to Liao Town, what would happen? Will the Tartars be wiped out? Will the Tartars be driven out of Liao Town?"

Unexpectedly, when Wang Tong asked this question, everyone was pondering for a while. The Tiger's Might Army is indeed strong, but Li Hutou, Tan Bing and others led them to the battlefield. No one can say whether they can achieve the record of Wang Tong's leadership. Sure, both Lu Wancai and Yang Sichen could make such a judgment, but Li Wenyuan didn't favor his son, he said:
"Currently, Li Chengliang has already suffered a defeat and lost the spirit of commanding the troops. The rest of the towns are at most successful. The people below can be generals, but they are not handsome. They may win once or twice, but they will not succeed in a big battle. .”

Wang Tong smiled and nodded, hesitated for a while, organized his words there, and said:
"The defeat of the Liao Town, traced back to the source, was instigated by me here. The situation was so corrupted that it was the fault of Li Chengliang and the Li family, but I didn't clean it up. Instead, I allowed it to develop for personal gain and loss. That's my fault. I have committed a serious crime, I am sorry for Your Majesty, I am sorry for Daming, and I am sorry for myself."

Hearing what Wang Tong said, Lu Wancai heaved a long sigh but stopped talking. Wang Tong said again:
"I have my own reasons for sending troops this time, but it has nothing to do with any power or status. I am now a rich man, a marquis and a general, a lovely wife and beautiful concubine. I don't need anything. I am loyal to the emperor, so there is nothing wrong with it." It’s unreasonable, but I still want to lead the army to put down the Liao chaos.”

Lu Wancai shook his head, sighed and said to Li Wenyuan beside him:

"Old Li, both your side and my side have to think of a way to pass on the sentence that there is no 'unreasonable thought' to the higher level, which is more or less comprehensive."

Li Wenyuan nodded, and Wang Tong said with a smile:

"It seems that this year I won't be able to spend New Year's Eve in the capital. I'm going outside the customs. You still have to help me find out about the capital. You must also suppress the situation in the capital so that no inexplicable troubles will arise."

Lu Wancai gave a wry smile, cupped his hands and said:
"Naturally, everyone can have today because of the support and support of Brother Wang, and everyone is one."

Wang Tong reached out and nodded him, and said:
"You're too tired to live and think too much, I'm here to make a guarantee with you, nothing will happen, don't worry!"

Hearing what Wang Tong said, several people in the room were taken aback, and Lu Wancai shook his head and said:
"Brother Wang said that in the past, and my heart was at ease. This time, I'm still not sure, I'm still not sure."

Wang Tong did not continue to persuade, went to fight the Jurchens outside the customs, completely annihilated them, and completely annexed them. Thinking of this made Wang Tong's blood boil. No matter how shallow his historical knowledge is, Wang Tong also knows what the Manchus did in China. How many years of darkness has left China, how much the Han civilization has lagged behind other civilizations, how hard it is to catch up, and what price it has cost. Now, the opportunity to change all this is in front of my eyes, and I can Change history! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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