Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 980 Zhiwei Veterans Marching

Chapter 980 Zhiwei Veterans Marching (Happy National Day Everyone)
The army structure of this Eastern Expedition, Wang Xijue is at the top, Wang Tong is at the bottom, and Chen Ju is at Wang Tong's side. Outsiders see this as a balanced strategy for the Holy One to restrict Wang Tong. whatever you want.

The so-called emperor and his elders eat white flour steamed buns every day. They don't know the truth, and they just think wildly with half-knowledge.

From the capital to Shanhaiguan, Wang Tong and Wang Xijue got along very well along the way, and Chen Ju from the Supervisor of Rituals was also polite, with an unusual role.

Chen Ju used to work in the ceremonial room, and he knew Wang Tong's illustrious reputation and reputation in the palace, but he didn't know that deeply. This time he got the job of supervising the army. Poor, they are guarding a certain place, such as Nanjing and Fengyang, or they are serving as supervisors in border towns. This is not much different from guarding, and belongs to political officials.

But this time the army conquest was supposed to be selected by the imperial horse inspector, but he was named the past of the inspector of ceremonies, which is really confusing.

Before leaving, Tian Yi, the chief inspector of ceremonies, must be called to have a chat. He said that he is going to Liao Town. You have to keep an eye on Wang Tong, don't let him do anything illegal, and take a closer look. What is wrong with Wang Tong, do you know why he sent you there?Because the dry man of the Yumajian couldn't even lift his head in front of Wang Tong, that is to say, only those who are the center of our inner court can have weight.

What I said made Chen Ju awe-inspiring, and he thought to himself, wouldn't it be more important for the three of you to go, why let me take risks and be unlucky.

Tian Yi also said something else, saying that you just stare at it, keep loyalty in your heart, don't forget the righteousness, that's it, don't take care of other things, people in the palace often go out consciously He is superior to others, and he likes to play with power and prestige. In front of Wang Tong, you must not do it, or you will just be careful.

After talking about the palm prints, Zou Yi, the admiral of the East Factory, also came over to have a chat, and Zou Yi talked a lot more kindly. He used to be an old job in the Imperial Horse Supervisor, and he knew quite a lot about the military affairs of the Supervisory Army. Here are a few words , and then said casually, it is your blessing to be able to go out on business with Wang Tong, so you should take good care of it.

Chen Ju is older than Tian Yi and Zou Yi, and having stayed in the palace for so many years, he naturally understands that these two eunuchs are not from the same faction. The two people's positions are indeed different, but different positions are different, but There is one point in the words that is clear, don't offend Wang Tong, you can't touch Wang Tong.

Coming to this conclusion, Chen Ju was naturally cautious. A few days after the army set out, Chen Ju also saw the way. This time he supervised the army, he also selected more than a thousand people from the imperial guards and the imperial army as his own soldiers. According to the rules, if the supervising army doesn't have enough strength in their hands, no one will listen to what they say in the army.

The guards of the imperial army walked sideways in the capital, and no one would sell their accounts. They felt that Lao Tzu was the best in the world, and fighting with the Beijing camp was a common occurrence. Occasionally, he went to a place, and the place was bullied enough. This time the Eastern Expedition The army is all soldiers and horses from various places. I never thought that after arriving, the imperial army and guards are very honest and polite to everyone.

Chen Ju has been in the palace for so many years, he knows the virtues of the imperial guards and the imperial guards very well, and he is definitely not so kind, so why did he change his temperament here.Feeling puzzled, he called Mr. Qian, who was leading the team, over to question him. What Mr. Qian said was true, this was the army of Marquis Dingbei.

If you mess around, you will lose your head. Besides, the family members are all in the capital. If you offend Marquis Dingbei, Jin Yiwei can't bear to make trouble, and if you go back to the palace, if Eunuch Zou and Eunuch Zhao get angry, you still have to do it. bad luck.

The domineering imperial guards were actually frightened into such a state by Wang Tong. Chen Ju knew more about who Wang Tong was, and became more careful in dealing with things.

The Huwei Army went directly to Yongping Mansion to join the Jizhen Army. When Wang Tong and others were swearing-in in the outskirts of the capital, the soldiers and horses were only the cavalry from Datong of the Xuan Mansion, the personal guards of the headquarters, and the subordinates of Wang Xijue and Chen Ju.

Cai Nan, the supervising army, was also accompanying him this time. After he arrived, he became the deputy of the supervising army. His position was there. Cai Nan was polite to Chen Ju, and Chen Ju couldn't order him. The army simply called him Cai Nan. As the deputy supervisor of the army, in fact, when Cai Nan came to the army, he immediately became the role of Wang Tong's leader. It is not appropriate to say that he is the mastermind, but Cai Nan is the commander-in-chief for what the staff should do.

On the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, the army gathered at Lulong, the prefecture city of Yongping, and stayed here for three days, waiting for the two regiments from Guihua City to catch up, and then the army marched to Liao Town together.

