Chapter 979

On November 15, the 21th year of Wanli, Emperor Wanli issued a decree to add the title of Minister of the Ministry of War to Wang Xijue, the governor of Liao, Ji, Xuan, and Dasi, and to supervise the affairs of Liao. Ji Liao Xuanda merged the regiments to train the soldiers from all walks of life, and appointed the eunuch Chen Ju, the eunuch of the Minister of Rites, as the supervisor of the army.

Civil servants lead the army, generals lead the army to fight, and internal officials supervise the army. This is the standard system of the Ming Dynasty. Wang Tong led the army several times to bypass this regulation, but this time he has to follow the rules.

It is easy to talk about the military supervisor here. Both the Supervisor of Rites and the Supervisor of Yuma have been on foreign missions for many times, but the Supervisor of Yuma is too familiar with Wang Tong, so they directly select people from the Supervisor of Rites. Chen Ju and Tian Yi are quite similar. Yes, known as "Fangzheng Master", but the chief eunuch in the hall, was selected to supervise the army.

It is quite difficult to choose a civil servant and supervisor. According to the principle, since it is a military matter, it is the Ministry of War's job, but how can a mere military minister hold his head up in front of Wang Tong? People also cringe, saying that civil servants are better than military generals, but it's really outside, that Wang Tong became ruthless, and wanted to do something stupid, who can do anything to him, it's better not to cause this trouble.

In the end, it was Wang Xijue who volunteered. Wang Xijue, the second assistant to the cabinet, was a standard outlier among civil servants in the past ten years. He dared to speak, dare to do things, and was reasonable. , Xu Guo was too old, so Wang Xijue volunteered.

As soon as Wang Xijue came forward, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but they also felt that Wang Xijue was really the only one who could hold this position, that is, his bold and outspoken temper could deal with Wang Tong.

"Everyone, Wang went to Liao Town this time to pacify the chaos and resist the enemy, not to fight for power with the Marquis of Dingbei, everyone should be careful!"

Because there were too many people thinking about it, Wang Xijue directly clarified the matter without caring about the prime minister's bearing.

Wang Tong is now the commander of Jinyiwei, and he has the position of Marquis of Dingbei, but his current title and official position cannot command the four towns and various troops in terms of procedures and rank.

In the previous examples, Wenchen commanded several generals and deputy generals, and the civil servants set up a general army, and the general commander commanded several lower-level officers. When Wang Tong went to Liao Town, at least two generals and three deputy generals were required. Not to mention the guerrillas, etc., Wang Tong can't command with the command of the Jinyiwei Capital alone, because this time the regulation, command and command are actually done by Wang Tong alone, and the other two are just following the procedure.On a deeper level, Wang Xijue's governor-generals are only effective at extraordinary moments, and he is only nominally higher than Wang Tong on weekdays.

In this large army, Wang Tong must at least have the title of commander-in-chief of one of the five armies to show that he is superior to the generals. It's the same as in difficult times, similar to Xu Da's meaning that the opening of the mansion is the general and marshal.

However, the imperial court only mentioned "commanding officer" and "general commander" in the decree, and did not upgrade the official position. In other words, Wang Tong commanded the armies as the commander of Jinyiweidu.

The commander of Jinyiwei is a third-rank official and has the status of a marquis, which can be regarded as a high status among the military generals. However, from the four towns of Jiliao Xuanda, there are six marquis status above the third rank. Li Chengliang's title is already a duke. , How to command at the same level, and how to command and dispatch the higher level.

Seeing the decree, the scholars in the capital had a lot of discussions, and some gloated and thought that the court was giving Wang Tong a bad look. Otherwise, it would be difficult to confer rewards upon returning from a great victory.

One more thing, even if the generals of Jiliao Xuanda's four towns were of a higher rank than Wang Tong, if any of them dared not to listen to Wang Tong's military order, wouldn't that be their own death?

Moreover, the core team for recruiting soldiers and horses this time is not the soldiers and horses of the border towns, but the Tigers of the Tianjin Guards. The battalion officer is Li Hutou, but it is also convenient for Wang to use it.

The Guihua Urban and Rural Bravery Troupe transferred 200 people for training, and organized into two regiments according to the regulations of the Huwei Army. According to the regulations of the Huwei Army, they were organized into three regiments. From now on, they will join the Huwei Army to train together and prepare for war. A total of 800 brave cavalry guards were selected from Guihua City and incorporated into the Huwei Army cavalry.

The Huwei army now consists of seven regiments of infantry, with a total of 200 soldiers, 500 cavalry, and 78 artillery teams with 3000 cannons.There are also [-] people in the supply battalion.

The Huwei Army has a total of seven regiments. Originally, Li Hutou, the commander of the first regiment, Li Tao, the deputy of the regiment, Tan Bing, the commander of the second regiment, and Sun Xin, the deputy of the regiment. With Wang Tong's maximum authority, he said in oral order, "...and discuss it with Li Hutou, the battalion officer, and the list will be reported."

Wang Tong's personal guards are not the practice of the Ming Dynasty. The personal guards are the most elite forces in command of the army and are the core of the battlefield. Wang Tong's personal guards are the reserve team of officers. They are by Wang Tong's side. Learning and experience, fighting and guarding work are also done naturally, but learning how to command and command is the most important thing for them.