Needless to say Wang Tong's identity, Wang Xijue is the second assistant of the court, Chen Ju is also the eunuch of the chief of ceremonies, and the prefect of Yongping takes care of him carefully. I met the son of the regiment president and communicated with the adults.

According to Wang Xijue's opinion, the situation in Liao Town is like this, so don't make it so easy and comfortable. The banquet is nothing more than that, but Wang Tong agrees and attends with pleasure, which makes Wang Xijue very puzzled. If it's someone else, Wang Xijue would have been bearded He pointed at his nose and cursed, but he knew that Wang Tong was victorious in all battles, he was not a slack and absurd person, so he couldn't say anything, so he followed.

When Li Yunlai returned to the town, the deputy general of Jizhen Yang Jin led the army to stay, and the two regiments from Guihua City also arrived. What Wang Tong didn't expect was that General Tan would also come.

Compared with the last time Wang Tong met, General Tan has lost a lot of weight and haggarded a lot. Most of his beard and hair are white. Now General Tan is really an old man.

Others are fine with it, Wang Tong did lose his temper:
"You have such a body, you can go to Tianjin Wei to recuperate, or you can rest in Guihua City, what to do here, you have to take care of your own body!!"

Tan Jiang, on the other hand, had a calm and relieved look on his face. Naturally, he was relieved to see that his two children had become regimental assistants, but he was very calm. He said with a smile:

"My lord is out in battle. This trip to Liao Town is a very important event for our Ming army. Even if my subordinates can't participate in the battle, it's enough to see it in person."

Wang Tong couldn't say too much, just sighed, and asked General Tan to follow him as he used to, and to be the leader of the bodyguard. Don't worry, General Tan can do whatever he wants.

But with General Tan settled, General Tan must get together with Tan Dahu and Tan Erhu, and Tan Bing and others will also meet with them. The day before departure, Wang Tong gathered all the generals in the commander's tent, not to mention the regiment of the Huwei Army. There was excitement on the face of the deputy head of the regiment, and even the people in Datong and Jizhen were quite happy. After all, everyone fought side by side in Guihua City and achieved such a big victory. This reunion is naturally joyful Encouraged, but the people from the Xuanfu were a little puzzled, wondering why the relationship between these people is so good, it seems that they are outsiders when they come here.

This military meeting is nothing more than arranging the order of marching, shifts on duty, and summarizing the situation of each family. Everyone reported step by step and accepted the arrangement.

In fact, according to the rules, Wang Xijue is in charge of such things, but Wang Xijue can see it openly, sitting directly on Wang Tong's left side, watching Wang Tong with a smile on his face, when he sees Wang Tong's orderly arrangement, the following After everyone listened to the order awe-inspiringly, there was also a look of surprise on their faces, but Chen Ju, the military supervisor, sat on the right side obediently.

These two should come to the tent, and Wang Tong didn't pay too much attention. What he noticed was that in the tent, the generals surnamed Tan didn't look right. Only General Tan was quite calm. Tan Dahu and Tan Erhu There was even a sad look on his face, which was concealed, and he didn't know why.

But after they dispersed, Tan Jian asked to see him, explaining the whole story.

".Brother, after going back with a full set, his body is not good, and occasionally he vomits blood. This time, he passed by Datong and saw a famous doctor. He said that it was the accumulation of old injuries for many years, and there were internal diseases. I am afraid that there are not many of them. It's been a month."

Hearing this, Wang Tong sat there silent for a long time before asking:
"Does he know it himself?"

"Brother should have guessed it himself, so he must follow. He is very busy these days, and the younger ones will not listen to his advice."

Wang Tong had nothing to say for a while, and finally said:
"Veterans want to die on the battlefield."

Wang Xijue and Chen Ju thought that the march would be hard, but they didn't expect that this march was not the case. It was not about blackmailing the prefectures and counties along the way, or being extravagant and lustful in the local area, but about the equipment.

Tianjin Wei specially prepared two large carriages for Wang Xijue and Chen Ju. Originally, these carriages were prepared for Cai Nan. Since there are such characters this time, they must be rushed out.

The carriage compartment is actually a warm and luxuriously decorated small house. It is very convenient for people to live in it. The windows of the carriage compartment are all inlaid with glass, and the lighting is quite good.

Wang Xijue and Chen Ju were amazed when they saw it on the first day. It was comfortable and well-supplied inside. Although the food was relatively monotonous, the cooking was quite particular. Wang Xijue and Chen Ju had both eaten and seen it before. It can be tasted that this skill is not done by the cook who stirs the big pot of vegetables in the army.

Far from being drudgery, this kind of marching is almost like traveling, but Wang Xijue understood that what the other party did was actually to let them stay and be quiet.

Wang Xijue also noticed one thing, although he lived comfortably with the supervising army, Wang Tong's military tent was no better than that of ordinary soldiers, and when eating, Wang Tong went to various camps to eat with the soldiers. The same thing, when approaching Shanhaiguan, Wang Xijue sighed to himself in the carriage:
".To share weal and woe, this is what a famous general does."
I ask for your guaranteed monthly tickets, thank you everyone

(End of this chapter)

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