This time there are five new regiments, and Wang Tong's personal guards have also been recommended to the positions of each regiment. The head of the first regiment is still Li Hutou, the battalion officer of Huwei, and Tan Dahu is the deputy of the regiment. The second regiment is headed by Tan Dahu. Bing, this time Tan Bing was also promoted to the position of deputy battalion officer. The deputy of the second regiment was Bao Erxiao, the commander of the third regiment was Li Tao, the deputy of the regiment was Tan Erhu, the commander of the fourth regiment was Sun Xin, the deputy of the regiment Li Xiaobiao, the head of the fifth regiment is Chen Dahe, the deputy is Liu Sanlang, the head of the sixth regiment is Han Gang, the deputy is Tan Gong, the head of the seventh regiment is Tan Jian, and the deputy is Qi Wu.

The cavalry of the Huwei Army set up a guerrilla, which was headed by Ma Sanbiao. Mo Zhigen, Batu, Chihei and others all became middle-level officers. Zhang Wu was in charge, and Liu Sanlang, the deputy of the Fifth Regiment, also served as the battalion officer of the supply camp.

It turned out that the middle-level officers, non-commissioned officers, and veterans of the first and second regiments were all promoted this time. Because five regiments were newly established, in addition to the regiment deputy, there were also the second and third regiment lieutenants. According to the setting, the veterans, non-commissioned officers, and middle-level officers of the Huwei Army were all promoted to fill the positions of officers in each regiment.

Some people are also worried, saying that such a setting seems to be comprehensive, but it actually dilutes the core strength of the Tiger's Might Army. However, Wang Tong does not have this worry, whether it is Guihua City or Tianjin Wei. Tuan Lian Xiangyong has actually been trained in accordance with the drills of the Huwei Army for many years, and he was originally trained with veterans as the backbone.

In fact, the arrangements for the deputy heads of the regiments were still based on the people from the Huwei Martial Arts Academy, supplemented by Wang Tong's personal guards. The imperial court would not have any objections to such an arrangement.

What is more special is Sha Dongning. Sha Dongning is older than Li Xiaobiao, and he also has a rare calmness and maturity at his age, but he is unwilling to serve in the Huwei Army. He is willing to serve as a personal guard by Wang Tong's side. Sha Dongning The main reason is to consider Sha Dacheng's fleet. If he becomes a general, his relationship with Wang Tong will be far away, and his own fleet will receive much less protection. It is better to get closer all the time.

It was because of his consideration that Wang Tong appointed Liu Sanlang as the deputy of the regiment, otherwise Liu Sanlang would have stayed in Tianjin Wei and continued to lead the guards of the Sanjiang Trading Company. As for Tan Gong and Tan Jian, they were in their early forties, exactly They are the prime of life, and the troops in Guihua City were also brought out by them, so they are more at ease when they are familiar with things.

As for the personal guards, Sha Dongning became Wang Tong's personal commander, Wu Er and Shi Qi both became deputy commanders, and a group of outstanding young men were selected from Guihua and Tianjin Guard to join them.

The Huwei army has expanded to this scale, Li Hutou was added the rank of general soldier, Tan Bing was the deputy general, and the rest of the regiment always had the title of general. Cai Nan, the supervisor of the army, was still an eunuch working for the imperial horse supervisor, but in fact He was already regarded as guarding the eunuch, and his status in the Yumajian was also rising. In various official documents, after the three eunuchs of palm seal, supervision and admiral, Cai Nan followed closely.

In addition, Datong town general Ma Yong led [-] cavalry, Xuanfu guerrilla Li Sanshi led [-] cavalry, and Jizhen deputy Yang Jin led [-] Jizhen infantry. The army going to Liao Town this time has exceeded the scale of conquest and naturalization, and should exceed [-].

The border town is either peaceful or defeated. It is rare for the cabinet and the household department to transfer the military expenditure allocated to various places and invest it on this army. A large sum of money was invested in Sanjiang Jiangfang and Guihua City for The cost of marching, military pay, military expenses, and equipment costs.

Busy, time has entered December, and the situation in Liaozhen has deteriorated a little, but it has not collapsed. After seeing the large amount of property looted from Liaozhen by the Jianzhou Jurchen, the Jurchen who has been watching He and other Mongolian tribes were also tempted, and began to enter Liao Town one after another.

The strength of the Jurchen and Mongols increased, and the situation of the Ming army on the defensive in the east of Liaozhen became more and more difficult. However, the soldiers and horses transferred from the west of Liaozhen gradually stepped up, and the southern part of Liaozhen also began to mobilize. As for the imbalance, it is retreating a little bit, but it will not collapse. Everyone is waiting for reinforcements to come.

On the fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month in the 15th year of Wanli, a grand ceremony was held in the suburbs of Beijing to celebrate the strength of the army. Wang Xijue, Wang Tong, Chen Ju and Yiying generals all attended. All the armies are ready, and the army is dispatched!

Wang Tong smiled wryly at his wife and concubine before leaving:
"This year, I can't celebrate the New Year at home again."
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(End of this chapter)

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